The world is in a sorry state and getting worse right a look at the news might make you think but the data show many positive developments a Research Project in oxford anxious to make the move his appeal to the public at large. Oxford university in england is one of the best in the world and one of the oldest. Its tranquil beauty contrasts with the intellectual dynamism of it scholars. Here its a tradition to challenge tradition overturn received wisdom and extend the boundaries of knowledge. Meet Hannah Ritchie her research focuses on Global Development and environmental sustainability cart of her work is to cattle and pub. Lots of data. Really. Understand ensure the world as it is i think its vital and most of the developments theyve seen in terms of human wellbeing have been positive. Manner actually works of the Oxford Martin school a Research Unit founded in 2005 she and her colleagues work in Interdisciplinary Teams on ways to enhance the wellbeing of people across the planet and to find solutions to the worlds urgent challenges such as Climate Change and child mortality. They also gather and present Research Findings on a platform called a world in data for all to see. And i think a lot of the questions that people have researchers know where they are they started this stuff every day the data is there but its kind of whats an academic paper. And really kind of clunky databases that no one of our friends so really what we bring together are either Academic Research from publications or these kind of International Data set from the world bank. And then we kind of try to bring it to life to take an example literacy in 1900 most adults around the world could neither read nor write 100 years later the number of illiterate adults had fallen significantly today only 14 percent of the worlds population is illiterate in other words nowadays 86 percent can read and write. Take vaccination today the percentage of infants immunized against diphtheria whooping cough tetanus and measles is 4 times higher than it was 35 years ago. In 1990 few infants were vaccinated against how tight is being now 80 percent of. So things are better than many. I realize yet its hard for people to access comprehensive and reliable information on the state of the world these were 2 key findings of hans rosling the swedish physicians statistician who died in 2017. Its not that he was an optimist or pessimist for that matter he was really into facts i have just one little humble advice to. Everything else look at the day. Look at the facts about the war we undeniably face huge challenges the good news is that the future may not be quite as gloomy and that mankind already is doing better than many of you think. 2015 survey of 17 countries did indeed find a clear majority of people that think the world is getting worse rustling identified a key driver of global pessimism the media he said they were not to be trusted and fail to provide the big picture the Oxford MartinSchool Website also says that popular misperceptions reveal a failure of our media and our Education Systems news outlets tend to focus on horrible or particularly dramatic advance. Drawn i think just from a psychological perspective we want to know whats happening right now. And like even i suffer from this even though i try to take a long term perspective i want to know whats happening right now in the world so im kind of drawn to these single events so i can solve. It and hope for. A much. Documenting positive development is not meant to encourage complacency progress requires hard work and the Oxford Martin school is busy developing solutions to humankinds great and terrifying problems. When its about common sense tends to fly out the window too much food or too little healthy or unhealthy psychologists have. Kinds of surprising influences how we ate depends on. Everyone has experienced it regardless of your plans to eat only healthy food hardly anyone can resist potato chips at a party. When food is involved we are very much influenced by those around us. Other people may influence how much we eat. It for slim person next to us a lot were more likely to tuck into after all it doesnt seem to harm but next to an overweight person who eats a lot it can actually put us off our food. The healthiest influence would be skinny people eating small or normal portions. Emotions also play a role in eating we compensate our feelings by rewarding ourselves with food our Favorite Foods activate the brains reward mechanism incidentally people suffering from obesity are likely to need more of a stimulus than people of average weight when it comes to feeling that reward and if we know what our idols like to eat that can also influence us and that begins very early in an experiment kindergarden children were asked to imagine a favorite superhero eating lots of fast food and immediately they all wanted more fast food too. But its better not to have idols when it comes to eating those who commit to a healthy diet voluntarily get the most benefit people who are forced to eat healthy rather than sweet get hungry again after a shorter time than those who choose to eat healthy. Here conversely those who are made to eat sweets experience less skilled and are more creative and concentrated than those who voluntarily soon with sweets. But be careful if you weakness specially healthy food for lunch you could have a relapse in the evening psychologists call this the licensing effect you could also call it fooling yourself when it comes to eating were easier to read than one might think. But how do we read khaleds. This significance of colors varies between cultures in many western societies death and sorrow are indicated by the color black. In bali in indonesia its white. White in mexico its yellow in other bright hues but what effect 2 colors have on the human psyche. Colors captivate us they stimulate and a coke emotions. But there are many beliefs about the specific impact of colors for example on peoples cognitive performance or their emotions. Red is said to be invigorating blue it helps us concentrate green is relaxing but is there solid scientific proof for this to find out were going to observe 3 experiments. College just overfed test still wants to know if his test subjects respond physically to color to do this hes going to measure their skin conductance it increases for example when i hand sweat due to emotional arousal. He shows his test subjects for colors its not just the hue that varies red green blue and grey but also the saturation and brightness of the. The test subjects also have to write down how they feel relaxed and calm agitated or aroused are they uncomfortable and happy or do they find it pleasant and feel happy. Ending and sometimes even with a very intense colors i immediately had a more