President donald trump welcomes a further Interest Rate cut from the Federal Reserve and he tells americans to stop panic buying. A Monica Johnson berlin the to have you with us europes open borders are beginning to close germany joins a growing list of e. U. Countries to at least partially shut out its neighbors in a bid to halt the spread of the coronavirus the German Government has announced that its borders with switzerland austria denmark and luxembourg will be closed new restrictions are also being imposed on the french german front here. A rare sight on the french german Border German Police manning checkpoints for nigh on cross border traffic will be at a near standstill. The borders today in mark switzerland austria and luxembourg will also be almost completely shut. People without significant reason to travel will not be allowed to cross the border in either direction. And. All nonessential travel across the border. Getting. Commuters will not be affected by the shutdown and kids will still be able to cross the border unhindered anyone displaying symptoms of Coronavirus Infection will be handed over to the health authorities. Theres no set time frame for these travel restrictions and the government says it might extend them to borders with other neighboring countries. Vidic me its important that as few people as possible are affected. So we have to try to slow the rate of infection for unchain. There are really problematic areas in france. Which is why we took this decision in order to slow the spread of the virus. For now you the restrictions only apply on the gray and air travel is not affected german chancellor Angela Merkel is meeting with her cabinet later to decide if the skies are to remain open while staying on the ground for more lets bring in correspondent bad hes standing by right in the french german border between the french town of the german city off and youre on the german side this new tech these new checks will take effect this morning whats the situation where you are right now. Yeah exactly we had the german side of this Border Crossing at the ultra bon 86 and if you look behind me you can see there already long lines coming from france this traffic jam is going kilometers into france right now and theres a Little Police cars standing there with 3 people who are just looking into the cars this is not the real border check this is bought a surveillance the bottom checks will kick in in about 15 minutes and then the border is not actually closed the police will ask people about are you going are you going to work what is your reason for entering germany and babies some of them to be sent away and trucks can also go through they are not checked because the delivery of goods shall continue and there are no real facilities see on the border anymore because since 25 years this borders open because france and germany part of the shaken area is no border controls at all and so this is why they have this makeshift controlled c. A on the street exactly we havent had control spotter controls for so long now in the shang area we facing sort of some chaotic scenes perhaps when we already see long queues way you stand right now. Well the police is hoping that people dont even come to the book border because they know it will be difficult to cross so that the traffic jams will not be so long and that theres no chaos here but theres everything is prepared. To send people away theres even a medic car here waiting nobody knows exactly from the Border Police what will happen because nobody has experience with us with this kind of controls the border will not be shut so people can still go back and forth its not a closure actually but its very difficult full full of people from france who are not job and that to get into germany the german citizens are still allowed to come in and how will this possible closure effectively curb the spread all for the coronavirus well thats a very good question the hope is that the slowing down of the traffic going to contain the spread of the virus somehow. It is also to to to break the infection line and to make social contacts. But also critics that say this is far too late because the virus is in france and in germany on both sides of the border so what sense do these border controls make now bentley good to have reporting from the french german border thank you so much. And thats the situation in the french german border right now for more on the political situation here in germany lets bring in our chief Political Editor Michelle Michelle you know the response to this outbreak is snowballing here in germany weve seen sudden increases in restrictions in the capital berlin is the rest of germany following suit with a boss schools other institutions and so forth. Well i wouldnt say that but it really is at the forefront of these closures we are expecting today to hear from bev area the say that directly borders all street where people are told to stay indoors already and that state of emergency might be declared there this against the backdrop that Community Elections only took place on sunday so we are seeing very regional reactions tough reactions as well and we have yet to see a full a nationwide lockdown which also would be more in the sense of advice giving from berlin because after all this is a federal state but we have seen very tough action as we heard from band to go it over to taken on the border to france where people are being told by the interior ministry that declared these border checks only on sunday evening that they should carry documents that prove that they