mean for the government. also coming up history is made of the oscar and. carousel was a time when the only english language film for when the world progressed picture a south korean bomb junho wrote and directed the film we talked on will be correspondent about the historic night in hollywood. and a tricky landing at london's heathrow airport as a storm disrupts travel and brings flooding to northern europe most of germany's intercity train service for remains suspended. the color of a warm welcome to you i'm under tight shima. we start with some breaking news in german politics the leader of the governing christian democratic union of the. see the u n a good. has said she is stepping down come out and ban known as. have been widely tipped to succeed and love america as german chancellor but her decision means she will no longer stand for the position in next is national election questions of a clown caught him by his authority have resurfaced after a controversial leadership contest in recent recent elections she is also germany's defense minister. for the very latest political editor michelle of proof join me and she's standing outside or in the lobby of the seaview headquarters here in berlin we shall of course to paul tell us what lies behind. us decision to step down. simply it appears that she didn't recover too that significant blow to her authority that happened last week when we saw ready a political earthquake here in germany when in the region of serving in the state m.p.'s inadvertently they say found themselves in the same camp as the far right if tea party to elect a new state premier now this could be seen as a regional event if it didn't mean such a political 1st here in german post-war history the conservative c.d.u. angela merkel's party had ruled out and continues to rule out any kind of corporation with the far right if tea party particularly in the region where its leader can legally be called a fascist and a great come then went to the region to try to convince her colleagues there to push for 1st elections to call snap elections and she couldn't convince them and clearly she was exposed as a party leader who no longer leads both in terms of the values the c.d.u. stands for and the m.p.u. m.p.'s in the region who simply wouldn't listen to. angela merkel's word to fix this to a certain degree and that's where she was left without or sora tea with still falling public polling figures and she's decided now to draw the consequences although she won't immediately step down that's what we're hearing here that could be a process that could go on for a couple of months until there is a successor who could also be a candidate for chance and therefore in real terms a successor to the america i want to let other good come come by was always viewed as a transplant americans preferred successor and when she was elected party leader it was seen as a vindication of chancellor merkel's policies with her resignation what does it mean for the c.d.u. party. but it's been a very long year in conservative c.d.u. politics yes she was angela merkel's favorite that's how she started out it also separated the office of chancellor from the party leadership that was always going to be difficult but from their own words it's pretty much only been downhill for a great come on bar and what we've been hearing the german chancellor angela merkel was furious that. our was able to get that situation under control so she could also be seen as a disappointment not just to broad party in the party who clearly want a more conservative stance but also americal who remains the overarching leader although technically on her way out do you with her term view to come to an end in the 2nd half of next year that's some of thing the announcement by undergrad come qanbar as a crisis for the governing c.d.u. party but is it also a crisis for the government. it isn't yet it is something that the coalition. that the social democrat sees with a certain sense of satisfaction that the c.d.u. to americans party too has a leadership struggle and has real issues now that it needs to get through i don't really see the central government in danger right now but party the conservative c.d.u. is in a very deep crisis indeed it's not just about leadership fundamentally it's about how far right it is willing to shift to meet those voters who decided to support the far right if tea party that is an issue that is very much at the forefront in those states where this all happened just to name one and it's simply an unresolved issue it also leaves even more question marks over who could possibly lead the party dare i say the country once this very long one and a half decade era of uncle americal comes to a close so complete disorientation with the chance that just one half years from stepping down is the last thing the c.d.u. needs right now it could also be a moment of opportunity though for those who want to become chance or who want to step into those very big shoes in fact can bind you to address journalists where you are later and of course we get back to you as soon as the developments of michelle occur thank you very much for that update from the 3 of you had daughters . the 92nd academy awards have made movie history of death angeles with a south korean friend parricide becoming the 1st non english language for the film to win the oscar for best picture the director bangun who didn't stop there he also picked up 3 other awards on a historic night. it was the big surprise of the night and they ask or goes to. parasite was the 1st ever moon english language movie to win best picture. so his car will be loons cock south korean director bone junho news dot class subtler about the gap between the rich and poor in