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In the slums of nairobi a group of young volunteers delivering food and meals to those most at risk. Im off its good to have you with us today europe apologized to italy the European Union Commission President or soften the lion today admitted that europe was unprepared when the coronavirus pandemic hit and that it failed to help when italy became the epicenter of the outbreak with more than 22000 coronavirus deaths italy is europes hardest hit country European Countries were slow to send medical aid to italy some countries even banned the export of vital medical supply its own dressing the European Parliament in brussels today ursula fund a lion apologized to italy and said that europe has now come together like never before to overcome the pandemic. Yes it is true that no one was really ready for this. It is also true that too many were not there on time when italy needed a helping hand at the very beginning and yes for that it is right that europe as a whole offers a heartfelt apology but saying sorry only counts for something if it changes behavior and the truth is true that it did not take long before everyone realized that we must protect each other to protect ourselves and the truth is that europe has now become the worlds beating heart of solidarity. For the lion speaking earlier today i spoke with our correspondent Richard Walker in brussels earlier today and i asked him if this apology is also an admission from the Commission President that the European Union failed italy. I think there are really 2 levels of these 2 aspects of this is as you were just mentioning earlier there was the one aspect of individual countries kind of going it alone in the early stages of the crisis shutting down borders in uncoordinated ways not helping out with that crucial equipment its really really needed in the early days of the pandemic when it simply wasnt ready for what was hitting it in northern italy there that on the one side but also on the other side as a whole the system not recognizing just what a danger this pandemic would be so i think all of that is equally important was love on the lines message here but it is something that she has hammered home a few times over the last few weeks but i think shes now beginning to look for the future because one of the Biggest Challenges to European Solidarity is coming up how are they going to find the money for a huge economic sort of reconstruction plan a Marshall Plan even that theyre calling it to pull the european economy out of the crisis once the outbreak is finally beginning to ever way and italy will be right at the center of that as well because it isnt just have a problem with the virus it also has a problem with a huge amount of debt so getting it on board in negotiations or how to fund that recovery is going to be really important i think was a lot of wonderland will be quite happy that Luigi Perdue Myo the Italian Foreign minister has welcomed these words from her today. That was Richard Walker speaking with us earlier leaders from the g. 7 group of industrialized nations met in a Video Conference call today to discuss a coordinated response to the pandemic french president emanuel joining the talks from paris after the meeting was convened by u. S. President donald trump there were mixed messages from the discussion a statement from the European Union said the talks focused on the progress made fighting code 19 but donald trump claims that he was able to get g 7 leaders to agree to a quote thorough review and reform of the World Health Organization. Trump has been very vocal in his criticisms of the w. H. O. We spoke with our correspondent in washington alexander phenomena earlier and we asked about the reaction to trumps statement and the credibility of that statement from the white house. According to this white house statement much of the conversation during this g 7 conference was focused lack of transparency and a chronic mismanagement of the pandemic by the w. H. O. And all leaders according to what the white house is saying agreed to that to decide anything that reform is needed however we also know that not all the 7 leaders are as skeptical of the w. H. O. Ask president s trump himself and we are also getting a bit of contradictory information from the German Government and the spokesperson of the german chancellor said that it was on bail americal who stressed doing this conversation today that International Organisations such as w. H. O. Are very important to come at this pandemic and i have to say that after covering president for 3 years now its nothing out of the ordinary that we are getting a statement a summary from the white house that its much different from statements issues by other participates participants of a meeting or a phone call that was always under phenomena there speaking with us earlier from washington d. C. There are 2 and a half 1000000 People Living in cramped conditions in these slums of nairobi many children there relying on schools for their meals but those schools are now closed food banks are also rear over kenya so some businesses and n. G. O. S are calling on the public for their missions of money food and goods for those in need you know use reports. With the arrival of the coronavirus in kenya a young group of volunteers set up an initiative to distribute food to those who construct up. Together with Community Activists they now do regular runs in poorer neighborhoods around nairobi and. We do like on donations from the public so we get donations and then we buy food in bulk. And report them in smaller relief box which we call to me to show them food packs so in the parks theres like 2 kilos of flour 500 grams of beans red beans 500 grams of sugar and. A mother islam house is over 200000 people many here dont have Running Water sanitation entire families live in single