In for today show they will be taking on a trip all over the continent as we shed some light on the environmental threats faced here ethiopia we will see how the Church Community is working to protect their local tree population. And i will show you what south africa is doing to better protect its coasts and seas. We will investigate why slashing and burning homes the soil and crop yields in the long term. Did you know that Church Congregations in ethiopia play a cure all Environmental Protection it all started when deforestation began to deplete the countrys indigenous local stuff it was a congregations up for to preserve their local forest and to india especially diversity because if we go into south going down there we found a community with more than 30 different kinds of trees that are still growing it turns out its not so hard to do. For almost 25 years by governor mariam god but as a last he has been tending to his Church Forest some 200 monks living here in this altar thats the way he took community in northern ethiopia for centuries monks up preserve the forests around their churches taking care of the citizens as being a spiritual ritual for members of this faith they view the natural forest as a symbol of heaven. The ministry hands 183. 5. This is on and on the ship of the ministry we are committed to date and some more to transfer our history and heritage we have god from our fathers and a responsibility to plants and protect new trees whenever the old trees. In it is and what and thanks to their efforts many church compounds both of large indigenous trees such as the wide pier or the iron tree earlier africana for example some of the trees around here are 100 years old. If your pea has less than 5 percent forest cover down from 40 percent in 1990 trees are cut down for charcoal and firewood and to make way for farming and grazing land but to protect the church flores have remained intact the south gone the region as an estimated 1500. 00 tiny charred forest. The field be an altar dog still why he did church as established a commission to help further conserve them. Kieffer walk or is in charge of Forest Protection in the community the dominant force in a kit in the church therefore we have to. First we have to maintain. Well to protect the Church Forest itself and secondly we have to replicate the experience of the church to our community. The monks have created new partnerships with local communities and schools tara gave them Primary School next to the ministry is one of them. We supported just called the collapse was different. Tours and various forest cities and. City biggest by themselves and drama and poetry sessions a part of the environmental education. In the 2 years since the Church Community project was founded they have managed to create 3 plantations in the school grounds. The thought a lot of bad luck with that we have learned that if the trees it is important for life trees oxygene clean. Also bring green time as well as preventing soil erosion. That my knowledge thought about look at the. Project is always intended to improve the Living Standards of local people so as to reduce over the kremlins an existing Forest Resource says. With additional funding from a german protest and Aid Organization 25. 00 women here each received 3 sheep. Some have since grown 2 heads of nearly 10 animals i used to say i call it said and so did some buy food for my family that is what my livelihood depended on but now a system thats big judge believes that seems among accepted and respected by the community that conservation activities will serve as role models. But even with their efforts convincing people here to preserve the forest instead of creating new farmland remains a challenge. We are the receiving end of a lot of pollution in the world its a noncompromising statement by korean artist and environmental activists kill corps. Like maybe in africa hes angry and a poor old by the extent of pollution or where he lives as a result the 56 year old has turned tons of waste a minute or into our so we visited him in this weeks doing your bit. This lion sculpture is made from animal snares once used by poachers in the National Parks. This workbook related by kenyan artist kyoko. Peace gulps with used to metal Environmental Issues are close to his heart. He works with waste from factories. Years ago he started off as a welder. In his spare time he fashioned artistic objects. One day and up broken bought them and displayed them in a nairobi gallery. About swimwear cheeky realized he could make a living with his art his works now fetch up to 10000. 00 apiece he also trains younger artists he says that over the years hes 10 thousands of tonnes of scrap metal into account. And how about you if youre also doing your bit tell us about it visit our website or send us a tweet. Hash tag doing your bit. We share your stories. Whenever theres a discussion on the future of energy the word Hydrogen Comes up a lot. There are less chemical substance. In the universe i mean its years could be helpful if we do see in Carbon Emissions and industrialized nations but very correct some think. We have all been waiting for in the flight Climate Change in the. Big. In the area and production. To some crop is germanys biggest steelmaker producing the metal is a very Energy Intensive process and the c o 2 it emits makes a significant contribution to Global Warming one reason is that colin says to chemically reduce the iron ore from which the steel is made. Only. In order to extract the oxygen from me or i need a substance that is eager to take up oxygen traditionally carbon has been used for that we add coke and even coal dust to our Blast Furnace. Both are high in carbon. They extract the oxygen from the door and the resulting c o 2 is blown out of the furnace not always. For centuries coal seemed to be the only substance capable of binding the oxygen from partizan crop has now managed to make the process work with a different element hydrogen. Hydrogen is very very oxygen hungry so its able to get the oxygen out of the or. And then theres the heat production during the whole process as with carbon in all of the big differences that when its oxidised to the hydrogen only generates water vapor so it isnt harmful for the climate. Hydrogen is explosive under certain conditions but trial runs in the Blast Furnace have proceeded smoothly theyre the 1st of their kind in the world the engineers say that the new technique could reduce their c o 2 emissions by 20 percent the Company Plans to upgrade all 4 of its Blast Furnace is here into sport over the next few years and wants to replace them with new ones that run on hydrogen. The Technology Comes at a price though and there are doubts