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They do swear thats. True. But we. Came to power as a Freedom Fighter we had war with the st i dont believe in regard to. Not in this year we have tried passive resistance in the past people got propped up people got shot everyones rested their hopes and dreams for a new zimbabwe who got inspired a nation brutalized and tortured tens of thousands of people and one of his biggest legacy was that he led the country into Economic Disaster i think that being destroyed everything that could have been just fine and said Democratic Society in zimbabwe. Could have been the next. After more than 50 years of colonial british rule rhodesia known today as zimbabwe was pushing for independence from britain the British Government was prepared to work towards this with the rhodesians but only on the basis of no independence before majority rule meaning britain would not recognise rhodesia as independence before a majority rule was implemented as opposed to read by the white colonial minority unhappy with britains conditions and the rising black nationalist movement the ruling white settler minority voted in the 1st rhodesian born Prime Minister conservative rhodesian front leader Ian Smith Smith set rhodesia on a path to independence which is something we are going to do. And it is our intention to maintain reducer. That we all know. In 1965 he proclaims the unilateral. Declaration of independence a move that was denounced by british Prime Minister Harold Wilson and the International Community. Mr wilsons answer to the declaration of independence has been to our door the government and the present through economic sanctions one of the most Ominous Development in the few days that the feed of this illegal election has been the progressive creation of the police. And the figure. Of authority. The black african majority now saw nothing for themselves in this white ruled rhodesia paving the way for conflict which would soon become open warfare it was instruments racist policies that started this guerrilla war which led to thousands of mostly blacks and die in this war the liberation. People were shit up for the white minority government they wanted. To rule and there wasnt one person and he represented a Brighter Future for zimbabweans he was seen as this fear less Freedom Fighter he managed to change the narrative and people in africa love him for that. Robert mugabe was born in 1924 in michaud no land in what was then the colony of Southern Rhodesia mugabe was a gifted boy and even trained as a teacher in his early teens. 4 years later a scholarship took him to south africa to complete further training it was here that mugabe became interested in politics attending political rallies. And he was influenced by gandhi teachings and his time at university in south Africa University that Nelson Mandela went to was. Turning point in his life. By 968 the yearning for freedom from white rule consumed mcgarvie so much that he quit teaching to devote himself full time to the cause. He aligned himself with the n. D. P. The National Democratic party led by joshua como in the fight against ian smith. Mcgarvie spoke of african nationalism land and liberation and openly called for a guerilla war against the ruling elite in december 963. 00 he was arrested as an agitator he actually spent more than a decade as a political prisoner. Meanwhile some were growing frustrated with what they saw as a lack of action on the part of income oh and his party a new Political Party called zanu the Zimbabwe African National union was created and mugabe was appointed secretary general in absentia in those early days when he joined politics popularity started to grow he was seen as. A figurehead because of his Leadership Qualities and also because he was an orator he spoke very useful. So he was able to explain. What zimbabweans really want to. He was seen as the. Dictators sell themselves to the public as a man of the people who will solve their problems quickly and rapidly without all the other passkey rules that asks in other politicians and thats why people trust. Blacks made up 95 percent of rhodesians population and they now had Robert Mugabe officially fighting their cause. We. Dont see the snake. For mugabe there was only one way to deal with smith we are at war with ian smith. And the war must continue until your use. To tell the British Government and that. They did it. Before you surrendered. The fighting has got to continue. To combat in smiths despotic and racist policies mugabe formed an allegiance with in comal together they set their Guerrilla Army on smiths Rhodesian Security forces escalating into what became known as the rhodesian bush war farms owned by whites were attacked while civil unrest erupted in towns and cities we have tried National Resistance in the past our 1 people got locked up our people got shot. Various attempts were made by the british and americans to end the violence but talks ended in a stalemate smith refused to back down from his opposition to black majority rule to chill there is some sign that the white producers are willing to