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Live in squalid conditions in camps find new homes in europe 100 being relocated. A michael local happy to have you with us germany says its getting on top of the krona Virus Outbreak Health Minister yen spawn said its thanks for emergency measures decided last month authorities here ordered schools restaurants and shops are closed and impose social distancing each infected patient is now passing the virus on to only 0. 7 other people suggesting the virus is in retreat Officials Say early widespread testing has helped keep death rates low. Germany streets are still empty its stores still. Closed a result of the countrys strict physical distancing measures after almost a month the restrictions are proving successful germanys hospitals have i. C. U. Space to spare at least 10000. 00 intensive care beds are available this means the Health Care System has not yet been overwhelmed by the pandemic according to authorities this is because germany managed to flatten the curve and reach an important milestone a much awaited drop in the infection rate. Leaked a reproduction number we calculate is currently 0. 7 on average in germany. Of course there are regional differences here too. But its clear that this reproduction number has continued to fall. Which means that on average each person who is infected no longer effects another person. Using courage in numbers are what the German Government has been aiming for they show that the spread of the virus is finally slowing down although theres been a recent rise in the death rate for weeks german chancellor Angela Merkel has been explaining the need for a drop in the infection rate leaning on her scientific background to clearly explain how virus transmission works and she said social distancing restrictions would remain in place authorities are aware of the risks of going back to normal life too quickly germany is doing relatively well managing the epidemic. That makes us humble not overconfident. The call for caution has been spelled out by the last 3 days which have seen a day to day increase in both cases and total deaths germany still faces months of struggle with the virus even with the gradual loosening of the Lockdown People are being asked to accept restrictions as the new normal well efforts continue to expand testing and develop a vaccine and that is likely to take months of painstaking research in cooperation with scientists and governments around the world. Is Deputy Director of the institute of or ology at the sheraton hospital here in berlin we asked him if the government was being too optimistic i dont think so so far we dont have the exact number as the case fatality rate so the best estimates point for point 6 and it could be that no virus is moving into Retirement Homes and then elderly people im sure wish this Novel Coronavirus and that much more susceptible to the waters and may see more casualties the gender for lets give you a quick round up of coronavirus developments around the world the confirmed death toll has now exceeded 150000 according to the Johns Hopkins university in the u. S. The actual number of covert 1000 related deaths is likely to be much higher frances registered death toll near 19000 after more than 760 more people died in one day but Officials Say the spread of the disease appears to be slowing britain has launched a task force to spearhead efforts to create a Coronavirus Vaccine more than 800 daily deaths were recorded in the u. K. On friday the powerful chief of staff to nigerias president has died from covert 19. Fell ill after returning from a visit to germany at the end of march. U. S. President donald trump has come under fire for encouraging protests against lockdown restrictions in 3 swing states run by democrats in a series of tweets trump called for minnesota michigan and virginia to be liberated from measures that are according to him too tough. There are for the 2nd day in a row protesters lined the footpath outside the home of minnesotas governor. There edging him to end the states Strict Lockdown President Trump wants minnesota to be liberated as he puts it along with the geneal and michigan a notion he defended in his Daily Press Briefings are you concerned those people coming out in protest are going to use British Companies to other people congregating in ways that Health Experts are saying that they should not these are people expressing their views i think i see where they are and i see the way they work and they seem to be very responsible people to me. Trump says the restrictions in these states a too tough the genies governor dismisses that so i really do i would just simply say that as the governor of the commonwealth of virginia along with this staff is fighting a biological war i do not have time to involve myself in twitter or. The governor of michigan has also defended her decisions. Every one of them has weighed heavily on me but ive done what i thought the right thing to do and. I would hope that if people are going to dissent that they do so and manner that doesnt compromise their safety or the safety of others. More demonstrations are expected in the next few days. The. The 1st unaccompanied children to leave greek migrant camps for. New homes in germany are due to arrive this weekend greece has faced criticism for failing to provide decent conditions for minors at its Detention Centers the plan is to relocate hundreds of them to a dozen you states but germany says the process has been held up by red tape arrival in luxembourg these were the 1st children to be relocated this week from the refugee camps on the greek islands 1600 unaccompanied minors are being relocated around europe and initial group is travelling to germany on saturday isnt asleep we are striving to provide help as policy of a european solution we offer that early on already on march the 8th the German Government decided to accept at least 350. 