so many 1st anniversary of the liberation of the auschwitz death camp the german president warns that the evils of the nazi era are still with us as is the world must stand united against anti semitism and he church. and also on the show growing alarmists think those 11000000 people a lot doubt chinese authorities try to quarantine war on the metropolis at the center of the colonial virus outbreak but will it work. trying to contain a c.p.u. all of $11000000.00 people in the news new long time plus a matter of survival so charles i'm going to prescribe to the climate crisis at the world economic forum in davos chancellor merkel tells the world's rich and powerful to take the young climate activists seriously. very warm welcome to all of you we continue our special coverage of ceremonies at the russian memorial in jerusalem to honor holocaust victims and survivors all this is the 1st in a series of events marking the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the auschwitz death camp which is commemorated as international holocaust remembrance day dozens of international heads of states and governments joined israeli leaders at the ceremony while they were there to remember one of the world's darkest chapters and vowed to fight anti semitism in that country and the 1st speech by a german president at yad vashem concord led to steinmeyer so germany's responsibility for the crimes of the nazi regime will not expire all right let's take a listen to what president myers said just moments ago 75 years later. after the liberation of auschwitz i stand before you all as president of germany and i stand here laden with the have to be historical burden of guilt yet at the same time. my heart is filled with gratitude gratitude for the hands of the survivors stretch out to us gratitude for the new trust given to us by people in israel. and across the world rectitude. for jews life does flow for all rushing again in germany. my soul is moved by this spirit of reconciliation a spirit. which opened up a new and peaceful path for germany and yes will for germany europe and the countries of the world. a very solemn day of remembrance and a solemn address there by president steinmeyer with me in the studio is the abuse of correspondence a key brady and in jerusalem is our correspondent peter hill and i want to go to jerusalem 1st if i may appear german presence of hundreds of stier my hair in the advice the 1st time that a german leader has given an address how was his speech received. the reactions i've heard so far very positive 5 i think that stunned i found the right words here and yet the sham at the ceremony today. commemorating 75 years since the liberation of the all should check him. he cited the jewish blessing and i spoke to one of the holocaust survivors a german holocaust survivor who were present here today and he told me that he was very moved that he was all will almost moved to tears by this german president the president off the people that he felt he still belong to but had had perpetrated these. these crimes that one can't even the matching in their scope that almost moved him to tears so i think she found the right words talking about german guilt and as we just heard killed and a responsibility that will never go away that was also something i think that people here in israel one that you hear and then of course as a 3rd point talking about anti-semitism in germany today what did you talking about his shame that's again in germany we see and to some it is and we saw the attack on a synagogue in holland last october and stan my i spoke about spoke about that and about his will to fight that in germany all right peter i want to go now to i want to put that same question that i put to peter this is a historic speech by any measure how is it being received here in germany are germans following these ceremonies it certainly has been well received and today's ceremony was just one of several. events and memorial services that are taking place over the next few days ahead of international holocaust memorial day on january 27th i think that said there it is worth pointing out that many germans are in fact aware of the ceremonies taking place today in israel that said what they are very much aware of right now is a much bigger us. 2 ation going on in germany it's very much a time of recognition in germany right now in which the country is no longer only dealing with its past with its nazi history but also with its present and its future and we heard that from front of the german president as well today when he said he wished that he could stand that today in israel and say that germany had learned from all of the lessons from history but i simply not the case of there are some big questions german society and german politics asking itself right now exactly kate because one of the well there were many poignant points in his address but one of the ones that i would like us to take a listen to is when the present time or underscored germany's a responsibility to come back to anti semitism let's take a listen to an excerpt from his suspension will pick up our conversation after that the u.