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Welcomes u. S. President s trump close their drafts of rally. Because he is an opportunity to. Welcome to the program we start here in germany where car has been driven into a crowd of ravenous celebrating carnival the incident happened in the town of folks moss in the state of at least 10 people have been injured the drivers not in Custody Police have not counseled further economy. Now this comes. After the mass shooting in the same state in which 10 people were killed. Straight to d. W. Correspondent kate brady here in baghdad welcome what more can you tell us. Well so often as you say we know that at least 10 people have been injured in this incident in folk mohsen and among them are children as well and police have said that the driver of the silver mercedes which plowed into the crowd of people has now been taken into custody so he will be being questioned now police have made it clear that as yet they have not been able to determine whether the incident was indeed an accident or whether the driver intentionally drove into that crowd of people now last weeks deadly shootings in the town of hama hop and in this same state tests of security been increased as a result kate. Certainly well as a long term venture the interior ministry had said that it was already going to Police Presence on german streets and outside mosques for example and at airports too but there is also the plan at least by authorities at what they said last week to increase preparations at least for any potential reprisal attacks now again is not to say that this is a reprisal tack police are yet to confirm exactly what happened in this incident whether it was an accident or whether that drive a did intentionally drive into the crowds but we also now know as well that over khan of all celebrations around the state of has a have now been canceled as a precautionary measure. And what sort of place is fold slawson. Its a very tiny town just under 7000 people live there but of course today most of them will have been out in the streets particularly in western germany so gracious for carnival her a huge occasion for families people of all ages but especially families and children go to the con and follow a parade which is where this incident took place many of them going to collect sweets and spend the day out with family and friends on the streets so there will have been a lot of people out on the streets today but in the meantime we will be bringing you more as we get it kate brady thank you now as the police have. To hold a press conference in the next few minutes and we will of course keep you informed now of the corona Virus Outbreak has forced Chinas National Peoples Congress to postpone his annual meetings for the 1st time in decades the number of deaths in china has risen to maybe 2600 south korea raised its Infectious Disease alert to its highest level following 160 new cases and iraq has confirmed death toll now stands at 12 the highest number of fatalities outside china our next report comes from italy west 7 people have died from the virus. Midnight on the italian austrian Border Police and the army are deployed to guard to train with the potentially deadly cargo operators stopped the service amid fears that 2 of its passengers were carrying the corona virus only once tests came back negative where service is was you know. Its really is battling to control a sudden eruption of the virus this entire town was summoned to be tested in makeshift 1st aid centers. Nervous wait a commie no activity yet i knew yesterday it was my birthday and now ive been told happy birthday after the swab we shall see we wait they told us that if we are positive theyll alert us immediately that us and the neighboring Lombardy Region more than 10 tons have been quarantined. Police set up roadblocks around the area a socalled red zone in an effort to stem the rapid rise of infections. Are sort of the actions where the by inviting people to stay at home in addition to closing places where crowds congregate. Trying to ensure containment of this phenomenon. Melanne to is winding down from the opera house to the cathedral cultural hubs have closed their doors fashion week true also fell victim armani closed its runway show to the crowd leaving georgia staring at empty seat meanwhile the European Union has pledged 230000000 euros to fight the global outbreak we stress that. For the moment. W. H. R. Has not advised changing up imposing restrictions on either travel or trade. There was some rest bite for residents of to daniel that dubbed at least. Authorities open one supermarket after a weekend in lockdown. Going by the queues it may be sold out pretty fast. Lets go to the Italian Region of the lumber the 10 towns there and 50000 people under quarantine one of those towns in the red zone you condone you southeast of milan t w correspondent ben rig that joins us from just outside welcome there and well start with the good news news of a breakthrough with origins believe there found italys patient 0 person at the center of the outbreak and this person is it could dont you. Yeah the city of condone and all those a hospital of condone is just just around the corner from here this is one of the last checkpoints before you enter this eppy sent off these surprisingly fahds outbreak of coronavirus in italy in this hospital they have those they believe now the authorities the most patient 0 a 38 year old man admitted to the hospital last thursday and they traced down all his contacts and could trace 150 cases of coronavirus connect that to this man and also his wife is now shes pregnant both of them out in the hospital. We also have a new death case here in this town