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Get by without it you can if you want to. Stefan takes me to a mountain near obo wolf she called the mountain or snow had an english does not live up to its name even though its winter there is no snow stefan says its still worth getting up early to climb it as there is a wonderful sunrise from the observation tower. Today i want to find out how do Winter Sports work in or both when there is little or no snow and can a layman like me try them out here i also take a look at mining in a city known for its theatrical musical history. Of the 19th century george the 2nd ruler of mining and was an enthusiastic patron of the arts. Also on todays show our globetrotters the phoenix explorers wintry all slow. And our weekly viewer video takes us down into balis underwater world. Is the most famous place in the 3 engine forest most of its inhabitants live from tourism. Shows me around town. He explains to me how difficult it was to get a place to stay in this Winter Sports center during the communist era. Came to during east german times. Well an east german times many of the people who came had connections because it wasnt generally advertised by the us what it might. We had lots of places up here but you needed a bit of luck to get one. You see over there the oval the whole of it with a 1000 seats that used to be the biggest cafeteria in east germany. I remember that on ascension or fathers day at 7 am about 3000 men would be sitting here waiting for it to open at 7 or 8 oclock so they get a seat and beer or other alcoholic drinks. Or. I can remember that was the highlight of. My life. I can tell from the snow measuring column in that Climate Change is also right here you can see that there used to be more snow in the past and in years gone by the small town in the thuringian forest was not just the well known Winter Travel destination. Of. If were going to talk about all the who will have to go back in history a little and talk about the sports practiced over 100 years ago john were standing here by a well known spot the old golf course over a century ago it was an important place for the high and mighty to get together. The kaiser for example it was here. That he drew attention to presence alone. Ive got a little sports challenged coming up but before that we have an overview for you with the sport this in the east of germany from the hearts Mountain Range and the range of forest where we are right now to the or mountains. The journey begins in she occurs not far from the park in the highest summit in the hearts mountains she has a long history as a Winter Sports area with the very 1st snow ski is headed to the slopes and skaters to the ice rink. The men of the other stuff of legend to this day. My father. My father took me to watch ice hockey when i was 5 or 6. Winter sports fans coming to see kids today bring sleds or crosscountry skis. In 2017 new ice rink was opened on the site of the old natural i stadium. Now skaters can race around the artificial all winter just to give up to him and get their guys hit with a new stadium especially the ones who remember the old one. This isnt they are its a dream come true that we finally got the stadium and if the kids can learn to play hockey again here as far as im concerned it would be absolutely great. To. Be used in germanys next traditional Winter Travel destination oval both in the syringe and forest east germanys top athletes who used to come here. In 1953 the biathletes was still shooting at balloons eventually biathlon him to be held regularly in obama. Hands. Over those gargantuan indoor ski haul is the one and only of its kind in europe heres skiers can hit the slopes even during snow this winter is. The highest winter vacation spot in eastern germany is. In the war mountains. Given enough snow for the fish to back off his runs for both skiers and snowboarders it even has a special cock for snowboarding. But now snow cover is rarely sufficient without the aid of snow cannons so the turn of the started looking for ways to draw tourists outside the winter season as well. We changed our strategy to move away from the Winter Sports only resort to war year round tourism and weve been making an effort to invest the currently high revenues from the winter to develop summer activities. For ending in terms of more invested. Snow is one of these and most precious resources if not from the sky then from the mouth of a cannon. Off. The back end all balls in the biathlon stadium at a junior competition. Biathlon is crosscountry skiing combined with target shooting. The sport is quite popular in northern and Central Europe and involved they also teach amateurs some of the basics. I want to try shooting today. Im sure good morning good morning to you welcome to the marksmans club firing range if youre coming here helps finance the youth work for a club. And to see the 2 young. Boys going through explains what we have to do with a small caliber rifle we have to shoot at targets 50 meters away from a line and standing position just like a. In general im not that calm what tips do you have for me if you breathe lightly not. Like that. Ok now its getting serious. If i look through here it shakes a little how can i make sure that i like completely still getting a good hold ok. Remember that you normally be carrying skinny. What do you know. But of course. Its uncomfortable. As you also shoot standing up what should i watch for thats to limit the target move down come back up fixed on the target hold your breath and as soon as it turns black. Ill have a go i need to be calm ok now were all calm. No that wasnt good. It was the applause. Who did it. As you know we regularly follow the adventures of the themis and this time steve is travelling with a friend in scandinavia and Winter Sports are also a big attraction there in addition to football food and other things you can enjoy and also but take a look for yourself often always. Also is the capital was that the transportation hub of norway therefore most trips to the country start and here so let me use this episode to show you my favorite things to do in the city. Is the economic and Governmental Center of norway. The city is home to Many Companies within the maritime sector and has a population of about 680000. 