-turn of flame that you have. does not give out germany's responsibility does not expire we want to live up to our responsibility by this dear friends you should measure us. that is so poignant because in your us i mean this country has seen some very troubling incidents of anti-semitism this past year if you were to greet german authorities in terms of how are they doing when it comes to fighting modern day anti-semitism the certainly has been an increase in action towards fighting on to semitism and as you say that has largely been fueled as well by the rise in reports of on to semitic crimes within the last few years and of course well remember as well they attack in hull or in the east and german city of hama in october on a synagogue as well on young kapoor that said there are a still a lot of work to be done in germany when it comes to tackling down to semitism and any kind of racial hate for a long time here in germany and even now we still hear that phrase need never again is the phrase that was always used in german society when it came to talking about holocaust and talking about how germany can tackle and to semitism today and i think for a long time that was also a lack of understanding that by saying that and if you you know if you say it loud enough and say it often enough then that means that we can eradicate and semitism and that simply wasn't and isn't the case and so there still is a lot of work to be done to tackle anti-semitism and any kind of racial hatred in germany peter want to go back to you in jerusalem a solemn commemoration of remembering of the holocaust fighting anti semitism but it also took a political turn let's take a listen to a prime minister netanyahu and i will go to you and your son i'm concerned. that we have yet to see a unified and resume its terms against the most submitted on the planet. a regime that openly seeks to develop nuclear weapons and i'm not really the one and only jewish state. israel salutes president trump and vice president pence for confronting the tyrants of tehran i call on all governments to join the vital effort of confronting iran. peter i think it's fair to say that iran also played a very key theme in this in this on this day. yes absolutely not only benjamin netanyahu the israeli prime minister talked about iran today also mike pence the american vice president mentioned iran in his speech and i think it is funny tanya who it is on top of his foreign policy again and gen of course he sees iran as the main threat to israel's existence and that's why he mentioned iran here at this forum today because he says if you want to prevent another holocaust try at. killing all jews in the world then then we must prevent iran from obtaining nuclear weapons from building a nuclear bomb and that is why he really pushed for that not only today at the speech but also before his speech in bilateral meetings he had with them putin of russia and with mccraw on all fronts so that was really one of the main points i would say even in his speech and the threat of iran and there is of course some division among those world leaders that that came to yad vashem here today in that question because for most of the european leaders iran is of course seen as a threat but they think that negotiations with iran will lead to a peaceful solution and if you listen to netanyahu of course he is for more pressure for sanctions in order to topple or in order to get rid of the regime in tehran. now kate back to you here in the studio were dozens of world leaders were interesting rallying against them because some notable and conspicuous by absence was poland of course the country was occupied by germany which was a death camp or run by germans by nazis in poland why does poland not send somebody to attend this is james taylor an ongoing feud between poland and russia at the moment so the polish president refused to attend because russian president vladimir putin was actually give. a slot to speak at today's ceremony on the current countries are currently locked in a feud a disagreement over how the 2nd world war began in 1909 and take when it comes to the soviet union's non-aggression pact with nazi germany back in the 1930 so in recent months. russian president vladimir putin has made some rather interesting comments playing down parts of the soviet union's role in the beginning of the 2nd world war such as attacking poland from the east in 1039 while germany was coming in from the west for example but the polish president will indeed be attending the ceremony on monday which will be taking place at the site of the auschwitz death camp in poland where he will be attending a memorial week peter just very briefly do you have a reaction has there been any reaction to the poland the polish leader or poland not sending anybody. because it was that thing was like like a shadow hanging over this whole ceremony today i think it was on many people's minds that the polish president wasn't attending here today and of course this row yeah it overshadowed this event and invent it was meant to be come on the writing of the holocaust and uniting countries in the fight against anti-semitism and so i think in the end at the end of the day at least during the speeches today that we had that we heard from. president putin of russia didn't make any more of these remarks that kate just talked about so at least in that respect it was a ceremony worth of a ceremony but also today there was some criticism of putin talking about numbers of jews being murdered. territory some people he said he had been overstating these numbers and so again what was. meant to be a just economy ration also turned into some