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Coronavirus locked down the countrys Influential National academy of sciences has recommended that a start be made on easing the restrictions imposed to contain the virus the academys report came as the number of new confirmed cases in germany fell for the 3rd day running it also set the scene for consultations this week by chancellor Angela Merkel on what should happen after the current restrictions expire next sunday now one of the main recommendations of this report is that primary and secondary schools be allowed to gradually reopen they could soon be followed by shops and restaurants as long as their tables are placed further apart mouth nose protection should be used as an additional protective measure and the relaxing of restrictions is dependent on more widespread testing g. P. S. Data offered voluntarily via mobile phones could be used for Contact Tracing its there earlier i spoke with claudia viz a man one of the academics who contributed to that report and. Explained that a return to normal life in germany requires an effort across society its not just a Health Problem it is an economic of that we become to ignore that we do have to. Deepen our efforts to to to Work Together to to try to solve this particular situation we have to better eiseley for example. People who are infected for that we are in need of but a doctor so we need a doctor scientist to model these particular situations we need the support of the public who voluntarily give. For these models and well to encourage each and every one to Work Together on this problem we cant just treat it is as a problem of the Health Care System it is much more than that. And lets get more now we how are germans what do they think about the coronavirus lockdown were joined now here in the studio by the right who has been following the story for us so. How are they reacting to the lockdown and are they ready for it to be partially lifted with a quick reminder of what the current restrictions here in germany are germans supposed to stay in their houses unless theyre going out to work to shop or to exercise and then theyre only allowed to go out in pairs nonessential shops are closed places of education and interstate travel is restricted so what to germans think about these restrictions well a poll taken recently shows that the majority of germans are supportive all of them around hof of germans say that they want these restrictions to be extended into the future about a 3rd say that they should be east and only a very small minority 8 percent said they should be abolished altogether now thats what poll thats what they told pollsters when contacted however a different data source tells a different story and that is mobile phone now your mobile phone is constantly sending signals to cell phone towers and each time you move you change towers and those changes have been logged in analyzed by a Company Called terror list and we can look at what they found now around about 2 weeks ago german mobility had dipped significantly in fact germans were moving around hof as much as they normally do according to the mobile phone however now it has started to creep back up again as we can see in that curve there that shows the germans are starting to move around more according to their mobile phone coverage now that is not the curve that we want to see flattened if authorities want people to stay in their homes and i mean it you dont even actually have to see the data you just have to look outside of your windows here in berlin especially with the great weather people have really been out and about in the city how do german factor their Civil Liberties into all of this i mean are they worried about their rights being removed if there is you know a forcible. Lockdown measure in place well of course germans is a city thats famous for its activism and during was lockdown period theres been more than 200 officially registered demonstrations that have been canceled and that has led some people to be concerned that the freedom to to voice their opinion is being taken away and a demonstration was held on the weekend in berlin an illegal demonstration people turned up and they were yelling out because states which means basic law or the constitution here in germany they were asked to bring along a stick of 2 meters in length to show that they were keeping distance from other people and others were on bicycles as we can see while the police were very quick to shut that down there have also been other smaller demonstrations for other coalitions such as supporting refugees being moved off the islands in greece they also have been shut down now some might say that these kind of demonstrations are irresponsible others might say that its necessary for us to find a way to voice our opinion safely even during these extraordinary times. Thank you. Lets take a look now at some other news from around the world a sailor who was stationed onboard the u. S. S. Theodore roosevelt Aircraft Carrier has died of cope with 19 the u. S. Navy said that he died in intensive care at the Naval Hospital in guam where the ship had been docked since the end of march is the 1st fatality of the more than 500. 