Made for mines ready. Abdulrahman and his friends are on what they call a mission from god. Those who give their wealth by night and by day in secret and in public will have their reward with their lord. There is no reason for them to fear or grieve garonne ceroc to verse 274. Traveled 7000 kilometers away from germany to assist orphans in guyana abdulrahman says his humanitarian mission is primarily about helping all as he calls it disability law helping for the sake of allah. Muslims are traditionally encouraged to help those in distress often by doing good deeds discreetly and unobtrusively. But in the 1980s in the face of disasters and conflicts involving muslim communities in many parts of the world Islamic Charities began to go public with their projects d. Since then theyve distributed many billions of dollars in aid worldwide donated by governments organizations and private individuals to refugee camps in turkey. To protect the civilian population in syria and provide direct aid. Islamic ad organizations are now an integral part of relief work worldwide. The n. G. O. S relief was founded in the u. K. In 1984 since then its grown become more professional and is active across europe the french chapter Islamic Relief france or sie founded in 1991 it has an annual operating budget of 46000000 euros and unlike many other such organizations it publishes its Balance Sheets to quell any rumors about jews be a slinks to powerful proponents of islamic fundamentalism and islamist terror disallows the s. I havenot 600 employees to provide assistance in over 30 countries. Whereas in Islamic School in bamako mali. And. Here time seems to have stood still schools like this were founded in the 14th century when islam spread and its message was taught by muslim nomads. These schools still exist and to this day they remain outside the states control. Ill have a son is being a bit of a sleepy head this morning but he has to get up at 5 am he prays its a frugal breakfast consisting of tried dates and then brushes his teeth. Out has sand bar is 11 years old his family sent him to this Religious School 3 years ago. And. Now has san goes home just twice a year the rest of the time hes cared for by diablo his quranic teacher whos good reputation extends well beyond the borders of the molly in capital. Letters on. The way out in la i was raised this way as were our parents and our parents parents there was never much i mean we were all brought up this way. Older we raised the children too. Teach them the koran and we take care of them look after their health their clothing and their behavior but we also give them enough time so they can relax they will watch it in our life but it will open your fault. Koran schools are becoming increasingly popular in mali there are now of the 6000 instructors and roughly 150000 pupils. I have a son was sent here because his parents could no longer provide for him and a quranic teacher may not turn any child away i forgot about providing for a child is difficult to work out at 1st i had a big financial problems i even had to sell my radio to pay for food and yeah they were going to i dont know how the local people found out but they asked for help on my behalf and i think if people want their children to learn the koran properly they need to support the koran teachers. Im going to walk out of whatever. The pupils of the quran school known here as the taliban is live on the fringes of modern society. They come from the slums where they have little to eat and are often mistreated. So. Some of them are forced to beg to survive children have no rights here. In mali half the population live below the poverty line. Is science has been active here since 2003 and mainly focuses on 2 issues often mentioned in the quran access to clean Drinking Water and chong. Our protection. Last visit when you intervene in a Quranic School which has functioned for years and years while being excluded from society is not easily met the quranic masters mistrust external partners to the extent that the we are not subject to a classic framework imposed by big donors who tell you that for 3 years we will work on this issue and after 3 years going to finance it anymore if when yes i have goes into a zone it can commit to staying a long time if you trust takes time thanks to 2000000 euro annual budget for marley they were able to start a Pilot Project here to better the peoples living conditions. Are you ok bring him about a rope a good heads the project do you remember the calabash school the one thats having the Building Work down yes can we please return there the school having worked on yes thats it with. Our all but good has been doing id work for 7 years for the last 3 shes lived in bamako. The young frenchwoman isnt muslim yet shes allowed to enter the koran school thats because the organization she works for the s. I. If is respected here. Banned because she respects muslim customs. Why do you put on a headscarf were going to Quranic School where there are chronic masters. Inside the schools the women are veiled. So its simply out of respect for the place were going and for the people were seeing say its a personal initiative and it. Thats the really. A role wants to inspect the renovation work at the school where alhassan studies and where his quran mastodon who teaches. Will follow you. If thats so thats the cesspit its the cesspit for the latrines. Finally the taliban is the peoples of the Quranic School getting toilets Running Water and a roof over their heads thats not in danger of collapsing. Ill go do a double swinging door to pass through easier easily. Ok ok so you put the sheet metal here its coming along. The classrooms are located above the sleeping area the construction work is a confidence Building Measure it took a year for the teachers to accept assayas involvement look a lot of n. G. O. S have come here made contact with people and tried