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Refused to sign a cease fire deal after talks of moscow and democratic that president ial candidates face off in their final debate before the Iowa Caucuses Foreign Policy global trade health care are planes among the top issues go to our correspondent in washington were else 1st not going to 6 town r. K. Were never heard of on are you going to and a miracle in the snow for sama at lease that after avalanches hit pakistan controlled kashmir of wiping out at least one bill if Severe Weather chilling someone 100 people elsewhere in pakistan the ive broad thomas crate to have you with us today or china poses and existential threat to International Human rights thats the assessment of a new report released by Human Rights Watch the u. S. Based group condemning what it calls chinas domestic repression and its attempts to censor its critics abroad the group is calling on the International Community to challenge beijings actions or face what it describes as a dystopian future. Well ahead of Human Rights Watch was due to release the report in hong kong but he was denied entry there elder press conference instead in new york heres what he had to say the Chinese Government is trying with increasing ferocity to use its economic and diplomatic clout to silence critical voices abroad and to undermine global institutions that protect human rights chinas obviously long censored critics at home the government is now trying to extend that censorship to the rest of the world while our correspondent Mathias Bolinger has been talking to prodemocracy demonstrators in hong kong who say beijing is using the Territories Police to enforce a policy of ever greater brutality and oppression but support for the communist party line among the police in hong kong is not universal some are risking their jobs or worse by speaking out he filed this report. When david chan drawing to Hong Kong Police force a few years ago he never thought that he would see scenes like these david chan is not his real name. Base was last november when protesters and Police Clashed on the university campus. Police had come monday massive attack. And david says its not only the physical threats that affect morale. Theyve been working long hours theyve been blamed fingers pointed at them its very exhausting both physically and mentally. This is what hes talking about criticising and often could sing at the police many offices which theyve been accused of indiscriminate arrests beating up subdued protesters and threatening to shoot into apartments. Videos of Police Brutality circulating online. Bystanders get into arguments with officers risk getting pepper sprayed a clear violation of the rules thats david. Im just frustrated because some offices really just like the protesters and honestly they really want to beat them up but i think this isnt the right mentality we should be impartial as Police Offices we shouldnt take sides he says hes currently doing as much as 100 hours of overtime every month while he isnt serving at the front line. In heist to be at the site of demonstrations david is hiding his identity feel being bullied by protesters online and he worries about professional repercussions. As a member of the Hong Kong Police force i shouldnt be criticizing it in public but as a citizen of hong kong i have to say the Senior Officers have basically messed it up. Lynn. Officials deny the police have done anything wrong the police has been in the focus of the demonstrators since june when they 1st violently broke up a protest. Since then public anger has steadily grow especially among the young david says most of his friends have turned their back on him in the past 6 months. I was a bit upset about it because they were my good friends but then i thought about it theres nothing i can do. He says several of his colleagues have quit their jobs but while hes at odds with the current tactics he has no intention to leave. I should be staying in the police force and try to maintain the right mentality and to uphold the values of the police. Its a tough challenge for david stuck between loyalty and. Lets go now straight to beijing and mathias bawling out for more about that new human rights report about china oppression chinas oppression and suppression of human rights today to mathias can you fill us in on some of the reports details that shows china working for quote dystopian future at home and abroad. Well we have just seen one example of. Chinas repression which is hong kong where Human Rights Organisations have accused china and the Hong Kong Police and the Hong Kong Government that is dependant on china of restricting the previously quite liberal freedoms of this city there are of course the very grim examples of the suppression of weak is where we are seeing the biggest internment off an ethnic group probably since the end of world war 2 and the massive surveillance state that has been installed in this in john region but increasingly also throughout china we have seen increasing arrests during the past few years of human rights activists why use torture etc etc etc all this is not new what the report now details about is the mechanisms that china is using to suppress criticism abroad outside of china yeah this is probably the most disturbing part of the report certainly for people abroad where it is Human Rights Watch consider chinas threat to human rights over seas most severe is their specific area. Well one of the groups for example that have really really been targeted the week is brought they have been threatened