People live longer have a Healthy Heart and a better immune system and scientists even can find happiness in yourselves thats how do we find happiness lets be honest its a lot of stress a lot of worries and a lot of annoying people everywhere here in germany kids even Learned School how to be happy this is school book out of the 5th grade today its back to school for me because i will need a happiness coach to see how it works. For preparation i even have to fill out a questionnaire with the result that my personal strengths humor and creativity what this has to do with happiness well i dont know lets ask the experts. Our best and biggest contribution to a loving and Peaceful World is to support others to get happier. Fellow angel a cost of hi nice to meet you great to be here well im going to learn how to be happy today from you i mean i can learn how to drive a car out of our ego or how to swim but can one learn how to be happy if i would tell this to my patients they would say oh im weird you know what i show you something ok i have a look here when you know. What do you see the spot the thought right doc your eye thats what we often do you know we focus on one thing we see the dark the one percent and actually its on a white piece of paper that so 99 percent of this is white so sometimes when we focus on a problem we focus on this one thing and we dont see and we dont notice all the beautiful things we have the work we have the relationship we have that we have a roof over our head its a truck and so you know with the straining its really about changing the focus and shifting it and thats a habit and you can change that you can ride well i guess i can easily change my focus if i would win the lottery for instance got a 1000000. 00 but this is not the happiness you talk about now im talking about smudges more its like happiness is a state of being well being and well being is made up of many many different aspects you know and it ranges from. Doing something thats really meaningful or it has to do with creating relationships that are really fulfilling or getting to that for you know you know and being grateful and resilient and all of that so its so much more than just running through the street with the happy smiles really all that well how happy you are depends partly on your genes but thats not all. Its said that every wants to find happiness. And its clear that not everyone knows how to do it. But if anyone ever does find the formula they will have solved one of the enduring mysteries of life on earth. Who for years and teaches statistics and econometrics at the university of keele he also studies happiness. Hes been at it now for more than 10 years. He says the capacity to be happy is in part genetically determined from see potential. Of the human. Just that it does us mysteries and thats what this looks cool. That is kind of i guess from on the scene. To talk a bit to just under. Looked almost on a strict as far. As fault. 50 percent genes and 10 percent spontaneous moments of joy at least 40 percent unaccounted for so far professor yes and says that is where we ourselves can make a difference by doing certain things in our daily lives for example getting out and being active. But theres more to it than that how we perceive ourselves in society also affects our sense of wellbeing. Best ensure. To deal. With social. Perhaps mr soft one for longer hold on for as long as a model for. Finding happiness is not just a walk in the park but the good news is a. Effort can make all the difference. Can you tell us more about the genes if somebody is a pessimist can you still make him happy no i cant do that you know but if a person wants to do something and become happy i can support him so little bit like somebody whos not very supportive i mean who you know but if you really wants to change and if you really wants to do it theres a lot of exercises and training you can do to improve but in the end of the day is happiness very individual thing different for everybody yes it is and are there any things in common. Yet well what is really in common what we found with all the studies that people practice well being they live much longer up to 10 years longer thats incredible theyre more fit theyre more healthy theyre more tractor. They are more floor theyre more resilient so its well worth investing into that well you traveled the world and you brought a lot of stories and experiences and did you gain any insight into the subject of happiness as well well what ive found is that basically people have very very similar needs whether its like good relationships or flow or those things like meaning in life but how every person does that or fulfil that or finds meaning in life is very individual so one person might decide to describe the most beautiful garden where somebody else decides to raise the children and somebody else wants to create an empire or business. When you take a look at the World Happiness report the you will find that there are some countries in the world which are happier than others like the countries of scandinavia with very happy people but its going to neighbor i mean its dark its cold why are people so happy there if you look at other studies you would find other countries where api people live like proton yeah but even has his own minister of happiness and he says that its very important that people have healthy relationships to other so other people are responsible for my happiness. Well true i mean you really we asked social animals and we do need context so she can take human contact and if you had babies and you didnt have contact they would die so thats a very very important factor and put on one of the most Amazing Things is that they start teaching that in schools now theyve lived with positive psychology they have no positive education courses in the whole country theyre rolling this out so that people can improve the quality of relationships as well as all the other aspects. And what role does money play i mean if you take a look at some african countries where people are really poor they really scale law was good of happiness right so when were looking at that money does play a big Important Role up to the point where you can meet your basic needs so studies show that right but after that money decreases you know its not really important anymore towards your well being. So its really about quality connection and other abilities well if if i would have some money i could book a course with you and i can learn how to be happy in the course of one week so whats the major point of this cause well if there were just one major point or the one formula to achieve happiness it would need a whole week right so its really about changing habits so when you change something small little habit in time youre right some are completely and utterly different and thats sort of planting the seed so thats what we do in the course and if i had to point at one point at all it would it would be great for us because of me a great fall youre looking