00. The south is on the right by the water with the impressive opera house. Oslo opera house hope and in 2007 and is the home of the Norwegian National opera and ballet the angled exterior surfaces of the building are covered with marble and white granite and make it appear to rise from the water. Its time to learn something about norwegian history x. Was fortress is a great place to do so and even better completely free of charge. Boxes with castle or whose fortress is a medieval castle that was built to protect and provide a royal residence for. Today the castle is a museum open to the public. Expect which is worth a visit even when its not raining its the fucking shit museum which is actually one of the most this is detractions here in austin. Thanks. The viking ship museum houses 3 viking era burial ships the museum is most famous for the completely hole also backshift excavated from the largest known ship ferial in the world. Now made my way out of the city center at 200000 which is at the heart of no we just ski traditions and a very unique place to see the city. Besides the ski jumping facilities oslo is also home to the horman color scheme museum which was founded in 1023. 00 and is the worlds oldest ski museum. Thanks. To stock outside and i met up again with care of my guys and now were about to have for dinner we about to have. Been here grab a little love thank you brad shes hot dog we say he sounds good to me and after words were heading to the football match norway is playing sweden tonight. Thank you. Thank i. Thank you. Thank you thank you. Thank. You just like us i. Wish i could say. There are many sports facilities in obama wolf where professionals train and where competitions are held here on the bobsleigh run amateurs like me can also try out how it feels. Unfortunately or maybe i should say fortunately the run is close. Amateurs today the professionals are training to give you an impression of what to expect we have installed a camera on the training ball. At the finish line i meet puts it in for man bobsled he is world and olympic champion but whats fascinating about bob slaying his force in them before its fascinating about bobsledding is mostly the speed you can achieve really high speeds up to 156 Kilometers Per Hour this is. The interplay between man and technology and the emotions that you experience both at the start and throughout the ride up thats something very very special this is so little and so if i not only pros use the run here its open to visitors to how does that work up there is to me thats gusts here but its a visitor can book a ticket for the guest bob run a Tourist Information is there a schedule times when you can write in a bobsled with bona fide world champions for example maximillian in a 4 man bobsled you can get a little taste of the bobsled supportable indifferent how dangerous is the guestbook run fine. We never reach the speeds we do in regular bobsled sport its a kind of racing competition and we wear helmets crashes happen but its very very rarely so really i can recommend it for everyone. Even if it doesnt look like it right now yes sometimes theres lots of snow in winter and then theres not only this track here for the action but also a toboggan run there you going to have fun on natural snow very traditional with a sledge. This is what the winter in the syringe and forests can look like sun and snow with temperatures just undef reasoning. Lobos natural bobsled track has to be meticulously prepared. To get it right is dont even have to walk up the 2 kilometers they can ride in the comfort and warmth of a bus seat of a you see everyone passing by and all our rental sleds around and lots of visitors are in line waiting for them to come back in because theres a river to overcome for. A local company handles the organization and operation of the natural ice track an overhaul of the spot is especially popular with families the track doesnt have many tricky stretches so they can just let their sleds carry them along how fast they go depends on the riders skill and equipment and they can depend on the bus to shuttle them back every 20 minutes. To. Take up on the floor for these visitors from south africa the bobsled track is a special experience. Very good very different to use the sledge of a very fine very very fine very cold you have followed for a few times but no one saw research right here. Is this a 1st time here in the snow yes yes 1st time time in germany and 1st time sings. With adequate snow cover theres also a good 700 kilometers of winter hiking and crosscountry skiing trails to explore in the area of the bobsled track. There is of course more to the region than Winter