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A luxury vacation in an ancient cave in my terra italy. How a french artist makes Colorful Creations with paper. But we start off the show with an artistic form of camouflage now its often said that the more time you spend with someone the more you start to look like that person but does the same apply to him animate objects well austrian photographer stefan spends hours in museums looking for visitors who eventually blend in with the paintings there are observing that perhaps theyre wearing something similar to the dress that i have on right now well in some cases the resemblance seems more than just coincidental but its exactly this element of surprise that motivates the photographer. Observe is part of the picture. That shows situations that happened by. Capturing these moments for posterity is stefan trash and his passion. His goal to shoot up to 5 good pictures a day even in the museum lobby ready looking at peoples hairstyles and patent. Medicine i want to discover things its about sharpening my senses what can i see what analogies can i make life so voyage of discovery. Europes major museums are like a 2nd home for trash and today hes at the museum babylonian potsdam just outside of palin his photo series people matching artworks in 29000 trash and 2nd book of photos was published the photographer who is based in berlin has become known internationally through his blog social media and exhibitions of his where he finds connections between people and martin hairstyles patternist condos and poses. 5 minutes after entering the museum hes already found a match. Thats a nice composition. Think should happen and there should also be a poetic calm in it theres a moment and then its gone these shoes have quite soles for normally id wear smarter shoes but theyre the quietest ones ive got. Traction has around 11 seconds to capture a photo that the average time a Museum Visitor spends looking at an artwork. His images help bring the cost into the present. Trash on is especially pleased with this person matching artwork taken in front of kara thank you yes this is. A deep dream shes even holding her hand like he does have right there you have the analogy the business 10 has unknowingly become part of a new 12. Im going to follow her. Maintaining a sense of distance from the Museum Visitors is important question avoids any direct contact with them. For some National Interest i keep my distance im quite shy and i dont want to violate anyones personal rights i always take my photos from behind so folks dont even know im doing it. Unlike other photo artists trash and doesnt spend much time editing his picture is he only comes them a bit on his laptop. Needling of them and ive never worked on a photo for longer than a minute that would be a totally different approach you could photoshop or stage these works but i want that real nice. This is. A selftaught photographer has been documenting people and things that match one another for several years. Is in the photo series include cars matching homes and couples matching. Sometimes hell hold on to a picture for 2 years before making it public. Thats for the fun but. You seem to feel the same as mine to target or at least my photos should be a declaration of love to life itself the passion should be recognizable. Its neither the person nor the artwork. Should be represented disrespectfully you know so. Life can be a firework of emotions for a cosigner citizen from the room. And a peanut pontiff one of his future words make sure to dress the pants on your next trip to the museum. Playing tag is something we normally associate with our childhood but thanks to 2 brothers from the u. K. Its now fast becoming a hit with adults now people are taking tag to a competitive level combining the pace of the game with a park or heres how it works. That. Tag is normally a kids game but for chase tag adults like ann is mostly from germany compete with one another. All. Just chase tigers on a whole different level its on par with professional athletes its a lot faster and a lot more exciting when the. Chase tag is becoming more and more popular the 1st World Championship took place in london and 28. 00 teams the teams compete in several rounds against each other. Each round last 20 seconds 100 provides a catcher the other team the runners up the runners a skate their team gets a point. The winning team is the one to have the most points after a maximum of 16 rounds. A 6 man team from germany also policy for this event in london. They call themselves. And provide their free running and park or skills for show events and film projects. Change charge develop from park or as andreas gooda from the german team explains. When we get some of them to take part you must have some experience with obstacle courses and you have to know the moves and techniques to be were all part and perfect for this game would be just being perfect feeds your. Brothers christian and damien devo from britain developed chase tag in 2011 they got the idea while they were playing tag with their children in their own garden. We got some scaffolding we made it did some experiments with didnt court designs and sort of all of these and we did up to them 70060. 00 and then the 1st videos we put out went viral and then it kind of group on there we had you know each competition got bigger and bigger we got better athletes and then this is where we are now. Community is growing on their you tube channel the brothers get up to 36000000. 