accept the prince of an early to georgia rule until their principles feel accepted but what would you change the British Government not to. And jim to take another initiative. Photosphere United States this time should be full support. Give resumption of negotiation. Underground a majority in the future i dont believe in majority rule. Not in a 1000 years we havent come here to cause it to bring about a cease fire we have come here to determine whether zimbabwe should be free or not talks broke down and on the ground violent clashes became more frequent and widespread this is one of the latest atrocity is in the guerrilla war it happened last month at a british run mission no charlie in eastern ready 12 whites including missionaries their wives and children were dragged into a nearby field and murdered with the savagery that was horrifying even by the standards of this brutal 6 year war the butcher it was widely assumed to be the work of the rulers belonging to Robert Mugabes son which is based across the border in mozambique. After 15 years of fighting the british attempted to bring an end to the violence once and for all on the 21st of december 1979 the lancaster house agreement was signed in london it stipulated the creation of a new country to be known as the republic of zimbabwe it was subject to 2 conditions firstly ceasefire would be declared secondly democratic elections would be held to form a new government. The black nationalist groups zanu and zafu who had been waging the increasing violent insurgency. Put forward candidates standing for is up who was just shooting como and for zanu ally Robert Mugabe. If thats. What you are now go. Defend the pressure of the wishes. He won the majority making him zimbabwes 1st Prime Minister. They. Do. That. I bet. To zimbabwe. Because of for the 1st time we had black majority rule in the country he came to power the moment of National Crisis and change would zimbabwe had attained its independence and people vested their hopes and dreams that he would create this new fresh zimbabwe that would deliver for the people he brought a whole. Nation that had suffered for. Instance reaching and he was a very charismatic. Mugabes rhetoric was exactly what the people of zimbabwe wanted to hear. Me employed Armed Struggle to achieve political independence now we must employ back political independence to achieve our Economic Freedom most dictators inevitably are corrupt though they may initially try to act in the nations interests power always crops so in the case of gabi he started off investing in education in health care in infrastructure everyone vested their hopes and dreams for a new zimbabwe and dictators exploit vulnerability you know somebody like me gabi whos. Its the end of colonialism and brings in a new form of government and absolutely transforms the system in a heartbeat. But it wasnt long before power and paranoia went to mccarthys head. Was sacked accused of plotting to overthrow him removing komo was mugabes 1st step to one contested rule and dictatorship. The key to survival for any dictatorship is finding out where the threats are and nullifying those threats as quickly as possible. In the. 19 eighties zimbabwe was finally free from british and white rule thanks to the man hailed as a Freedom Fighter and man of the people Robert Mugabes. Name was euphoria in that country independence. Finally zimbabwe was free and people were free to do what they wanted and they really hoped that nationalists towards. This. But while the black population were enjoying new opportunities cracks were already forming within the political sphere there is a lot of current between certain members of your party and his party. Most of them towards other people that we dont have. Existing between you and your. Hatred. I spoke with the hostility towards he. Invited him to join my government accepted to. The tensions mirrored zimbabwes divided political allegiances. Youre still in comas she lost the political battle in parliament against Robert Mugabes zanu faction but in his massive billy homeland and come over supporters unchallenged and captured weapons showed that some followers of a coma went prepared to accept the uneasy status quo. Oh my. To secure the realty of both his rivals and people mugabi focused his attention on building up the army. Life in the regular army will be quite different to that in the guerrilla units. About 25000 guerrillas have so far been formed into battalions the socalled super sausage machine is processing about 3000 men a month the training isnt comprehensive but merely the 1st stage right why do. You like seinfeld. At the top the 6 most senior positions in the new army are divided equally among the 3 factions. Who are we wanted to project an image of strength and he did this by providing funding to the military he needed to keep the military happy to prevent them from staging a coup against but he also wanted to show to the world that zimbabwe was a strong country with a strong military. Mcgarvie spared no expense. This large army has already put a strain on the economy there arent enough barracks for the men yet the