Thousands of civilian casualties and the enormous human suffering all being from nothing. But all of them have to me welcome covert so thank you for having me you have much to say about the violence that the who feeds and Human Rights Violations plans theyve committed but you appear to have almost nothing to say about the shocking casualties and bombings by the Saudi Led Coalition thats killed many thousands of your civilians why is that well thats not accurate actually you know. The war is likely not. Even going to sugarcoat that for your for anyone a lot of civilians are dead yes this is this is shocking of and you hear the news and you know its a big campaign but theres a difference between having human shields like that who these or so mistakes that happen in every conflict in every campaign and the suit is no different picture no the children are being massively violated by Coalition Forces but to look the other way which means going to a certain extent your complicity in the society well im not sure what you mean by looking the other way we have this giant which is an investigation body that has investigated over 170 claims we know that some mistakes we prove that there are some mistakes some of the more i want to talk about you know ive gotten a lot of both but since march 2015 according to Human Rights Watch the coalition has conducted numerous indiscriminate and disproportionate strikes killing thousands of civilians hitting civilian structures in violation of the laws of war but you turn away as you left out how horrible let me put it on record this is horrible killing of civilians in yemen its horrible we want to end this war killing the even one life let alone a child which happened even by coalition let me finish so i go on with indiscriminate and disproportionate attack it ok this is a big campaign right and there are some mistakes and we approve of we know that some business more than some wenzel i think the u. N. Need to investigate more and we know its you know this thousands and thousands are circling and that if theres an airstrike a mistake everybodys reporting a part and they should report a pilot we should hear about it but theres a lot of mistakes that the host is and im not here to talk about the who these on the coalitions have been mistakes i want in this war im from san am from those territories my family says that were sick of it and we need to end it and just blaming now the coalition for and for all these would not end the war we need to end it yes we do we want to stop the killing even if they dont. Style of work but why do so many civilians have to die for the sake of saving a chaotic divided government such as yours which barely has legitimacy with the wintry lets start with Digital Service legitimacy is not populated im from a different country than the president but the president is the last effected president 6 and a half 1000000 people elected our president 2012 for 2 years where he will to use his mandate run out of his moments i now go to use it and tell that we have a democratic system that we allowed us to elect a new president who is going to give us and who decides what a democratic city has. Exactly to get many people and who would do that those who would like that ok im not going to allow you or anyone to tell me you have to choose this leader to get you out of this week ok let me if we choose a leader and we need to get out of it we dont want to be there for life thats why we actually had the revolution back in 2011 minister the worst thing about the bombings is that in all these years they have proved absolutely futile you have won nothing and the who through is remain unchanged so the catastrophic injuries and deaths among the civilian population have been developing havent spent a change in the way the coalition has been conducting this war theres no more campaign to actually targets other cities theyve been sometimes some of the escalations with the who it is and the sudanese are not involved in them and then it didnt happen because we know we need to end this what are we need to part how to end this what we you know everything that happens in yemen is a reaction to the who things actions we could be and someone one week if they just do the right thing and there i think is not hard to do and why dont we ask them when we actually answer that question more than 17000 civilians killed and injured since 2015 the lives were sacrificed for a stalemate proxy war that created the Worlds Largest humanitarian disaster you really believe your government is worth that horrendous human my mom lives our future is worth the. Fighting not about a future without you cargo the future was a story i could resign even today not tomorrow you know what if you know the who thiis and few know their ideology if you know that they want to have this under medicaid who has a figured nobody could act buffer zone and then well have a puppet government they want we will not accept that i will not give up the future of my children and their children so you can sleep at night you know it is my country my people are dead they are dying every day you expect me to just to saddle for any peace that would explode in our face any time in the future no im not going to concede to the movies im from their territories im a cd we dont approve what they do and they have to come and park peace soon and we have to actually send the right signals to do that they have these illusions of power that you and others would feed in but as i say theyre called action has to go where the coalition would end if we end the war but not before that if they end if the coalition ends yemen would descend into more chaos its not about me the government or the president how these things empowers them as they are in yemen from the us that you talk about the investigations that have gone on into what you term euphemistically mistakes in most cases youre not going to find the perpetrators and bring them to justice are you we know that 3 attacks on civilians several years ago are being referred by investigators for possible prosecution just 3 out of countless bombing strikes that have repeatedly this civilian infrastructure shingles or. Change and then we put them in should check should chump change look i let me put it for the record and he said billions are dead those responsible wherever they are they should be hold accountable they should be but they will be and you know it factors previous investigations dont encourage up when we do have our own investigations and when we know what we were some for show 3 thats what mistaken sloan and i say come in many many years to get one started or we could classify what you think the facts i mean