The new which is the German Economy stagnating and there isnt really much hope of a turnaround at this point there was at least one bright spot in the surplus 3rd quarter g. D. P. Was survives higher but all in all the German Economy remains particularly industrial sector is in its longest and deepest recession since the end 10 years and if you add into this that the fears over coronavirus and what impact that it could have on that the industrial sector the talk today is really again about a potential technical recession in germany. So economic struggles continuing here in germany are we seeing this yet on the main streets in germany amongst the public how do we see this. So far the slowdown has really been concentrated in the Manufacturing Sector but there are some signs that it could be starting to spill over this report today i mentioned a market slowdown in private consumption and 4th quarter and thats really been the backbone of the German Economy over the past several months as the Manufacturing Sector has slowed so if that starts to slow if people stop spending that could be a big problem for the German Economy at the same time. Employment has remained quite low but we are seeing just a stream of reports from some companies. On job cuts and things like that including 15000 new job cuts that are the earlier this week all right chelsey dealing with the latest from frankfurt thank you. And now to some of the other business stories making headlines around the world. The french government has decided to allow Chinese Telecommunications firm huawei to bid on supplying the country with 5 g. Technology paris said it will place restrictions on networks around nuclear and military sites however the us has been pressuring allies to exclude while way from from projects on allegations of espionage. Citing the coronavirus 3 airlines of the loop tons of group are extending Flight Cancellations to beijing and shanghai until march 28th suspensions of leave tons of swiss and Austrian Airline connections to other Mainland China just nations had already been exposed extended hong kong remains a destination but with smaller planes. A judge granted amazons request to temporarily stop the u. S. Department of defense and microsoft from concluding a multibillion dollar computing deal amazon had argued u. S. President trump exercised too much influence over the decision as mr trump has publicly despite the righted amazon head jeff bezos who also owns the trump critical washington post. Well today marks 15 years since you tube was born the site was set up by 3 former colleagues at pay pal to give people a place to share clips online a decade and a half later accounts over one point 5000000000. 00 monthly users and netted 15000000000. 00 in ad revenues last year heres a look at how it all began. Very 1st video could scarcely have been simpler during his trip to the zoo cofounded jahvid karim had no idea what his primitive creation would become just a year later he and his friends chatted heavy and steve chen would be striking the deal of a lifetime. Thank you never less than 1650000000. 00 since being bought by the worlds most visited web site you tube itself has become the worlds 2nd most visited web site. And its not just john of it chad and steve who its made rich its created a whole new brand of celebrity the most successful you tube has such as hyperactive sweet purity pie make in excess of 10000000 dollars a year. Over the past 15 years you tube has become more than just somewhere to share videos branching out into music and Subscription Services and ever 70 languages now you tube is contribution 15000000000. 00 a year in ad revenue to owners Google Alphabet if you told the founders that that would be the case back in early days they might well have nothing to do. Im joined now in studio by my deed of business colleague. Q you started your own you tube channel in 2007 how did the site look back then compared to looks now yet the docs aim for past remember at that time i was very interesting everybody was doing what basically i was doing i was a teenager in my bedroom talking about the missed monday and things it wasnt fancy at all and it was not about Product Placement or ad revenue at all and that only started in about like 2012 i think and now are the ad revenue is i think 2001000 was 15000000000. 00 u. S. Dollars which is insane you were talking about this earlier i look at you tube and i see that its almost the interface has really changed that much is so user driven i look at and i say it has really changed that much you say its changed completely yes definitely especially the top creators of you tube. Users basically that generated the most viral content they say that you tube is not what do used to be used to be like a fun place where you could be creative where you could be weird and now a lot of it has been taken over by by big names like t. V. Networks also for example Music Production companies and they are taking all of the views and all of that original content is not as prominent as it was before does that mean that you tube is likely to become the new t. V. If we can even say that is it going to replace t. V. For a lot of the Younger Generation who goes 1st there and not to the cable package i mean ive basically grown up with you tube i never watch t. V. And im 28 so all of the kids basically i think its the same for them and i also think that at some point video on demand also with other platforms like netflix and amazon prime it will be basically those platforms and people will go there and the only thing left to do for t. V. Would be breaking news maybe and also some sporting events if thats not also brought up by them so i dont know whether we will be sitting here and 15 is the you tube at the same time has faced controversy maybe not to the likes of facebook and some social messaging sites but around hate speech for example around Child Protection protection things like that is that going to continue how are they dealing with well not that well actually especially in april last year there was a controversy because people saw it was criticized for the fact that people of working for you too had criticize the fact that engagement was key that was king about was the most important thing to you and not for example protecting people especially there was a controversy about homophobic comments all to rights movements and also misinformation on Climate Change and its the same as the other platforms thats the question is if youre going to take a side what does taking sides mean what is free speech these are all of the questions that will be here as long as the platforms are here all right so no different many ways from other social media platforms that question of responsibility q during business thank you very much. Germanys aging population has a problem for its labor market migrants from places like syria and afghanistan have been tipped as a possible solution but are they in fact finding their way to the countrys labor market well a new report from the organization for Economic Cooperation and development or o. E. C. D. Says not in full it says migrants need help finding the programs as well as more systems to be to be able to succeed on the german job market and while hurdles remain there are some hopeful stories. To share tajik is performing final checks at the maintenance step of homburg inner city rail system hes almost there the 30 year old came here with his wife from afghanistan in 2015 now hes just about to finish up his apprenticeship as an electronic technician. For me personally it was difficult because german is not my native language. Its been a long time since i was in the school room. So i had to start learning from the beginning again after 10 years. Before the migrants start their training to take introduction classes to get them ready some 400 young people have done the courses already at the German Railway. These courses they get the necessary grounding in subjects like german math english and physics. The young men here come from syria afghanistan iran and iraq for them their goal is to get a Technical Education at the homburg. An apprenticeship in germany means taking teary classes in a Technical College then practical work on the job. Its a challenge for instructor bound to look at. Many students who come straight from war zones and their school days are long behind them. We have to make it clear that it doesnt really work without extra teaching and in some cases retraining and we invest a lot of time to make sure that all trainees graduation the same year. I know not simply nationwide more than 50 refugees are doing Vocational Training at the German Railway once they finish their much in demand germany has a shortage of skilled workers so this is a win win situation. And thats it for me and the Business Team here in berlin to find out more about these and other business stories on our web site dot com slash business were also on facebook and twitter im stephen bears in berlin as always thats watching. Is the world becoming less western what does it mean for the world if the west lose the stage to others key question at this years Munich Security Conference the worlds most important informal meeting on International Security policy joining us Crime Commission to Munich Security Conference meeting. Today im dealing with. Hijacking the news. Where i go from the news is being hijacked journalism itself has become a scripted reality show its not just good versus evil us versus them black and white. In countries like russia china churchy people are told it is that stuff and if youre a journalist there and you try to get beyond it you are facing scare tactics intimidation. And i wonder is that where were headed as well. My responsibility as a journalist is to get beyond the smoke and mirrors its not just about being clear from balance or being neutral its about being truthful. When he was for a dollar and i were getting. Frank food. International gateway to the best connection self in road and rail. Located in the heart of europe you are connected to the whole world. Experience outstanding shopping and Dining Office and try our services. Biala guest at Frankfurt Airport city managed by from paul. This is the w. s line from germanys president has harsh words for the United States china and russia as he opens the Munich Security Conference. Accuses them of stoking global mistrust and putting National Interests above International Cooperation also on the program and toxic temperatures reached record highs as scientists warn of dramatic and forseeable effects on. The icy continent

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