abroad they have been threats their family members have disappeared and there are all of this was used to suppress their criticism chinee groups of progovernment supporters have been mobilized for example on universities across the work world to counter protests against chinas human rights. Record and there have has also been pressure on the human rights mechanisms the International Human rights mechanisms as well as on countries that are financially dependent on china to support chinas oppression policies for example in syngenta ok now this report also says that chinas leadership is quote scared of its own people is that the sense that you have from your time reporting in china. Brian this is a very tough question because we need to be careful with Public Opinion in china we do not have any soas we know that there are all kinds of opinions exist. But we do not really know to what extent. They are represented in the population what we have seen however and this is. Something that i would support that whatever news are leaked whenever there have been investigative reports and there have been more in the past when press control was less strict about abuses of power public reaction immediately is there and that. The public anger builds up very quickly so what i think what we can clearly say is that this system of governance in china would not be able the power of the communist party would definitely not survive in the way it is exercise now without this massive repression and this massive censorship did abuse mathias billing on mathias thanks very much for bringing us up to date on this new report or germanys chancellor has invited the 2 rival governments of libya to berlin this weekend along with other Regional Power brokers its a been to rescue a peace deal and strengthen a shaky cease fire this comes just a day after the powerful were lord Khalifa Haftar left a moscow peace conference without signing the truce that was drafted those talks. The talks were meant to bring an end to the conflict in libya and be a diplomatic victory for russia and turkey but after general kiley for half a time i left the talks in moscow without agreeing to a long term truce they appeared to end in failure speaking to media a day off to hell with the Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov played down the outcome saying the peace plan put forward by moscow in agra was still a work in progress. Representatives of Libyan Society met in moscow with the participation of the russian and Turkish Foreign and defense ministers we will continue our work on this track so far there has been no definitive outcome. Libya has seen heavy fighting for months the countrys internationally recognized administration the government of National Accord led by fire. Is based in tripoli its facing a power challenge from general have todds rival administration based in the east of the country and the city of tobruk. After forces calling themselves the Libyan National army are reportedly being assisted by russia and regional allies egypt saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Meanwhile ankara along with the United Nations is backing tripolis government of National Accord earlier this month Turkeys Parliament gave president reject type one the green light to send troops to tripoli. And after the moscow talks failed to offer a solution on tuesday other one provided a clear warning. You know theyre not vigilant in the coming days we will be closely following the choices that the coup plot are half and the countrys legitimate government will make. In the event that attacks against the countrys legitimate government and our libyan brothers continue we will never refrain from giving hafter the lesson he deserves good little me john. Now the focus moves from moscow to berlin german chancellor Angela Merkel has invited top officials from a host of countries to peace talks on sunday in the hope that this time around something might be different. Lets get you briefed down some of the other stories making news at this hour britain france and germany have formally accused iran of violating the terms of the 2015 agreement to curb its Nuclear Program you Foreign Policy chief u. S. A bore oh says the aim is to bring tehran back into compliance but it could spell the end of the accord and a return to sanctions. Reigning Authorities Say they have arrested a number of people including the person who shot this video in connection with the accidental downing of the Ukrainian Airlines flight over iran last week 176 people were killed when an arabian missile struck that plane. Irans president said a special court would be set up to probe the incident. Protests in lebanon turning violent is demonstrators attacked the central bank in the capital beirut and clashed with police after a lot of the months long protest people are back on the streets for what theyre calling a week of anger aimed to pressure the countrys political elite into taking action over lebanons worst economic crisis in decades. In the United States the race to decide which democrat will challenge donald trump in the president ial election is heating up the top 6 candidates have faced off in a final televised debate among them former Vice President joe biden vermont senator Bernie Sanders and massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren time for the democratic president ial hopefuls it was the last chance to get their message across to a National Audience before the Iowa Caucuses begin the democratic primaries in 3 weeks time polls suggest this race will be tight. Or just how