Along with his 72 year old mother were later found dead in his home. Police are searching the property and seizing items of interest as part of their investigation. Over the fence so we looked out of the window and saw a lot of Police Offices with boards around 25 to 3020 because. And dogs and they were running around. Since. The attack comes amid growing concerns about far right violence in germany investigations are ongoing. Investigations are ongoing and theres a lot of soul searching going on in this country right now at this moment the city to the crime scene and im aware did of you correspondence are susie is standing by with me in the studio is as always our. Chief Political Editor here with me whos going to give us some more analysis but 1st want to go to the crime scene where art is art i see that Law Enforcement is putting up a screen behind you this is very much still an active crime scene. Thats right i mean the investigation is ongoing the forensic investigators are going in and out of a couple of buildings on this very short street where the 1st shooting took place the 2nd shooting took place about 2 kilometers away from here at another sports bar shall we call it and police are coming in and out there trying to put together everything about this attack about the shooting spree when the 1st bullets were shot they may have already retrieve some of the cartridges were were not sure about that yet were still waiting for confirmation on that but there they have a number of. Objects of interest that theyve already flagged they put white markers by them and then chalk markings around them so theyre examining this and they want to piece together everything so that they get a total idea of what this person did why. He did it and and try to come up with some kind of. Modus operandi and that might help in trying to stop any future attacks and just does Law Enforcement still believe that he acted alone the perpetrator. Thats right but the experts have said he might be one of those socalled lone wolves where they have a really lonely a lot of them are kind of socially segregated may not have had good relationships with people or with the opposite sex or whatever their whichever way they went but. Theres always the internet and you can find like minded people for anything on the internet very quickly and and its possible that he did have Something Like that i mean the German Federal authorities are looking into this very deeply because they also want to know was there anyone who supported him on this who helped him on this and so i mean this is this is an extensive examination not just of one individual but of a possible pattern and of course you can never rule out. Any possible helpers and that would be very worrisome because if there were people out there who helped this you you want to you want to bring them to justice and not let them continue things like that but again that hasnt been confirmed right now we know of one person whose 1st name is still b. S. And he is the person who has is is presumed to have done this shooting rampage right are to thank you so much for that want to come back here in the studio to. As i said theres a lot of soul searching going on right now in germany as to how this could have happened. Some of pointing the finger at some are saying that as a rising populist force has identified visible minorities and the state is it right to single them out. While the foreign f. T. Says. No but clearly at what weve seen as political observers since the far right if the party entered parliament is much more confronted to have debates in the apartment as soon as it becomes about any kind of migration policy. If he doesnt really saw a way from terminology that is seen as racist and what we have heard from business from the free democrat leaders. And then saying that there is a climate in germany that. Really creates conditions where such by lack of violent actions can take place that is also something. Called c. D. U. Party that i think come come said pretty much and in other words were also hearing from the green politician who say that they hate speech in society does have effect and that can also mean deadly effects is so the far right if the party is being singled out by the more mainstream parties but also the left as having created a climate where this is more likely to happen the far right if de formally and the parliament has responded saying that this is simply being instrumental ised against. Seeing themselves as the victim here so thats where we stand with the political debate that this is bob but is there a debate about whether there this is might be symptomatic of a larger societal problem that this country has well i mean we clearly have seen. A series of events that are not necessarily college connected and they dont look like theyre connected right now but they have happened theres been a learning curve also amongst security circles here in germany where 70 eights from the end its humid a series where over 10 years the far right in this you group was able to kill people at point blank in the middle of day of the day and. Nobody suspected or wanted to see right wing extremists and now we are pretty much fun down the line of this learning curve here and now we saw very swift oxon suspicion of the fall by extremists motive everybody is more sensitive towards it but clearly Politicians Police intelligence and not ahead of this and this is going to be the debate why they are not. Thank you so much for you know alice is and. So she thank you as well for joining us a little earlier and moments ago we spoke with some p. R. Security analyst and counterterrorism adviser we asked him whether there is new