about its viability worldwide. At the center for fuel Cell Technology at the nearby university of 2 spork essen researchers study Hydrogen Production and processing theres practically no hydrogen in the atmosphere which means the gas has to be synthesized but that comes with a bonus. Hydrogen can store Renewable Energy from the wind and sun that is power generated by a Wind Turbines and solar panels. Electricity cant be stored effectively. Grid isnt a storage medium its just that kind by but hydrogen produced from renewables can be stored. And can be converted into electricity at a later date or heat. In another project in germany colognes Regional Transit system is switching to hydrogen for longer bus routes to reduce emissions the green fleet will soon number 35 vehicles the largest of its kind in europe. The buses powered by Hydrogen Fuel cells can cover 3 or 400 kilometers on a single fill up and theyre certainly more beneficial to the environment than the traditional diesel models. Was the little shit is the main difference is that theyre quieter practically all you can hear of the tires on the road and there is 0 emissions too of course which is an advantage of the new Hydrogen Buses in terms of driving theyre really quite nice fun isnt it with. The buses are fitted with a special Hydrogen Tank which is filled once a day while the bus is out and about the hydrogen reacts with oxygen from the air to give water. The Energy Produced by the reaction powers the engine and theres no problem Getting Hydrogen here. Over there is there here it cannot sock Industrial Park where they use electrolysis to generate chlorine hydrogen is a byproduct of the process so as a Regional Transit company its very interesting to see this product that is generated and used regionally without any major dependencies and theres a supply right next to our factory again. Hydrogen as a fuel is currently still far more expensive than regular Energy Sources but with an expanded infrastructure it really could become a Practical Energy carrier for the future. It wasnt all that long ago the idea protected areas to alone nature and wildlife to thrive without human intervention seemed a lot nowadays we can hundley you know what we want them last year the south african government announced the creation of 20 new protected areas and well this is amazing the importance for my really cool savation one young scientist is hoping to find a way to support older reserves is the Table MountainNational Park marine protected area which was created in 2004. Since then once threatened species of fish and other marine life have been able to regenerate and thrive. The area covers a 1000 square kilometers it includes a few exclusion zones but the rest is a mix of marine environments where people are allowed to catch fish as long as they apply for permits. Cesar is a marine biologist working on determining which other marine areas should be protected taking into consideration not only ecological issues but also the impact on Human SocietyGoing Forward how i am proposing to design marine protected areas is to incorporate also the thoughtful as big as though shell benefit that people can derive from marine protected areas so were not just put taking the Natural Environment but we also protecting the benefit that people can get out of marine protected areas now and in the future some fishing communities are unhappy about the new reserves they say a ban on harvesting ocean resources threatens their traditional livelihoods whether or not that will prove to be the case there might be interesting alternatives archaeological sites have been discovered on land for example in Table MountainNational Park that date back silence of years caesar says they could become part of protected land and coastal marine areas and could attract plenty of visitors i found that some communities didnt realize that there was tourism potential in the area and that they could switch from harvesting to thumb thing like tourism taking people out teaching people about the area using the indigenous knowledge which people are so hungry for tourist want to know what the locals know and local sometimes didnt realize that that was an ethic that they had knowledge within as several of the new protected areas are far out to sea but the one at simons town is in coastal waters. Its become a popular destination to go scuba diving. Dive master eddie cousin high e. Shows tourists the beautiful underwater science is when we take people to dive in the n. P. A. Areas the reaction is just amazing most of them theyll be like yeah its amazing isnt but it makes me feel good. We know we still have. Fishes in a lot of different spaces for people to see paid to be. Protected areas so its not only ecologists who are keen to see protected areas extended more and more people are coming to realize the environmental and economic benefits at the university of cape town seizo puts together data on Marine Biodiversity and coastal sites of interest she also models the social impact of potential new n. P. A. Hes. We think conservation has to be on the one side people on the other side but we are part of a system and so if we are able to do bad i think we will be successful in expanding the marine protected area me to a came ensuring that it is representative of all our ecosystem time if south africa is to meet that goal and double the extent of its marine protected areas theres still a lot of work to do Seasons Research should help the authorities decide exactly where to locate them and help ensure South Africans will enjoy the benefits. And now buchan lunt we have a look at these in africa in trusting me keeping these elephants away from corpse it may sound unbelievable but the judge and creatures are terrified of the need to buy but not only that a project in tanzania shows how keeping bees even prevent widest species extinction. Its night time in the countryside around the turns in the city of every. Must i women harvesting honey from beehives the african honey bees a calmer at night making the work much easier. Once the honeycombs ever moved the wooden heights will be hung back up in the trees and brush millau is one of the beekeepers. In unholy a village there are 40 of us women there are elderly mothers there are middle aged mothers there are young people doing the beekeeping. We train people and we ourselves have been trained on how to harvest the honey and how do wear these clothes as you can see. The training is done by the Nonprofit OrganizationAfrican People and wildlife its instructors show the women how to assemble the hypes how to protect themselves and how to harvest the honey. The Program Gives them Financial Independence and also empowers them in the male dominated community where their. Camping is important for this Masai Community because they have demonstrated hard work and a long history of protecting the environment with the beekeeping project as a venture to protect their environment while also securing some income for the needs through the sale of honey and other beekeeping products. The Organization Provides funding to help the women start their own businesses in return they devote some of that time to conservation walk some of them plant trees others clean up the village or educate students on Environmental Issues and thats another reason why this project benefits the environment. Under tons and in law the land surrounding a beehive is protected. You cannot cut down the tree and you cannot cultivate in the vicinity of the hive because the goal is wild pollination and maintaining spaces for wild wild flowers across these beautiful ecosystems the African People and wildlife and geo says around 1300. 