room shocks and social distancing is a luxury that khan for. The Community Activist lives here and knows who needs the food most the elderly the sick and orphans are priorities even so everyone here feels the effects of the economic downturn most even some of the members yeah because they cant afford now. To return that they cant afford to get just words and then some of the employees that. Were in the past 2 weeks a number of initiatives have come up online asking people to donate food or money to poor households the good thing is that people can donate money via their mobile phones from the safety of their home in case of a lockdown this might be the best way of reaching those in need. Government aid hasnt reached people here not even the funds for the elderly and orphans rachel says that with the support of private initiatives they have helped 400 households. The volunteers know its only a drop in the ocean but at least its a start. And for more on how poor countries are affected by the corner virus were joined now by spin eric mama learned a professor in demography at metropolitan university in norway professor its good to have you on the show you know some people are claiming that the coronavirus impacts rich and poor alike would you say thats true or would you say that its truly ridiculous. Old to me to ask focused on the celebrities getting the cottage close up of Prime Minister bars johnson in the u. K. And 1st affected in brazil in the way for example well off ski tourists returning from the alps covered 19 is definitely not a social and it neutral disease would not get reports to black people in the u. S. And some immigrant groups in the hole in sweden are disproportionately affected and what do you say then to Health Officials who are looking at slums for example in megacities in telling people there to practice social and physical distancing i mean are these Health Officials are they completely clueless about the reality on the ground. Well theyre not but you know i believe that all of all all of the social distancing mushers the lockdowns are feels will also in low Income Countries however its of course you know difficult i slick to think to have a policewoman at that distance and steve it was probably its you know like a difficult and its a whole house isnt crowded neighborhoods of course and if you dont hop on the plane with benefits you could illusory and you will be very vulnerable during a lockdown but professor if youre going to tell a family lets say you have a family of 5 or 6 People Living in a very small space lets say 50 square meters and youre telling them to practice social distancing its impossible for them to do that all the time. Yeah you are correct but you know it just doesnt hide it can come just all types of for mystical mushers should be used if you cant like personal and public hygiene social distancing and travel. However we do know the town washing proper costing hygiene and stay at home if possible and then. In the several in the search having a space very important if possible ok professors from the metropolitan university in norway tonight professor we appreciate your time in your insights thank you well in this pandemic many are showing support for Health Workers applauding from the balconies offering free food or literally going the extra mile walk this gentleman captain tom moore has raised at least 15000000. 00 british pounds thats almost 15000000. 00 euros for the National Health service in the u. K. Only by walking today who completed his challenge could it. Go risk for more in the go who is this inspiring gentleman what is the story behind him he had a comfortable pair of shes gone. Well i think you pretty much had a comparable pair of shoes on and hes certainly bringing us the heartwarming story that we all need right now this charming gentleman kept in touch and more well hes 990 years old hes a war veteran in the u. K. And he decided he wanted to raise money for Health Workers at the from flying during this pandemic because he has always received good treatment from Health Care Workers in the u. K. So he wanted to give it back and he decided to walk 100 laps in his back garden 10 laps a day and he wanted to finish before his next birthday which is in 2 weeks and today you actually managed to do this last lap it was like broadcast on television in britain and you race this Staggering Amount of money and the hollow 1000000 british pounds by now when you only wanted to raise the humble amount of 1000. 00 pounds in the beginning so that low bar if it went and it really shows you no matter what age you can still step up in the deepest and worst of crisis and the an example really thats exactly right i would assume that he is overwhelmed with the response to his challenge yes he and his family who helped him to set up social media etc theyre overwhelmed and over the moon of course although i have to say in the interviews it seems that not all moore is quite humble he said hes impressed of course he never thought it would get that far but he also applauded for all the people who chipped in to send old messages of cheers and he has has a message for those people who stay at home right now like me on my sofa so lets listen in to what he had to say after his last lap today. All of the roofline youve heard of difficult to movement until you are a fraud do you. Think if you. Do road house who only. If you go into this little longer i think you will be very very good thing your food be embroidered rumored to be. So if you move. To solo or good blue goods i mean good for him he deserves another medal i saw all those medals that he had on his lapel nicole the money that was raised today how will it be used well it will be used and go to 150 Charities Across the country all of them are charities that are directly in contact with hospitals and Health Workers and they want to make sure that this money is being invested in the well being of Health Care Workers and also food counseling patients and their families so a whole lot of people will benefit from it which is really what kept me tom i want it and as i can only repeat no matter the age you can still make it a good today and a better tomorrow if you just only want to end state take that extra mile thats exactly right because i didnt set a bit of myself in the coldest there with such good news for a change thank you. Youre watching the w. News ill be back on top of the hour with more world news followed by the day i hope to see you then if. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour carona update. 19 special next on d w. If it is for me. Is for. Beethoven is for. Beethoven. Beethoven is for. Beethoven is for every. Beethoven 2026 Fiftieth Anniversary here on d w. The World Health Organization is facing growing criticism not just from the u. S. President has the w. H. O. Been handling the pandemic as well as it could or have there been shortcomings before we address these questions lets have a look at what the w. H. O. Is and what is within its record. Health for all that is the primary goal of the World Health Organization 7000 employees work for the Specialized Agency of the United Nations. W. H. O. Provides guidelines on Healthy Living for example on the prevention of diabetes or the dangers of smoking. The Organization Also set standards such as in Quality Control for food or medicine or with regards to water or air pollution. It promotes the development of Health Systems in developing countries and the production of vaccines. In the event of a crisis such as covered 19 its role does not extend beyond assessing the Global Situation and giving recommendations the w. H. O. Has an annual budget of around 2000000000. 00 to compare the United Nations Childrens Fund spent 3 times that amount in 2018. Welcome to this edition of cover 19 special here on the news im chris cuomo and its good to have you with us the number of global corona virus infections has surged past the mark of 2000000 and fighting a pandemic in real time makes an accounting of potential missteps difficult but as the outbreak progresses there are people calling upon the World Health Organization to explain past actions in dealing with. And december 31 2019 chinese authorities told the World Health Organization about a mysterious flu like illness spreading in the city of one han 2 weeks later the w. H. O. Published a tweet it would soon be haunted by preliminary investigations conducted by the chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human to human transmission of the Novel Coronavirus identified in new han china. The next day a man flew from move on to the u. S. Becoming the countrys 1st case it would take another 2 weeks before the statement from the w. H. O. Im declaring a public roads emergency of International Concern over the global outbreak of novel. Coronavirus cases around the world snowballed at an alarming rate blowing past 2000000. 00 as of today u. S. President donald trump under heavy criticism for his handling of the crisis sought to level blame at the w. H. O. He accused it of failing to hold china responsible and of withholding early Vital Information our countries. Are now experiencing and look all over the world. Tremendous death an economic devastation because those tasked with protecting us by being truthful and transparent failed to do so. Dealing with a pandemic in the present makes looking back at past taps difficult but as the death toll mounts so do the calls for accountability who should have behaved differently and when the w. H. O. Me over the world some answers. Now we would have liked to talk to a w. H. O. Representative about this issue but he canceled the interview on short notice so were grateful to be joined by on a hunch try to Senior Researcher on governance for Global Health at the Berlin Social Science Center welcome to the program ana we just saw in the report it took the w. H. O. One month after it 1st learned about the virus in china to declare an International Public Health Emergency and declared the outbreak a pandemic on march 11th was the organization too slow to act well i guess we are seeing accusations of inappropriate slow or risky responses to their coverage 900 and then everywhere last with regards to how the u. S. And the u. K. Have been initially dealing with the outbreak so why would we assume that an organization thats made up of 194 Member States that has virtually no sanctioning power a very small budget and a huge mandate is free of the power politics that surround this endemic of the power politics that we can witness nationally internationally so the damage always like all other International Organizations the handing on reliable information from its Member States on contagious outbreaks of contagious diseases and its also heavily mocked of course by so called health the promising that is attempts by the most influential Member States and that includes the United States and china to push through this the interests not only in times of crisis but always so those that mean that the w. H. O. Did not get the proper data from the chinese. Well its always a very sensitive. Issue particularly when were talking about. Infectious diseases that have a tensional to develop and ship and then weve already seen that doing the sars outbreak in 2000 to 2003 and it is it happens very rarely that International Organizations that depend on the Member States for financing for support openly criticize. Articularly individual Member States for their behavior so its a very what we have seen is that is the kind of a typical behavior of an International Organization and i think its also a rather bizarre and naive picture of International Organizations that we assume there somewhat beyond of politics. So the criticism that