00 confirmed cases among the crew. Spain has allowed some factory and construction workers to return to work as it looks to boost the economy paralyzed by the coronavirus lockdown but restrictions remain in place for most of the rest of the country where more than 17000 people have died with the coated 19 disease and turkish president wretch of type there to one has rejected the resignation of his interior minister who took responsibility for this weekends much criticized 19 curfew the announcement of the 48 hour lockdown cost millions by surprise and prompted panic buying 2 hours before it took effect on friday night. Oil prices have risen after the worlds major producing countries agreed to what is being called the biggest Oil Production cut ever a production in supply of around 10 percent opec led by saudi arabia reached agreement with russia in an effort to boost the oil price and stabilize an Energy Market ravaged by the coronavirus pandemic. Now italy has proposed quarantining migrants rescued at sea on another vessel off the island of sicily the german flag along kearney rescue boat picked up 150 people over recent days but has been unable to find a port that will allow it to dock the n. G. O. s sea ice says that one person has been evacuated for medical care and that the ship is an urgent need of supplies its not yet clear what will happen to the migrants once the quarantine period is over. And were joined now by stephan strides in my our he is a human rights observer with the ngo c. I. I. Who is actually on the boat right now so tell us we are hearing that italy signaled that they would take the refugees from the boat into quarantine onboard an italian vessel have you heard anything else about this particular effort from authorities. I remember the ball offered as human terry an offer but we didnt have any special response to us from the german although its an Italian Government so after you know were waiting it will be very grateful if the whole thing would happen but were not sure. Ok so its very much wait and see at the moment in the meantime what is the situation right now onboard the rescue vessel. Though we have 149. 00 people plus 17 people their crew on the ship that means that the ship is very overcrowded. Tonight a very cool and calm not maybe a surprise to the people. You know to toilet showers knowledge of where you are going to go so the people are getting here. We know that you have quite a lot of experience in this arena so we want to ask you you know we are in the midst right now of this coronavirus pandemic what influence are you have deserving on the numbers of refugees leaving for example from libya from what you can tell. From what really can tell on this ship right now is that it has no effect on the number of construction we heard of boat or boat being on use. May they may have kept thought they were. Wrong and you know they were over there but we dont know what happened to them so far will through not all people cross the military. To receive them or. You know. All around the world i mean we are seeing social distancing measures in place obviously and were looking at these votes right now and it seems as if social distancing is indeed impossible there is not the spain. Its important to do that so given that what measures. Are you guys trying to take in order to protect yourselves to protect the migrants who might be on board. So im not a doctor but we have a medical team a very good medical team here on board. Ball 20 k. Shannon of all how the virus spreads so when we rescue 54 we are taking home medical assessment from everybody and we have no room. During this medical assessment and no rest through respiratory problems and now were checking on the. Vital signals every 2 days and you know we didnt have any. Problems with my last post. We also we are a small all the time thats all we can do on this very limited space. Well that was stefan shies in my a human rights observer with the ngo c i speaking with us earlier from the along kirti rescue boat in times like these knowing where to get help or to get tested perhaps just locating your nearest handwashing station is really Vital Information data can help and that lucia haiti is a kenya crowdsourcing technology that has in the past been used to collect data for Disaster Relief elections and crisis responses well now organizations all over the world are using this particular platform to navigate the corona crisis. In data and information thats his job hes the project coordinator at mapi bera an organization that has been locking up its biggest mom for the past 10 years with the coronavirus outbreak has shifted the focus funds digital maps now hes documenting handwashing stations clinics and aid efforts we have like some of the washing board could be like this one its on the mob but we also have about platforms where we set it. Up. But have so many could beat up people we say whats up like we also. Faced with this like he did with where we have huge number of could beat up people. Joshua and his team have also started documenting all corona cases confirmed by the Kenyan Ministry of health its feet information into digital maps on the open source platform which lead to the platform allows users to create their own topical maps and add information to geographical points well not be there i have been collecting data like this for years ive been the ships around the world im now using that show you the technology to collect data about through an unrelated responses and problem and that part of the world. The website shows its being used in europe asia the us and latin america and italy for instance an initiative maps are places to get food and medical supplies and in japan users are reporting the corona testing experiences. So in the last 3 weeks is more than 300. On the ocean he platform and its being used across the world i think one thing thats come up yet is that for us to be able to deal with this crisis were going to have to rely on you know peoples collective responsibility right you know people are being asked to stay in the belt a little bit informational guts that exist out there that people on the ground who are experiencing some of these issues will be able to bring to light and involve people who can then jump in and and supports while they can in technology is making its way around the world the hope is that the data will also help governments and International Organizations in responding to the crisis. This is t w news coming to you live from berlin thank you so much for joining us we leave you now with the italian tenor and cheli singing in milans clothes cathedral on Easter Sunday it was part of a music for hope event bringing people together during the coronavirus pandemic there was no one in the pews so the challenge performance was live streamed on his you tube channel enjoy and stay safe. Waddy. