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Mexico but so far there have been no lockdown measures like in other countries and so case numbers are rising as people continue to gather including to protest. Here hundreds of waiters air their grievances in front of the president ial palace their restaurants of closed and theyve lost their jobs. Or be i mean that if i dont have that income i can pay my rent a comp a my bills and i can support my daughter. Or years. From today we can no longer survive day to day by being at home so exposing ourselves to come out in congregate we know there were exposing ourselves to piracy or exposed to the contagion that youll. Mexicos president offered encouragement in a speech on sunday he also announced a rescue package focused soley on supporting the poor. Better there more we will defeat the coronavirus will revive the economy a mexican will continue to stand up and show the world its glory and its greatness. But for now acapulco those famed beaches remain empty tourists went off and much hope for the forseeable future and there are great concerns about another perhaps more important economic sector. Where prices have fallen sharply. In mexico isnt alone among emerging economies the collapse of tourism and oil prices has hit nations from russia to brazil india and south africa. For more im joined by the head of the United Nations Development Program in new york at him steiner stand a good to have you with us now emerging economies developing countries they are very much exposed to this crisis this virus crisis which region worries you the most in terms of the pandemic and the following economic decline. And as of this morning we know that 212 countries and territories are affected by coke at 19 so the concern of all of us but also the United Nations is for all countries but indeed as you point out in many parts of the world africa perhaps being one she region of the world but also parts of Asia Latin America Central America areas where the virus is beginning to impact both in terms of a crisis in the Health System but then also the social Economic Impacts and the issue of greatest concern for all of us must be that many of these poorer countries and economies dont have the Health System infrastructure to cope 1st of all with the suppression of the virus secondly with also providing the kind of social safety nets that i needed in order to deal with this extraordinary impact Sister Organization International Labor organization yesterday publish new numbers in terms of expected job losses 195000000 jobs lost intentionally this is a number that is without precedent and that is a shock to not only our economies but our societies to livelihoods especially when you bear in mind that over 60 percent of people employed in the wild are employed in the Informal Sector no work means no livelihood means no safe social safety net these are the frontlines of the battle indeed english pandemic which is both a Health Crisis it is becoming a social and economic and a developmental crises and it is one that requires us to Work Together in ways as we have never been challenged to do so before i mean that this thinnest us an audio that youre describing here also tells us that this virus of course causes havoc everywhere and even rich nations a struggling to deal with the economic fallout from the pandemic how then can poor countries hope to cope with it. Well i think the 1st priority must be what the w. H. O. Has told us over just to suppress the virus this is the 1st line of defense and much of the work of the United Nations of the International Community right now must be focused on helping countries to 1st of all be able to stabilize their Health Systems and to have that Health Systems response in place secondly and these are the programs that are urgently needed is to provide fiscal means governments need money right now 1st of all to respond to the Health Crisis but 2nd youre also to an unfolding social and human and economic in Development Crises and this means having Resources Available which to finance mitigation measures Cash Transfer programs being able to stabilize local parts of the economy and as you also said countries very often are confronted with even the consequences of the virus somewhere else in the world take small island developing states many of them rely on tourism tourism has imploded very often thats 304050 percent of the g. D. P. Of these nations this is economic collapse but i mean what youre describing here is really that we have to give a helping hand to each other even though were affected by this condemning ourselves and this at a time when multilateralist is he is weakened and people have become more a good instinct theres more nationalism around do you think that this has weakened our ability to give a Global Response to this crisis. Well perhaps in the 1st reflex there is a tendency to look after oneself and this is understandable it is natural and i think every country is confronted with unprecedented challenges right now but this virus has taught us one thing and that is that it is a Global Pandemic they can only succeed in controlling and ultimately overcoming this or that by working together there is no go it alone solution and therefore the ability of richer nations also step up right now 1st of all through the kinds of measures that have been proposed through the International Monetary fund but also looking at issues of debt relief and debt cancellation order to allow countries aat 7 in need of help not to have to use the funds that they receive from the international need to pay off debt is right now there is a need for massive investment in developing countries it will rely on the richer part of the world but it is also in our current interest because even from our perspective economic recovery the markets into which industrialised nations will sell off this pandemic on the markets of also the developing world so there is a common interest and enliven selfinterest as much as the need for solidarity right now in order to massively round up this support because otherwise we will not only see the economic collapse there are social geopolitical consequences that i think none of us have either considered so far clearly enough and the need urgent attention right help others to help ourselves basically i think china the head of the United Nations Development Program in new york thank you so much for your time. Now time for your questions questions you sent us on you tube twitter and facebook email as always our resident corona expert Derek Williams stands ready to provide some answers. Parfait tallaght rates of couvade 19 related to blood types. Im not aware of any studies looking at fake tele rates and blood groups for covert 19 but but this is a really interesting question because what other types of viruses blood types have been shown to affect susceptibility to infection as well as severity of outcomes though we still dont know exactly why a recent preliminary study carried out by chinese researchers did indeed discover what they think are some connections between blood type and susceptibility to the new coronavirus it says people with blood group a did indeed seem to be more likely to catch it than other groups while blood group oh appeared less likely to get it that data is still unconfirmed but if its correct it could have an impact later in clinical practice but the differences if there they are are unlikely to be really major. What risk could cope with 19 posed to pregnant women and their unborn children. If youre pregnant or have a newborn these days im sure youre probably frightened even more than the rest of us the w. H. O. Has a question and answers page dedicated to you some of the Key Takeaways though are that 1st there is currently no evidence that pregnant women are at higher risk of severe illness than anyone else so the precautions they should take are simply the same as those were all taking we still dont know if a pregnant woman can pass the virus along to her baby durant. Pregnancy or delivery but the w. H. O. Also recommends prioritizing pregnant women with sometimes for testing as they may need special care if they have the disease and finally it says women with copd at 19 can breast feed if they wish to but they should wear a mask if one is available they should wash their hands before and after touching the baby and also regularly disinfect surfaces in the household. Can you protect your lungs from code 19 by giving up smoking. In this pandemic smokers are in particular danger for a couple of Different Reasons 1st when it comes to possibly contract ing the disease a smokers lips regularly come into contact with their fingers which is one of those things that you really want to avoid and of course regular smoking also leads at some point to one disease and reduced lung capacity those are 2 comorbidities that can have a major impact on outcomes if you do catch cove at 191 study of data from around 1100 patients in china indicated that severe disease and case they talladega were over 2 and a half times higher for current smokers than people who had never smoked which really shouldnt come as a surprise so jake up theres never been a better time to quit. And a quick look to india where millions are required to stay indoors for 3 weeks to slow the spread of the coronavirus among other measures the state of punjab installed a socalled kogut 960 station workers can wash their hands and half their temperature taken before being sprayed with disinfectant a Similar Initiative for people on motorbikes was started in chennai. And that was alec overnighted special on this good friday from either team in berlin thanks for watching. The global corona crisis you can find more Information Online at e. W. Dot com and on t. W. Social media channels. Happiness is for everyone schumann penises are very different from primates we have a totally ridiculous man size view of nature. And this is Climate Change crisis sex how tinas improve books you get smarter for free works. We know this is a scary time for us but coronavirus is changing the world changing our lives so please take care of yourself good distance wash your hands if you can stay at how were doing where you are here for you were working hard were going to keep you informed on overwhelms were all in this to be together in one make you. Stay safe everybody. Is very safe stay safe increase in streets safe. On that day you really thought i would disappear. Just yesterday he thought i was invulnerable. The grand old queen of its age old daughter of human patience and genius a beacon rain

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