Middle of the city where people need to work ok i dont think its good in the climate scientists alarming enough so Extinction Rebellion dont really need. The public reaction is divided how far should protests be allowed to go. I think its going to take a. December 2019 the annual Un Climate Change Conference is underway in madrid. Representatives from 200. 00 countries have come together to negotiate agreements on effective ways to limit Global Warming. That. Was just outside the Conference Center thousands are calling for immediate action to avert what they see as an impending catastrophe among most radical protestors are members of Extinction Rebellion otherwise known as x. Are. Lovely people. Skinner wrath or from the u. K. As a Founding Member of Extinction Rebellion she spends months on the road for the cause. Normally. Shed be out on the streets with the protesters. But here in madrid shes got an appointment with the summit president its a 1st for x r i was really nervous i was nervous but excited too. I feel the weight of responsibility in trying to. Build a relationship that can go on and thrive and create change you know they so far Extinction Rebellion has focused on mass demonstrations now the group is exploring Diplomatic Options as well. In october 29th teen the movement staged a series of protests in london that caused widespread disruption. The aim of the demonstration was to get the British Government to take urgent action to tackle Climate Change thousands of activists camped out in the city center skeen a raft or was there to. Going to lay down and that is how can i get this happen. As im not that. I think you oughta sista im not going to. Lay down and roll over unless this violence and destruction. Thats why she came to london to take part in the 2 week protest. She came to organize discussion panels bring activists together and give speeches. We want to force a government to meet us. At it were not being on the way saying feast wont trust he said listen to the scientists the academics the resurgence this civilization is in danger of collapsing. And. What are we going to do about it together. Skinner thors activism is motivated by very personal reasons. I have 3 children and i feel a deep sense of responsibility for. This well being something a place where they can have a Meaningful Life where they can enjoy the abundance of nature and live in harmony with their fellow kindred human souls its happening now and the projection for the next 5 years is that the middle of the earth will likely become barren and we are looking at that to mean 660000000 to 1000000000 refugees and displaced people and we are looking at systems collapsing we are looking at climate shocks in our bread basket. Full of those who support Extinction Rebellion believe that Climate Change has become a climate breakdown that threatens the future of humanity and that its imperative that action be taken immediately to reverse this trend. Their concerns are backed by scientific evidence. Im a change its happening ive studied it for 4 years and. Everyone needs to get on board and we need to start the science is out there for anyone who wants to see it its there for everyone. X r differs from the more moderate fridays for future movement and that its members openly advocate civil disobedience to call attention to their demands. They want their cause to be impossible to ignore. What some may consider breaking the law they see as an exercise in grassroots democracy. As citizens we have the right answer protest we have the right to really voice that the world needs to change. The activists have 3 core demands 1st governments must tell the truth about the dangers of Global Warming and officially declare a Climate Emergency. Second action must be taken immediately. The goal of achieving climate neutrality that is net 0 c o 2 emissions by 2025 must have top priority. 3rd create a truly Democratic Political process for achieving these goals and a Citizens Assembly. Governments would have to take the assemblys recommendations into account. You know its a very difficult position from what i say sion because actually in order to meet the crisis everything has to change and not just change it has to be completely rewired and transformed and what it means is democracy is why didnt is the plan and its about the devolution n. T. Centralization of was. On the 1st day of the protest activists in london glued themselves to scaffolding the police had to use a solvent to free them before they could be arrested. Was the was the many Extinction Rebellion protesters actually try to get themselves arrested was the more people taken into custody they argue the greater the disruption to the system was that also conveys a message that so many people are willing to fight for Climate Change there must be something to it. During the 29000 london protests about 1400 of some 30000 activists were taken into custody most held only briefly. At about the same time the London High Court ruled that Police Efforts to stop the protests were unlawful. After that dozens of demonstrators sued the police for false arrest. Extinction rebellion says it now has more than 350 groups and 50 different countries. In new york last year they brought traffic to a standstill. In paris they spilled fake blood down steps near the eiffel tower. Zurich they poured biodegradable dye into the lima river to call attention to their concerns about pollution. Environmental activists of all ages took part. There are about 120. 