sort of diplomatic conflict into some sort of food feud all over history and i think president rivlin obvious route that had an interesting remark to make about that he said leave history today historians peter taylor reporting from jerusalem and with me here in the studio providing analysis w.'s great thank you both. desire krauss was just a teenager when she was deported from prague and ended up in auschwitz now $91.00 did a spot to deal with news at her home in israel well leaders will be out the former death camp for the official holocaust remembrance day on my date but for details it's a place she never wants to visit again and this is my. little sister children's book. and yes it was the books. this is me in the black stockings. my number is 73305 which i had to shout twice daily at the counting. pill. you had to shout the number then zip ticked up from that a 100 and. screw up and like snow from there from the smoke from the chimneys. and the smell of the issues from from get through my cardio. and. we just had to. understand that this is what happens. when the train arrived there were prisoners who saw to luggage the major mountains of clothes of shoes of food of bread of and escaped from the book they somehow managed to bring it to the children's proc. and there are some 12 or 14 books on the book so freddy invented is very bill a library and you are in charge of people being killed in gas chambers and bodies being burnt in claremont toria and the ashes that fire in the air they day they cover their ass and they're all dead orders roundings they knew that our time will come in june we had 6 months grace to live between you we knew we knew we are going to die in 2 and everybody knew that i won't ever go back to auschwitz i can't bear it that. hundreds and thousands of people go and step there on the ashes to ashes out or over or over there there's a. place they're stepping on our own but that people don't enjoy that they won't be able to detect their. it's never been tried before and no one sure if it will work chinese authorities are attempting to quarantine the city of new holland that's at the center of the current virus outbreak that's stretching across asia and beyond while all transport in and out of the city has been suspended also other neighboring cities are affected in the city of one gang and jew excuse me public transport and train services are suspended overall more than 18000000 people are affected by the lockdown it is a difficult time to try to quarantine a city because millions of people are on the move to celebrate the chinese new year beijing has nixed plans for all large scale chinese lunar new year's festivities as the deadly corona virus spreads. this is where it all began authorities believe the outbreak of corona virus can be traced back to a seafood market in holland. but shutters have now come down and the city has followed suit. a sub thursday morning this city has been cut off from the rest of the country trains flights buses and ferries have been cancelled even public transport within will on has ground to a halt. hospital wards have had to deal with hundreds of cases but so far the world health organization has refrained from declaring a global health emergency much depends on whether the measures set in place by the chinese government will prove effective. trying to contain a city. of 11000000 people is new to science it has not been tried before as a public health measure so we cannot at this stage say it with an order to would not work. with the city sealed off from the outside world if you headed to the epicenter of the outbreak. the last trains bell for 100 were unusually empty. and there's plenty of elbow room for passengers on the final flights into the city. some fear repeat of the deadly outbreak of the sars virus which killed over 800 people in 2003. i think that is i'm really worried i'm really scared it will become an external that's why we all wear masks. others are less concerned. as a city of 11000000 people. just about 400 have been infected that's a very low percentage and the fatalities are all old people. all over china people on the move to visit relatives over the lunar new year holidays it's one of the biggest annual movements of people in the world despite the lockdown of 100 it's likely that somewhere the coronavirus is traveling among them. are going to talk a little bit more about this from our science departments in the 1st i mean just a corn teen. city the size of one hot it is a very drastic measure how does that work are people not allowed to leave their homes are there border controls everywhere i mean how does that look for the people living there yes of course i'm not there but apparently what i have heard is that basically the trains and the track the trains and buses are all shut down people are still moving around the city but they don't go to markets that much they basically stay indoors all the ostrow stay indoors and people go out to as these protective masks will this help contain the spread of this mysterious virus. it will certainly help if people can't leave the cities or people i'm traveling so much with you have to consider that little no new year's we had to evolve it so people would usually travel a lot they would infect much more now this is probably one of the most effective ways of preventing that by containing it in a city but we have to be aware as it is this