tight will it be lets bring in our Washington Bureau chief always on a phenomenal good morning to you examine who do you think came off best in the baden who looked like the character that the best chance of taking on donald trump well i think that senator Elizabeth Warren had that moment for the debate when she addressed a story about one of her contenders senator Bernie Sanders telling her years ago that a woman cannot win elections indeed as she talked about that trying to make her case that woman is best suited. To win the election and she pointed to the fact that the man on the stage last 10 races while she was the only candidate who did see that and the republican incumbent republican candidate any time in the last 30 years and this is really a discussion that is going on india as and within the Democratic Party is a woman could speech donald trump so its getting a lot of attention here and now the name that we have to mention is a close senator from minnesota who was the only candidate on the stage she was not afraid to throw punches and of course joe biden who can be happy with the debate i think because its nothing to hurt his position as the top democrat in the race alexandra with the reason of benson around that weve been talking about in the show this debate opened with Foreign Policy what does candidates have to say a lot from. Well all of them criticized the president done on strong actions in iran and iraq and they talked about the situation in iraq and in afghanistan and it was quite interesting to listen to the exchange between joe biden and Elizabeth Warren about a gun is done warren said. The troops should get out of afghanistan while joe biden said today that he would leave a small number of special forces there so you can see in which direction the Democratic Party has moved on Foreign Policy in the recent years and that was the spectra there now this was the last televised debate before the start of the all important primary season how significant are the upcoming iowa acostas caucuses and who polls suggest will win. Well the 2 highest polling candidates at the moment are Bernie Sanders and joe biden but the race is very close and that makes it so significant of course we have to say it is hardly representative of america and the 21st century but it is still state were primary voting kicks off and its results can be an early indication of who might win the nomination and who has little chance of success and the results or winning iowa can give the companion a push especially when the candidate is not a top candidate as it happens to barack obama when he won iowa in 2008 overtaking Hillary Clinton ok and well know more than 3 weeks when we have those caucuses always under thanks so much from washington and time. Well after 18 months of bruising economic conflict the u. S. And china are set to sign what theyre calling phase one of a trade agreement that calls for the u. S. To ease some sanctions on china the u. S. Has agreed to stop labeling china as a currency manipulator head of the signing in washington. For its part beijing will step up its purchases of u. S. Farm products manufactured goods like Aircraft Services as well economics you know economists rather are calling the deal modest but there are hopes it will prevent further escalation in the conflict that has slowed Global Economic growth hurt u. S. Exporters and weighed on the chinese ago well the European Union has pledged dedicate a quarter of its budget to tackling Climate Change the Europe Investment plan will channel one trillion euros in the climate protection over the next decade now the aim is to reach Carbon Neutrality within the next 30 years. This is what the United States moon landing looked like when it comes to climate protection the European Commission is not shying away from drawing comparisons to that earth shattering event we do not have all the answers yet today is the start of a journey. But this is europes man on the moon moment. A green deal for the European Union is worse than a funnel lions 1st major policy proposal since she took office at the end of 2019 her vision commits the e. U. To achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050 until then emissions of Greenhouse Gases would have to be reduced stored or compensated. The e. U. Commission says it wants to mobilize a trillion euros from various sources over the next decade to make buildings more Energy Efficient and industry more environmentally friendly as regions only for europe transition away from coal. Fund a lion urges the e. U. To move quickly and take the lead in growing a green economy. Well today marks the 30th anniversary of a key event that followed the fall of the berlin wall angry citizens and human rights campaigners occupied the headquarters of the stasi communist east germanys feared secret police they succeeded in preventing the destruction of the stasis surveillance files on millions the country says one activist from that time told us what happened he was there both going templi hm a former east german civil rights campaigner 30 years ago he and other demonstrators pushed their way into east germany ishtars the headquarters its still the resting place of thousands of files on citizens who were spied on. You softwares oh yes i said so you know what we want this peaceful disarmament our actual takeover of the whole thing will happen a lot faster theres no. Was open the gate the storming of no man in street was a key moment after the buildings and other cities had already been occupied in the preceding months several 1000 people now poured into the berlin headquarters. Was the status the workers tried to destroy files up until the very last minute but the activists were able to rescue most of those files. But the fight to save the files was far from one that took a Hunger Strike extreme effort on our part to convince west german elites politicians and those who wanted to keep a lid on this for various reasons. After all nobody knew exactly how sensitive the information that east germany state security had collected was in the end the files were made accessible to the public templin applied to see his own. It was certainly a unique experience i was part of the 1st group that got to see the files in 1930. 