but the. First hes still dont know how this patient 0 got the virus he has never been to china he had some context over a friend who has been to china but this friend tested negative so nobody knows exactly how this virus arrived along but the the hardest hit region of italy right now and so how great is the fate of the virus that. People have mixed anxieties i would say some. And some think that all these meadows a little bit over the top of the think that they maybe should leave the region until this outbreak is over. The daily life is clearly disrupted but the current team is also not as strict as you might imagine theres cars can still go in and out if you have a reason you can still go into the region and leave it again if you want to go to a supermarket or a pharmacy if you have a truck full of supplies or you off you can go in and out so its not as strict as you might think ive done to bring it back in northern italy thank you. Now lets go to Margaret Harris of the world the Health Organization shes working with the Coronavirus Team in geneva welcome to dede what advice is the w. H. O. Giving to italy at this point. Well italys doing a lot of doing the right thing checking as as your reporter said theyre finding out who has been a context where the epidemiological links its really characterizing whats happening with this outbreak and by asking people to self isolate and asking people not to move too much theyre ensuring that. Ongoing spread is limited we now have massive outbreaks in multiple countries people are going to be wondering is this corona Virus Outbreak now out of control. No were not seeing feeling that at all and weve got some large outbreaks and weve got some concerning outbreaks but were also seeing very strong reaction very strong actions taken by the authorities in those countries and thats what really matters we are sending teams to investigate whats going on in help help countries to strengthen the Health Systems help countries and countries what they need but at the moment no were not seeing. Anything that suggests its out of control except that the the numbers of deaths and infections appears to be increasing so that no matter what we are doing at the moment it does not seem to be bringing the numbers down. In the early days of an outbreak the numbers on it dont give you a really clear indication of whats going on it could be many more cases than we know of so you calculate. 30000 if he have a virus by looking at what it does in a Large Population but in the early days so its numbers can be skewed simply because its early days talking to thank you for joining us Margaret Harris from the world Health Organization. India where u. S. President donald trump has begun a 2 day visit proceedings began with a massive rally at the newly built metairie cricket stadium it was welcomed by indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a mad about the biggest city in mt his home state leaders hope to strengthen the ties between 2 of the Worlds Largest democracies. Handshakes swapped for hugs as india turned on the collar for Donald Trumps 1st visit to the country. The world when 1st day had a lively trio of Photo Opportunities for a u. S. President in a reelection year 1st to a residence where Mahatma Gandhi used to live use the guestbook to call modi his great friend. The motorcade then weve 3 streets packed with enthusiastic supporters straining to get a glimpse at the 2 leaders. The world to biggest cricket study and then played host for a massive rally titled at nama state trump in front of a 100000 people. In india you had cheered legions of the i knew only to. Jeff and i got up i didnt see. It didi your pond a big data and blew it out of the list. It could be the biggest rally of the us president s korea and he had a little trouble with some of the nines as the great religious teachers swami vivere come on no one say the 6 but he says recent trade disputes could be coming to an end we are in the early stages of discussion for an incredible trade agreement to reduce barriers of investment between the United States and india and i am optimistic that working together the Prime Minister and i could reach a fantastic deal despite that optimism any breakthroughs on trade talks would be unlikely as both sides have ramped up tariffs in the last year but leaving the stadium to finish the day at one of the wonders of the world the taj mahal on tuesday the leaders will sharpen their focus beginning renew trade talks in delhi. Gys while this following President Trumps a 1st day in india and sent us this assessment. The 1st day of preston from studio visit to india has come to an end and today has been all about the optics in the midst of a massive rally that was held in the city of m. The Prime Minister no dream team or the un President Donald Trump doled out if use of praise for each other their leadership as well as the sched values that these 2 great democracies share how i woke can this chemistry of unity translated to a trigger which was supposed to be the highlight of this bilateral meeting a massive trade deal has been in the works for months now but now this seems to be largely off the table as President Trump mentioned before his visit that this can actually be expected closer to the elections in the u. S. The u. S. And india have had many stumbling blocks to the street do such as the prices of medical devices agricultural trade as well as data privacy india has been upset about the fact that the u. S. Or walked a preferential trade status for india last year and the u. S. Has called india the king of to out of on the other hand however a defense deal is likely and this is something that was mentioned at the rally today by a Preston Donald trump that there could be a tree 1000000000. 