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour carona update. Covert 19 special next on d w. Every journey begins with the 1st step and every language the 1st word pollution could be coaxing germany to search. Why not go on with him for. The stuff its simple minded on your mobile and free. People using the learning course legal speak german made easy. Countries react to the pandemic we have trouble with slow downs. Fighting for every life and one of germanys rotavirus hotspots some European Countries are starting to relax more restrictions will call this type you. Know is not the kind of next measures. Europe isnt locked down schools businesses restaurants and factories have all been shuttered for weeks now people all the more are lost with the arrival of spring theyve been enjoying what they still can the sun in the park some fresh air but many are missing a sense of community some countries like denmark and austria already beginning to loosen the most severe restrictions others think it is too early for them to know what the experts is the virus on the control can public life return to normal and will the woman temperatures now arriving in the Northern Hemisphere slow the spread of the disease. These are some of the questions well discuss in this edition of covert 19 special here on the w. News im chris coburn really good to have you with us now the longer the shutdown is in place the more pressing becomes the question when constricts social distancing measures be eased here in germany Public Officials are yet to decide on an official strategy so lets get an experts view to be escort is a professor of Public Health and if it immunology at berlins shotty hospital welcome to our program to b s lets talk about the weather 1st here there have been some including the u. S. President saying that rising temperatures are bad for the virus are they. Well if you look at the areas that support infections and if you see this further up the virus that theres really no differences between regions of war and regions that are colder so i think the virus is really not affected by temperature it is true that youre into cold weather season that the skin inside and those inside your throat is more susceptible for getting an infection that may be a factor but it dont think that it by rights is really affected by temperature so springtime meaning its not necessarily a bad time for corona. Its not a bad time for the buyers its time for for us and so i think the sun roof and so fully getting some fresh air is certainly the sunshine helps certainly its what moves its a good time for all of us its not screen right now but sort of iras i dont think that makes much of a difference to me as the number of reported cases in germany is declining italy and spain the countries hardest hit here in europe are reporting receiving death numbers where are we in the timeline of this pandemic. Well see one has to understand that the virus cannot be stopped or reasons why these measures and the physical restrictions im place is to allow the Health Care System to leith and some regions even in germany we know that. Hospitals are we on the edge so this was the reason why we certainly support it these these measures now and then its really over the so called her release he is region that is a long way to so if not relax some measures its not ruling that iris is gone the virus is there and we have to deal with the virus for quite some time until we have pixelation available or until enough people have been infected with the virus and have immunity against the virus nevertheless the severe social distancing measures they are taking their toll on people and number of Public Officials here in germany and other places are talking about lifting some of the strictest countermeasures is it the right time to do that. Well scientists than many experts associations are discussing this office the end nobody likes to put this really hard National Central into place this is the right time will be improving in 2 weeks and 10 days nobody really can tell what i think is a good time now to discuss how we can lift this restrictions and how we can move into the future and as you know deal with medical data but also of the economic social they are psychological data and all of these is not really helpful or for the health of the people so we have to really start to move on and to to really start to go back to a life that is certainly not the normal life that we used to but to a life that makes sense and makes. Us starting businesses again and allowing kids to go to school so i think its a good time to discuss this and right now all right lets do it lets talk about the how germanys academy of sciences one of the most Renowned Research institutions in the country says primary and secondary schools should gradually open again and it should be mandatory for people to wear face masks on Public Transportation what is your take on that. I think these are her goods and reasonable of such actions many experts from various fields have been involved in this recommendations and i think that those are really good starting points we all have to understand however that if restrictions are lifted there we may see an effect of the Healthcare System again and that we have to increase some of the restrictions that potentially this will mean on a law for some time we have to evaluate this very d carefully indeed exports are doing to these 2 to recommence specific measures to the politicians who then has to make their decisions but i think the recommendations of the National Academy of science are d