are indeed traveling back and forth from their job or else thats the big question mark will then that of the coming hours whether people actually might be turned away and simply because they cant prove that they are on a necessary trip let me tell you know we hear that the german army is also being drafted in to provide some kind of support what exactly is their role. Yes they will provide Logistical Support also the german army has several hospitals so hospital staff from the german army might help 1000 other hospitals also beds that would usually be reserved more for the National Forces would be available for the public more so than already in the past so what were seeing here is different agencies acting together. There thank you so much chief Political Editor of course thank you. Now to the other 9 hotspots in europe like spain and france which are among the worst affected by the outbreak both countries have imposed severe restrictions on public life the following it in these need and have announced nationwide bans on public gatherings shuttering nonessential businesses spain is in near total Lockdown Police are patrolling the streets of madrid sending people home refused to obey orders to self isolate 47000000. 00 spaniards are now banned from leaving their homes for the next 2 weeks after the Prime Minister declared a state of emergency more than 280 people have died in spain making it the 2nd worst affected country in europe. Lets go to madrid where correspondent marcus boon ishe is standing by for us marcus it seems like theyre taking this lockdown very seriously tell me about the timing why did authorities decide to post these restrictions now. There were already. There were already too late because we have an Exponential Development with the figures in spain. Therefore they hard to act because we have 2000 more infections from one day to the other and on saturday the Prime Minister already announced that he was expecting for infections by 10000 during this week and it could be that we all come to this figure already today we will have the latest figures by that we will see how this Exponential Development is continuing it is sure that they hurt to do something and of experts say that it will last at least 2 weeks to see if these measures will be effective and all these drastic measures and this crisis of course comes where spain just about emerged from a very severe economic crisis and more than half of all jobs in spain are with small and Medium Sized Companies now very much affected how worried are spaniards about the Economic Impact on those measures. It is a catastrophe without any doubt because tourism the most Relevant Services sector is destroyed right now it is on hold i try to film last night in hotels i had an appointment there and the hotel was already closed so hotels one after the other are closing down flights are canceled and even the internal traffic in spain is stop so almost stop so. We have Companies Big Companies Like fox who decided to close their production plant here in spain and others will follow it so tomorrow is the crucial day where the government will decide how to react on this situation how to well rescue the economy. Right now because banks there reporting from madrid thank you so much. The berlin government has reacted angrily to reports that u. S. President donna trump tried to take over a German Company leading the race for a Coronavirus Vaccine the vet newspaper says trump offered Biopharma Company kewl back 1000000000 dollars to develop a covert 19 vaccine xclusive play for the United States foreign minister said the include not allow all those exclusive rights to German Research economy minister peter blunter germany he said is not for sale. Searching for a breakthrough to secure a vaca lab in southwest germany hopes to be the 1st in the race to develop a vaccine against the corona virus and its being noticed with reports surfacing donald trump is trying to rule the company to the u. S. Barely news encouraging the buyer pharmaceutical firms to stay. In the political and we are seeing a lot of political support. The issue is taken very seriously from various sites specifically we have received support from an International Vaccine initiative of any so that these Clinical Trials can also quickly begin to hear. Commission for to begin to put. The company says research into several possible vaccines has begun with the 2 most promising to be chosen for clinical tests it expects to have an experimental vaccine developed by june or july and will then seek approval for testing on humans. Kill vax specializes in a method called in which makes human cells produce proteins that trigger immune responses against infections or cancers or and these are called blogs and on this basis we are now building that new vaccine we now have a process where we can quickly respond to new threats so we believe that this are in a technology is a very good way to quickly provide solutions. And to be. If the vaccine is successful in human trials cure vacs says up to 10000000. 