unpleasant feeling. But did these feelings correspond with the test subjects physical responses well have to wait for the results in the meantime we move on to the 2nd experiment. Thats a welcome to our test on which temperatures are comfortable and will vary the temperature throughout and every 10 minutes ask you to rate how you feel. What the test subjects dont know is that the ambient light of the room theyre in has a particular color temperature one group is sitting in light thats comparable the Bright Sunlight with strong red and yellow towns. The 2nd group is placed with a strong bluish turn similar to the light conditions on a cloudy day with both groups the Room Temperature is lowered steadily from 24 to 20 degrees celsius. But so examines whether the lighting influences the test subjects responses. From iraq to comply assume this experiment would show any influence at all why should the color of the lighting affect the way people perceive temperature. Does a warm red light make us feel warmer than a cool blue light. At what temperature will they test subjects reach for a sweater or jacket. Back to experiment and the question of how colors affect our emotional state there are 3 clear results. The majority of test subjects felt most comfortable with colors of medium intensity regardless of whether they are red green or blue. Highly saturated intense colors elicit the strongest physical response skin conductance increases showing that the test subjects are feeling around star even agitated the researchers still dont know exactly why thats the case. On current one possibility is that highly saturated colors are relatively rare in nature so maybe theyre especially eye catching and have a particular significance. Highly saturated red has an especially pronounced effect. That. Because red is often used to signal danger or strong emotion and thats what weve come to associate the color with. A concert or Something Like flushing meaning when people become red in the face that can be due to arousal or stress due to physical exercise for example or intense anger or possibly due to sexual arousal. So it might be plausible that when we see the qana red we are reminded of that kind of situation and that reminder in turn elicits physical arousal as a response was just a 3rd experiment is meant to determine whether ambient color has an impact on our cognitive performance according to the lighting manufacturer these colors have a direct impact on our emotional state this pink is supposedly relaxing the blue enhances attention and concentration the red is stimulating the neutral white is the control. And this experiment 170 High School Students are given a battery of tasks that assess their spatial skills short term memory and logical skills so did the students notice any effect did they feel and usually concentrated focused or relaxed d. Im not really its a pleasant color but i cant say i noticed that it had any effect. So i didnt notice anything special. And they were right and this test at least the results showed that none of the colors had a significant positive or negative effect. So this experiment showed that color doesnt have an impact on cognitive performing for emotional st. What about the results of the Room Temperature experiment. At 24. 00 degrees celsius both groups were comfortably warm at 22. 00 degrees most of them started to feel chilly and put on a sweater when the temperature dropped even more something unexpected happened for the. In the cool blue light sweater wasnt enough for the test subjects and the one red like it was only 6 percent put on a jacket. For the subjects under the blue light it was 60 percent. So it would seem that when it comes to cool and warm light we do feel what we see. First season and get imagine youre sitting in direct sunlight the color temperature will be more red and yellow. When youre sitting in the shade or under a cloudy sky the light will appear a bit more blue and usually its colder outside ventoux my assumption is that weve learned to associate color temperature with the ambient temperature of our tool im likely to warm thoughts that would seem still a lot to learn about the impact of colors but they do appear to affect us sometimes were aware of it but i think were not. If outline is read why auburn latin even if they do you have a science question you always wanted answered when happy to help out send it to us as a video text or voicemail or if we answered on the show well send you a little surprise come on just ask you. This week have you in tanzania sent in a question. Who could be such a thing as a time machine. Little jim would love to visit ancient greece. Or hang out with our early human ancestors. Or see dinosaurs up close. Hes not the only one whod like to travel in time the british writer h. G. Wells popularized the concept with his 895 novel of a time machine in which an inventor travels to bleak worlds in a distant future. In 1905 Albert Einstein published his special theory of relativity showing that space and time are not separate quantities but aspects of the same thing and shrink and expand relative to one another. 10 years after that in his general theory of relativity einstein showed that gravity is the warping of space time that means for an observer approaching a massive object like a black hole clocks run more slowly. Lets send him on a trip a thought experiment on the basis of special relativity. We dispatch him to a star and bring him back. At a speed close to that of light from his point of view jim needs say 10 years for the trip but meanwhile on earth but 1000 years have passed. So jim has effectively travel to the future because of his speed time passed more slowly for him than for people on earth so what about travel to the past some physicists think it is indeed possible but its hardly practicable nobody is going to set off next week luckily imagine if jim fell in love with his great aunt had children with her and rewrote the course of his family history. Better to send him in the present to the us a comma desert in chile where the Radio Telescope array picks up signals emitted billions of years ago in far reaches of the universe or to orbiting telescopes like hubble and planck they are the real time machines that team to look into the past. As much as 39800000000 years ago the early days of our universe when a massive hot gas began to condense into all the galaxies we know today. For more science stories check out our website or visit us on social media. We asked you on facebook if you had a time machine what time and place would you travel to. Mark it out a mile would go back to the time of the 969. 