modern day soul was the big winner of the night and. it and a total of 4 awards including best director of football. who paid tribute to one of cinema's all time great directors and fellow nominees. novel comes home to the. thank you so much as i said when i was young and studying cinema there was a saying that i cough deep into my heart which is the most personal is the most creative that quote to us from. our great martin scorsese so they were thank you i will drink until next morning thank you i really never know sydney other big categories but the awards went to the hotly tipped favorites. and a comeback for rent. she took the best actress award for had the trial of judy gone and in the film judy you take anything for depression for that is that it was this the off in phoenix winning best actor for his mesmerizing performance as the joker in the dock origin story of one of the world's best known comic book villains is a joke to you. supporting actor awards went to laura dern for her role as a divorce lawyer and marriage story thank you listen and brett pitt won his 1st acting oscar for his supporting role as a laidback stunt man in clinton terrine tino's once upon a time in hollywood. and the oscars wouldn't be the oscars without some political jiving they told me only have 45 seconds appear which is 45 seconds gordon said it gave john bolton this week. we were thinking maybe quinn does a movie about it in the end they don't do the right thing. of them but there was also some kid old fashioned fun. and plenty of entertainment. music legend elton john performing has. winning a regional song from the bio pic rocket man. getting horny would in the mood for the infamous because off to parties. it's a big night in hollywood movie expert and entertainment correspondent scott rockslide joins us scott bass side won best picture show the surprise was this. yeah a huge surprise i mean this is my favorite film of the year but the oscars almost never agree with with with my picks so that was a huge surprise but all the smart money this year was on 917 the big prestigious world war one film from sam mendez because this is sort of the kind of really glamorous. kind of movie that tends to win oscars and is seen as like the ultimate oscar movie it ends up winning 3 technical wards where all the big prizes went to juneau those parasites and this is a surprise not just because it's the 1st foreign language film to win the 1st asian film to win best picture oscar but also because bungholes film is such a departure from what usually see at the oscars this is a it's a social satire that's also a thriller that almost becomes a horror film it really matches up john or is and it's incredibly socially relevant i mean it's really an allegory of capitalism and of the gap between rich and poor packaged in incredibly entertaining format and what i think it's interesting exciting this year is that often the oscars go for the safe choices they go for sort of celebrating a kind of cinema of the past and this time they really picked what could be said about the future a global diverse cinema that really takes chances and take cinema in a new direction and it was huge applause when the announcement was made that it had won best picture now was the choice of part aside also an attempt to make the oscars more relevant there has been some criticism about the other awards which lack diversity. yes no definitely and i mean the the nominations in general this year were very diverse it's still the oscars are still very much a very male very white club we only had one non white actor nominated all the acting categories no women nominated for in the best directing category the oscars the cademy which awards the oscars has tried to do something to correct this they spent a lot of time trying to get make their their membership more diverse and more global and this has shown up i think with the both the nominations and the wins for parasites but i think there's still a long way to go and i don't know if this is going to be a sea change after all parasites win or not i mean 2 years ago moonlight which was an l.g. film with a all black cast won the oscar i thought that would mark a sea change in the oscars has really turned out that way so i'm very hopeful with parasites win but still not super optimistic and scott there's always something else at these it holds rich grabs attention it seems this time it was exists what was the message. yeah i mean a lot of people last night commented on the lack of female representation particularly the director category as i mentioned but the best comment on it i think was from oscar winner natalie portman who showed up on the red carpet with her dress and a cape and on the cape was embroidered the names of female directors who were snubbed who did not get an oscar nomination this year including graphic airway the french director and not to the op i thought was a brilliant statement on how women's voices have been silenced at this year's oscars right scott roxboro debby's in detainments correspondent and movie expert thank you very much. let me now bring you up to date with some of the stories making news around the world ireland's general election has delivered a surprise result leftwing republican party sion fan has won the largest share of the vote beating with 2 established centrist parties they ruled out a coalition reaching fen before the election due to its historic ties with the parliamentary military i. known as a gathering at a shopping center in thailand to pay their last respects after the country's worst mass shooting left flowers and good messages for the victims at least 29 people died when a thai soju went on a shooting rampage on saturday. bonce of recent history