not only the u. S. President donald trump has voiced regarding this behavior of the of the w. H. O. But has been echoed by other governments around the world theres some merit to it. Well youre pushing me to make a specific argument i would say yes the International Organizations that are that large and that have that little autonomous power are very prone to reacting slowly weve also seen that governments have reacted slowly even though they may have more they obviously have much more Decision Making power so it is undeniable that what were seeing here in the context of the job but also the why the United Nations system is a struggle between the United Nations and United States and china ok over like that with or a t. In these organizations and that includes of course also that we are seeing the chinese trying to take advantage of the w. H. O. In that situation yes ok and lets talk money lets talk financing the u. S. Says its freezing its share of the w. H. O. Funding 116000000. 00 annually how big a blow is this. Well i mean its seems extraordinary because we are its now all over the news. Also of quite typical behavior for the United States and in order to put pressure on International Organizations and its also. The so the so now its like this big threat of freezing the funds it has done this before in the 1970 s. For example when the w. H. O. Moved to the us health for all of gender that you just mentioned in the teaser ad was accused of being a communist organization bed all countries in the world have. Very much reduced their regular budgets to the w. H. O. Which means that it has been lost in the town of me over the past 2 decades roughly and is that a problem theyre losing autonomy financial autonomy. Well it is a problem its a problem because it gives the organization very little leeway in setting its own priorities it makes it such sceptical to powerful states that then push in and try to capture the organization and also leave the boy thats very often then filled by for example private philanthropy and like the bill and Melinda Gates foundation and that are then beyond any kind of parliamentary or democratic control of the this is this is not typical to that average or were seeing this everywhere in Multilateral Organization at the moment and i was proud of the Berlin Social Science Center thank you for speaking for just dont. Think next up all your questions the one about the coronavirus phonetic that youve been sending us and the man to answer them as our science editor derek williams. Is math testing for coded 1000. 00 a better approach than only testing for severe cases its grown increasingly clear as this pandemic progresses that the countries that took fast action have had the most success at keeping death rates down and a key measure they implemented early on was testing as quickly and as widespread as possible because we still have no treatments testing only severe cases at this point mostly only provides us with statistics like how many people cope with 1000 has killed from among the total number of people who have tested positive for it widespread or mass testing on the other hand has the potential to be a powerful tool for for prevention if youre able to detect cases through testing before people even begin showing symptoms you can limit their contact with others and really cut the number of other people they give it to so mass testing is a goal that many countries are now setting but of course its also quite a tall order in terms of the resources that it will swallow. Is it true that 3 variables of the virus exist and if so how are they different to. My reeses of volved as they spread through populations often quite quickly thats what for example has kept us from developing an effective vaccine for hiv and it would actually be strange if source code too wasnt changing and and theres evidence that it already has a recent study led by researchers at Cambridge University identified 3 different variants of the disease in 160 patients with one type most common in asia and the other 2 mostly found in europe and the us the 3 types very. In terms of their Genetic Signatures armed with information like that an important next step will be to determine whether those and possibly other variants affect different populations in different ways and the data might even help us predict future global hotspots. And that wraps up this edition of covert 19 special for more on the bend i make visit our social Media Channels and our website at the w dot com which has information on covert 930 languages now before we let you go will take you back to where it all supposedly began a went to market in wu hong in china is thought to be where the corona virus 1st jumped from animals or humans for the uninitiated what markets sell a wide range of Fresh Produce some thought no not all sell live animals the markets were shot or journey locked down but have now reopened a controversial decision amid the still ongoing and that thanks for watching and take care. Of them. Environmentally conscious living. With maximum comfort. Earnhardt furia from tanzania is helping make it possible he started with sustainable ideas in his own home. Gets you how hes inspiring others to innovate and his invention school eco africa. Next on w. Ringback how do you want. Discover your. Discomfort with. After 100 years the ideals of the bombs are more relevant today than they were. Things to cut all about people and its a way of shaping society. So. Its world 3 part documentary starts mates on t w. Hello and welcome to another edition of africa while we highlight environmental topics on ideas from europe and Africa Saundra to know what you are and this week well be looking out the many ways you can recycle plastic west im in kampala uganda and a story is uncle hosting we have my colleague. In nigeria

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