information about the letter and the video of the alleged perpetrator the important part of the letter as well as the video is not the the ramblings about really outrageous. Conspiracy theories but rather the alignment with a much broader Conspiracy Theory which is the idea of great to great replacements which is an idea that spawn in the seventys and great again even more traction with it was more developed in more detail in 2011 in france and this is the theory that advocates that theres a conspiracy at work to replace western populations with migrant populations and since 2015 a lot of the proponents of these and supporters of this theory i feel vindicated through i get americas policy back then and its prompted a lot of the far right. Extremists and terrorists to act upon those ideas and what we saw in the manifesto as well as the video published by yesterdays attack or is that very much is thoughts in this frame of mind is framed within this theory. Can you expand a little bit more on this notion of sparking a race war. Yes well the this is in line again with the the great replacement theory is that in the end in order to avoid being replaced. The local populations need to rise up need to take arms and defend their own countries defend their nations did the notion of nation is very important defender of the civilization and as such very much as we see in religious extremism and terrorism the idea of an upcoming war the idea of a race war religious war between righteous and non righteous is very much ive worked here and as such its a has prompted a lot of malicious and far right activists and extremists to trains with weapons to try to cumulate weapons set up militias in order to defend their country how prevalent are these philosophies this put it that way. Theyre extremely prevalent and thats whats a very often underestimated is that we lot of security analysts and even those working for governments very often will use outdated templates for to idolise the risk related to them. And underestimating the the power of digitalisation that one attacker can be inspired by events in new zealand or in chile. In spain and that this network of people online strengthen and each other and spread the ideas and this is where its really dangerous is that these ideas are far well spread they gain traction every time something happens and this is where we see the real potency of these ideas is that it is shared online and its very easy to share as well. Lets talk about this particular perpetrator what do you think went into preparing this type of attack do you think he received help or was this a lone wolf action. Well the official history is saying things are go by is that although the perpetrators themselves will add hacked acted on their own we saw it in hull and we saw it in christchurch in el paso in quebec city a few years ago however they have Online Support we know in the case of Christs Church that the attacker received some money from austria for example and so although it looks on paper at 1st looking at the 1st images of the attack that the modus operandi it does look like a single perpetrator say a lone wolf however again the Digital Community provides a lot of support for this would it be logistical financial this being it this is why. One of the priorities of the investigation is to determine how deep the rabbit hole goes what type of wedding. What in what type of wedding was this attacker caught in and this is the biggest issue. What is so worrying about of course what what happens is that this comes just after this country conducted raids against potential far right militia just last week. Indeed and thats again the fact that he was unknown through authorities and we would talk a lot about the socalled good fellow so the people already on the on a wanted list on dangerous list and that is a major issue because they are there already known but what we dont know are the ones that seem appear normal in their everyday life keep to themselves but nonetheless have a very active on line life a social life and put into this context with with all thats going on the polarization of societies over the last few years it does work that some will organize themselves as militias where others more discrete thinner social relationships classically speaking will act on their own and this is where even if there were a raid last week sometimes its an incitement actually an incentive for those lone actors to act because they feel theyre somehow under pressure even if its not directly related to them right to young some p. R. Security expert and a counterterrorism advisor so thank you for doing. And now for viewers just joining us this is our top story a suspected far right terrorist has shot dead 10 people near frankfurt here in germany the suspect opened fire at 2 bars in the city of toronto he is reported to have later killed himself and his mother in their apartment 9 of the people he shot dead were people of color the suspect a 43 year old German National left a letter admitting to the killings he also posted a video on you tube expressing racist and other extremist views federal prosecutors are treating the attacks as acts of domestic terrorism. And constantine because it is a spokesman on domestic politics for the business a friendly Free Democratic party and we asked him earlier whether the German Government was doing enough to monitor potential right wing terrorists we do have to consider that this is not the 1st terrorist attack that germany sees from a right wing terrorist there has been a number of attacks in the last month in the last year is just a few months ago a representative of a local government and hesson the same state that hondo is