not at the one point the one problem but you looking at the many many many points of all of the things you have so that would make the big difference we visited one of the participants of your cause and she even did take your calls twice and that was when youre in forks and she really focused on gratefulness. Look its her mission thats it began to try to me happiness isnt just about having a smile on my face and being in a good mood. Its mainly about being born to the good things happening around me as you noted of all whats beautiful our finest moment going to it has to do with my family and the people i come into contact with during the day into order for d. N. A. Cannister has actually having the openness to see me. And enjoy these things. Thats true is and i what i really savor are the moments of joy there are so many of them or if you sharpen your awareness youll have a lot of small moments of happiness and feel better as you go through life have a few. Gratitude is important because its a good place to start boosting your happiness. There are all kinds of things in my life im grateful for some things just happen but some things i make out that verdict then if i make a conscious effort to enhance my own where in a situation where i feel grateful it enables me to see just how often they occur every day is it what you want and how many opportunities i have to feel happy. And when and and thats what makes gratitude a great feeling and an ideal way of starting your happiness training. Client one nice little exercise could involve 10 coins or beads ive tied these to my diary to see its to your. Claimed you just my type every time something good happens and i want to remember the moment and should i just take one of these corns and slide around to the back. Of the hook sight of at the end of the day i can see how many moments there were that i wanted to savor and the more frequently i do it the more often i remember the good moments in my life is filled with more joy. We once had a break in love at 1st it made me feel vulnerable that somebody could invade our privacy like. That they would go through all our belongings. I saw this complete chaos when i entered the room or even the cowards the place had been trashed home 9. And then i saw a little necklace. An old present from my father and. It stuck to me as i found it interesting the burglar didnt think it had any value the good work was made i suddenly realized that the only thing that it happened was the material objects were missing log that was all i proceeded as their meaning and value were still there and the but boy it all went to viet there him to shake. It up this is who i am when ive made here are depictions of how to find happiness. Look just as i am the most important thing in order to be happy is deciding that you want to be happy with the darkest hour thats expressed here by this door which you go through after deciding you want to be more content. Given. Your hand you construct ours with moments of happiness. And it gives you a visual sense of success or. It might be a bit wobbly on a short lived. But what is relatively stable is the foundation of the ability to generate happiness for yourself. There are so much. Were going to examine her is permitting yourself that feeling of happiness in the 1st place these groups allowing yourself to see the glass as half full and not always half empty thats something i learned myself and found to be a big help. If not. 2 against klein and i for one small and simple thing you can start off with for training your happiness. Is when youre lying in bed at the end of the day that money but some think of the 3 things that happened that day that youre grateful for and what hurt you played in them happening its hard to see a deep associates and maybe youll find it difficult in the beginning to think of 3 things in this interview but it will get easier and more importantly its great to see how you make your own contribution to the things happening by click this and do just this here. So i would like to do some exercises about youve got some exercise for me to get happy well you know its about habits so if youre prepared to change a habit for a week i have an exercise for you just for a week for one week ok thats what you do you know its real all right ok so heres a book so for the next week what do you do with do an exercise called 3 blessings at the end of every day you think about what was really good today thats easy that should be easy so you write that down and then you think about what is it that you contributed to it why why did that happen what did you do so for example lets say there was good weather and then you think oh well what do i have to do with that wow i went outside i really enjoyed and took my 5 minute break yeah i did it or lets say your wife was watching the children you think that was really great but what do i have to do with that and then you might discover what i think was wonderful why i mean i picked her up and. You know and thats what you do at the end of the day so at the end of my day youre just sit down and write into the book some wonderful things like i had a great talk today but not because i was a great talk about you were and i. Pick you because you picked me and thats what you did to make this happen ok ok ok. This would make me a happier person well all of the studies for the last 20 years was one of the most researched exercises from positive psychology and what they found if you do that for one week they can find that even up to 6 months later they can find their people report much more wellbeing and much more happiness well i can do this for all. But i think the thing with a book is a great idea i mean im already keeping a diary so i wrote into the diary of the happy things of the day and what i contributed it could be a way to increase my happiness. The 1st exercise or 3 blessings thats really strengthen you focus on the positive that you experience during the day and also increase your self efficacy that feeling that you can do or that you can contribute and that you can change your world and your perception so in the next exercise really looking forward to it its about communication with others ok so theres a lot of ways in which we can talk in a destructive way or in a constructive way lots of ways in which we can talk in a passive way or active way and if you look at the actor from the construct of the only one really relationship slowish right so theres lots of x. Theres an exercise set about that what well do is. When you have a good news saws some really bad some good news i can reckon a negative way im show you that and then i can do this active constructor and you just see the difference and then you tried so i have some good news ok i start to get ok tell you what i will get a new show here on dolly right ok yeah its a great show you know even you know this you know but im a little bit confused. I mean we do have dinner later and to bring the milk. I come can see it that doesnt feel good doesnt do