00 x. Our chapters in germany including 4 in berlin. Parallel to the october demonstration in london an extended protest was held in the german Capital Police said about 1000 people blocked a busy roundabout causing serious traffic disruptions. Activist alex was there recording of the berlin protests. All over a muslim opponents were nearing come this is going on in front of. The barman for ministry. A month later moved to berlin from prague in 2017 on his way to meet a colleague. Who slick who joined Extinction Rebellion in march 29000 videos of protests that are later posted on social media. He also takes part in the demonstrations himself. After the rebellion weekly hot in october plenty of people realize. The topic itself because before people didnt know about the scale of Climate Crisis so i think now that. Because we kind of shocked the media and got the Media Attention i think theyre coming now too because theyre to us because theyre curious and they want to participate in any way they can i guess if they havent time. To 6 appointment is with mariana blow who organizes onboarding sessions there and the information events that introduce and explain the movement to new members. Its really nice there are about one can bloom have spoken several times theyve never met you know her sisters or. Together they watch alex crucifix latest video their fair share of the world citizen were like yeah. Its really the role of the. World. And do you have to have reactions on the on this post for example oh theyre oh my god theyre theyre doing fine. Some people a few times. And says religions a troll something new there are. So many people who just dont want to have fun like when we do the book well if you sit down to do this you can just like freeze there you know the answer you know you have to move you have to cheer up the way you know Extinction Rebellion says its campaign is a political wake up so thats in the some time that weve been criticised for that and whats interesting is that it comes from the far right and the far left school or the left to say were not radical enough and they accuse us of not being sufficiently at a capitalist the air. Oh. Thats not out of the capitalisms could take over and we are guided by the principle that we will do what we have to do to achieve our goal of the good seed this act and that is to create a future that will be with living for everyone is just that it has nothing to do with politics left all right that makes a place to. Be on a bloom as a professional cabaret performer who donates her time to Extinction Rebellion. Took his commitment a step further. And its my profession bought for about an week i quit job. Done during rebelling week. Being in a field being in the action and shooting or think and posting so. I was super busy when i was the full time job while doing the running route if someone doesnt care about the environment at all its just like bit like suicidal you know. Latest report not really going to the latest reports how grim it could be even in like 20 years with shortages of food and water and whatever. You know we would be stupid not to do anything against you know in the 1st place. Not gonna bloom is on her way to host an orientation event for new members similar events are held in several different german cities and theres no need to register in advance. Because like is going to film tonight session with his mobile phone good. Girl youre all. Over you during the evening the latest Climate Research is presented and the movements core demands are outlined goals politicians must declare a Climate Emergency Carbon Neutrality must be achieved by 2025 and a Citizens Assembly must be created to address environmental problem. That these assemblies will be informed by experts the out of people from the Auto Industry are also welcome but it wont be the people from the auto and Energy Industries can lobby the ministry for months on end with environmentalist only there on occasion much of that and im eyeing a lab. X. Our members should add here to 10 principles they include no blaming and shaming. Members are not allowed to criticize other individual its like people who drive s. U. V. S or eat meat as if they must focus on the system as a whole can see it was one can then cut another principle is nonviolence Extinction Rebellion he does for calm. The monkeys welcome everyone just as they are but if all you want to do is throw rocks all scream at the police then exxon is not for you for example we would never attack coal miners school or even criticize that. In fact wed like to see coal miners join us when we hold sit down strikes. On selfish quite songs thats no. Name if thats the movement has a decentralized leadership structure. That has a sort of him usually theres a boss over head who tells people what to do. Is get but we dont have a leadership hierarchy and. This is stroud town in southwestern england thats home to about 13000 people. Its environmentally friendly culture has been attracting Free Thinkers and artistic types for many years. It was