in was killed because he expressed pro refugee points of view and we do not have to underestimate the effect that such attacks have and on muslim communities on and were going to communities in germany these people do not feel safe anymore and its the responsibility of the political and a 1st date authorities to ensure that we get this in order so where is the government failing because you know if this keeps happening nobody is going to feel safe or where is the government feeling what should it change. Well 1st of all we have to see that in the last months theres already been a lot of measures taken in order to strengthen the t. s and other to strengthen agencies that work against radicalization and that work against. Terrorism and try to prevent terrorism so in a free society that will never be on a Percent Security this is a very important thing that we have to consider as a free democracy however we still can see that our Security Community does not have the entire picture of how ready kelly zation happens in germany so we have to consider what happens in the internet we have to see what the links are to International Role models such as the Christ Church attack and use the land and i think that especially when it comes to scientific input when it comes to digital capacities of our security agencies this still has to be strengthened where is the intolerance coming from. Well the intolerance is partly coming from the fact that the issue of migration and integration hasnt been on the table for a very long time in germany and there was a public denial that germany is a country of immigrants and many issues have not been subject to a public discussion. Since 2015 since the migration crisis that europe has witnessed extreme right wing parties like the i feel so when its dark and in state parliament are using this uncertainty. In order to promote their own agenda and so it is partly the fault of all Political Parties who havent been talking enough about the issue of migration and integration but its also a very important responsibility of the far right parties we can now see in the german Political Landscape so do you feel that this calls for a federal response i just want to point out of course these were german citizens. Yes these are german citizens absolutely their parents their grandparents might have come to. Germany as immigrants but if you talk to people and if you listen to how this attack is perceived by the population we are still talking about this attack being a sign of intolerance towards foreigners whereas these people were foreigners they have been living here paying taxes raising their children for years and for generations and as long as we dont consider and seen people whose ancestors have come to germany as a full part of German Society these people will not feel safe and this is a responsibility for the entire german Political Landscape to say there is a clear stance against migraine extremism also in the Political Landscape would be an appropriate federal response. An appropriate response is already underway as the federal minister of the interior announced that there will be a meeting tonight of the 16 state ministers of the interior in germany security is a state responsibility so all the 17 ministers of the interior 16 from the states and one federal minister are uniting tonight in order to discuss what could be appropriate measures i think they should also discuss if the measures that have been taken in the last months are enough if the definition that we are using in our Security Community in order to find out if someone is dangerous or not is still appropriate germany has been targeting islamic extremism in the last decades to a very high degree and that was a good thing to do but i think we need to take some of the things we learned about islamic extremism and apply it also when it comes to right wing extremism we have to be a bit more concrete when it comes to the difference schemes already kelleys ation and extremism that exists in germany and it has to happen fast because if you talk to people that are going to a mosque if youre talking to people who visit sites where people of color are going for example they are not feeling safe anymore in germany and this is totally unacceptable the german citizens no matter their belief. Are now feeling safe constantine get out of the Free Democratic party sort of think you for spending time with us. Thank you. Now in other news the turkish president won is threatening to launch a military operation in syrias edler province if russian backed syrian troops continue to attack rebels in the area where the fighting has displaced hundreds of thousands of people and triggered a humanitarian crisis russia war in turkey not to attack Syrian Forces but turkish troops are already massing for a possible assault. On the move Syrian Refugees fleeing as strikes and artillery fire and it lead to a provinces an estimated 1000000 people are trying to escape advancing Syrian Government forces backed by the russian military. Taki which support some rebel groups is alarmed by the number of people moving toward its country tekkie already has 3 and a half 1000000 Syrian Refugees and says it cant handle any more. I dont know where im going i just want to get on the road stay under an olive tree what i was supposed to do were my supposed to go. Not to turkey if takesh president ratchet type ad one has his way in the czech capital ankara he said its just a matter of time until turkey intervened speak of that it was your proof the other thing we are no making our last warnings unfortunately we have not been able to reach the desired result so far during our talks in turkey in russia and in