to register the children at the schools ago made promises and then never came back and as a result its true that when we arrived we had a lot of work to do and had to get results very quickly saying we are doing what we promised. In just one month this will all look as good as new yet prayers wont be held in our her sons school the s i f doesnt commit proselytising because the ngo adheres to the code of conduct of the International Red cross here the main goal is child protection. The world has a son and his 210 schoolmates learn to read and write in french. But as we do solve the divil does it let you. Although bambara is more widely spoken french is mollys official language so its essential for these childrens futures that they learn it its a new School Subject introduced by sie if the teacher tells the children about the sounds produced by certain pairs of letters by lineal descent let. Im silly. But thats all for the puzzle that is the lead. And it is the lead. In for a little bit now. While i go you know for but. Only after a. While as if it does it got to do. So comes to the quran teacher and his colleagues have asked for these french courses so their pupils will later have a better chance of finding work hes learning russian along with them. Early out there lead off. Or lets drink them up so its not always easy because its a place to learn the koran so initially it wasnt suitable for that so. Sometimes there was a reluctance on the part of the pupils parents who said no im bringing my child here just so that he can learn the koran conditional after talking to the parents and explaining the reason behind it which is to increase the employee ability of the youngsters and give them access to basic rights theyre here which is in danger without knowing french. Its access to rights understanding them and your duty is just wales has to become a responsible citizen you have to learn this language its necessary to protect yourself and to integrate in society. Today so by helping the pupils to a Brighter Future is a way of tackling the poverty that often provides a breeding ground for all true radical movements in a country in which armed Islamist Groups spread terror and violence Quranic Schools remain highly controversial most western Aid Organizations refuse to have anything to do with them so if i have say work in mali its a delicate balancing act one thats inspired by islam but transcends religious boundaries yet 6. Ronnie brown is a former president of medicine solvent youre probably. Going to cover you weve worked with them for years just like with other religious organizations. Even when the communication with these organizations wasnt always easy. In general theres always a bit of mistrust between the secular and religious organization of this if not just islamic ones whether it be due to cultural differences or simply because many people are mistrustful of religious ideology. Suppose i do your new shows here and there with you. For a long time they had to fight for recognition but many religious organizations are now respected as Aid Organizations our story continues in paris france on this day its icy cold in the french capital another place where a scientific is active. Until weve got somebody you know you got it we polish niger and 3 fellow volunteers donate their time and all of that and. Every other week for the last 2 years that theyve spent their free hours helping the homeless are still there as well as with. Their dont go so time of departure quarter to 8 callsign connections you social services have spotted some Homeless People out on the streets the teen sets off. Is that oh yeah shes here shes sleeping. Im ok here tonight no its not ok here yes im 51 of the most well not yet and nearly a well acquainted now is 62 and has been living on the street for years. Once you get out. There you ok in the cold. Where did you sleep yesterday on the bench are you going to go tonight its minus 7 degrees celsius in this suburb of paris this thats a cover up your ears the way way way that ears are covered here. Should we call and see if theres a hotel nearby. Niger is a muslim who helps out of religious conviction but thats not the only reason you have nothing left for women tonight. By she abhors the poverty in her country nothing for when the norm is theres nothing tonight nothing for tonight thats right. Ive got a 3 star hotel in central paris or a low budget hotel a low budget. And call them it shouldnt be too expensive share. You can see that in terms of reception facilities shelter there is a complete shortage unfortunately weve called organisations inveighing when they say they have nothing to offer what do you do to try to find an urgent solution amongst ourselves and sometimes its true that amongst the volunteers we organize a kiddie in order to offer a night to somewhere that. Shes not aware of the temperature outside. Tonight anally will sleep in a warm bed so that the a. S. I. F. Offers help to everyone regardless of religion or social status and. That dark colored parka opposite the square. This is it right yes. Do you need anything. Yet people are worried about you and have called 115. The phone number one karrie doesnt want to leave his camp with the help of volunteers cares for more than 1300 Homeless People in the paris metropolitan area every winter. You have everything you need to cover yourself up its going to be cold tonight. Now joe has been a lawyer for the last 15 years and a volunteer since her youth but she donates more than her time to those in need whats unique to islamic id often is ations is the way theyre financed through theres a cot this account is a mandatory yearly contribution and one of the 5 pillars of islam the amount to be paid can be calculated on the website of most islamic at organizations if you have several Bank Accounts you take the total of your mortgage your savings account and your current a counsellor who also everything you have Life Insurance pension etc then you take the total and multiply it by 2. 