yes. Civilians are dead this is horrible we do the investigations but we need peace we need peace i mean were talking about having peace and its not easy you know the thing is you want to get away from the subjects numbers to go to now because they did not let me let me just because the National Stage of the battle between these International Justice unfortunately sometimes dont come hand in hand we have to have peace and then we have Transitional Justice afterwards to get all of this done youre the one whos refusing talks with the who thinks thats what you think of it thats what youve said now your ministry or the mission said it no no no i represent a Foreign Policy for them and we need to park soon however im not going to let the horses get off the hook and data we went to sweden and we signed a deal they came back one year they havent done anything to prove it should i just let them go off the hook and then move on no they have to be responsible not destroying your country piece by piece child by jowl piece of in the last generation by on for a structure that is no road and continue with this humanitarian disaster one is a documented asin disaster if you think or case and i report let me let me just jump to that why do you think of these are holding it hostage were open it in for internal flights theyre refusing because they want to carry this siege this aggression against them and to hold on to power which they dont have who gave them the right to speak in front and behalf of me on behalf of millions if you have a nice and they use or power and they have this bill delusion of taking us back before 62 will the minister youve dug in your heels the u. N. Is seeking unconditional talks unconditional talks between you and the movies youve dug in your to your heels and rejected or not or i didnt i didnt who sense all january the 28th floor minister of information said we categorically reject any talk about negotiations x. What we said is i am willing to go now to peace or if were going to talk peace however we need to have the right conditions to god are ok the u. S. Wants unconditional talks hala i dont want to go. R. P. So they could have a good report for the Student Council i want to go and peace to make sustainable peace for yemen and if there are these would sign degrees sign and act like what they did in sweden and come back and implement we should actually hold them accountable for implementing something i dont like your cherry bomb going on going then because you wont sit down and know that is not your setting clinicians korea are not going to be met and youre ignoring the advice of the United Nations were just were just saying they have to implement what this site is that its really hard to ask we cannot just go on by them signing our courts and not implementing anything you know what we did back in 2014 we had a peace deal just a few days after the coup 2 days after the call it was the partnership and Peace Agreement you know what they agreed to be agreed to partnerships but the security measures they never talked about it why arent you talking about that i mean it is there you want me to not talk again about would you are responsible for most that i understand there are no angels in war but according to International Investigators your forces have nothing to be proud of last year the un panel of experts on human accused all sides in the war of committing horrific abuses from arbitrary killings to rape and torture with impunity so not only have you not won this war you also lost any claims about my moral ground havent you a mind going to claim where angels nobody has we just need to end the thought i and i can tell you its a long way from being in this government government especially a dual says were not actually deterring forcibly disappeared schools of peace well we have no respect for the rule of law and we do we do but sometimes its really hard to control everything i can tell you but its not systematic killing of the yemeni people like you want to show it to be you know you can just talk about 2 sides have you been to yemen have you been to santa have you been to i didnt have you been to for good and man of you listen to the people themselves and that you cant just brush everything as as as you know sheer us in a divided as a rich countries fighting a poor country that is not the way to. And this one we know theres some atrocities happened i mean we are a few you know a few miles from from just that we know what history is like why continue to block a vital aid goods and fuel from coming into this is a measure of good this is a good question were not actually doing so what we did is were trying to block the Oil Shipments to come from iran to that ruthie so Human Rights Watch are going to be wrong then the latest report they say that they said it was Saudi Led Coalitions restriction on imports have worsened the humanitarian that is were not sure and let me tell you why if you were you know what we said is today i was up and we were a few kilometers from the port the humanitarian came in the u. N. Says you cant do this we said fine lets go to sweden and we need to change this out of School One Year is nothing habit then we go back to the question the questions that we actually holding for data say this is not true we have reports from the you one pound on the server that youre probably not going to mention that shipments of Iranian Oil Coming with counterfeit documents today of these were free you know we said by the crease 75 lets just check the papers theyre saying let me just give me just finish and then ill hear you we just said lets just check the papers the papers came the who things hold hostage and have every mercians not to submit the papers so they could get to phony shipments so whos holding that and then we can see that we never go there right mr minister Human Rights Watch is saying the coalition has delayed and diverted fuel tankers closed critical ports and stopped goods from entering controlled seaport what is the usual thing and i just finished fuel needed to Power Generators stars because and pump water to homes has also how in stock how do you justify preventing the heart of the Regional Hospital not justifying preventing anything in the past 3 months have been more fuel than that and in the previous 3 months or so you checked the statistics and were talking more than 2 years ago the u. N. High commissioner for human rights big both you and the rebels to let splays of food. To the country all parties to the conflict so the panel of experts on yemen have obstructed the distribution of humanitarian assistance the high commissioner beg do you. Have mercy on the people of yet you know far as this gone when you actually know in order to show mercy on your own people we give you something you know what i dont like something about the un this that they call everyone when they know exactly whos making the problem let me just give you an example a few days ago they had a meeting and brasil about the charter is that the who these are doing to the humanitarian field you know their want to tax your taxpayers money that comes to yemen so they could steal it im not justifying going to a bias against you is this 1. 