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The massacres a 2 mosques new zealands Prime Minister says the country has become a different place. A year on i believe new zealand and its people have fundamentally changed i cant see how you could have intervened like this im not. Im simply so much going to its good to have you with us e. U. Commission president was enough on the line says europe can withstand the shock of the coronavirus final line was detailing steps and to keeping the blocks industry afloat as the virus spreads and shuts shutdowns come into effect she said she believes the destruction would be temporary but that all a use states should coordinate efforts to ensure that it is as limited as possible and she also spoke out against against a tightening borders lets listen. Alongside these overarching Macro Economic measures the commission has also adopted today proposals to provide liquidity into our economy and. Were setting up a 37000000000 euros carona Response Investment Initiative to grant support to the healthcare sector to the labor market to support as enemies from all affected Sectors Commission president was enough on the line speaking a short while ago there in brussels we have our correspondents covering the story for us our Political Correspondent has brought here in our studio and our correspondent brussels band record standing by for us there and take us through a what was announced there in brussels. On the line president at the latest on self the commission to this evolving crisis and she said this is only the beginning it will drag on for weeks even months and she spoke as belgium itself is preparing for a lockdown so brussels will be seated busy closed shops from tomorrow and closed bars and us also also on the phone to line was hunkered down in the Commission Building in the commission itself but also cut short its work but its still in crisis mode mode and those left on the line announced thats of stability pact the European Union that prevents countries to from making too much public debt and to taking out too many loans would be very flexible shes opening the floodgates for more lending by the countries especially eataly needs money and business have more pop to debt to to avoid the impact of the code of ours on its economy and she also announced that there would be a 37000000000. 00 special fund to reimburse companies that suffer suffering from the impact of corona and she also said that Member States should avoid only thinking about their own purposes they should coordinate more she said and bought a closure does not the right mean in the eyes of the Commission Austria slovenia and the Czech Republic close the borders to italian residents and also to other residents coming from other countries this is not the right answer said those of us on the line the virus is already here in europe that doesnt make sense maybe has controls on the ball does feasibility but nothing more and she also said or implied that we need more coordinated approach from the Member States to this crisis we see a lockdown in italy locked on improve variation here in belgium. Other countries like for example finland opel and doing the same and also in germany which is also impacted by their current of ours has a mix through this crisis so far all right so were hearing a multipronged approach there in europe problems especially on the economic front how will this help but i think at the moment what both of them off underlying and the German Authorities are hoping that it is that it will calm down markets a little bit that we will not have the scales all of those panic selling that has characterized the trading on the Stock Exchange in the last few days so that we can get some foremost stability some form of calm so that these measures can actually take effect how strong would it be we will have to wait and see i suppose but in both cases both in the European Union and here in germany they have been saying whatever it takes in other words that they have been saying these measures can be increased if their god is not being sufficient theyre going to be very flexible they tend to theyre intended to be quick theyre intended to give it immediately help to those countries and companies and people that are effective them that are in need so the hope is that this will have a very immediate and very significant effect in a very short time well as you said doing whatever it takes a message weve shared heard here in germany as well the economy minister in the finance minister Just Announced an aggressive aid package short while ago here in berlin lets listen to what the economy minister of my had to say. And we said that the economy should not fail due to lack of money and political will. Size that means no Healthy Company and no secure job should face difficulties or disappear permanently because this country like many other countries is affected by the corona pandemic and to me the profit. Ok hands as we said the economy minister the finance minister are billing this as a huge africa huge aid package and what are these measures and how significant are they are they saying in fact that is unprecedented Something Like this has never been done in germany and possibly in the whole world. Its very significant i think its really just opened the floodgates theyve made as much money available as is necessary for those companies that are in need and theyre saying this ranges from a taxi driver who does not have enough passengers anymore to a company that has 2000000000 euros in. Business that also is getting into trouble so its a very very wide range its meant to be very quick and theyre saying these are in fact tested instruments these are instruments that are being used at the moment by the in a very limited way and what theyve done is increased the possibility of various companies to get access to these instruments i think what is also important is that they have said germany wants to support europe as well germany is saying that these measures are also meant in some sense to provide a supposed ability beyond the borders of europe that other European Countries within the European Union can depend on how the system support from germany so all in all i think