here that Extinction Rebellion was founded in october 28th seen by about 20 activists who were frustrated that their demands for reforms were being ignored so they decided to adopt a radical protest programme that included acts of civil disobedience. Skinner wrath or lives here with her family. Rural life helps her to cope with the stress of taking part in protests. Theres a restore ration that happens to me at home with my children being with them and cooking and listening to them but also in my god. And in the woods that we live next to and. Yeah so its so important to put my feet back into what feels much actually and what feels like the reason and. The members of Extinction Rebellion have learned through experience that taking time off is important to deal with the physical and psychological strain. We have a very clear culture that we have periods of big active intense activity that we we are asked to rest and recuperate and regenerate and reflect on what that activity meant for us what moved enough what the questions it has left us with. A lot of people in stroud our environmental activists its a tight community. Bradbrook a Founding Member of extinction or die and has lived here with her 2 sons since 2006 ok for that shes been committed to protecting the environment most of her life and. Living sustainably is possible but its only part of the solution. Together with others in Stroud Gail Bradbrook manages a Community Garden but to stop Climate Change she says require much more than actions of individuals we know that 50 percent of emissions come from 10 percent of the population so its really important that people with the biggest footprints really think about what theyre doing how much they fly in what theyre eaten or me included in that but we have a a system thats based on focus on profit rather than purpose and therefore whatever you do as long as you can get away with it youll create pollution youll hurt people youll hurt the planet so something has to change systemic way here just simply changing how you consume start going to be enough. Gail bradbrook believes that everyone without exception must take part in the effort to reduce Global Warming. For some that may mean leading a simpler life. I dont think we need all this stuff that weve all got we just need whats next to us and i dont want talking about you know going back to the caves and live in really rough lives but slowing down enough to appreciate what we have. I mean isnt this heaven its beautiful. Yeah just. I thought might to have part of my life just be smaller again and i dont know how many more seasons are see i think the risk of a mass extinction as bad as the permian mass extinction is significant. Bradbrook who has a ph d. In molecular biology quit her last job to work full time for x. Are. The organization pacer 800. 00 pounds a month to help cover her expenses. And although shes a Founding Member of the movement she doesnt consider herself a leader. Leadership is something Everybody Needs to do in extremis rebellion youve got to have a Leadership Perspective on your own life like what is it when you look at the whole thing so if youre in a group youre not just thinking about your own role in that group youre thinking about how well the groups go in and maybe at some time somebody will come whos better at doing that job the man i can retire. To get. In the fight to save the climate bradbrook is also willing to resort to drastic measures on occasion last october she broke a window during a demonstration at the department for transport in london. Overall we know that civil disobedience is something that works in the world and its necessary sometimes you kind of have to lift the focus. On. The department for transport they are not spending the money they should on cycling for example theyre driving for. A huge infrastructure problem project called hate as to which is a high speed rail which might sound great but actually its an Airport Shuttle service to expand a v. A. Shouldn and its going to be the biggest the forestation of the u. K. Since world war one for some people they think youve broken a window its foreign but a Minor Property damage is to my mind its not its not violent nobody was it any risk so i dont consider that violent. The hammer used to break the glass was borrowed. After it was confiscated bradbrook sent the owner a replacement. In her eyes violence is what government and industry are doing to the planet the harm being inflicted on the environment is a measurable also financially speaking. Bradbrook thinks the 27000 pounds worth of damage she caused during her protest pales in comparison. Because of the willingness to damage property some have criticised Extinction Rebellion members says eco terrorists journalist Robin Whitlock was some self a member of the movement for several weeks. Now whitlock is calling for moderation in the climate debate hes especially concerned about controversial remarks made by x r cofounder roger hallam. They seem to be giving the impression that you know if we dont do that. And turned things around within the next 12 years then were talking sort of an apocalyptic scenario which color. Life on earth its white tat and all that kind of thing and that is just really kind to productive all it does