00 of those not more they just want to be in a neutral party you dont want to say ok i am willing to receive any criticism but dont say all the parties tell me what i did wrong and ill fix it but you have to point fingers also at the truth is point a finger at me and also point forward at the whole thing you cannot just paragraph there go of bad point to change your living is there was a clear did not i know want to do and we are trying to struggle as i said to you earlier government affiliated forces arbitrarily deterring forcibly disappeared schools of people when you say mistakes how could you know more about until they pass the exam you know i mean we cant i mean give me specifics and we would actually fix them im not saying dont worry you havent read the report but i am for their own experts yes yes there are plenty of those areas it was im told by is the very 1st report so it is not you have kids and someone being fired were talking about different everybody who violates human rights accuses the ideas of that but mostly its just be more specific so we can know what we talk about we have an expert group which is that you and our panel according that that is actually following this recount said that movies are not even never made it to santa we believe whatever they say and whatever that is not biased we will check if we have mistakes would. Theres another really expos to come from the Human Rights Council the 1st really the 1st report was so by its just took exactly from the propaganda of the who thing and we look the no we said you cant just have and factual checks you have to check them before you reported and then you can just say you know hello everyone let me let me give you some facts 20100 strokes on the island by the Coalition Forces since the war began an average of 12 attacks a day these attacks have blown up hospitals school buses markets mosques farms bridges factories where no Detention Centers Coalition Air strikes the u. N. Human rights commissioner said in 2017 Coalition Airstrikes continue to be the leading cause of child casualties as well as overall civilian casualties so he didnt know what he was talking about as much luck we leave you i said national for human rights they have no idea what theyre saying is that happen and i told you before but you have to believe a penalty more than this you have to be clear on the report now its obviously are you cant do it in civilian infrastructure other pilots so incompetent that they cant tell the difference to him are fed up in him and weve. Had habits that we can then that we would continue years later that if you like half your life you will point out for what they are doing we need to make peace we dont want to continue this war and we have to do it a few just weeks ago a few days ago various chucked at hospitals its not right but we dont want just to dwell on it we want to know what is now required to make peace and i know what is required to make peace we need to crack the illusions talk that john king is required to meet him are talking of this is going to end as a negotiating table otherwise surely it wont be good and the sooner it gets there the better and at the moment you know what is and preventing those iranian young men including the who these no one needs to be done we debated it for 100 days in kuwait and you know what happened at the end they changed their mind you know why because they know that they would have a. Very thing if they dont sign unfortunately the International Community especially some parties sending the wrong thing and that maybe if you just hold on to take in yemen hostage you would get a bit of the if thats what happened and thats what we need to close the last year as well as fighting the rebels you became embroiled in another civil war this time with forces in the south known as the Transitional Council so not only are you failing to beat the who feels you cant even keep your own side together and you cannot that is another great that i was about that if it was not a great record not let me talk about that its a because what happened myself is another complication that is not welcome of course you know and they want to secede go determined to succeed on the comp of complication what it is it wont of its really hard to discuss something without really proper to those just in of where this is actually happening if the s. T. C. Our brothers and the f. C. C. Really really represent all sufferance it would be an easy problem to solve the s. T. C. Have a problem with southrons themselves not with the f. C. C. It s. T. C. Is just units outside the control of the government that have been beaten up by the night at m. And s. And then eventually they decided in august to oust the government from our 2nd capital that cannot happen and we made it clear to the un against a relative and it was only the saudis that patch together the agree i dont really recall the riyadh agreement because thats not working i know there is when it is not working because theres some intransigence and we believe this it is will be a on all sides no and the s. T. C. Site and we could prove it we have the facts we have the metrics that actually explains what we did but you know we have to pass that youve given away a lot to get the 3 agreement to youve basically given saudis control over major decisions that your government has taken you say no according to the Carnegie Middle East Center several articles of the riyadh agreement emphasize some supervision of this new government both vary and the u. A. E. Will continue. Intervene as they wish in new york in term of that i was there a price for your rio of agreement that is not completely out of the price of the riyadh agreement is to get united so we can to get back and make peace you know you can just have everything perfection is not really a possible way out in yemen and it is actually the enemy of good and thats what we want though some of our center for strategic studies says that your president hadi s. T. C. The southern Transitional Council have accepted that all major government actions because ordinated by saudi arabia so basically you saw you know that is not true i am the