5 percent today as part of the cad i pay around 5000. 00 euros per year. This account is meant to help the needy in her local area her country or anywhere in the world its a religious judy for all practicing muslims. To sample is just as important as praying or ramadan daucus never do so it doesnt make sense not to do that as we are all indebted to the cat in one way or another. No matter what your revenue from the moment you have a minimum amount of money in your bank account you must pay back a particle with us in 30. 00. That means that the yearly donations to as i have are on average 2 and a half times as high as those to the french red cross few realize that even though some 25000000 muslims live in europe says the login tarik and him arm in border. The door is a paradox is a religion one stone nation is to be discreet visible but not ostentatious that old is young the more discreet the donation the more its worth in gods eyes because it results from modesty. However i think it should be shown openly that we should burn our lies the good set an example and move away from this image of islam that only demands laws. Of all indicated the what. Oclock. It was. Because. Not everyone is discreet about how they help others in alice name have either. Abdurahman kaiser is german and before he converted to islam was known as joel. For him charity is his lifes work and gods command of abdurahman also helps the homeless in dissolute off though his assistance differs slightly to that offered by established n. G. O. S like sie if his organization and international is relatively new he found addition 2012 but its already established a network of donors whom he keeps well informed about its activities. Started by. The oven in la we always take a camera team with us because thats our Motto International slogan is see where your donation goes we show donors precisely what happens with their money on the one hand its proof of how the donations are used and on the other hand it provides motivation to continue. But thats what. This man son has over 120000 followers on facebook and is also active on you tube and instagram and its strengths are its transparency and Quick Reaction times everything happens over social media. 2 to 3 hours a day answering whats out messages thats a lot of work and i have 2 cell phones and calls on top of that 1st and then Facebook Instagram twitter everywhere. Lots of people ask us questions. And abdurahman always answers hes boyd by his faith what he is and saw international always and everywhere. Pulls out of the shoes are all new brand name models abdulrahman says its a way of restoring Homeless Peoples dignity. Thats all there no word if you believe. His projects are unusual and. Doesnt seek the cooperation of other social services and Sight International provides aid irrespective of religion but also without having fully assess the communitys needs. Of. The people in the end salo go on this back a faceless. In islam. It was just want islam its normal that you dont depict living beings or ones that have a soul so for example hello kitty or the teletubbies dont really exist so you can depict them. As a kid to cope with a person or an animal is real so there are only shown without a face it doesnt work without are. Just all over. This little detail a sign of a fundamentalist interpretation of islam is openly on display in to school in a city. Of war. On. The side. Theres the innocent option for. Your survival i dont want to go out this week so much also of the opposite because the christmas ive. Heard so abdul rahman imposes strict rules which he politely mixes with behavioral codes from the modern world faith without scruples that applies to him as well as his team of 50 volunteers into subtle. They are Digital Natives even those who are fully veiled are in tune with the times. A dozen volunteers take care of the videos that are posted on you tube facebook and twitter. Using the latest technology and equipment. Really track you plan theres no. Ins. There is no this. Is a this is noise order this is the latest somalia documentary weve played it into the machine. This you should see if you like the scenes if its too much or if i should take something else. I should just leave the visual word for the song is good in any case as well as i like it to be emotional thats Michael Jackson isnt it so it is excellent you know this is. Just to me a song about peace accompanies an h. D. Video edited like a video clip or an ad. Thats for mr for me thats the best scene of all. Comes and i tickle him. Cause its a fabulous is a really emotional this is something thats the film was made by a professional whod been headhunted from the major broadcaster. And then. Just the leave that didnt. Look so candid so authentic. And this authenticity is meant to touch the hearts of young muslims. This. Is. For you. Just so you want to superimpose the text the whole settlement lives when we help this is to life and it goes yeah yeah the whole settlement laughs when we help. Thats where a tickle him we dont just how we touch hearts we have to stop its all about image even if his fundamentalism forbids the depiction of living beings when it comes to advertising its essential the 1st shot ill leave this here you know what to do please finish it you have one day ok. Through pragmatism efficiency and control as well as social Media Marketing and saw is able to collect monetary and material donations. The organization primarily helps those who are most at risk muslims in war zones in distant off 6 containers a packed with goods distant for a single country. That doesnt get other stuff this is all going to syria. Its all medication winter food winter jackets baby formula Electric Hospital beds wheelchairs. Canes and medical devices for hospitals. E. K. G. Machines