9 u. S. In opposition figure it was highly unlikely that a very comprehensive file a whited me it was very thorough but there was also one from the 1st half of the 1970s that was classified as a pup a try to follow. For 2 years template himself was an unofficial stasi informant he alternately quit and got involved with civil Rights Groups later he was arrested and kicked out of east germany. After the fall of the berlin wall he returned and took part in the negotiations to dissolve the study but hes still struggling to cope with what happened to this day. A lot of people say yeah well it was so long ago why bother. If we think about the nazi era and im not saying that the same just comparing that to it took decades to process the monstrous things that happened back then. You have a role the stasi files will be transferred to the National Archives from 20 to 21 as long as they remain easily accessible to ordinary people templin has no problem with that well Severe Weather across parts of pakistan and pakistan administered kashmir have left almost 100 people dead and many more missing one valley was hit by a number of avalanches authorities have lost rescue missions but access is proving difficult yet. In the mountains of pakistan administered kashmir rescue was trekking looking and listening for signs of life as the snow continues to fall finding and reaching the exact location of the missing is hard enough. The next task is to dig down through what in some valleys hes made his of snow to reach people buried beneath the avalanche. Of 101 girls given how dark it was. Going to. Be ok. These areas are cut off from the cities and as i cashmere in the evening you just dont know what condition people are in. A long life that you have got a. Meanwhile in western pakistan heavy snow fall in a lot just one has destroyed and in some cases completely buried dozens of houses. Again accessability east if its to find survivors and victims. So far most of the casualties are due to the construction of houses in a different part of the province. While if its being made to reopen roads and reach many people at ground level in many cases a lift is still the only option full the injured. As the hours tick by the chances of richie with his funding survive as is diminishing rapidly. This is deja vu news from berlin these are our top stories a new report by Human Rights Watch says china poses an existential threat to International Human rights and calls on the International Community to challenge beijings actions or face what it calls a dystopian future. Germany has invited libyas warring factions to berlin this weekend in a new push for peace is comes after talks in moscow failed to produce a ceasefire agreement when rebel leader have tar refused to sign a deal throwing the future of a fragile truce into. The democrats top president ial candidates have faced off in a final televised debate before the start of the primary season polls suggesting a tight race between former Vice President joe biden vermont senator Bernie Sanders and massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren. Avalanches in pakistan controlled kashmir and Severe Weather elsewhere have killed some 100 people rescue teams have been trying to recover very victims many more are missing after heavy rains triggered landslides in a valley 6. This is the news from berlin dont forget theres mortar twitter feed and at our website. For me brian thomas and the entire news team thanks for being. How illegal are sucking the country dry in spain there are more than 1000000 socalled like well theyre done legally and in secret because intensive food and vegetable cultivation uses a lot of matter too much water this has drastic consequences for the environment space water probably. 60 minutes w. What secrets lie behind small. Discover new adventures in 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites. Doubling. World heritage 360 get kidnapped now. Earth home to millions of species a home worth saving. Googling dios tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world like to use the protect the climate boost Clean Energy Solutions and reforestation. Using interactive content to inspire people to take action global ideas the environment series of global 3000 on t. W. And online the truly rich meter just shows numbers but rather shows how much. The music store bought. The smart way to get where youre going. To. Prevent global auto mobility show every week w. China and the United States prepared to sign phase one of a deal aimed at ending their months long trade dispute by birds major issues still unresolved we ask whats next for the worlds 2 top economies also on the program the trade war has cost huge disruption to companies in both china and the u. S. We take a look at one u. S. Bike makers bill that. Im chris colfer welcome to the program

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