government is already spending a 5th of its budget on defense. When the integration process is complete the new Zimbabwean Army will number between 6065000 men this is an enormous and expensive regular force for a country with a population of 7000000 military rebels against them theyre in trouble if you mean in uganda was aware of this he came to power in a coup so he knew a coup could replace him they have to coop prove the regime they have to weaken the military we did this by creating parallel armies that could offset the power of the national. Guard even brought the north Korean Forces to train his infamous crack unit the 5th brigade he didnt hesitate in putting his new army to use. Beginning in 1903 thousands of people in the provinces loyal to in coma were killed in what one known as the massacres Prime Minister Robert Mugabe is determined to wipe out opposition and much of the labor. Party and its leader joshua Government Troops swept through northern much of the land looking for the socalled supporters of joshua thousands are believed to have died or sustained horrific injuries during that search sadly in just a few years the freedom to change for the one who helped to remove this brutal white minority government to actually brutalizing people mugabe had a huge Security Apparatus and he used them as a tool against his opponents he used them to kill over 20000 people and use them to torture and to brutalize anyone who opposed him. Numerous talks held between mugabe and in como to end the bloodshed broke down. In regard to this relationship im sorry to see. A full fall on the question of unity the Central Committee of my body is a recent. We decided that the talks to be discontinued for the are serving d no useful purpose i have suffered i have worked hard. For him to. Work song. To make it stick and this. Traitor. Meant for this country so much but it is not in sight to this war by 987 an estimated 20000 people from the indepth ethnic minority have been killed this violence largely ended after mugabe and in cuomo signs the unity according to 7987. 00 zanu and merged to become zanu p f bringing mugabe one step closer to his ultimate goal. The merger of zanu and sample was a recognition of the need to submerge traditional philosophical differences and unite the country. But it also fitted in with mugabes ambitions he had long expressed the wish to create a one party state that was tied to a more democratic system during the 7 year lifespan of the lancaster house agreement and. I think what that is the biggest threat was hidden self you know while he was in power and his remains on appeal by. The opposition had been weakened over the years and in silence to some extent. The most dangerous type of dictatorship is a persons dictatorship or one man rule and thats because there is no institution to check their power in these dictators tend to make their decision in isolation in the case of the bobby he was trying to personalize the regime he was trying to make every decision on his own and he almost a cheap did. In late 1987 the position of Prime Minister was a. Polished and mugabe became president within como as Vice President mugabe was edging closer to one man rule but he did make some concessions all that remained was to find a way to appease all brenda hummus this up to dissidents and that too was a gee. I. Decided to grab the general amnesty the following categories of. Visit and sit. Up with the political field it seems from just as 3 persons under detention or imprisonment for good operating with. And como was no longer a threat but mugabe needed to maintain the loyalty of his people. Usually dictators are able to stay in power to a point without using violence so long as they control the flow of information the public. Hitler called the press looting press the line press he said that anyone who stood up to his narrative was effectively lying to the public he called them the enemy of the people words that were echoed by mao and stalin and so this idea that anyone who says anything that the dictator doesnt agree with is lying but there are some sort of force against the people its a common tactic to turn the public against the source of the challenge the dictator mugabi exiled critical zimbabwean journalists and foreign media was strictly controlled all banned its the mugabe governments efforts to close down the press both foreign and domestic plain and simple they dont want a Critical Press they dont want a critical overseas press and so theyre trying to stop being has over the years managed to stay in power by controlling the media mcgarvie shut down all but one Television Channel and heavily censored its output. During his rule that there was no freedom of movement no freedom of speech freedom of expression as generalised many a time. You know just trying to have a demonstration you also get quartet. Get added beaten up or i reseated you have to control the media because once you control the narrative once you control the information the public consumes you can control how they think about problems. They also take control of independent sources of information by