And how much of an impact will the coronavirus pandemic house on the way we work we take a look at what happened after the spanish flu outbreak more than a 100 years ago. Im Claire Richards and welcome to the show the pope has broken away the centuries of tradition and a live stream his Easter Sunday mass for the 1st time as the worlds 1300000000 catholics celebrate the holy day under coronavirus lock down pope francis devoted his traditional or be at or be message to what he called this years easter of solitude and calls for a Global Solidarity. He swapped his normal audience of thousands for empty pews and the echoes of an empty set peters basilica. Pope francis delivered his message behind closed doors amid the ongoing lockdown in coronavirus hit italy. And hes called for Global Solidarity to fight the virus. In. Light of the present circumstances. May International Sanctions be relaxed. Since these make it difficult for countries on which they have been imposed. To provide adequate support for their citizens. If i may all nations be put in a position to meet the greatest needs of the moment. For the reduction if not the forgiveness. Burdening the Balance Sheets of the poorest nations boy. Also expressed particular concern for the future of europe saying you know of aid of solutions were needed to get through this tough period. European union is presently facing an epochal challenge. On which will depend not only its future. But that of the whole world. Let us not lose the opportunity to give further proof of solidarity also by turning to Innovative Solutions the. Pews are a familiar sight around the world Whose Service is being held in closed churches as millions of people have been told to stay. British Prime MinisterBoris Johnson has been discharged from hospital after being treated for a coach at 19 johnson was admitted a week ago and spent 3 days in intensive care his release from St Thomas Hospital in london comes as the u. K. Death toll from the coronavirus at tops 10001. 00 of the highest in the world johnsons government has come under fire for a lack of personal protective equipment for frontline workers in hospitals in a video posted on twitter the Prime Minister thanked n. H. S. Staff for saving his life and the British Public for obeying social distancing measures promising that the u. K. Would defeat the corona virus in the last 7 days i have of course seen the pressure the n. H. S. Is under ive seen the personal courage not just to the doctors the nurses but of everyone the cleaners the cooks the Health Care Workers with every description physios radiograph was for mrs who kept coming to work kept putting themselves in harms way kept risky this deadly virus east thanks to grant courage that devotion that beauty and that low. In h. S. Has been unbeatable warm words for the n. H. S. Above johnsons government has been criticized for its handling of the crisis and its support for n. H. S. Workers we asked to do correspondent shy lot of pots for her analysis. Over the weekend we saw the highest daily death toll in europe over 900 deaths per day and that continues number continues to rise doctors and nurses are saying they dont have enough protective gear to protect themselves one in 3 suttons even saying that they cant operate because they dont have the proper gear at the same time doctors and nurses are dying nearly 20 n. H. S. Stuff so far have died and there is also a serious lack of testing only the very severe cases at the moment attest that at the hospital so there is no tracking but surely happening and the unrecorded number of cases coronavirus here in the u. K. Is incredibly high and this all as the peak is about to be reached so really a crisis that could have been prepared for much. Lets get you caught up on the latest developments of the krona virus the commissioner of the u. S. Food and Drug Administration says his country is very close to the peak of coronavirus cases he is hopeful that restrictions can be eased by the 1st of may italy which has the worlds 2nd highest death toll after the United States reported 431 on sunday the lowest in daily rise in 3 weeks in india 10 foreign visitors were forced to write i am sorry 500 times after they were caught taking a walk in violation of lockdown rules there and in the german capital berlin 500 extra police were deployed to make sure people of byebye restrictions amid summer like weather. All throughout the day we are speaking to our correspondents around the world about easter in the time of coronavirus right now lets go to kate brady in berlin kate a german chancellor Angela Merkel urged people to stay at home during the easter holidays are people complying. It certainly seems that people have heeded the words of the german chancellor this weekend she spoke a couple of times earlier this week telling people to stay at home and that the decisions that people made this weekend as to whether they went out on a could indeed have a huge role in the decisions made by the government this week when they meet to discuss the future of restrictions to slow the spread of current virus here in germany and certainly i was out earlier today here in berlin and it certainly seemed that there were indeed fewer people on the streets than yesterday so large a speaking at least according to authorities as well people do seem indeed to be listening to the advice of the german chancellor and staying at home and of course following those rules as well when they do go out and keeping their distance from others so how is the government able to enforce these restrictions. Well this varies from state to state here in germany you have 16 different states but many of them are certainly up to their Police Presence in recent weeks since those restrictions on movement were imposed on march 22nd and maybe i could say here in in berlin but also there have been not only incidents where police have had to approach people in them so that people have taken on this advice to perhaps keep a further distance from of those but police have also been out in the capital here thanking people when they have actually been out enjoying the sunshine while also abiding by those restrictions and recommended distances from other people so it seems that there is quite an amicable