the essence of life because ive got breaking news for me and shes not correcting so this is destructive this is definitely right thank you for showing me ok ok so now are you ready for the yes please ok ok so use same newness and ill ask you some other questions tell you what i will get a new show here on the dolly no need to help show the day night its one of our its a primetime show its a hellish show its i will do im the presenter how how did you find out what happened tell me well its actually they just called me i wish i was in the restaurant i was eating pizza and they called me up and told me youre going to host the show this is great its a great help and i just called you on the phone its just so phone how did you feel when you got the new you were telling us was great i just ordered a new slice of pizza in fact yeah lets celebrate its a great show wow well young lets celebrate too shall we yeah yeah better i mean actively participating in the talk if someone is telling you something is this very important but this was more like a game play so i didnt buy it for her this would make me happy but perhaps i should try it sometime what the 2nd exercise is about the active and constructive coming occasion with others and if you want to blossom the relationship theres something active and constructive that you can do to really make sure that the relationships blossom now we come to something very very interesting for me personally because i had to fill out a questionnaire and it was all about my personal strengths write about what did you find out about me well you did fill out the signature strange questionnaire and thats a really really great questionnaire that shows you those strengths in a really easy they make you there are you basically and you have 3 strength which are 100 percent. 2nd which is humor creativity and best really yes there really is good well those are the strengths that come easy to you and those those things that you if you use those in life and you work with family youll really strive really blossom so it would make me more happy if i would increase my humor apart from make more jokes for instance up well theres exercise for the next week because its all about changing habits so the exercises to pick one of these strength be it human creativity as a rest and then to find a way every day for one week to use that strength in a new and different way and to increase your strength portfolio and this would make me happy and this would definitely make you happy because the more you use your strength the happier you get. To concentrate on the personal strengths like in my case humor it really feels good. For. The 3rd exercise about strengths and so if you look at the strength its amazing because if you use only 3 of them at work well its really positive experience if used for war what happens the set you find really your calling and that is what life is about isnt it so to represent up to get happy its important to focus on my personal strengths to share the gratitude of my life and focus on the small things and to show my happiness with other people sure to really change little habits that make a big difference and i look forward to more and for you to apply this exercise and hear how it goes ok we should do that sometimes thanks very me today thank you and you know what would make me happy too if you would send me emails. In good shape your Weekly Health show on d w that covers many aspects of health care we look at whats new in medical treatment nutrition and fitness and. We just cuss these topics in depth with specialists and a few opportunities to pose your own questions so get in touch. You know what else can make you happy coffee because the caffeine in the coffee triggers you feel good. And even the smell of all the buildings can make you feel warm and comfortable even me and im not a big coffee drinker myself which is a pity because coffee can do more than just make you happy. The beans have a usual man roasts a sauce from smallholder farmers he knows personally. If you dont like it because it was in a dream right now from panama i stayed in there for about 22 minutes sometimes a minute or sometimes less to. Ans on what my heart tells me i dont believe it. Is a physician and nutrition specialist she loves coffee because its tasty and also because its full of good stuff. The coffee. Is an acid sapir to have a positive effect on the acid functions as an antioxidant that curtails free radicals in the body and that appears to be a Significant Health benefit and speak to something. In the roasting process a whole cocktail of substances are produced that fight free radicals and therefore might help tackle a range of ailments. And her. Studies show that drinking between 3 and 5 cups a day in middle age after the age of 30 is associated with a decreased risk of alzheimers by about 60 percent in later life in getting it and squeeze it and i thought i meant come. Research suggests that drinking more coffee can lower the risk of cirrhosis of the liver. This has to do with the aura genic acid in coffee which removes some free radicals from the liver and contributes to a reduction in inflammatory process is caused by toxins in the environment medicines or alcohol it was. Some studies suggest Coffee Consumption might help against type 2 diabetes but the research is not conclusive. But to have a avram on. So how was the roasting going. Past his intuition served him well. Its not good you know why is it super. I was aiming for good but it turned out super boring and im so sorry. Thats it for today so you. Next week and im so then lets all try to stay in good say. Hi well im not getting the saturday night so. Never mind im happy anyway. After. Almost invisible. And deadly. 80000000 unexploded munitions littered the landscape now almost a deadly legacy of american involvement in a bit now more of. A constant danger for the people of mahlers. This little lambs of minds. And for. As to my answer on t w. D q you know that 77 percent obamacare are younger than 65. Thats me and me and you. And you know what its time all voices got parked. On the 77 percent we talk about big issues. This is where it comes. To 77 percent this weekend on g. W. Ringback each side tells my story. On the people who planned to mean build some dedicated lives to me. I am not too dumb to come. On the scene for a minute. In the centuries they built me they created something true mashups out too much as i must destroy. I am on to my cities days for centuries and accompany my country transfer hours until the day i mean. Not done differently stance a full age on. This is. Britains Prime Minister. But his government is still in charge but his dumb son had been so fascinating since testing positive 10 days ago downing street says hes undergoing tests of distance symptoms get the latest coming up. With infections the pressure of the rolls on japanese Prime Minister shinzo to act. Could be about a state of emergency. And dry

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