shutting them off to the public and that means state media it means shutting down press outlets to criticize them and it means jailing their opponents and this way theres not really an alternative narrative for the opposition to exploit because theyve already been silenced the. Other areas of society were also beginning to feel the pinch in 1996 strict austerity measures prompted Civil Servants nurses and Junior Doctors to strike over poor pay. Despite the economic crisis at home mugabe sent troops to the democratic republic of congo in 1998 to fight in the conflicts that became the 2nd congo war as a result International Economic aid to zimbabwe was halted and the country was millions of dollars worse off. Then moved to the late 1990 s. Characterized by civil unrest student protests and this was wrong to do with Food Shortages and crippling economic crisis in the country at that time. The people of zimbabwe were beginning to rebel against mcgarvie and in 1909 he was faced with a new political enemy when one of his greatest supporters turned against him. Hope for the people they see the light at the end of the tunnel morgan chang began his political career as an Ardent Supporter of mugabe and zanu p. F. In 1909 chiang or i cofounded the movement for Democratic Change or m. D. C. Party which was formed in opposition to. Mugabes rule. But mugabe was undeterred and turned his attention back to land reform for 20 years we had been seeking a more equitable distribution of land but progress was painfully slow and 70 percent of zimbabwes Agricultural Land was still owned by white farmers. Mugabe called for a new constitution that would allow the government to seize the property of white farmers without compensation. In view of. The masses of zimbabwe it was about here in waiting for this view passed. Through all his weight against it. To ensure that it could. Be in distribution. Priority. In a referendum the new constitution was blocked mugabi was furious with his support a mix of Government Troops and vigilante groups began seizing white owned land by force. War veterans they were drunk. They were threatening to kill us one common pattern most to cater ships is they have to either manufacture or amplify a threat so in the case of hitler he jewish people. Were right in the case of mugabi he amplified the threat from way foreigners. A fight against the whites and such. Is that particular section of the whites. When the european columbus. They forced black people off their farms and took control of the countrys agriculture that. With the introduction of land reform this is a story you might not have heard before that reform is working land reform or is very important in zimbabwe this is 5 people went to war to take the land back from the white minority but when we decide to deal with this issue he was doing it for the wrong reasons and thats why we ended up with disastrous policy where he allowed disparate prisons to take. Farms without a clear plan many of his cronies had multiple farms and did not believe the country and. The new occupants of confiscated farms often included prominent members of the ruling elite they were either inexperienced inept or disinterested in farming Food Production plummeted and the country nosedived into famine and economic decline. Up to a quarter of the population fled the country and 3 quarters of those who were left living on less than one u. S. Dollar per day. International sanctions were implemented against mugabes land grab policy. The sanctions are targeted all of the people of zimbabwe they suffered enough but against the leadership of the government. For mugabi the sanctions proved to be a convenient scapegoat. Most. Of the. Oh out. Is essential for a dictatorship because it provides them political cover to deflect blame when things go wrong it wasnt my fault they say it was these enemy of the people you should blame look at what britain has tried to do what the lies there were all of europe i didnt stand merely because of the level christian price in the. Protest group against mugabes dictatorship including from Opposition Leader morgan tsvangirai. As i was. For the year with. Their marriage always occupying such a very Important National position degeneracy village that. I think i. Knew the despicable. Chander i was proving a thorn in the side and in the run up to the 2002 elections mugabe accused of plotting to kill him i was arrested. Mugabes tactics paid off. As. As i sit here and Robert Mugabe is being sworn in and the president s of zimbabwe to this bizarre. Situation in zimbabwe no one could possibly call it an election most in d. C. Leadership is in custody or on the run there are thousands of People Living up in the mountains in the bush they have been burned out of their homes. And terrorized mugabe managed to stay in power by controlling the state machine he controlled the army he also controlled the police and to a very large extent he controlled the opposition who all weekend inside news after years of fighting this brutal regime. When the country went to the polls again in 2007 before he could pose another threat to my god hes rule was