00 woodstock music festival. Antonia about d. V. I would go back to his early life to correct some errors. A limb which at moco from internation i would like to return to a time when everyone was a cool without ethnic differences and migration. Of our own silver brand would take a journey far into the past to find out what dinosaurs sounded like and whether they had feathers. Richard around would also like to return to the age of the dinosaurs to find out for sure why they died out thanks for all your answers. Maybe a trip to the distant past might clear up the question of whether these 3 animals the manatee the elephant and the rock hyrax share ancestors in africa. Scientists can study their genealogy without a time machine with the help of genome analysis. The amazon manatee is now found in south america but its under threat in the peruvian town of a key toss people are working to save the gentle creatures. Exists in the amazon manatee lives in freshwater along the river of the same name its tributaries and nearby lagoon. It can weigh more than 400. 00 kilos and grow to almost 3 metres in length. Even so many people here have never spotted one in the wild. In monotheist the manatee is the biggest species of mammal in the amazon basin but its probably the least well known when we started working here 80 percent of the people in e. Q. Tours have never heard of the creature. Who stands here this this space here. This stretch of the amazon in peru looks a delicate. But there are environmental problems here too. And many species are under threat. And. Manatees are classified as a vulnerable species thats one step before endangered. Not a cyber quantum and we dont know how many amazon manatees there are here its really hard to determine the number because the water is so murky elsewhere its easier you just fly over the area in a little plain you can just see how many manatees there are along the banks and shores what we do know is that in many places people used to see manatees but dont anymore and every year there are more and more places where there are no law. Good to be seen and. Not be monotheist says the Amazon Rescue Center in it looks after several species of animal and it may be the worlds only nursery for manatees preparing them for a future in the wild the babies have to be bottle fed every 2 hours until theyre 2 years old theyre lactose intolerant so theyre given special milk imported from the us. Bringing up baby can cost more than 10000. 00 a year. Manatees are under threat for several reasons the ban on hunting them isnt always observed their meat is considered a delicacy some get trapped in fishing nets and drown when they cant come to the surface to breathe another problem is that people like to keep manatee babies as pets because theyre so cute. I want sometimes babies get caught in fishing nets and are then taken home. People keep them in their fish pond or in a tank but under these conditions the little ones always die. Waiting. Manatees have no natural enemies apart from human beings theyre trusting creatures and dont shy away from people which makes it all the easier to hunt them for their meat skin and. When they come up to brave a hunter will stick 2 plugs of wood up their nostrils its an extremely cruel way to kill such a noble creature which is so important for nature. Manatees do indeed fulfill an important function in the environment theyre vegetarian and have to consume huge amounts of aquatic plants as theyre not very nutritious up to 70 kilograms a day theyre grazing helps clear waterways and lagoons. Manatees aquatic plant. Like this or water lettuce and other plants that grow on the surface in areas where manatees have been killed off the plants just grow and grow and spread across the Water Surface. The light of the sun cant enter the water and that reduces the growth of plantain which affects the entire food chain and reduces the number of fish that in turn affects the People Living along the amazon they have fewer fish to eat and cant even go fishing if the Water Surface is overgrown. Its a real problem aquatic plants on the waterways and lagoons of the amazon are spreading even to other countries such as colombia where there are no hungry manatees keen to eat them and the water hyacinth for example is toxic to some of the animals living there horses and cattle can eat this plant but there simply arent enough of them to control the spread. Back at the Amazon Rescue Center any key tell us theres been an unexpected but very happy development. Every 6 months we gather in the manatees to weigh them before we release them we were totally surprised to find 2 babies among them in the prerelease pool thats amazing news for peru because its the 1st time that manatees had offspring in captivity. The center has so far rehabilitated 25. 00 manatees every release is a complicated procedure and a big event the staff and friends all join in. The manatees are taken to a suitable location before the final farewell. To the lagoons and rivers are interconnected so manatee stand a good chance of leaving fellow creatures in the wild. The efforts of the devoted team at the rescue center are contributing to the well being of the adorable animals and the stabilization of the ecosystem. Plants of the genus and some are often seen as weights but it turns out that some varieties absorb nickel from the soil now scientists are trying to recover the Metal Resources ill focus next week on tomorrow today join us for that. Take me to mean when you in her early twenties the one you can younger was a victim of domestic abuse. It works in the slums of nairobi to remote selfdetermination for women they also support. The ducks in a major promotion of programs in schools and campaigns for womens rights. 3000. And 30 minutes. And on demand. Language courses. Video and audio. Todd. W. Media center. Every day counts for us and for i want clannishness. Odelein is on a swivel to bring you more conservation plays how do we make see the screamer how can we protect habitats what to do with a ball or where suitably. We can make a difference by choosing Smaller Solutions overstrained said in a one way sublime to the subliminal series of games little girls are on the block. Each step my story. Of the people around me builds me dedicated to me. Not too dumb to play. Seem. Odd to listen closely and i will tell you about who knows whom good to me on clay under the looming down play im not too dumb to publish. I am on to my city days for centuries and accompanied my country through its finest alums until the day i mean a gun in the back of. The bias do not to dumb to. April 8th. Place. This is the w. News live from Berlin Germany sends another message to its citizens staying home for the holiday the process cabinet is to impose a 2 week quarantine on the germans returning from abroad just ahead of the usually busy travel season box will people stay put. Also coming up well hear from medical workers who can