00 hives have been set up in the bush for harvesting and the 1000. 00 women have benefited from the program so far the women hope that as their businesses grow more and more areas will come under protection to sustain wildlife the bees. In many african countries flushing and bonding is often the way used to prepare land for planting crops regardless of whether that land depleted or tight but many overlook the fact that the method destroys the story way down below the stuffings. Indeed just sundra it wipes out any living organisms are neutrons in the soil but one young man in senegal house come up with a new way to cut down on bush was that good for the saw m b m cant even produce a better harvest i see this. These are shes still hot recently trees are cut down here and vine to make room for new fields. The Tropical Forest out on the village of sutil in south and senegal is endangered. The palmira isnt part of the forest it provides the villagers with fruit with wood to build on each with palm leaves for the roofs of the huts. But again and again the forest is set alight clement somebody is a farmer from start to who wants to protect the trees he sees the slash and burn my thought is actually harmful for agriculture although the new fields may be fighting bonding also causes soil erosion which is bad for the power of palm trees. They dont appear for a fall. This is an example of a devastating bushfire last year someone certify here and then just left you can see the back of this tree bark down to the babies or that means the whole tree is now much more vulnerable the importantly the new way. If everything bans down then we wont be able to gather wood for cooking sale c. C. V. Said now who is one of the oldest villagers she tells us that part of the pond near a palm tree is also used. For. A crisis meeting in the village itself. So who is setting these fires theres a speculation but no one wants to point fingers they decide to patrol the area very well in a rare visit. Founded a committee that will look into the organization of a troll i dont tend to villagers from our own so to participating in order to get this bush fires under control clearly says i did what would have to put a bullet but be fine with lemon some who doesnt think but trolls will help he believes in the power of persuasion and he has an idea he discovered a method on the internet it will make depleted soils fight again then there will be no need to bomb the forests to create arable farmland these methyl is called hugel quota or hill culture fast of unusable logs and dead branches is leave dont leave grass and weeds is put on top then it only needs watering in time it becomes a fight a bed for planting clements some who tried it on his own fields and was successful. Or needed we only want to eat once a week so not only what if you put your hands on top of it its as if youre a deep in the woods a really nice. Dump foreign soil and thats just what the plants need to do for a live report is more when you put. This in villages plant mostly veggie tables on their fields clinton some group teaches them deforest friendly method. Which also gives them valuable compost for. Cecil said not decided to use the compost on her fields. Met miracle my language is similar. I make compost it gives me a profit instead of having to buy for to live with these profit i take care of my house and i take care of my children my 2 nephews i can go to the market to buy the hands that he raised to secure my future and see if our forest master. Will do it so when we news in compost to revitalize the depleted fields and let them fatten again protect the pony up palm trees in so too and the whole Tropical Forest. We have come to the end of this freaks who are freak or featuring an inspiring mix of small initiatives big projects and dedicated people thanks for joining us our military so long from here before us it probably goes nigeria for you next time well tell all the best and a good bye also for me i hope youll have time again next week to join us in the meantime please visit our social media platforms and our website for more amazing ideas and environmental stories i am sondra to know the signing of the compiler here in uganda. Dum. Dum. Close. To. Market. The momentum of the working world. Made in germany. 30 minutes on. D. W. Mistreated murders displaced. Nearly a 1000000 rain guy have fled their homes in myanmar and most are now trapped in neighboring bangladesh on the shuttle a good job Business Plans ethnic cleansing and if so who was responsible for good documentary looking for answers. In 75 minutes on g. W. I was 15 when i arrived here i slept with people in the world. It was hard. I even got white hairs that. Learning the german language helped me a lot this gives me a little bush maybe to interrupt its the same thing you want to know their story the muslims her fighting and reliable information for margaret. Each step tells my story. Of the people around me builds me dedicated to a law student body i am not a dumb deucalion. The bottom line is saying. Listen closely and i will tell you about buddha is who good to me on. The bottom does the sunni down. The block. Im not too dumb to play. My moms niceties of days for centuries im tired of company my country through its finest honest body. Until the day im. Not too dumb to publish. This is news and these are our top stories e. U. Leaders of voted to seal off the block from nearly all International Travel for at least 30 days in a bid to slow the spread of coronavirus german chancellor Angela Merkel announced the restrictions after a series of video conferences with other european leaders. The trumpet ministration is proposing an 850000000000. 00 stimulus package to soften the economic damage from the coronavirus