00 trade deal with the indian navy and the u. S. Government if you just well delly resigning down to our top story about 10 people have been injured after a vehicle drummed into a carnival parade crowd here in germany the incident happened in the town of mawson in the state of the driver is now in Custody Police in the town have canceled for the coming celebrations incident comes less than a week after a mass shooting in the same state killed 10 people. Well take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world fresh clashes have broken out in the indian capital delhi over a controversial citizenship introduced in december india has seen weeks of often violent protests over the new low which critics say discriminates against muslims. Israel says its aircraft of hit palestinian militant sites in the gaza strip and near the syrian capital damascus the strikes were in response to a rocket attack by Islamic Jihad militants from gaza into southern israel this latest incident comes just a week before israel heads to elections. Germanys chancellor Angela Merkel center right c. D. U. Party will choose a new leader in april are going to have under threat come calabar resigned this month over a scandal involving the party partly cooperating with the far right disastrous Regional Election results over the weekend have added to the crisis within the party. Go to britain has begun a hearing into whether wiki leaks founder Julian Assange should be extradited to the United States to face espionage charges over Intelligence Leaks his own supporters protested outside the court in monday if hes convicted prosecutors would find it easier to target journalists when you sources inside the u. S. Government. Dont you course want to get masses covering the sounds the extradition for us in london welcome lawyers representing the u. S. Have been presenting their reasons for juvenile acts soldiers extradition one of theyve been saying. Well the lawyer for the u. S. Said that Julian Assange had helped a member of the u. S. Army to basically steal classified documents they also say that he endangered sources of the u. S. That he endangered 250 people that they were whistle. That informed the u. S. Intelligence sources for example on al qaida and on taliban thats basically a was his crime and what responses have been from. Well the essential team is maintaining that this is a political case and as such that the extradition treaty should not apply the u. S. U. K. Extradition treaty they also say that Julian Assange had indeed taken care not to endanger anyone and we have been able to speak to someone from Julian Assange just out team from his supporters from we keep the christian roughness on so lets have a listen to what he had to say. Ive heard absolutely nothing new today nothing that i havent heard for 10 years and when you were. The words that are coming home from the United States to about which is revelation 201020 above and well whole over 10 years ago i dont increase in the to the same house yes caldwell on the contrary. Though those are whole the world. Has gotten to where back to all. Of the serious ripleys journalism on trial. And it is a strong fulfill that we should be handing journal that. Will for this country. As the trial goes on there appears to be a loss of support for Julian Assange jobsite. Really tons of support i dont know whether you can hear the protesters are very noisy theyre saying that for them Julian Assange is a hero he should be extradited and fact theyre out that live in noise that joining us on today himself said that he can concentrate he appreciates the support but it was just too much for him. Mom sat in london thank you. Now here in berlin the 70th birthday an International Film festival is in full swing and one film not competing for the golden bat is hillary is a us documentary about the life of the former 1st lady have a look at a clip from super tuesday 2016 when Hillary Clinton was on a roll. Right. There. I think. That. We still have. Got that bad. But im not so sure i dont think you are. Right here. And you know. Well be though does have a home for you im scott so roxboro have been to see the documentary welcome chops how does hillary i was of this. Yeah. Its interesting because of course Hillary Clinton is one of the most Divisive Political figures in the United States theres a lot of people who love her and theres also a lot of people who really hater and both of these groups will find a lot. A lot of ammunition in this documentary series i mean we see hillary as incredibly intelligent and incredibly inspirational in a lot of the rallies a particular about period in 2016 when she succeeded in becoming the 1st u. S. President a female president but theres also plenty of scenes that show her. Quite arrogant maybe out of touch with certain voters and so i think anyone who goes into this expecting to have their mind changed about Hillary Clinton probably wont get anything out of this documentary series but it definitely is a really indepth look at one of the most fascinating political figures of our time male or female i think its fair to say she probably doesnt hate it because we do know that shes coming to about an International Film festival for the screaming children never a speech off to it in a press conference as well tamara now harry came to once famously said that she wanted the epitaph of her team staying to be that she wasnt as good or is bad as people said so perhaps this documentary series is a bit of a reputation representation of that sentiment ok so of the Bowling Alley of course is a competition so lets talk about a couple of the competition films that are on the today. Right