the field meanwhile russia tried to tone down the rhetoric while defending Syrian Government forces who it says of being targeted by taki. He was just a natural leader of the Syrian Armed Forces respond to these unacceptable provocations confirming that the hearings and the initial agreements on the lip including cease fire agreements and we support them and. Give. A country still deep in war people who desperately looking for refuge. Meanwhile a startling contrast domestic flights that started up again to aleppo for the fast time an atheist just like back in peace times a sign of normality only its anything but. And we say in the region that because campaigning has ended in iran ahead of a parliamentary election on friday it will be the 1st such poll says the u. S. Withdrew from the International Nuclear deal and 3 imposed sanctions on the country many iranians have endured severe Economic Hardship as a result opposition figures are calling for a boycott of the election saying it doesnt give people a real choice to abuse or such other reports from tehran that. Touch Research Business is slow and life has become more difficult even here. In an old district with many wealthy president s few people you think much will change after fridays election. That people want lots of different changes but nothing ever happens in the system thats conceived ground and start caring about the people. Only by doing this will be able to survive for another 40 years that if it came out of the washing you look just sort of the you from up here today curators you can use in an eggplant now cost 10000. 00 to mon voting really make a difference. I dont expect anything nothing from the parliament and nothing from the president if they really represented the people they would have long since done something but all they do is talk harsh names and. Skepticism is a problem for the reformist candidates close to president rouhani their promise of increased prosperity by working with the west is one they havent been able to keep many have been disqualified by the Guardian Council from even running and those who have been. Through the mood in the opposing Campaign Office couldnt be more different hardliners like say at Mohamed Hussein he feels their time has come and they want to win back parliament in taliban to give. It time to end their cooperation with the west to stop trusting western countries. People are turning towards candidates who support the values obviously revolution here towards hardworking people who believe our region must show resistance its own initiative all it matters. To a resistance to the west the Islamic Republic sounding motive seems to be enjoying a comeback at the moment but analysts say that recent tensions with the us and 6 play a part. When you have so much pressure from abroad people tend to be more conservative so you have what happened to a Major General officially it was announced that he was assassinated sapir which tend to feel that this is a major security issue for iran and right now we have to be tough to keep the integrity of the country. Lets go to apathy is strong even in the traditionally conservative stronghold of iran. Without either cut off my arms and legs then go out and vote turn no real elections here in iran just appointments the Guardian Council in other words hominine makes all the decisions these candidates are stooge. Yes they wont achieve anything. The hard liners may well emerge victorious in this election but no Voter Participation could also be interpreted as a vote of no confidence. To trial for their reporting from tehran want to tell you now about some of the other stories making news around the world. U. S. President all trump has named his countrys ambassador to germany Richard Grinnell as acting director of National Intelligence well grinnell is a staunch supporter of trumps policies his new position puts him in charge of the nations 17 spy agencies critics say he has no experience in the field that would be a drop to drink u. S. Billionaire at Michael Bloomberg came under attack at his 1st democratic president ial debate on wednesday night on rival candidates glanced at the former new york city mayor over allegations of sexism and his record on race bloomberg argued he was the democrats best chance of beating donald trump in novembers election people are going to make sure that we. At least 85 people have been rescued from a building on fire in me and mars commercial hub young dawn the 12th a story Tall Building in the chinatown area contains apartments and several stores Safety Standards are considered low in the citys a down town area after years of underinvestment. I want to write you know of our main story today. A suspected foreign terrorist has shot dead 10 people near frankfurt here in germany the suspect opened fire at 2 bars in the city of one out killing 9 people all of them people of color then he is believed to have killed his mother and himself in their apartments the suspect a 43 year old German National named to by police as tobias are left a letter admitting to the killings they also opposed to the video on you tube expressing rhesus and other extremist views federal prosecutors are treating the attack as acts of domestic terrorism in germany as interior minister horse a city hall for has been to the crime scene. In just much for. The field completely. Obsessed. Loco to the girl max chance. Oh goodbye no stewards. With exclusive insights. Must see concerning parts of culture to ensure a. Place to be for curious minds. Do it yourself networkers. Subscribe dont miss out on. Gemini with. Any time any place. The news video never does. 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