Germanys president told his country in a rare televised address from the start of the crisis demand solidarity and the best of society. Plus life as it normal in nicaragua the Central American country wants its citizens to celebrate easter without restrictions that has Global Public Health Officials are worried about the viruses spread there and they progress president cant be convinced otherwise because hes nowhere to be found. Im when blue cross welcome to the program the United States has overtaken italy to become the country with the highest death toll from the corona virus pandemic more than 20000 people have now died in the u. S. According to Johns Hopkins university now italys death rate is still considerably higher than americas thats because the u. S. Has more than triple the total confirmed cases then italy nearly 530000 Public Health officials have said this is no time to think about easing restrict. Which could drive the death toll far higher. Debbie used correspondent oliver sol is in washington oliver a long way we are from those more optimistic predictions that donald trump was making about virus not being such a big deal in the u. S. What accounts for these really grim numbers well if you were to ask President Trump himself and hes trying to blame china hero for not being on a stove all the the threat and the intensity of the pemmican the 1st place he also tries to blame the World Health Organization for not calling it a pandemic early enough and of course trump gets a big share of the criticism here in the united stilts in the United States himself for not taking the threat of the coronavirus seriously in the 1st place so we all remember that he for weeks said it would go away very quickly once the temperatures start to rise he compared it to a flu so he was really trying to make the americans believe that there is not a big threat behind the coronavirus and of course he had his election in mind and the impact of his words on the stock market and on the economy well that has changed hes not giving his Daily Press Briefings one or 2 hours a day but then again hes challenging his experts there he for instance wants to open the economy as soon as possible while the experts ones that want to continue with the shutdown they recommend the americans to wear face masks he said i dont i dont see myself wearing one so a lot of people might think that it cant actually be that bad of the president acts like that and also the late response of the United States of the government. Brought the u. S. Where the country stands right now now all eyes are on new york of course more cases there than in any other country in the world let alone the United States but tell us about other places in the United States how is the pandemic progressing elsewhere. Well 1st of all i think theres good news coming from new york the number of hospitalizations are slowing and that suggests that social distancing in the measures that were put in place are actually working but the casualties are still a concern there naturally legging behind so well have to see if that changes as well and as you said other areas are in fact affected as well of course and mostly detroit the state of louisiana. Where the number of infections is still spiking and the wide held even warned that the pandemic and the epicenter of the pandemic might move south next from new york to other cities like philadelphia baltimore and even washington d. C. Where we are located and experts believe that if the economy is open then too soon that were going to see very high numbers in casualties in the United States all over solid washington thanks very much for your order here in germany the countrys president has urged the german people to express their unity during the current a virus had been mick frank steinmeyer went on t. V. To ask germans to stick to the restrictions even as spring weather and a long Holiday Weekend temps people into social interaction outside his speech also look beyond germany to the Global Response to the pandemic ninetys upon the media knows this pandemic is not a war soon and nations do not stand against other nations soldiers against soldiers rather this is a test of our humanity it is bringing out the best and the worst in people so you can go in and let us show each other the best in us and that to strew 1000 europe as well oh. Come germany come out to emerge strong and fit from this crisis if our neighbors are not strong and fit as well. Hes a blow it is not without reason that this blue flag is standing here now 30 years after german unity 75 years after the end of the war we germans are not may be asked to show solidarity we are obliged to do so for finished. Political correspondent husband was following that speech for us we spoke to him earlier and asked him for his analysis on the german president s call for European Solidarity well i think you can interpret his reference to the war rhetoric rejecting the war rhetoric as a kind of criticism of donald trump in the United States of other european leaders such as the french president a man who a macor who has been using this kind of bellicose language. Is also responding to the fact that here in europe the 1st response to the corona crisis was a very nationalistic one a nationalistic impulse borders were closed the export of medical equipment was prohibited here in germany as well and he sees that as the wrong way of dealing with this crisis hes calling for concrete solidarity for instance there are hundreds of patients from italy and france covert 9000 patients being treated in germany but hes also i think referring to a much higher level in this discussion within the European Union as a very acrimonious debate going on about how the rebuilding of the economy in europe can be financed and germany as the richest country in europe is very much in the focus of this discussion and there to sign my i think is calling for solidarity now lets take a look at some of the other coronavirus news from around the world. The struggle with coven 1000 goes on in spain which