Information on the coronavirus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast so you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at dot com slash science. As the pen demi grips through the world shattering National Health systems and economies a Global Response to help pick up the pieces has never been more sensual but International Cooperation a 2nd under the weight of the coronavirus the United Nations the World Health Organization and the g. 20 all unable to take the lead. Countries have closed themselves off each locked into a contest to secure supplies of limited resources like face masks protective clothing and medication. But how it is now is not how it has to be deepened them it remains a chance for countries to come together and create opportunity from crisis so. How will the world look after all this. Welcome took over nothing special here on the news im Chris Cuomo Millan it is good to have you with us now when looking at the what the future might bring is good to remember what shakespeare once past is prologue meaning looking back can help one look ahead dutch historian bregman has made a career of looking at the great crises of the past millennium hes concluded that theyve always lead to major interventions and eventually beneficial shifts for him the coronavirus calamity has shown the kind of solidarity that humanity is capable of heralding positive changes for greater society. So lets bring in the man himself historian rick bragman its good to have you on the program and your new book humankind a hopeful history you say that empathy compassion and kindness make us human beings not how do people hoarding toilet paper buying clothes of noodles and spreading fake news during the Current Crisis fit into that argument. Well thats a great question you know this is all theory within western culture and scientists call them the near theory its the idea that civilization is only in the air and this isnt something happens say a Natural Disaster it should not be here on earth way or pandemic that people go back to their true selves and that they show who they really are because theyre basically selfish right animals beasts so they start hoarding stuff and they panic and cetera et cetera this is a very popular story in the media yeah you see it always after Natural Disasters you know and i think about katrina in 2000 by the thats what people have been exonerated saying tourism really its what people are experiencing much the opposite actually i think its pretty my deal is it so if you zoom out a bit i think the vast majority of the behavior that we see right now is prosocial in nature and you see you really see an explosion of cooperation and continents on the local level and surely there is some panic buying very some warning but even there i mean id love to talk about toilet paper by the way because the fascinating thing is that most of the toilet paper shortage is just a supply delivery prole right so there are 2 kinds of toilet paper commercial toilet paper and that sort of paper that you use a whole right so the kinds of vapor that use an office is different from what used to go and suddenly theres this huge increase in demand of you know that sort of a for the user because people are you know so they go to visit it so easily i mean thats the reason why there was suddenly such a shortage google we tend to do because this is such an old idea within our culture is to say oh that must be because of selfishness in order to ensure theres a little bit of that but i think the zoom out and if you look at the science we have all this you find that after the most behavior is prosocial in nature and people are actually helping each other so what specific signs of a change for the better do you see. Ok so what we have seen in the 15 to 20 years is that there has been a kind of signage revolution with indifference trying to convey supplants so whether it is about anthropology or archeology or psychology or social change well the scientists that move to a much more hopeful view of human nature and the fascinating thing is that they often dont even know it from each other so for example biologists have been arguing in the last couple of years that we have evolved to be friendly they call this survival of the friendlies which means that for millenia when we were in that nomadic hunter gatherers it was actually different use them only to go up and ask is is there the big chance of passing on their genes to next generation psychologists have been discovering something very similar you know for example theyve studied the behavior of people during an emergency say someones drowning or attacked in the streets and based on real evidence from c. C. T. V. Footage they found that in 1000 percent of all cases people actually help each other so its very much the opposite of why say the nudes of our culture or the holywood movies always tell you ok you also claim that the era of neo liberalism has come to an end thanks to the coronavirus why. Well i dont know if you seen the the editorial in the Financial Times you know from 2 weeks ago i mean this is the biggies maybe one of the most powerful newspapers in the globe and even the Financial Times is saying right now in an editorial that there needs to be an end to the policy direction of the last 40 years and for 40 years weve relied on values like individual ism selfishness and you know the central idea of you know what most people call that the old rule here is the idea that most people