is a city of 11000000 people 3 more cities in the same province have already been also shut down in the same way or basically been isolated now this is a very tough and decisive response by the chinese also rotis and the w.h.o. has also acknowledged it so we will have to see if the w.h.o. zone today which they are discussing right now at this moment will declare an international health emergency or not considering that the chinese also rotis are doing what they're doing this may be a decision that comes later at a later point. in bonn for you think you. german chancellor angela merkel told the world economic forum in davos that climate change will force societies to make fundamental changes chancellor merkel said are we of life how we do business all of these will have to change in the next 30 years as environmental issues pushed their way to the forefront she said industrialized nations had a debt to pay and the price of inaction was higher than that of doing nothing apparently to focus in particular on hydrogen and other source. i want to go straight to my colleague ed snell do allow why do we resist a reporter who is on the scene for us in davos today al good to see you what was chancellor merkel's message today. good to see you too late well it has to be remembered that donald trump an anglo americal are the only 2 g 7 leaders here as such they're the most powerful leaders present here in the 4 on and many were expecting angela merkel to be a counterweight to donald trump at the remarks that he's made in the past days so he's been quite exceptional is basically dismissed the idea of a climate emergency and for her part i'm glad miracle did do that she did say that climate change that fighting climate change was a matter of survival now that outlined her stance but it also wasn't exactly a rousing battle cry against fossil fuels so make what you will out of that now the part in her speech where she got the most applause was when she said that people should reach beyond their bubbles that people with different viewpoints should find a way to talk to each other now that tells me that that is an acknowledgment that even in a forum like the world economic forum there is still plenty of consensus here to be sought. now she also looked ahead to a big china summit to be held later this year what did she say about that. well the background is that germany will take over the rotating presidency of the e.u. in the 2nd half of the year and it's in that time that she wants to have this big china summit with the aim of achieving a unified european policy towards china so she wants to work more closely with china when it comes to issues like investment protection but also climate protection the example that she cited who was getting europe to coordinate its emissions trading system with china's and in so doing that would already cover a large part of the world but many here have also pointed out that that's going to be a big challenge even if you look into the individual member states nobody not many of them really have their own china policy aside she will really have her work cut out for her there. are also at some of the questions. that go we committed to in the pair's climate agreement may well be one of them survived the whole unknown planet. all right that was their chancellor merkel talking about the environment besides that so what else happens in davos today snow well we're expecting until you get terrorist that's the secretary general of the united nations to speak shortly now he of course is expected to wave the flag of built a lot journalism but people are also looking towards tomorrow where climate activists gratitude berg has announced a climate strike at 11 am and that's expected to get a lot of attention. our at the world economic for you in davos thank you very much. and a reminder now of the other top story as that we're tracking for you this hour world leaders have been paying tribute to holocaust victims and survivors at the memorial in jerusalem it's part of commemorations marking the some research anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz in a speech german president funk author steinmeyer underlined his country's historical responsibility to fight and to. please stay tuned to her eco india our environment magazine has a look at mumbai's biodiversity i'll see you again at the top of the hour in the meantime don't forget you can always get all the latest news and headlines around the quadrants by heading to our web site at 7 o'clock on my loran on behalf of all of us here thank you for spend as president. gold india those who love to eat seafood fish calendar of course. overfishing breeding seasons bio diversity. which fish can people eat and with without damaging the ecosystem. know your fish the 1st sea foods the state ability guide india. next d w. can i am going to get. sick closest place to hell i'm listening to him standing kiran. and france does a camp at all it trains kimi and more into new york when you. nice news and he can do more than one point. mom. i will get all story. because a. must. starts january 27th on d w. look closely. carefully . don't move this suit through needs to be a good. match. to discover the bush years. subscribed. documentary to. our love for the fish on our plate and all the seafood is causing grief to top and an imbalance to the modern ecosystem worldwide how can we preserve this and even