says it is not relaxing the restrictions on public life the government was roundly criticized for announcing that thousands of people will be allowed back to work next week the countrys Health Minister said spain was not yet in deescalation and would remain under lockdown. Authorities in the democratic republic of congo say the 1st person to contract a bola in more than 50 days has died in the east of the country officials were hoping to declare an end to the epidemic on sunday allowing conk Congos Health services to focus on containing 19. Aid organizations have begun distributing facemasks and information in yemen after the country were ordered its 1st case of covert 1000 of friday aid organizations are all armed at a possible widespread outbreak in the country describing it as a nightmare scenario in a country already suffering from one of the worlds worst humanitarian crisis. Turkey has made in abrupt move to try to slow the spread of covert 19 in the country from midnight friday some 31 cities have been ordered into lockdown for initial 48 hours the decision came so swiftly that many people were caught unaware which lead to confusion and panic. Taksim square at the heart of istanbul completely deserted its an extremely rare sight in a lively city with some 16000000 residents and district lockdown will remain in place for the entire weekend all shops even supermarkets about to close only pharmacies and buy curries are allowed to make deliveries the lockdown came into force on friday night just 2 hours after it was announced and many places long queues formed quickly outside shops videos posted online showed scenes of turmoil in some markets panic buying customers crammed into close contact many people clearly angry about being given little or no notice of the shutdown by the government that was also a criticism from istanbuls men. On twitter he wrote that the measures also took him by surprise. It would have been much better if the government had coordinated with us were sad that this happened the way it did i ask all citizens to please remain calm. Turkey is currently seeing a sharp rise in the number of covert 19 infections latest figures show some 4800 new cases daily the hope is that the shutdown will slow its spread. Now while most governments have brought their countries 20 or stand still to come to combat the outbreak one place for life goes on as normal as nicaragua despite dire warnings from global Health Officials the government there wants to celebrate easter as they always do and have imposed no restrictions on public life but trying to get president Daniel Ortega to explain why may be difficult as hes been out of sight for almost a month. An easter procession like every year in defiance of the global pandemic. On that. Even the pope has warned catholics not to celebrate the holidays and groups but nicaragua is one of the few countries in the World Without lockdown measures to slow the spread of the virus. And i like Catholic Church cancel the processions and all religious activities but we pilgrims decided to carry on the tradition like we do the year after year so that its not lost i know. A few residents of the capital managua wear face masks otherwise public life here continues largely unchanged schools and shops are open the streets thronged with people. Critics of the leftist president Daniel Ortega want to know what his plan is if the outbreak does hit but ortega is nowhere to be seen some speculate as absence is due to medical problems leaving the government unable to focus on the pandemic is unable because. You know so. Here. Here. And perhaps here really. Ortegas wife says he sends nicaraguans his love but some feel left alone will mean more than him ok. We have to look after each other because honestly the captain has left the ship. As they say. See it can be done about it but. We need a captain. While the number of confirmed cases in nicaragua remains low many here worry it wont stay that way for long. France has been under lockdown for almost 4 weeks and for the countrys Elderly Population going out to buy food can be difficult even deadly but in one rule area champion now and biker is gearing up to lend a helping hand devotion mountains in eastern fronts amateur Mountain Bike World Champion rider Christophe Beck tough calls the area home and since francis coronavirus lockdown hes been providing a Delivery Service to his community. We know we. Have received food orders over the phone from those in need especially the elderly and once the order is taken he gets ready to hit the road as soon as possible. Well of the video of this with the advantages that by using an electric bike i can take Forest Trails and paths to go as quickly as possible to see isolated and vulnerable people. Frances lockdown came into effect on march 17th and since then only essential Services Like Stores Selling food have been allowed remain open the 1st stop today for batavia is the local bakery. Bread in tow but it is back on his bike cutting through the mountain tracks to drop off his 1st delivery to 2 elderly women. Christina and she met are delighted with the Home Delivery of fresh freight. So thats something old people need to be looked after my mother still kicks in she needs bring it in fresh projects hes already stopped by before we often need something from the bakery ok theres not much time to chat krzysztof needs to get going to his next delivery and with no end in sight for now to francis lock down the service he provides will no doubt keep him busy and fate is did that mean his life from berlin sports life is next and will leave you now with ballet dancer in theater in St Petersburg there working from home like many of you are thanks for watching. City in ruins are always a. Symbol of among conflict in the philippines between the muslim and the christian population plateau play as fighters occupied the city center in 2017th president to churchs response was funded. By terrorists will never again will hold. The recount

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