well weve just had the prime yeah all of the french film if i say to the eco delete history you know this is a piece of social commentary its a comedy about the risks of social media to some very funny effect its about 3 friends living in the prevent chill french suburbs they get in all sorts of trouble with that online and lives now theyd met as yet a vast protest is on a roundabout and in a kind of spirit of protest and revolution they then decide to take on the Big Data Companies its certainly a very funny film as much as its a piece of social commentary but another film today i mean is it a film or dramatic one from from from from from french comedy to german drama. Theres a film called little sister which stars 2 of germanys biggest theater and film stars lives either here and nina hoss and in this film they play brother and sister both in the theater world as the actors are in real life and lars on the the brother is sick with cancer and his sister gives up her play with writing career to essentially take care of him this could be a very interesting film because these are 2 amazing actors and we rarely see them together in such an intimate type of movie but it is also very much set in the german theatrical world if you know anything about german theatre you know its a very choir taste so were very interested to see how the audience reacts to this one so what else are people talking about so that about it in a way. Well. Berlin always likes to have very political themes within its composition lineup and one of the film that couldnt be more topical is the assistant which is a film based entire of these very specifically on me to move in and on the weinstein case and given that Harvey Weinstein is at the moment facing a jury in new york that will decide the next couple of days probably whether or not to send to jail i think a film like this will really have a huge resonance here at the bell another. All right scott ross for Helena Humphrey down there thank you just on to our return to our breaking news police here in germany have told d. W. That at least 30 people were injured after a car was driven into a crowd of revelers celebrating Common Police say they assume the driver deliberately the incident happened in the central time of smiles and in the state of hesse drivers now in Custody Police call the holes for the carnival celebrations evolving to describe as a call for measure this incident comes less than a week after 10 people were killed in the far right attack in the same state. So lets get the latest from d. W. Correspondent Kate Brighton welcome kate what more can you tell us. They say 4 police have now confirmed that they believe the driver of that car drove into revelers at qana vall in fog mas then intentionally now they arrested the driver very soon after the incident which took place at around 2 30 pm local time so just a couple of hours ago and we now know as well that police have said its a 29 year old man a german citizen who they have taken into custody and weve now also had that at least 30 people have been injured in this incident and among them were also children and what was security like because this town. This town is in the same state as last weeks deadly shootings in the town of hama. Of course during con of all there is a slightly increased Police Presence and after the far right extremist terror attack in now just last week the german interior Ministry Said that they would be increasing Police Presence by phone the streets and also outside los for example and airports that said all thora to use whoa also are preparing for possible retaliate or e attacks and thats not to say that this is the case with this incident which happened earlier today but of Course Police were on extra god considering last weeks events but there will have been many many people out on the streets today con of all of the huge celebration particularly in western parts of germany where full is and so there will have been many people celebrating this afternoon everybody thank you for the us this is d. W. News coming up next the news asia. Because now must day 4 of us president s in the worlds biggest a democracy has been kicked off at 2 in the day visits by doctors dont trust like india some. Time a bit of the flood to forgive the man who took her husband from. British fathers evil house those stories on morning news asia in just a moment ill be back at the top ill be on. The be. The be. The be. The feel good. Have fun in pyongyang the food. The capital city of north korea is reinventing itself. But only a few can enjoy the benefits though the regime allows. Kim jong un has introduced an insidious reward system to coerce allegiance to the regime. Those who dont make it into the fun metropolis are often full toggery. Have fun in pyongyang starts february 28th on d. F. W. They were forced into a nameless mass. Their bodies near tools. The history of the slave trade is africas history. He describes how the 4 hour entropic plummeted an entire continent into chaos and violence the slave system created the greatest planned accumulation of wealth the world had ever seen up to that moment in time this is the journey back into the history of slavery. I think will truly be making progress when we all accept the history of slavery as all of our history. Our documentary series slavery routes starts march 9th on d. W. This is the doubt there is a shot coming up bear hug diplomacy indian style u. S. President donald trump arrives in india to a grand now must stay but beyond the optics whats really driving ties between the 2 nations whether debbie. Plus. The follow up of forgiveness we need to want to lift a we dont

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