have been drenched by the heaviest rainfall in 3 decades it brought floods but also relief after months of devastating bushfires dousing blazes and the plan is showing water supplies in sydney a strong so whipped up sea foam and swept away large sections of the beach. a major storm is also bearing down on boss of northern europe after having already battered the british isles germany's entire long distance a real network was shut down as a precaution although it has now started to reopen some 50000 households in the southern city of bavaria are without electricity people across the affected region are being advised to stay indoors. a tricky landing at london's heathrow airport. battling hurricane force winds the plane manages to touchdown. before pulling up again. taking off is no easier around europe hundreds of flights were canceled. rail services have also been disrupted with chaotic scenes at london rail stations . muscle. i was so positive struck me so i know where you put the letters one. britain has borne the brunt of the storm with widespread flooding in towns and villages in the country's north. in ireland go away was forced to cancel the opening ceremony for its year as year pm capsule of culture and the aptly named wild atlantic way on the west coast took a pounding. germany has been hard hit to several people were injured as wind speeds surged beyond 170 kilometers an hour. even for those who saw the winds as the thrill the fun quickly gave way to danger the storm is now moving south with more damage expected. health authorities in china say more people have fallen victim to the corona virus this is the death toll has exceeded 900 and that more than 40000 cases of the virus are now reported across the country that after thousands of people were allowed to disembark from a cruise ship in hong kong after a 4 day quarantine resulted in passengers testing negative for the virus another cruise ship off japan ripping it remains in quarantine with over 100 confirmed cases. we're now joined by our correspondent. in beijing mathias today workers are returning to their offices after the extended lunar new year holidays with the turnout like a lot of people going back to work. it's a very slow start after this holiday that house already been extended for one week i don't know how much you can see here behind me but all these shops remain closed so many small business owners decided to wait a little bit many offices many companies have offered their workers their office workers to work remotely and some factories half picked up production but others have said that they will only partly start or that they do not verge their workers to come back trying to run some kind often emergency scheme until they will finally resume full production and this must be hurting china's economy and that is how concerned is beijing about the disruption to business. it is indeed hurting beijing's china's economy the 1st quarter of the year due to this national holiday this traditional chinese new year holiday where many people take an extended leave and there is an official holiday is always slower than the rest of the year to so to some part this is in the cultural ations but it needs to pick up after that now beijing is facing a tough choice because getting this epidemic under control is a top priority if they must do this on the other hand of course they will. further jeter your ration of not too bright economic situation that we've already seen in the past years will of course put the government in. front of a lot of problems we've seen some. provincial government and governments urging . all the organizations of the party state to remain vigilant but not to overdo it in order not to harm business activities too much know what this will mean on the ground is yet to be seen but these 2 of course goes off the government controlling the epidemic and ensuring that the government that the economy will pick up they are of course at odds with with each other and that is filling the in beijing thank you very much and france has recorded just 6 cases of the girl and a virus the chinese people and others in the east asian communities they say they're becoming targets for discrimination with many taking to social media to share their stories did obvious correspondence in your folly went to paris is main chinatown district to find out more. a basement in paris is chinatown. these elaborate costumes were meant for the annual chinese new year parade the draws thousands of spectators but for the 1st time the event was called off the sea or suddenly 10 was a regular participant blames the coronavirus and the stigma it's viewed certainly. was cancelled not out of fear of the corona virus but the fear of children being stigmatized we're being told that asian children are coming back from school crying because they were singled out and made fun of they were insulted and called names so we didn't feel like celebrating it has been very tough. it only turned grew up in this neighborhood a melting pot known for its $960.00 s. high rise apartment blocks and dozens of east asian stores and restaurants the frenchman is of chinese and cambodian descent and says he'd never really experienced racism openly in paris until a week ago. it was a. mess took the metro and as i sat down the person next to me got up and moved away and then he covered his mouth and nose with a scar i realized it was a form of xenophobia and fear i was sad and shocked it's far from being an isolated case accounts of prejudice avoidance and slurs by ling up in france stalking the needs. here in southeastern paris the city's main chinatown which is home to large numbers of france's ition community the usually bustling neighborhood seems a bit subdued