00 doses could be produced in several weeks. Experts originally thought a vaccine would be 18 months away meaning a successful human trial as early as july would be welcomed by the global community. The death toll from the corona virus in the u. S. Has risen to over 60 with 3000 confirmed cases of the illness the Federal Reserve has again dropped Interest Rates in a bid to boost the coronavirus hit economy and more and more states are ordering the closure of bos movie theaters. Have. To go home shout these new yorkers to passes by. Others using their balconies to preach to people to stay indoors. Even rita. Stores like apple turning people away as sign of just how seriously Corporate America is taking the coronavirus. The economic costs of this pandemic though are hurting especially after last weeks financial meltdown. In a surprise move the us Federal Reserve has slashed Interest Rates to almost 0 and pledged hundreds of billions of dollars to help shore up the u. S. Economy a decision welcomed by a president desperate for better headlines its really good news it sure is great for country its something that. Were very happy i have to say this. Trump also found himself pleading to americans to stop hoarding you dont have to go so much take it easy just really people are going in and theyre buying more they remember i guess during the conversation doug of walmart said that to buy more than that by christmas relax doing great it all will pass but for citizens like Carol Shrader it doesnt feel that way. Shes one of fountains whos being caught up in the chaos of trying to get back to the states ahead of trumps travel ban no consistency in questioning no Temperature Check no swabs no we were given a 5 page document to write about her. While Many Americans are now living in lockdown others are trying to carry on as if nothing has changed but with a state of emergency declared across the country no one will be able to weaken nor the coronavirus for long. Of a more lets go to our correspondent all of us in washington oliver trump is urging the public to relax but a top u. S. Health official has told americans to prepare to hunker down is there mixed messaging here. It was really astonishing years that turnaround that weve seen here coming from the wide hold you know President Trump has really tried to dollon play this crisis here hes been talking about the coronavirus comparing it to a flu and then just a very few days later he declared a nationwide state of emergency and anthony. That you just quoted americas top expert if you will in Infectious Diseases he said that the worst is yet to come so we do get these mixed messages and we also see a president who seems really little informed of all the details of the corona virus and the impact it has and he has also been lying to the public about the number of tests that were done in the United States and hes also been trying to distract from this crisis you know by comparing and especially blaming his previous assessor barack obama about how his administration dealt with the swine flu so a lot of this we fixed perience years the usual donald trump if you will but whats crucial right now is that hes not able to call the American Public down and really stirring up even more confusion here among the public. This is a very damaging scenario and a very damaging reality that he finds himself in with this Global Pandemic happening that is also affecting the United States of course every day more so that all of that in the economic fallout stemming from this is putting a considerable strain on his Reelection Campaign this is why probably he was very pleased about the u. S. Federal reserve taking drastic Action Action that we havent seen since the height of the financial crisis in 2008 was the aim that. Yeah and thats just like you say thats also why its such a dramatic step because the last time that happened was right after the lehman crash of 2008 that led to the worldwide financial crisis and its a very significant step also because this is considered when when and when a Central Bank Cuts their Interest Rates to 0 as a last resort to boost the economy and you mentioned it trump has been calling for this step for a long time because obviously a blues booming economy would help him to get reelected the fed has always rejected that but now they also believe its necessary and sort of like admitting that the u. S. Is getting close to a recession and that this really needs to happen right now to help the economy but were not talking about a booming economy anymore this is rather a volatile avoiding the worst looming bankruptcies in mass unemployment now the coronavirus also played a key role in the latest democratic debate to listen and the more about that it will 1st of all there was no audience because of the coronavirus so the debate was supposed to be held in phoenix arizona where theyre going to be primary elections next week in the woods then move to washington d. C. Held without any audience at all but of course the coronavirus was also a very important aspect of the debate and both had some unity here by arguing the president does not have the situation under control right all of us on the they reporting from washington thank you so much. The bank of japan has unveiled a series of emergency Monetary Policy measures to shore up the worlds 3rd largest economy amid the coronavirus pandemic the news however doesnt seem to be calming investors tokyos nikkei fell after early gains and australias index tumbled nearly 10 percent its biggest loss ever markets and hong kong and shanghai were also trading lower and thats after chinese authorities released a data showing just how much damage the coronavirus has done to the worlds 2nd largest economy retail sales have dropped 20. 5 percent and industrial output fell by 13. 