00 clicks per video and have some 700000 subscribers they now organize tournaments the world over at this london contest 8 teams are competing against one of. The u. K. Caught that exist. Before getting down to business the german team gets to know the arena and explores possible tripping hazards. Something bad can happen at any time especially if you want to catch the other team on your hand might end up under someones body and could break last year everything went well and we hope this year as well i just want to say. When its time to guard play their 1st match against the british team breach. After a short time as the british leaves. Despite one of the opponents falling cant catch up to me they are eliminated in the preliminary round. Even so mark busch of the german team is relaxed. Oh probably just go back out into the streets and keep playing training and having fun but if we get invited back again next year well be there. Will do what we always do in the end its just a game and one should forget that. This time france won but ultimately what really counts is the fun of playing tac. Next up a luxury redefined now i bet you wouldnt consider sleeping in a. Cave to be a 5 star experience but a hotel in my terre in southern italy will make you think twice now this is a luxury establishment located in the middle of former cave settlements with minimal lighting and a core the rooms have been transformed into small oases of relaxation. Much here in southern italy is famous for its cave dwellers carved into the rocky cliffs called sussy. Once home to poor farmers families today they draw guests from all over the world. To keep the settlement from becoming derelict kill growing turned 18 of these caves into a luxury hotel called 6th they grow up to do achieve the top. Breakfast is served in a former cave church which dates from the 13th century. Approaches to retaining it was extremely important to us everything should remain just as it was only when for example the floor was missing did we renovate it using original materials. The only life comes in through the doors in small windows walls ceilings and floors or carved out of the soft sandstone and volcanic. A few pieces of furniture belong to former residents the only compromise is the designer bath tub in every room that cruise doing all the sanitary facilities are our greatest sin as there was no Running Water in the caves into the 1950 s. But in a hotel you need water and bathrooms. There are just. Wherever possible weve installed old original feeding trough that were lying around in the caves 6. Due to overcrowding and an outbreak of malaria materials cave dwelling as were evacuated in the 1950 s. For a long time they remained abandoned and forgotten. But all that changed in 1993 when unesco recognized the sausage immaterial as a World Heritage site since then the cave dwelling have become a tourist magnet. A museum here shows the poverty of the former inhabitants. Until the mid 1950 s. The casa grow up to housed a family of 11 and their farm animals they lived in primitive conditions without power or Running Water. In fact even the few minutes it was one of the biggest problems in these caves the bed is high so that it wont get damp from below and to me there was room for small randomness and Household Goods that siani if anybody saw. These original beds also stand in a luxury hotel. From the outside the sick son ceos rooms look quite in conspicuous they lie along a street in the old town and follow the principle of the alberg or scatter hotels. 20 years ago daniela began transforming the Mountain Village of Santa Stefano in central italy by turning abandoned homes into hotel rooms it brought the village back to life. In much honor to the luxury caves are popular even though the rooms here cost from around 150. 00 to over a 1000 euros a night. Thats its unique and in some cases you want a plane for you make its awful and its good to have council laws but it can be dangerous and you could walk into the wall. Of course to come 1st thing to do with what they had to go through. But it just wakes up he met his teenage son. Right next door danielle a kilogram hopes to restore more caves very soon but not all of them will become hotel rooms hes mainly interested in preserving the historical legacy. But i hope that well soon have lots of competitors with Nice Projects will do it even better than we did because in italy there are 2000 abandoned villages which could be revived through soft tourism and stimulate the economy will be reported to the young people but also older ones are leaving these remote places. That have disagreements and. Thanks to this unique cave experience guests are now visiting even in winter when my terrace still looks very much the way it did the 1st centuries. And you can find lots of travel reports including my series megans perfect weekend from exciting destinations like iceland to madeira all on our you tube channel so why dont you check them out. Want to learn more about european lifestyle and culture. When you come to write. Your romance. Take the class. Struggle. With. Labored cuisine join the race destroy. Your. Subscribe so you dont miss it. For some people paper is just a simple tool for communicating a message or jotting down something that you want to communicate but for artists its an essential part of their work now its easier to work with than clay according to some artists and you would be surprised at how one artist in france creates 3 d. Paper objects that really trick the eye. How about a fat free burger. Or water ice dessert without sugar. These treats have no calories because theyre made out of shredded paper. The interplay of color and form gives these works of art a certain depth. The sophisticated 3 d. Paper creations are by multiple onto a 34 year old designer from paris. Paper are different picnic we can care at it again far as we can so we can do anything we want i walk with it since a long time but i. Try it. Fun to look creates her artwork on her studio in the south of paris she studied at an art academy and then discovered her interest in paper. She starts by making a 2 dimensional pattern on her computer. Use it to decide where the paper will be folded. To work with paper you need a lot of patience and dexterity. On tours proud of the fact that her artworks are handmade she doesnt use machines of any kind and she makes a mistake she can fix it right away. This is kind of stuff. But we have. A name a job so ive got the rarity and i have i have to do the same in paper but this is this is a wrong way its what they rub it but to find them is the most complicated theyve roped. Well my rational wall because i have to find it is a. Graphic design but i have no more that is so i have to frame garrett to walk on they are now whilst. Most fun to our finds inspiration for her art works everywhere sometimes in books or magazines she just Walking Around paris. Often visits this paper shop she pays close attention to the