Sports i am on the way to mining it 35 kilometers away. The town is best known for its theater. Todays district headquarters was once the residence of the dukes of sex mining and. Much of it dates back to the late 19th century after a major fire in 1984 mining in was rebuilt in the neoclassical style. Mining reputation is known beyond its region especially amongst music lovers and theatre goers thanks to you george the 2nd of sex mining and a great promoter of music and a reformer of the theatre. The duke of sex money and saw the theatre as a place where audiences could be transported anywhere in the world be it a far away forest growth or a foreign port. d d george the 2nd created a theatre that brought together all the arts scenic painting lighting and costume design the man with the napoleonic era saw him self not only as a patron but as an artist. Its mission was to bring theatre classics to the people. Who really had a mission you can read it in the inscription of the entrance for the enjoyment and elevation of the people so for that was his aspiration he actually wanted. To familiarize people with classic drama and some often the classes are much. To bring the works of Shakespeare Kleist and schiller to life the duke wanted historically accurate stage sets. The scenery for nearly 30 productions are stored in mining into the museum the pieces are painted on netting or canvas to make them easy to store and transport. Traditional backdrop of 3 painted doors made way for all kinds of highly realistic sets. 2 the do come self created many of them his sketches can also be found here. As a d. V. D. But theyre really well fall through sensationally good use and theyre worthy of a train set designer who had to study 4 or 5 years to learn his craft and was. The duke was indeed talented often he even designed the costumes for the mining and production some self theatres unique costume collection has also been preserved. The mining an actors became stars not just in the region but around the world. International theatre circles took notice of their productions the trip went on tour a good 100 people with sense stage machinery and costumes they appeared in trios london and moscow to george the 2nd achieved his vision of bringing theatre classics to the world. The form a seat of the dukes of sex mining and ease of beaten book palace is now a museum. Fair you can learn more about the towns heyday when the duke was the patron of an orchestra just as outstanding as his core theatre. The orchestra broad well known composers and conductors such as one and you on his palms to the province. Around 1800 the mining in court all krista was considered world class by conductors such as speech at wagner and the touched all of us. I meet musicologist mom go its. If youre going if youre just mining how did they manage to create such an important orchestra in this small town to have. My address they managed it because were far off the beaten track here and they could concentrate. It wasnt much distraction so they could focus on they were by the way you can still be quite innovative here. Thats very exciting to have and the duke offered every opportunity and created good working conditions. With music. And how did other musicians composers or conductors get here were they lured by money. To make good had they had to do they did not generally attract people with money bob someone like you who has plans was happy to come because hans von bulow invited him. And he was so in chanted and the experiment was so enchanted that right away they had a personal connection because of this is and you heard his plans took advantage of that to come here are 15 times right until the end of his life for you his palms just. Our weekly v mail also deals with Hidden Treasures from the past as you know every week we show a travel video from a check in viewer and this time on a us send us images of her diving trip to bother with fish corals and a shipwreck. To tackle this fish hotspots in china. Dont you. Think leave 4th and 5th. Effi end of my trip to wintry thuringia im going to take you to the tower of pisa beeton book palace. The rock hall. Is now used as a cafe and is considered one of the most Beautiful Museum restaurants in germany. Well ive seen a lot and ive learned a lot on my winter trip to mining and i found out yes you can do sports in the thuringian forest even without snow but its not only the sports thats fascinating in this region its also the cities like mining and with their centuries old history well bye bye see you next time youre on check in. She says her greatest luxury is. After the sun. How does she do so many different jobs well. Rio shrug. An exclusive interview with the actress screenwriter and director. Been open to claim recently. The developers have a big plant in texas may help make a citys solve their transportation problems. Is this a viable option for the future. Or just a lot of hot air bred. In a 16 on t w. Have fun in pyongyang. The capital city of north korea is reinventing itself. But only a few can enjoy the benefits of those from the original hours. Kim jong un has introduced an insidious reward system to coerce allegiance to the regime. Those who dont make it into the fun metropolis are often told tom green. Kind of fun in pyongyang starts feb 28th on d w. This is in my view does time and again i played extroverts characters with rough edges i had strong figures maybe people see that in me

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