5 percent. Over to our Financial Markets respond and chelsea do lanie in france and chelsea going by the data from asia investors here are looking at another rocky week ahead right. Now it is looking like another brutal open for stocks here and youre out for it dax is pointing down about 4 percent in the futures market broader european stock and x. Is also looking to fall about 3 to 4 percent so. The markets here are certainly looking to have another dramatic week this is really coming after significant moves by Central Banks throughout the world to really shore up the Global Economy and the fact the bank of japan both moved overnight really interact a lot of liquidity into the market and that it doesnt really appear to be calming investors at this point i just briefly chelsea what about the measures taken by germany and the e. U. To support business. One friday germany announced an absolutely massive 502600 1000000000 years worth of stimulus measures for for businesses and that was really received quite well by investors and businesses but again the moves were saying by by governments border shutdowns event shutdowns business shutdowns this is all really a significant threat to the economy and stimulus measures might not be enough to offset those challenges chance or do they need the reporting from the from from Stock Exchange thank you. South korea has been among the countries worst affected sponsor new coronavirus the south korean businesses together to share the economic burden from coby 19. So korean landlords and tenants are sharing the burden of weathering the decline in business caused by the corona Virus Outbreak with reductions in rents large traditional markets especially needed the help. That we. Used to get an average 300000 visitors a day. But since the corona Virus Outbreak began weve been seeing less than 110th of our usual number of customers. And Business Owners here have been suffering immensely. Not only domestic sales are affected as International Trade has also dwindled especially for small exports. As. Korea has a competitive global legend the fashion industry and its products are high in demand overseas but now that foreign buyers kaante even enter korea coupled with slowing fabric shipments and fewer visitors to the market overall its having quite a large Ripple Effect in addition to the rent reductions market managers have also coordinated strict Public Health responses some landlords have provided up to 50 percent off in rent although smaller reductions are more common but even those providing the discounts argue for more state led measures. Complementing revenues of the merchants biggest concern so tax remedies are needed. Although the government has announced new tax breaks a lower income tax means little if merchants arent making much to begin with so many want to see a decrease in value added. On in. The large traditional markets rely on both tourism and elder shoppers both of which have dried up although more assistance may be coming merchants here in stores now empty moon market and around so korea are soon likely to get some more help from the federal government the National Assembly is set to pass a multibillion dollar supplementary budget to support Small Businesses and to help contain mitigate the qubit 900. 00 brick the socalled nice landlord trend has also brought banks into the movement with low interest loans as south korea copes with a deepening covert 19 crisis this is d. W. News and hes our top stories. The German Government is partially closing borders with france austria denmark luxembourg and switzerland as it fights to control the spread of coronavirus the government is sets to berlin at traffic on monday. And as all that its 47000000 citizens to stay at home for the next 2 weeks police are patrolling the spanish capital madrid and sending people home who refused to obey orders to self isolate corona virus has killed more than 290 people in spain. To me was President Donald Trump has congratulated the Federal Reserve for cutting Interest Rates to help shore up the u. S. Economy during the global coronavirus pandemic the president also told americans that there is no need to halt supply. Spains King Philippe has stripped his father former King Juan Carlos of his annual stipend form the Royal Households the move follows an age to financial irregularities involving the former monarch the current king has also renounced any personal inheritance from his father. This is developing news from berlin for more follow us on twitter or visit our website thats d. W. Dot com. Youre watching t w news live from berlin coming up next our Technology Show shift ill be back at the top of the hour dont forget you can get all the latest news and information around the clock on our website e. W. Dot com thanks for watching. Good. For him writing is an act of liberation. For a novelist its a tremendous to him some of the other in all of our lives in our characters was something going on thats maybe obvious except if they dont notice the artist told them the irish writer an exclusive interview arent 21. Question what do you get when you start 35 columns of concrete blocks that form a 120 meter high tower or. Under crimea has 6 arms on it the answer battery. Tower enables the storage of Renewable Energy but how exactly does this unique contraption work. Tomorrow today. In 60 minutes. You know that 77 percent plastic are younger than thanks ah. Thats me and me and you. Came to know what time off or since i was. On the 77 percent talk about the issue. From my point a flash from housing boom boom town this is where they are. Welcome to the 77 percent. This weekend on g. W. If you dont talk often about things that really matter to people often just go quiet about it and just just and thats what the book that deals with that becomes a way of breaking a silence

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