thickness and the surface of the original material but the key element is the right combination of colors. A long while in motion while this is a story i want to tackle. Something dark. And. Bright. If i wont. Say when we. Bring. Her clients include Numerous International companies. Who are now makes custom artworks for watch manufacturers. Sportswear firms. And perfume producers. The trend toward paper based artworks continues despite the invasion of digital technology. Trying to explain why. Because paper or something sensitive. You can keep. This is digital age. Wed like to touch something we need something. To you. This is something you keep. Want to skills and talents are also well known in the world of advertising. Some are her more complex works on display at the art jingle gallery in paris. Her work continues to focus on paper but shes also starting to experiment with other materials. I started to walk with different. Fabrics with. And this is. Over the wall. To mix it with paper i create something. Which. Something wall. Paper will probably always be in long term to is favored its the best way for her to turn a Creative Ideas into reality. And finally as the topics of Climate Change and Global Warming continue to dominate the headlines more and more people are taking it amongst themselves to reduce their Carbon Footprint now one restaurant in berlin is also doing its bit to save the planet its goal is to reduce the amount of waste produced there to 0 we went there to find out how the concept is working out so far. At the end of the day this little pile is all that remains of the left dave as for the dishes like these delegates of he and Yasmin Martin have opened free of germanys 1st 0 waste restaurant in building. Where you just got every city every restaurant in general should produce things in a more Sustainable Way whether they take up the 0 waste cause or not operators have a big responsibility towards their guests on the environment because people who produce a lot also produce a lot of waste fed a few little for the couple in this hes been trying to produce as little combat just possible fiest. That there is 0 waste restaurants the proteins comes from local organic found just as free as plastic packaging. All of the dishes served down vegan. On the menu today roasted mushrooms with santas reef root on potato to ream and have made sourdough pita bread with the areas tips we dont name to vegan eyes anyone or turn them into 0 waste is that the end of the day we just want to serve up good food in a man dogmatic way. But were going to remain pragmatic we want to do something not talk about it just do it. The concept isnt entirely new. Englands 1st 0 waste restaurant sino open back in 2014. Constantly often from no way what is the sushi chef there before he took over running the kitchen at freyja so the villain restaurant is benefiting from his experience. To do a lack of communication with salt water and whatever a seasonal theyre supposed to get. The vegetable gets remembered. And the you get much more interesting flavor im only going to use the liquids married. I think youre already to make sources of dressings to be used up all over them and their. Sustainability and ecological awareness are also reflected in the interior design the net can isnt made of cloth the furniture is 2nd hand distorting plastic and the lump sum made for mushroom fiber. The concept is the watch through down to the smallest detail but does the guests realize that. This concept the concept is interesting im also reading a book about this at home but thats not the main reason im here i was drawn by the food. It bugs me how much we throw away but its really hard to throw away very little flies and harder still to throw nothing away so what the guys are doing here is great to. See what happens to the vegetable peelings and left and that is. Thats where this composite comes and that temperature is between 60 and 120 degrees celsius host of bacteria hot it can machine. Dot com in the us at the end of the evening all of the food scraps weve collected going here. And within 24 hours this turns them into compost that can be put on fields just the way to its. All about. Im saying the food cycle closes in a completely natural way. And every little bit helps and that brings us to the end of todays show but before we go a quick reminder to enter our drop now you can find out how to take part on our website and also on facebook so get your entries into us and good luck as always so things are watching closely again soon. World class cinema. Political world the good fun fun. Topic i. Mean look back at some of the greatest moments. The last. Straw. W. They were sworn enemies for most of their lives in the end they fought for control of iran. Mohammad reza pahlavi the us arent sharing an ally of the west. Ham diavolo Ruhollah Khomeini her martian or. The world are still dealing with the consequences of their conflict. The shah and the ayatollah. In 75 minutes on t w. Smiles can inspire people change the people making a possible go ahead for fantastic guy. Join them as they set out to save the environment learn from one another and Work Together for a Better Future for. Many dogs do you all for tuning it comes out for. On deep. W. Im secure in that volume or not hard and in the end this i mean youre not allowed to stay here anymore we will send you back. Are you familiar with this. With the smugglers with miles of. Whats your story. d d on what numbers of women especially of victims of violence. Take part and send us your story you are trying in all ways to understand this new culture. Another visitor not the guests you want to become a citizen. In for migrants your platform for reliable information. This is directly a news live from berlin a growing humanitarian and political crisis at turkeys borders with the European Union thousands of my friends are stuck at the frontier turkey says it wont stop them from heading to the e. U. But greece and bulgaria wont let them in we have reports from a d w correspondent at the border also coming up. U. S. President donald trump imposes new prescriptions to start the coronavirus Us Health Officials announced americas 1st debt

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