00 children from the camps. 5 of the children will eventually travel here to parts time just south of berlin mayor mike shubert has been demanding action from the German Government for months because we could certainly take in more weve already said that in january its wise to me its interesting im quite a positive person so i see it as an initial step in getting people here but more have to follow quickly. Before the German Interior Ministry says that the huge number of people involved n. P. R. Rock recy is slowing down the process due to coronavirus restrictions the children arriving in germany will complete a 2 week orenstein before moving on to other cities thousands of miles from the harsh conditions of the camps they left behind for more on that were joined now by journalists and in athens and to appreciate your being here let me start with the 1st question that jumps out for me why are only children being moved out of the out of the camps. Right well this is a plan which the Prime Minister here. Its a takis hatched very very early on after his election here last year. And it has to do basically with the fact that greece is coping with 100000 migrants who are trapped here in the country and resettlement in relocation programs with europe have effectively halted so what hes trying to do with this plan is start off with the most vulnerable the lot which of course are these unaccompanied minors and thats what the government its no coincidence for example that the Prime Minister was there today at the airport sending off these children to germany there were 12 more who were sent to luxembourg just a couple of days ago but these numbers may sound very very small but what hes hoping is that they can start pave the paving the way for more relocations and for more family unifications reunifications many of these children have families in the west they were split during their harrowing journeys from afghanistan in syria here i get it i get it now greece apparently welcome to your initiative but what specific measures as a country taken to protect People Living in the camps for the pandemic. Well greece has been has taken very effective and robust measures from the start id say actually faster than any other e. U. Member state and thats why its seeing its. The impact of the pandemic here in greece very very low weve just had about 100 deaths here compared to the thousands and tens of thousands that weve seen gripping europe is far as the refugees these measures have applied from the start so much more in these abysmal camps and refugee camps there have been cases the government has quickly isolated them and what it has managed to do is not to allow them to spread to further communities within especially these islands and to curse of are there in in greece for us thank you so much now to some of the other stories making news around the world. The World Health Organization says many other countries will probably have to follow china in revising their death toll upwards. Discrepancies arose because the Chinese Health system was swamp and they warn that other nations may be facing the same challenge. Hundreds of antigovernment demonstrators in lebanon have staged protests in defiance of the official coronavirus lockdown in the city of tripoli protesters burn tires and clash with police the rallies marked 6 months since protests 1st broke out over government corruption and economic hardship. Is reporting that a large number of people on a deportation flight from the United States tested positive for covert 19 all on the fly were taken to a facility for quarantine concerns are growing that limited testing at u. S. Migrant Detention Centers could help the virus spread in central america. Iran has marked its annual army day by parading disinfection vehicles and medical equipment instead of tanks and missiles the Islamic Republic is the middle eastern state hardest hit so far by the virus nearly 5000 iranians are known to have died. A japanese for tog or for has won the Prestigious World Press Photo of the year award he also yoshi chiba of the france press captured a group of young people during sudans uprising last year the competition focuses on the Global Political events especially crises walls and other catastrophes one of the most compelling events of last year was sudans peaceful uprising that was violently suppressed by Government Security forces. The people 1st turned against a tator omar bashir then against the Ruling Military Council after his ouster resistance prevailed amid the chaos and thats was captured in the winning picture the photographer snapped the shutter as a young man shouted out peace poems. Between his breath everyone shouted. The revolution you know. His facial expression and voice impressed me. I cannot stop focusing my captures a moment. The jury had to choose among almost 75000 photographs by more than 4000 for talk affairs. Nearly all of them show images of protest and conflict. By contrast the winning picture is free of violence. This image speaks to morsi Important Development in east africa knowledge and. Voicing a sense of hope. The winners were selected before the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic the Award Ceremony in amsterdam has been canceled for health reasons. Youre watching the news live from berlin you can always get the latest around the clock on the. Dot com and you can follow us on twitter and instagram to news of a great day well see you soon. The tough. Love. To go beyond. The stories that matter to the. Country. Whatever it takes. To go running nut. Made for mines

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