leading reasonable and say a good starting point also it is important that they set that we should not really isolate specific care groups such as the elderly or such as people who have certain medical conditions i think that was also d very important and to be as briefly one of the most important aspects of such a strategy of easing these restrictions. Well it is. New really have to move who are responsible people what they can do i think we all society understood the importance of defeating his virus and the importance of the patient of the Healthcare System so i think chair we should also counsel on on to society that they really work with everyone to make this. Epidemiologist to be escort thank you for talking to g. W. Thank you. So the discussion over when and how to access the lock down is still waging meanwhile spring has arrived in many countries in europe and it isnt germany people tried to make the best of their situation over the easter weekend which meant catching some rays while trying not to catch the virus. Spring has. And in parks across germany you wouldnt necessarily know that the country is in lockdown having spent weeks cooped up indoors many people are experiencing a fresh appreciation for nature. If you can send me nothing from that tree being at site but of course im not meeting friends or socializing and it has a calming effect if the last thing in the mists of for me its liberating to be actually in a chair tools. In germany you are still alive to go it alone or with one other person but it out to exercise all right just to prevent you from fresh air. Even when youre soaking in the spring fun you still need to make sure youre sticking to social distancing rules. And now to a man who certainly wishes hed have more time for a nice walk in the park but our resident corona expert Eric Williams has been very busy thinking about and answering the questions you sent us heres our latest installment. Can you get the coronavirus and. Based on what we know right now it looks like around one out of every 6 people that catches 19 gets seriously ill and develops difficulties with breathing symptoms and others who have tested positive for the disease range from serious to very mild and some people who test positive have no symptoms at all at the center for Disease Control in the u. S. Believes as many as one in 4 people who get the disease show no symptoms no but by the information they have as asymptomatic carriers might remain perfectly healthy themselves but contribute dramatically to transmission. How many people are asymptomatic would also help us nail down the real mortality rate of the virus which continues to be guesstimated and finally its important in terms of fighting the disease if we can figure out why some people dont get sick that information could help us in. The race to develop therapies. Could survive in cave 19 meaning d. M. Me this question is closely tied to the question of why some people can carry the disease but are are asymptomatic from what weve seen so far the corona virus infects everyone but some people dont develop symptoms and that probably has to do with their genetic make up past research has shown that genetics do have an influence on the course of viral infections and scientists are looking at some key genes very closely in the covert 19 pandemic especially the ones that include 4 and control the expression of an enzyme in the cell membrane called ace 2 its what the corona virus uses as a gateway to get into the cell could variations there make some people more susceptible than others maybe its pretty unlikely though that there will be a single genetic variant that determines whether you get a mild or severe a case of coke at 19 the 1st wide Scale Research studies in the area are ramping up now but will take time to carry out and evaluate. And if you have a question for us about the virus simply post it in the comments section of our d w you tube channel and that wraps up todays edition of covert 1000. 00 special for more on the pandemic to check out our social Media Channels and our website thats d. W. Dot com which has dedicated covert 19 pages in 30 languages im chris cobram berlin thanks for watching and before we let you go many scientists around the world are calling on governments to provide people with face masks if they intend on easing lockdown restrictions on taiwan seems to be a step ahead on this story as there has sort of vending machines where people can scan their Health Insurance cards Health Insurance cards in order to pick up their fortnightly ration of 9 masks an idea other countries may well wish to a doctor its. Eco india. The world has a bit less plastic when tableware is edible. And afghan women refugees have jobs. This is what the drug is doing. Its a project started by students in new delhi. We saw over potential in that idea. Eco india. Next on d w. The global corona crisis you can find more Information Online at d. F. W. Dot com and on t. W. Social Media Channels. In ruins are always a. Symbol of a long conflict in the philippines. Between the muslims and the christian population. When lions fighters occupied the city center in 2000. President ial term. Was told. By islamist terrorists will never again put a bold move into. The reconquest turned into tragedy. It is not the kind of freedom that we want. How did we become a gateway to islam this terror i didnt know and the same sort of god was in has been the result of an exclusive report from a destroyed city in. The philippines in the sun. Starts in may 28th along t w. Such a move. Hello welcome to eco we india a sustainability magazine that trains the spotlight on solutions to some of the most pressing problems in the world today and introduces you to change me because while making this possible im sunk that im home coming to you from mumbai india so who

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