arrested again and severely beaten at 78 mugabi entered his 27th year in power. The big difference between dictatorships of the past and today is that today theyre less brutal but theyre also more durable and one reason for this is they started to mimic democracies they hold elections they have Political Parties they have judiciary but they figured out clever ways to always ensure that they never lose power there is no no chance at all one could have imagined that this could be described as a Fair Election as a free election it was neither this is a breakdown in Civil Society it is a blood stained regime that is letting down its own people the whole International Community reflecting the outreach people feel about the violence the intimidation and the illegitimates and holding by the government government what weve agreed is that will send you my solutions and voip it to press for change in zimbabwe and what weve also agreed is Financial Model sanctions that will be imposed a members of the zimbabwean. International. Condemnation had little effect. On software instilling that easy they cant shout as loud as he like from washington. Or from any other courts are people people only our people will decide. Mugabe responded to sanctions by attacking his own people he withheld food aid from opposition supporters 4000000 people depend on foreign aid to feed themselves and their families but the mcgarvie regime has now suspended the work of the International Organizations that provide and distribute it observers say its a crude and illegal attempt to bully the electorate. I had the opportunity to do with the Food Security experts before the money from. The farmers in order to ascertain the qualities of. Reports. State of emergency Food Security and the methods that we believe the government to 30 because you need to prove that we hold to the pursuit of food and if you do not support doing that maybe if in this election you will be you will go hungry be has over the years to use the fear factor to control the masses with its controlling the media through how he controls information and communication through Food Distribution specially. If you dont support if you dont get food period the economic crisis deepens and mugabe responded by printing more and more banknotes by summer 2008 inflation had reached an estimated 200000000 percent severe Food Shortages continued and Health Services deteriorated coinciding with a cholera outbreak seen the lengths mcgarvie was prepared to go to in order to hold on to power. I have little choice but to withdraw his candidacy in the 2008 Runoff Election and concede the presidency to mugabe. You know that whatever we did he was going to lead to do. This if he was going to. Be a little glimpse of this is what is up with the inauguration is of. The world. So. Its an exercise in selfdelusion he did not solve the economic problems. And inflation. Mugabi was sworn in for his 6th term in office. After the 2008 elections from one. Faced. Electorate and he used the state machinery to silence perceived enemies of the state. And. Generally opposition members Civil Society organizations and even human rights organizations will not speed. Surprisingly in the parliamentary elections zanu p. F. Lost its majority in the house of assembly for the 1st time since independence in 1900. Was forced to form a government of National Unity with the Opposition Leader morgan. Tsvangirai was made zimbabwes 1st Prime Minister since mugabe had a bolus the post in 1970 when he became president and i dont see any reason why would Work Together as. We are all sons of the soil as reset. The economic and political situation stabilize for a while during this 5 year hearing in zimbabwe when the country converted to the us dollar inflation dropped from 50000000000 percent to nothing. One night. 5 years later with a date set for the 2013 general election campaigning was in full swing. In the heart of zimbabwes capital the largest rally ever held by the opposition tens of thousands packed in to hear the final speech from the man vying to unseat president Robert Mugabe morgan chang derive believes he has the support to do it but fears this election could be bricked what so many people died so its afraid to die. If i dont have this in my house. So whatever with the counting here nearly complete theres a growing error of resignation that these official results will be anything but a true reflection of the voters wishes the opposition say very incensed by the vote rigging they claim has taken place by t. V. News has uncovered evidence from the Voters Register showing there are more than 100000 voters aged over 100 in a country whose average Life Expectancy is just 51. 2013 saw mugabe begin another term as president. Spearheaded by mugabi a significant new constitution was voted in which abolished change the rise role of Prime Minister for a 2nd time. After 33 years in power Robert Mugabes rule goes on and the hopes of those who dared to dream change was coming to zimbabwe have been deflated. Despite Health Concerns mugabi announced plans to run in the 28. 