thats an ultrasound machine for births are so good. And sounds because mission is in syria close to 250 volunteers help to operate hospitals 5 schools and an orphanage. But the city wants which a lot of this has just arrived for interim storage after everythings been sorted itll go by truck to antwerp and then from antwerp to america seen in turkey. To go then from there see into the Syrian Border and then well come and take delivery of the border with them and then i guess the goods all come from germany its really ok theyre mostly purchased with money donated by muslims but some are also donated by hospital the very same day these 40 tons of medical equipment and clothing a cent on their way regardless of the dangers involved and the jihadists they may encounter helps. Fight not everyone approves of the to assistance in early 2017 and so hit the headlines when rising bundesliga star and hes been had tira transferred his account to the Aid Organization even accompanied abdul rahman on his travels until his soccer Club Darmstadt 98 dropped him. German authorities assert that international is tightly interwoven with the Salafist Movement the office for the protection of the constitution suspects and selfsupporting groups close to al qaida in syria and most recently of supporting her mouse in the gaza strip as. Offices have been searched and computers and papers seized by German Authorities have found it hard to draw a line between militant islam and supporting terror. Prison so abdulrahman takes advantage of this ambiguity he mixes religious codes with the social ones used by youths on the outskirts of the city where he grew up. Should i show you some photos look do you know that is that is that. Thats me thats bob thats papa when i was 20 years old. That. Was this that i think its proper to. The us as a child and you know this is this is. Or grandma. Yeah. Bob. But of all your marriage it became the father of 2 abdul rahman was an angry young man at 16 he converted to islam at 20 he performed a rap that christ being against the system. Im going to do for him are there should i make some sage tea. For those thats proper to posit as they see. Thats proper. Oh yeah. He even achieved a bit of fame as a mouthpiece for and he is stepping rebels this. Is all bible book thats proper to. Papa. As a rabbi and the whole song. Says. He sang the praises of petty crime unleashed his anger at injustice. He was a rebel who hung around with the wrong crowds. He says becoming more deeply immersed in islam changed everything. On this time i dont pray i drink i call i smoke weed but all this time when you call in the city and you have a sticker here are america flag i make fun of you and maybe i clip on you. We we was very radical you were in our head because we have so much hate about the situation in palestine on this time we have so much anger but. Then i start to practice islam on this hate to go out of me ill. Cut out the target isnt interested in that but thats good just know im glad i got me out of that scene along with the holes would have after 8 months in jail abdul rahman found a new release for his suppression fighting for humanity. A spell and i could make a melody for you the publisher you. Coming. On to rahmans life has gone from one extreme to the other. Back in france natur is helping others both privately and professionally but the assistance this Lawyer Office is completely different. Here. She is now being admitted to the prestigious paris bar where shes known as metra. Solidarity has always played a role in her life her parents came to france from morocco in the 1970 s. Her mother raised 7 children her father worked as a laborer a. History. Im very happy today opens the book is that i would never have thought id see my daughter in law as robes. Im very happy. That. I. Love and modest pride. In every request that is up this year. Not just commitment it goes beyond solidarity in the boundaries of islam its part of her calling. To stop the fundaments when you work in the field of social services because what if you realize that after a while have a whatever the association i work for you face a brick wall once the people you wish to help the socalled find themselves in custody. So that im themselves escorted back to Detention Centers so were told find themselves isolated if it all up office on the being a lawyer allows you to open doors the doors of the Police Station the doors of the Detention Centers to the doors of the investigating judges and there you really can help people in concrete terms. Not yet agreed to let us film her because for her this is about more than just islamic humanitarian aid niger and her family stand for millions of other french muslims who are tired of islamic being equated with islamist. And. Give your do more dont everything that comes from the muslim world is viewed in a negative light just everything that comes from the middle east from islam is by nature suspect. Its the logic of identity whats foreign is generally always suspicious of. It gets eclipsed the shock when differing perceptions and ignorance makes a show of this in your. View book artists but islam is also a religion of countries which were colonized and are subject to a driving force in the fight against the colonizers. The. Thought of abuse as the little to grow in your own skin brought us thats why for some the idea that islam is hostile to the west still persists so the. Next you know this is. A dilemma whether we reticent or go on the offensive we always suspect. Its a paradox so well i dont see if were too discreet we must have something to hide and if were hiding something we must be up to no good which isnt true yet if we try to get our message across were pushy boastful when provocative. Indecl doth abdulrahman uses provocation to generate sales. So i can. Im sorry international has taken inspiration from britains charity shops. Though in