again the idea is to try and bring stability as soon as that you ation it is extremely fluid at the moment right there and coming back to germany essentially opening the floodgates how does that line up with what weve heard taking place in europe on the european level. Well the opinion of European Commission did not go so far as judgment openness he did because the u. Commission has not the same finance power as the big economy like germany has but in italy of course people listen to whats said in germany very carefully because also italy is depending on aid from brussels and italy is putting together a Huge Investment pick which also but italy has not a Strong Economy as germany has and it needs money on the markets and needs to increase its public that hoping that it will somehow get reimbursed by the european level so the german announcement is very delicate and also maybe in other Member States which are scrambling public finances like spy you know political all right our correspondents ben prevent them from front here in the studio thank you both. For one measure thats about to have a drastic impact on the markets is a european travel ban imposed by u. S. President donald trump it is due to take effect in a few hours travelers from 26. 00 European Countries will be barred from entering the u. S. Lets look now at how Many Americans in europe are scrambling to return home before the ban and likely Flight Cancellations come into force. A rude awakening for Many Americans in europe departure halls were packed as travelers scramble to get home after hearing that the u. S. Is restricting travel from the European Union starting at midnight Eastern Standard Time on friday it was pretty crazy could be found at like 2 am we were on a. Train to the airport 3 better flights were on a flight by like 9 am yeah i thought a little bit more heads up would have been nice because we freaked out and we found out so i guess communication wasnt great. Trump has restricted travel for foreigners to the u. S. From e. U. Countries in an attempt to get a handle on the couvade 900 outbreak but some say his decision will do little to stop the virus from spreading he is facing a lot of criticism because of this trouble that not only in the euro but europe but also here in the u. S. With many experts say that its too late that the virus is already here across the atlantic in italy more than 12000 people have been infected and around 1000 have died this picture of an exhausted nurse taken earlier this week has become a symbol of the strain medical staff are under doctors are having to make tough decisions there arent enough mechanical ventilators in hospitals to treat seriously ill patients the e. U. Has expressed solidarity and promised the crisis stricken country billions of euros in aid. Here in germany the countrys most populous station or find westphalia is the latest region to announce that it will close schools starting next week theyll stay close until april 6th when the 2 week long easter vacation begins for other states had already announced will closings of the cities of bremen and germanys capital berlin and berlin will also cut back on public transport. All right lets talk about all the measures here in germany we have did have you science reporter Derek Williams with us he is a self isolating right now at home here in berlin derek its good to see you weve heard there that 3 german states including berlin are now closing schools and kindergartens and were expecting other states to follow suit does this step make sense. Well interestingly the experts there kind of really go back and forth on this question a lot the truth of the matter is is that we dont really know were in pretty much uncharted territory here in this kind of fast moving epidemic every everyone is to some extent sort of making it up as they go along the general opinion amongst most of the experts here in germany up until very recently was that closing schools and preschools would actually be counterproductive as that would also force nunes of School Age Children to stay home with them now that would also have a serious knock on effect in the Health Care Sector because the frontline staff that are actually treating people because you can have nurses and caregivers and doctors staying at home with their kids when they need to be in the hospitals helping people who are infected so more and more actually but more and more of the yes were seeing it moving away from this sort of conviction and theyre starting to say that that after all maybe it is a good point at this point in germany to shut schools for a while to slow down the spread of the virus this flattening a precursor of we weve been hearing over and over so some german states have done that already and i actually fully expect the rest of the german states to follow close order probably by next week what about the issues weve seen from the u. S. Derek President Trump shutting borders to europeans is that a scientifically sound decision. From a logical viewpoint it really doesnt make actually much sense at all and while its true that in europe and in italy in particular there have been theyre struggling with numbers of and were starting with numbers and factions it doesnt really mean that people are better off in the us i mean most experts say that this lower infection rate is actually down to the fact that very few tests have been conducted in the us at all and thats down to the fact that actually less than 10000 up and just for comparison in south korea a major hotspot theyve been conducting 20000 tests a day and 10000 tests in the entire American Population is not really enough to say whether or not theres a large number of large number of people who simply havent been tested and but have contract infection so shutting off europe doesnt really make any kind of sense logically were scientifically it kind of only makes sense if you think about it as a as a political move does seem like theres a lot we still dont know and a lot of people are wondering about infection and mortality rates do we have any reliable numbers on that yet. Well calculating mortality rates actually during a disease epidemic its a its a really a very tricky business because its just its not enough to take the number of reported deaths and divide it by the number of confirmed defections because as as we all know there are going to be a large number of people who are about mild symptoms or who are possibly asymptomatic and those people like might never be tested or we might only be a blood test of in the coming months and years for antibodies to see if they might actually have the disease at one point so its a very very squishy number to talk about the mortality rate what we really need what we do know about it at this point is that it appears to be around one percent to maybe 2 percent depending also very much on changing from nation to nation and older nation like like like italy its going to be higher because the population is higher the population is older one in 4 italians is over 65. 