are selfish and youre in the midst of in the midst of them and you realize thats not going to get you anywhere and what has been happening is that i did it just 56 years ago were seen as crazy and very unrealistic are now moving into the mainstream you know the idea of well taxes basically you know bigger role for the state all these ideas are becoming much more prominent right now. Refer bregman historian and we certainly hope that youre making the case for a Better Society after the event i make does come to rutgers thank you so much for talking to us sure thank you. Well from picturing what the world will look like after the pandemic on to the issues of the here and now the questions youve been sending us about the coronavirus and there are so many are science editor Derek Williams hardly gets to leave his almost. If youve had over 1000 and recovered do you still need to wear a mask. Although the effectiveness of wearing a mask as a measure to prevent you from catching cove at 19 is still being debated theres no a pretty broad consensus that it certainly makes sense to wear one if you have the disease because it will make you less of a danger for others in theory if you had the virus and recovered you shouldnt have to wear a mask for at least a while khost theory says that after fighting off the disease you should be immune which means you can no longer produce the virus and infect others or on the flip side you cannot be reinfected by others the problem is that this is all still very much theory as experts still have to Little Information about things like the possibility of reinfection they cant get make real science based recommendations about people who have recovered they need more time to gather data so if you want to continue to wear a mask even after having covert 19 i dont think anyone at this point would consider that silly. When we have a vaccine with people who have already had covert 19 be vaccinated as well. This is an interesting question because it touches closely on the question of the munity take over at 19 which we still dont know much about but by the time the vaccine becomes available which despite a lot of hype nobody expects to happen before next year we will have a lot more information about how long your immune response is likely to last and when youve had this disease that will of course informed decisions about who needs vaccinations mode. Whats clear is that if and when they become available Frontline Health workers will be the 1st to be vaccinated and i imagine that will include those who have already had the virus even if theyre only given it as a precautionary measure depending on what we know by then about the length of the average american response its quite likely i think that people who havent had the disease will be prioritized over those who have had it but this is all still really hypothetical because we still dont have the data we need on a large number of critical aspects and any potential vaccines are still quite a ways down the road. Can diet affect how vulnerable you are to cope at 19. Probably no other factor has more of an impact on your health in the long term when your diet i havent seen any specific scientific studies showing that a particular diet like a plant based one makes you less vulnerable to cope at 19 than any other diet that would probably be impossible to show anyway in the middle of this pandemic but there are recommendations that Health Bodies and doctors are continuing to make pretty much across the board 1st and foremost even though they might not be easy to come by where you live you should try to eat a range of fresh unprocessed foods every day 2nd drink plenty of water and of course no matter how great the temptation try to avoid comfort foods loaded with sugar and fat salt they might lift your mood temporarily but in the long run they wont give your immune system what it needs to put up a fight. That was data science editor Derek Williams and if you have a question for him about the pandemic simply posted in the comments section of our d. W. You tube channel and read the rest of this edition of coven 900 special for more i highly recommend a website d. W. Dot com which is dedicated covert 900 pages and 30 languages im chris coburn bolen thanks watching and relieve you now with pictures of the last part of the globe yet to be hit by the pandemic remoteness of antarctica is a blessing and a curse its kept covert 19 at bay but would make sending help difficult if it does spread there the estimated 4000. 00 people there can only hope that doesnt happen thanks for watching and take a. Call on the road with our superheroes my mission is clear kushti and nikko surely should explore germany. They died. Everything out there is a lot going on in. Germany tried and tested again. On d w. Power of play. Great for the mind body and soul. But few are good spend their time doing it. Developmental psychologists are concern. These planes thrilling now played out. In 45 minutes on d w. They were abducted by the nazis and taken to germany to be raised as citizens of the us. During world war 2 thousands of polish children suffered this fate. Even today many of them dont know who their real parents were. Stolen children kidnapped in haiti of nazi germany. April 28th. The global corona crisis you can find more Information Online at the w dot com and on t. W. Social media channels. Ok. Thanks beside resorts and red brick gothic architecture

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