shop they sell arms up brand name clothing. The piece is a made by Syrian Refugees and the proceeds are distributed to other migrants. Thats what follows this is produced by Syrian Refugees in turkey it provides work for Syrian Refugees in turkey but we also have things made by Syrian Refugees in germany. Tested we dont want to neglect our homeland. And this is what Syrian Refugees in germany produce traditional commies. Abdulrahman says the shop is completely islamic crohns are distributed here for free and this Childrens Book is titled all children a muslim so. The message is clear here in the urban outskirts things revolve as much around clothes as around politics. Are drama and pays no heed to the notion that humanitarian organizations should be neutral for him whats important is that he delivers. Messages him again want our message is always against oppression and that people should be free. When major personalities like malcolm x. Or erda want transport that top 40 and then we advertise that on a jacket or a t. Shirt or something. Else were also people who tackle oppression just as boldly or topical for thats our message and starts us off in front of the message ref aliar she is a sociologist and philosopher. What he did is shows. The reality is that muslim humanitarian work furnishes a response. You might call it an anti jihadist adventure an Anti Terrorist radicality. That means staging your life as a kind of positive muslim hero whos going to change the world. He shows he can be radical and absolutely muslim thats why you can be a bit frightened by the discourse thats a bit fundamentalist but at the same time its absolutely Anti Terrorist as Anti Terrorist as it wants to be radicals because it aims to get to the roots of islam the Muslim Charity included this is the mashup did many. In ghana faith is part of the countrys National Identity 98 percent of the population practice a religion 3 quarters of them are christians evangelical organizations a booming especially in the capital akron. Posters plastered around the city advertise the services of popular preachers of. Abdulrahman is also continuing his religious mission here on the outskirts of backtracking his Aid Organization has built. A small mosque the land was donated by a v. I. P. Here who in all modesty calls himself the king. You know we have 70 percent muslim in this community. But we do have single mothers did. In the who are community. Single it was just most agree with it but stresses of the ages are more than cold more than a 1000 years for harlem we have to either have to travel from here to my dinner from here to a shell of fuck. This is why i decide. To use disability. What you must you do. Even. If all the build in all will come down and will use the all please. Keep us. Out of here. And im sorry building a mosque is one way to compete with the evangelical expansion drive. Its a powerful symbol of the rights of muslims. The project cost 11000. 00 euros but raising the funds proved no problem. Someone tell us the situation then we. Explained the situation to the muslims in germany they. Dont donate for a mosque even for wisdom there is. This nor that your reward for building a mosque is to have a palace the highest reward according to the cross is code of conduct that does not qualify as humanitarian aid but abdul rahman remains undeterred. Well. How do see if you know if the above youll see this. But its a goal of and you all did everything what. Twice or what the folks need. And for us as religious people we hear. Religion too because we believe that their religion is an important part of your heart if you dont. Have this then. Its easier to go the wrong way. Drummond says he plays with an open hand and publicizes everything he does. Not just on the other hand has opted for discretion. Their ideas of what i eat in allahs name means a very different. And alan has many other helpers some are more radical and place greater emphasis on their islamic identity others are less strict analysts proselytizing. But no matter how different they are and whatever pasts i may take muslims have an increasingly important place in International Relief efforts. Ready ready ready to some foreigners and Service Organizations faith based organizations are essential. They provide most of the aid that the syrians under bombardment and under the conditions we all know about so desperately need to fulfill said i dont know why i would condemn that. Was its religion cigar its community action. Its worthy of respect but for me its not primarily humanitarian want to thug its. To the point. The opinion is clear physicians International Perspectives of. More than 100 countries around the world are in the grip of the coronavirus thousands have died and many more are infected and this business has struggled to stay alive great fears of a global recession zines a deal with the audience to find out all to the point shortly. To the point the to the company from the us on d. W. Each stone now comes my story. Of the people who turned to me built me. A monster body and not a done deal. On my secret. Listen closely and i will tell you about the guys who go to me up. Under the bed susumu down. I am not to dumb to publish. I have mocked my city days for centuries and accompanied my country through its finest our lives until the day i mean a vanished the big. Guys still not too dumb to. April and. This is news coming to you live from berlin and americans in europe scramble to return home departure halls are packed out to the United States and else a 30 day ban on travel from europe president blames the European Union for an increase in american corona virus cases also in the Program Germany wraps up its Coronavirus Response as cases jumped to over 2000 chance for im going to mark a warns against large gatherings would stop short of closing schools. And 12 month

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