many residents are wary of speaking on camera but some are clearly rattled by incidents off with this abuse amid fears of the. enemy and what a friend of mine who's asian was taunted and called a virus in the metro that's not very nice but as i gather our customers wanted to know if our waiters had chinese nationality even though ours is a vietnamese restaurant seeing asian faces didn't reassure them that the potomac has really given free rein to racism against asians something which in france was not really talked about and not taken seriously. the issue was revoked aerated across the french media on the banks of the river sin. journalist lynn lundahl has been following accounts by french asians have been targeted using the now popular hashtag i am not a bias it's like it's the french train. she has long campaign that gets them in france but nothing prepared her for these responses to an article on the coronavirus in china she translates into english you shouldn't have weird beast this is normal they would do anything in that country the country is overcrowded nature is doing its work this is horrible and people they have no empathy we're just talking about sick people and then they will sit saying racist things like a virus is just a pretext to be hateful it will react clear said she was trying to deal with little and has been speaking out against the heat on talk shows and on social media she's also hit out at sections of own profession for example for this headline in the local newspaper warning of a yellow alert. so far france has recorded only a few cases of the coronavirus if the numbers go up the fear is the prejudice could spread just the smallest. to the bundestag honor and the mash between the lamps and vine on sunday featured the top 2 goal scorers in the league for buy own a helmet levon dot ski and for leipsic then am not just that the match also decided the team believed to have only one point separates the defending champions and the visit is ahead of kickoff despite the game finishing in a draw it was a thriller here are some highlights. a full house in munich as expected for this final league meeting between these 2 titans byron unique in our being live 6 share of the spoils earlier in the season and with the team obana the least 2nd most prolific striker with 20 goals versus robert levin dosti whose got 22 there was a high expectation of balls hitting the back of the net biron got close in the 1st half but it ended scoreless 11 dusty's face says it all in the 2nd half life seek look to break the deadlock but some insight used a bit too much from coast range. minutes later team advantage draws noya off the line gets past him but david alibaba put his body in the line of fire then no one at the handball but neuer says come down gave finally a penalty look to give biron a chance to score after 11 dogs he was taking down inside the box by to put mcconnell but levin dusty never got his shot v.a.r. stepped in and made the right call noting the striker was offside when he received the ball then it was life 6 turn again wrong team on vanno botched this one just a bit outside no goals at all in this top of the table clash definitely not with biron brass wanted another draw against life saying. this is the dow good news and these are our top stories germany's governing christian democrats in. union party is in disarray amid reports its party leader is giving up her post and will not run for the post of chancellor in the next general elections on a grid clamp cut in bar was widely tipped to succeed. but the handing over recent crises raised questions about her authority within the party. the 92nd academy awards have made history in los angeles with south korean food and parasite becoming the fullest ever known in english language movie to win best picture this. strong winter storm has been lashing western europe bringing heavy rain and wind gusts of up to a 130 kilometers per hour it shut down germany's rail network. has authorities in china have reported and other up sick in the corona virus outbreak the death toll has passed a set 900 and more than 40000 cases of the virus have been reported across the country. this is the news from berlin for more follow us on twitter news or you can visit our web site that's dot com. coming up next stephen beardsley has business news for you feel the death of that again. because. most people are frightened of crocodile skimming but in a recent taste last summer. the biologist is one of the world's top crocodile researchers and. in belize in central america she is campaigning to protect these endangered creditors despite people's fear and prejudice. in 60 minutes w. . world. to go beyond the obvious. that mario. live. as we take on the world. we're all about the stories that matter to you country. what ever it tastes running now cut out the detail that you made for mines. i think in everything. i make on this new. so much different culture between here and there challenging for if. the sun is the same thing there was worth it for me to come to germany. and got my license to work as a swimming instructor i'm sure now our 2 children come to us was one of us toughest . what's your story take part cherish on info mike or in stock next. german auto powered di miller will cut even more jobs than expected as it tries to leave a diesel emissions scandal behind and reassure jittery investors. also on the show orders in china trickle back to their job sites on monday but many companies and factories remain closed as the cook as the coronavirus continues to sweep through the country. and did hollywood send the signal to netflix the streaming service was nearly shut out from the oscars.

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