00 president ial elections. Dictators never give up power willingly theres not usually a peaceful ending or resolution to dictatorship but the fear that theyre going to be killed by an angry mob is sufficient to force them to use more and more brutality the closer they get to their regimes demise. Brutalized you know and left me forget i suffered most on my head because i tried to protect my head is a tyrant you tend to is someone who is sitting maybe even if someone has written many many people suffer you know what you are there are the protest. And the crackdown is over the governments desperate answer to a crippling economic crisis that called bomb notes for the 1st time in a decade zimbabwe is printing its own money so overnight they queue for the banks to open hoping for some of this nations shrinking store of u. S. Dollars said bob with currency since the days of hyperinflation what they get is the bomb note and the fear it will lead them back to those ruinous times. To zimbabwes leader in the coming months will tell if this is a quick fix for economic failure or a final fatal folly in the lead up to the elections mugabe sacked his Vice President and. This field speculation that he was paving the way for his much younger wife grace to become his successor. Handing the power down from. Maybe thats what they want to make it did in most. Sometimes dictatorships are able to survive even after the dictator dies because theyve groomed a successor very often a Family Member so you have rumors of this happening in zimbabwe with grace mugabi the successor to Robert Mugabe and this already happened. And in north korea were kim jong un replaced his father kim jong il who has been groomed since birth for the eventual job of becoming a dictator zimbabwe decided that enough was enough mugabe was placed under house arrest by the Zimbabwean National army theres also the exit strategy of a military coup which ends very very badly for the dictators is it. A good cause it would. Be just this one was it. Just an intervention or a situation if you do to. Be was given an ultimatum resign or face impeachment. Others quick to notice and i know ill be happy for him despite everything that he has done to be with dignity and to just walk away jim a little bit more his family and with his dignity but he refused to do that. To the world surprised days later mugabe changed his mind and stepped down at 93 years old he was granted full diplomatic status he was given a mansion with up to 23 Staff Members and several vehicles. For the 1st time in 37 years general elections were held without mugabe as a candidate. I think the worst thing that got me in the digit was bringing this page in a tuesday and people i would never have thought id spent more than 17 years living outside of my country because of him when he went and group of journalists including myself. Millions of zimbabweans have had to live in country because of. The legacy that mugabe left or zimbabwe has been catastrophic its not just the fact that he led the country into economic disarray but he has left in this wake an authoritarian regime. If. They had balanced it and put in place proper length reforms or proper political reforms. And really thought it was his people and not just. Wishes of a few maybe he could have been the next. Robert mugabe left a legacy of nearly 4 decades of political corruption bloodshed Human Rights Violations famine and guerrilla wars zimbabwe was left with the momentous task of rebuilding the country in hopes of securing a Brighter Future for its people free from dictatorship. The new president. Has promised to restore zimbabwes economy and corruption and promote human rights but in the wake of the regime change the challenge of rebuilding zimbabwe is proving to be a difficult one. On the 6th of september 2019 Robert Gabriel mugabe died after weeks of disagreement between his family and the government about where he should be laid to rest he was buried at his family home and given a heros funeral. Once a hero of zimbabwes struggle for independence Robert Mugabe has left behind a difficult legacy. Reducing the risk of flooding and erosion by creating hillside terraces. Own land where farmers fear losing their harvest and the Initiative Uses overtake needs to create new solutions. That are successful. Global 3000 and. 90 minutes on d w a city. Maro a symbol of a long conflict in the philippines between the muslims and the christian population last night as fighters occupied the city center to close the president due to his response. This is not the kind of freedom that we. How did morality become a gateway to islamist terror. An exclusive report from a destroyed city. In the sights of our starts may 20th on g. W. The but. This is deja vu news live from Berlin Germany begins to ease its coronavirus lockdown some shops and schools will start opening today but the government says the situation remains fragile and that many were strict sense must stay in place also coming up the cone of fire is widely thought to have originated in a food market in brookline but u. S. President donald trump alleges it could

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