relationship going on here between all fortys and people when it comes to following these restrictions ok brady in berlin and thank you very much for that analysis. Its also been a beautiful easter weekend across much of europe with warm sunny weather testing peoples resolve to stay indoors and avoid spreading coronavirus each country has different rules about going outside and some have banned it entirely where it is allowed authorities often instruct people to keep about 2 metres apart while outdoors in the Czech Republic capital prague for example but some people may be wondering if 2 meters is far enough to avoid potential contamination especially while running or cycling. Well thats something ive also been wondering as i have been out running another king jogger is a reporter angela dollar i so what sort of route should i be planning and what considerations should i be taking into account when i decide to go out running in a public space thankfully the brightest minds have been working on this really crucial question that many people are asking themselves these days academics in physics and aerodynamics from universities in netherlands and belgium have been conducting wind tunnel experiments to find out how trail of saliva that flies behind us as were moving and we can look at some of the simulations that they actually did now in a video so as weve often been told its advisable to keep 1. 5 meters distance from another person while youre holding a conversation so how does it work when youre running an expiring heavily well simulation so theres a little risk if youre running side by side with somebody but the worst position to be in is if youre running right behind another person because youre liable to get a face full of their exhaust and possibly the germs rather the experts say that a better position to be in is if you stagger your information so that you are a few feet to the side of the other person is front of you now the crucial question how close is too close well it all depends on how fast youre moving the academics say that if youre were moving at a moderate pace and so you walking 4 metres is enough if youre jogging then you should leave 10 metres distance. But if youre running quickly you need to leave a full 10 to 20 meters between you and the person in front of you thats kind of hard to do on a crowded. Bit of a nuanced choreography there well some countries arent allowing people to go outside to exercise at all italy has one of them and in paris they have banned outdoor exercise from 10 am until 7 pm what can people do who are not able to go outside to stay fit and healthy well there is no shortage of videos these days of inspiration from the indoors and we can have a look at the latest one from ugandas president. Now he says you dont need to go outside to exercise at all and he demonstrated it by jogging inside his rather expensive president ial office to show that you can stay inside an exercise then he got down and do a full set of 10 push ups which is quite impressive when you consider that this man is 75 years old thats a full 2 years older than us President Donald Trump who i cant imagine doing any pushups at all so theres a bit of inspiration from the top there some more inspiration this one comes from german champion athlete young for a day you know he completed a full iron man triathlon inside his apartment he swam 4 kilometers cycled 180 kilometers and then ran a full 42 kilometer marathon all from inside his accommodation now of course we dont all have one of those fancy countercurrent swimming pools out on our apartment balconies so dont feel too bad if you did manage to complete a triathlon this weekend i dont think i will be at trying that in the near future but thank you so much for those inspiring stories. The spanish flu outbreak more than 100 years ago had a big impact on society a century on the coronavirus is likely to have far reaching effects on both our working and personal lives people are getting to grips with life under lockdown saying and quarantine and new concepts such as social distancing and self isolation but how life changing will this all be history might just have the answer. A deadly pandemic descended on the world after the 1st world war as if people hadnt suffered enough already. The virus known as the spanish flu tore across the globe 100 years ago hitting middle aged people hardest. You know. About one 3rd of the german population was sick and to some degree. In all of europe 2300000 people died because if it was one debatable and worldwide at least 25000000. Possibly 50000000. 00 or double even that would be to feel. Doctors had little at their disposal to fight the virus no ventilators no antibiotics the only thing that helped was keeping people apart from each other so thats one this is this shows that the most important step in stopping the spread of the pathogen is separating people by shutting down every day life and interactions pandemics are both brutal and educational the spanish flu prove that quarantines help. After the 1st world war and the spanish flu the World Economy started looking up the history of pandemics shows that they lead to advances and innovations. Another example the plague it killed millions of people in the middle ages yet later had extraordinary economic and societal effects. Experts say the current pandemic will likewise have far reaching effects on society and the way we work its already driven the digitalisation of daily life even faster making innovations in the home office but you know conferencing and internet shopping the norm. History shows that a different approach to work and life is inevitable after a global event like the covert 1000 virus. Youre watching data on your news from berlin remember you can get the latest headlines on our g. W. App or on our website dude of the year dot com and you can follow us on twitter and instagram to add to the units im claire entrance and berlin ill have more news for you at the top of the hour for now though thanks for watching. Stories of people whove world over information provided to. The fans they want to express g. W. On facebook and twitter are up to date and in touch follow us. How does a virus spread. Why do we have it and when well. Introduce through the