is scare people when it just lock people into a sense of panic and if youre in a sense of panic then you can think clearly about you know how to tackle the problem we list the play. Roger hallam is known to be outspoken and sometimes thats got him into trouble even among ex are members who recently said he wanted to quote draw around through to ensure that a threat was closed there were people inside your own organization or said when a house is on fire you have to break down the door and to go on the column was also sharply criticized for remarks in which he appeared to downplay the holocaust. I think. This intention was to provoke and got some Media Attention by saying that the future could be even worse that the whole course i mean he said that its like another. Human history but obviously like for germany its the most sensitive topic there is i think it was not very forceful would you do it very stupid. Afterwards x. R. Chapters in germany in britain condemned alums remarks in the organization is carrying out an internal review so concerning abortion meanwhile Extinction Rebellion is working hard to put its Core Principles into practice these include the creation of a Citizens Assembly that would advise politicians on how best to deal with the Climate Crisis then you have the Group Discussion the assembly would be a grassroots form of deliberative democracy these 3 demands i go through this very quick 1st of all we select people randomly ok and this thread to fight randomly is were going to select people all over the country but by for example according to the population general. Listen for example social class a region and gender so joe math is responsible for coordinating the citizens assembling them and tonight hes explaining how it will work. There arent many people here because many of the activists were at a fridays for future demonstration earlier in the day. So we have all of this is new to alex because like. Another experts will provide Scientific Data to the assembly which will be used to develop climate Protection Measures to be presented to the government for execution. They would have to it was that in one. They would work as one team. Human society you know its not like im left with a system right or old. They have one goal and they have to work on the solution. As the 29000 u. N. Climate change conference true to a close in december in madrid the delegates failed to make much progress on key issues i but Extinction Rebellion continued to protest their actions increasingly provocative. Its got a lot of support from people inside. But skinner wrath or was focused on other things in madrid. After lengthy negotiations Extinction Rebellion made an important diplomatic breakthrough i think that will grayson are still we hear from meeting with the president cavendish me and call and we. Make relationships and ask. How we can lets get at least coming here for the next 26. Carlina schmidt was not only the summit president shes also chiles environment minister. The conference was originally scheduled to be held in santiago but was moved to madrid because. Widespread political unrest in chile. Skinner rothera was a bit nervous before the meeting which would be the 1st between an x r activist and a senior politician. The camera team was not allowed to film the session which lasted for more than an hour. Afterward carlina schmidt declined to comment but skinner rather was happy to talk to reporters. Make a release so she will be doing. They understand the story he needs to shift because the urgency is not enough to be out to see. Her meeting with Climate Conference president carlina schmidt got a lot of Media Coverage that skinner author described it as a major step forward. And they know that the toss in the enormity of the task and it is not something that can be done in isolation in in processes like this. Its new this is me. Movements like thoughts coming into place this is like this is completely new. I the summit didnt achieve much mostly because key proposals were blocked by major emitters including brazil the u. S. And australia. Time to start preparing for the next Climate Conference. Under really excited by bill begin to build a team. Around the club but the club 26. 00 and about but theres so much what to do between now and then so i think one day at a time and yeah. The next conference will be held this november in glasgow the activists also want to meet directly with senior politicians their. Extinction rebellion maybe moving toward a more diplomatic approach when it comes to. Tackling Climate Change. Coal india. Where is the toilet but only struggle for indias women. Entrepreneur lucas a golf cart has turned the whole city buses into mobile sanitation facilities for women. They all have the same lights so i says to him good story lives this way life is now a little easier. To. 13 spong d w. This is g. W. News coming to you live from berlin combating the coronavirus countries intensify their efforts to slow the spread of the disease italy faces a 2nd day of a national walked out with more than 60000000 people told to stay home also coming up joe biden strengthens his position as the print brother in the u. S. Democratic president ial race after

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