00 places like south korea where theyre testing testing testing its actually proving to be lower. Its going to be what we know at this point is its more deadly than the flu and its less deadly than sars and coming to a really firm conclusion about mortality rates other than that its going to be baked in the for the coming months and years. Williams from did have you science with us thank you very much. Now the wife of canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is tested positive for the coronavirus sophie greg brought trudeau has just returned home from a trip to london where she experienced when she experienced mild symptoms according to an official statement that Prime Minister trudeau himself is in good health with no symptoms of the virus but he will be self isolating and working from home for 2 weeks as a precaution canada has reported almost 150 corona virus cases and one death. Lets look now at more of the latest coronavirus developments the Cruise Company Princess Cruises has suspended operations for 2 months 2 of its ships have been quarantined after outbreaks of the virus singapore has banned a cruise ship visits and Mass Gatherings Effective Immediately france has joined a growing list of European Countries closing schools and universities Japans Parliament has authorized Prime Minister shinzo abi to declare a state of emergency to combat the spread of the coronavirus the environmental activists gratitude is called on campaigners to avoid a mass protests as the virus spreads but she says her fridays for future movement will organize online strikes instead the coronavirus is having an impact on pollution in china where the disease originated there it has led to a decrease in Carbon Emissions as Economic Activities have slowed but many believe the effect will be temporary. Surgical mask a popular home remedy against airborne threats until a few months ago smog and car fumes were the greatest concerns to urban dwellers such as those in vietnam but now the corona virus has taken over as the biggest worry for many as air pollution has dissipated the virus has emptied the streets of chinas megacities and manufacturing has slowed. Drastic quarantine measures implemented by chinese authorities have resulted in significantly cleaner air as this graphic from the World Meteorological organization shows china is now emitting 25 percent less Greenhouse Gas a small victory against Global Warming. Weve seen with the drastic measures that china has taken with regard to corona that emissions have gone down seriously so people are working from home and manufacturing a slowdown so these are the kinds of drastic measures that we will have to take for Climate Change and its better to chew it kind of sooner rather than later because ill be more painful the longer we wait. Scientists have long been sounding the alarm on Climate Change. 29 team was the 2nd top to see it on record with the boss that gets the hottest in human history. Between the house gases concentrations at the highest level in city 1000000 years but while countries have been slow to act in the face of Global Warming many have now implemented drastic measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus these are the Climate Crisis is somehow much more abstract than the virus and thats why i cant say how many people will die because of Climate Change but the virus you can calculate it thats why its a bit closer. Well hey if humanity dies off from the corona virus what does the climate model. I hope that we have a vaccination against the virus in a year and a half but the Climate Crisis is the most important task of the millennium i think without exaggeration were going to work hard. Many people in china have already recovered when the Coronavirus Crisis passes experts say manufacturing will catch up on what it had not been able to produce that means the corona effect on the climate is probably just temporary. Well have more coronavirus coverage on t. V. News asia with the responder g. In around 10 minutes and for more information on covert 1000 including information about what to do if you think you might be infected head to our website dot com lets get a round up now some other stories from around the world a wiki leaks whistleblower shall see manning has been released from a u. S. Prison manning had been in detention since last may for refusing to testify to a grand jury investigating the key leaks mannings lawyers say the release comes after she attempted suicide. And officials in egypt say heavy rain and floods have killed at least 5 people across the country and inundated roads in the capital cairo further south the driver was killed when his car was blown into a canal and several people were injured when floods demolished their home its. New zealand is marking one year since the Christ Church massacre 51. 00 people were killed and dozens were injured in the white supremacist attack on the citys Muslim Community survivors of the shooting and other residents attended Community Prayers at an Indoor Stadium to pay tribute to the victims the leaders of the 2. 