form compass of the saudi thats what you think the foreign minister of yemen and i say a word i believe it is for the right to the yemenis now with the saudis want to know what the immoralities one network any one months and thats proven yes we in riyadh we go back to other but we speak our minds and it is our responsibility and decisions we have in the riyadh increment conceded to have some way in actually dealing with the south of the sudanese now that instead of them what are these and we need peace we dont want to fight a war in the northern wall in the south and we know that the f. C. C. Is do not represent all the south the whole southron and that thats an issue too and they have to know that they cannot just continue being outside the form of the government if we if this government is dissolved you would have more chaos in yemen then you would think it is not as easy as you think it is that last year the saudis actually expelled one of your Government Advisors the in the mood because what hed want is a science criticized coalitional out in the sun i dont know is a diplomat with me he actually came and did something against protocol its not because he still would have to do anything they dont expel him his chairman ended and we did it from the office because he actually vitalism of the cause of the Diplomatic Court now you cant just politicize everything like this i dont think it is right i dont know if i stay for the whole matter how do you know hes a diplomat who actually didnt actually respect the rule of law can conquer about the rape when one but you could go back to yemen he could be anywhere else we could go back to saudi arabia why not but not as a diplomat it ended. Talk to me about corruption go on in your state because its not enough that theres a huge war the humanitarian disaster seems that the state money is not being siphoned off in corruption scopes involving the central boke of yemen where is that going where the central bank i want to report which youre referring to now we have from the u. N. Panel of experts just yes of course thats what youre trying to guess you know its talking about and some paragraph answer is a crack you know i spoke to the Prime Minister about it weve sacked 2 governors already our books are open Anderson Youngest coming to our them to actually check the books of the central bank its open there we also the very person being audited for 6 years i ask the Prime Minister of this report why dont you just let the panel going check the books you know what he said didnt ask to go and check now Anderson Young and come in to check if we have some mistakes if we have some corruption charges we would be ready to act upon them were transparent common check them send them in the team you want to do so we need to end this war we dont want to continue yes theres some corruption im not going to deny it but we need to end it and were willing to crack any cases if you if you just fight them i mean just point them at us and we will do so you keep saying you want to in this war do you really believe that a single unitary state is going to emerge from the terminal destruction that you and the other combatants of inflicting on the usa something i think we as yemenis need to know whats the difference between and means to approve something and the goal you know im talking about the massive divisions in your im trying to get to that so the goal is to raise up the standards of living of the yemeni people unfortunately some camps would actually create the means which is unity Central Government as actually their goal which is wrong you know so we gave the Central Government to go it didnt work in the National Dialogue everyone including the who the stuff our friends decided on a federal system lets just have given a chance lets just give this for the son of a chance to see no. All of it quite a lot of it no wider lauded for all and said so you know the central no longer the last go along and i write to the divisions on your interest showing on our center that you actually quoted have actually sung paul in the south and not all of them more than 50 percent even 60 percent want to stay in some form of federal government not not everyone in the south want to secede and even if they know you have a civil war within a civil war thats quite an achievement isnt the its not a civil war than a civil war there were so few skirmishes back in the south and its over now skirmishes that kicked you out of aden yes you know we went through all the asylum issues and yes but now thats called a disco who was another know of Prime Minister just came from adam yesterday and hes gone back now i mean its not like the whole south is turning against the government and you check the south showed what ive been buying and the hedge i mean it is not the case you know the s. T. C. Need to know that they have to cooperate to be part of this government they dont they dont have the backing of all the South Africans those in the south opposed them more than those in the new survey need to know they have to cooperate they are dead set on well known as a session who said so they did know that is not correct ask ill do as the others who signed the riyadh agreement i mean it is not correct they want to stay and they said so that the south korean issue for them not what we say would come after we finish the war with the who thinks and then we can discuss it thats what they say so you know check the facts. And peace and human over and world com and we wanted to come but were not just going to have any peace with the who is you know im not going to give the future of a few men to those who believe that they could just you know. And have this divine bye to all of us like they would be doing in iraq were not going to accept that there is need to know that they could share power that they could not get to do it with guns facing and you know pointing in our face more a whole lot of the thanks very much for being at war thank you so much for this particular discussion. Fair trade coffee well. 3 term an entrepreneur is want to show how it can all be done to better. Their coffee is produced by an african womens cooperative. Roasted on the spot. Trace for it with wind power. Surge 100 percent environmentally friendly. And guilt free brews. Coming up d. W. You bet its a very hot ouch. Would you like a piece of shoulder. Pancake international the baked goodies are more than mere tasty desserts connery artists from all over the world come here to compete and one of the top makers shows us the ropes. Of your lomax. 30 minutes don t w ringback. Its a deadly sin. And the whim of nature. Motivates us. 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