00 mosques led the joint service and worshippers her testimony from survivors Prime Minister just into art and attended the event before the service she said new zealand needs to continue challenging priests im so i believe new zealand and its people have fundamentally changed i cant see how you could have an event like this and not but the challenge for us will be ensuring that in now every day actions in the every opportunity we see bullying harassment rices im discrimination calling it out as a nation there is one will show that we each individually have a role to play and making sure new zealand has fundamentally changed for the beef. While the suspected mosque attacker who is an australian is due to go on trial in june he is facing terrorism charges plus 51. 00 counts of murder and 40 of attempted murder heres a look back at the tragic events that took place in Christ Church one year ago. The mass shooting was something new for new zealand the country had been proud that it hadnt have such massacres and its response was novel in many ways the gunman had live streamed his massacre of worship as of the Christ Church mosque online he wanted to become a global figure. The Prime Minister just in the odd took an unusual step and refused to give him the notoriety he was looking for he is a terrorist he is a criminal he is an extremist but he will when i speak be nameless. She also quickly showed solidarity with the Muslim Community and donned a headscarf to lead a nation and defiant morning. Many of those who will it bring to recreate afflicted by those shooting may be migrants to new zealand they may even be re fugitives here they have chosen to make new sealing their home and it is the harm that i r s. New zealand also stood out by following warm words with concrete action. Within weeks the government launched a gun buyback scheme a month later it banned semi automatic rifles now to another tragic anniversary its been a year since i cloned it dies struck Southern Africa the storm killed more than 1300 people in zimbabwe madagascar malawi and mozambique the cyclon made landfall near the port city of barrow on march 14th 2019 bringing widespread destruction and displacement people to cycles torrential rains caused 2 major rivers the blue sea and the plan to burst their banks submerging villages and leaving bodies floating in the water buildings wrecked according to the u. N. 600. 00 jews mozambicans were killed the infrastructure one year on and many of the affected areas remains critical. And were joined now from the capital my put oh by mark hughes the National Director of mozambique for the Aid Organization care mark thank you for joining us on what is being done to provide survivors of the cycling with the kind of closure that they need. Yes as you heard before and the situation remains critical on the ground because the recovery face is still ongoing and people who have suffered direct impact of the diet still living this day to day a lot of the room in tearing plans are put in place remain on the front it. Was because in the region over 100. 00 songs and people are still living in makeshift shelters so it dying in peril to die is this presence of them on a daily basis support us to helping people to establish that the lives on bringing children back into school for example establishing livelihoods are remains one of the Top Priorities michael said a lot of people are still living in shelters i mean a year later how many people are still dependent upon aden how many people are still unaccounted for. That is as mentioned about. People remain missing or unaccounted for and that will require closure from from officials. On on the dependency we have been working especially during the past week now for all season to provide my view with assistance in terms of seeds so the repeated can rebuild but unfortunately always seen with the current Climate Crisis is that we see repeated shocks in the region are zimbabwe was and b. Are involved in a massive droughts in the scene flooding in some of the areas and they are in the in the last few weeks that have destroyed some of the Recovery Efforts so that the situation remains pretty much present and he was the nice. Mark looking at the situation today a year later would you say that the country is any better prepared now for this kind of catastrophic event in the future. I honestly and i said this the year ago i think its difficult for any country to be geared for this type of scale or an environment of a disaster. I think we have learned a lot of lessons you terms of logistics and how to bring in and support people but if there would be another sign today you would be. Really more struggling especially since infrastructure is still remain damaged in some of the areas on the ridge by side when he died all right mark from the Aid Organization care joining us from. Thank you so much for sharing your insights with us today. Lets get a reminder now for our top story European Union Commission President it was a last underline has announced a 37000000000 euro support package to soften the economic blow of the Coronavirus Crisis she says the e. U. Will do whatever it takes as the disease spreads across the continent. Coming up next on news asia hong kongs Domestic Workers worry for their rights as employers tell them to stay home to contain the run of ours pandemic. And elsewhere in asia mosques are disinfected and people stockpile food as governments ramp up their response to the virus. Appears on a jihad that coming up before we go well leave you with a heartwarming moment from quarantined italy people in the city of sienna confined to their homes because of the lockdown but theyre filling the empty streets by singing one of their citys traditional anthems thank you for watching. Oh i read. The book and the book you are now going to keep. The length coming. Exposing and justice global news that matters to me from heinz. W. s crime fighters are back africas most successful radio drama series continues. This season the stories focus on hate speech prevention and sustainable coproduction. All of the sos are Available Online and of course you can share and. Because Facebook Page and other social media platforms. Time fighters now. This is. Coming up to. Face pressure to remain in their employees homes even on their off days. Measure doesnt violate what those rights plus from disinfecting mosques to stalk. Countries across. Their sleeves to combat the spread of. The Health Care Gap in the concrete

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