Of the blazes raging across the country. Last flashpoint latin america uncertainty of popular demands for change grips the region we look at the way forward for the continent. And Unanswered Questions off the dozens of animals are killed in a devastating zoo far in germany fortunately some did survive the inferno and those who has now 3 years and. Im at home freaking out you could join us global powers are warning that the world has become a more dangerous place off the u. S. Air strikes killed a top or a new general in american drone attack on Baghdad Airport in iraq killed a Senior Commander has some saudi money the head of irans elite quits force solomon it was seen as the architect of tektronix military operations in the middle east the strike also killed i will mock the hondas an Iraqi Paramilitary group leader with close ties to iran. Well the iranian supremely the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has warned the u. S. It faces hosh retaliation u. N. Security Council Members china russia and france have all criticized washington. The remains of the vehicle in which the iranian general and the Iraqi Militia leader were riding when the american missiles struck soleimani had just landed at baghdads airport hondas was on hand to welcome him both were killed instantly along with at least 5 others the deaths are a major setback for iran which closes its most powerful and most Popular Military commander and an important iraqi ally the reaction from tehran came quickly the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ordered 3 days of mourning and issued a statement promising a quote strong revenge against the criminal killers of general so the money had friday prayers worshippers chanted antiamerican slogans and vowed revenge. The job. How stupid can they be to do such a thing. Because in the middle east i think iran is the factor of stability because some celeb money was an influential factor in that stability. Is the entire nation of iran all the islamic countries we are all general sulaimani and we will never let the us do anything in. This action which u. S. Officials have apparently taken responsibility for you can be sure it was an amateur act going to a rebel wake up and produce more so the monies i assure you should go by division one its we dont need them in iraq some celebrated solmonese death many iraqis disapprove of irans Strong Influence on the countrys politics but iraq also has a large shiite population that sees iran as a friend. Above all iraqis fear being dragged into a u. S. Marine in conflict. America and iran should solve their problems outside iraq we dont want them to solve them inside iraq because that doesnt serve our interests the people who have gathered here arent celebrating the killing of silly money or anyone else because it doesnt serve us at the end of the day. The conflict was already retching up before this latest airstrike on thursday 750 american soldiers arrived in kuwait now washington has directed u. S. Citizens in iraq to get out of the country mediately. Well for more on this story were joined in the studio by akido steinberg from the German Institute for International Security affairs and in washington by g. W. Bureau chief alexander fun naaman thank you very much to both for joining us 1st year to you again iran has come out its foul hosh revenge i mean how will that be meted out when for example on whom do we have any idea. That it might take a while and the iranians are usually very careful to think about the possible ramifications of their of their acts and they have already escalated the situation in the gulf. To a level that is very hard to top just think of the attacks the iranian attacks with drones and cruise missiles on the Saudi Oil Installations in september i think we will see of revenge against americans but it will take some time for the of for the iranians to sort out what the possible targets might mean of might be and we would see a major iranian drive to get the u. S. Out of iraq to potentially then through proxies is what youre suggesting politically politically and through proxies iran is already the strongest power in politics for a while already and they will try to convince the you rocky government to ask the americans to leave and afterwards we will see the iranians attacking american targets but thats an uphill battle for them because most targets that are possible well protected right lets go over to alexandra van in a washington on xander why did the u. S. Want son of money dead and i guess crucially the question is why now do some see this timing as a diversion from the impeachment. Well secretary of state revealed in an interview today that solo money was killed because of an imminent threat to american lives in the region that the drone attack was necessary to prevent an imminent attack from happening he did not provide us with more details therefore we dont know how imminent and. In deed and we also have to mention that many experts here were surprised that the president ordered state killing runyan journal because. Hats refrained from taking such action and we also have to mention as you implicate to that the president is a lot of pressure here at home with the impeachment trial looming with the election and a president ial allaying election to take place in the so he could use the Foreign Policy success however we also have to say that this particular action is risky gamble that could backfire right alexander i mean you mentioned there the surprise and i suppose weve got in mind i mean how popular is this move in the United States where do the democrats stand on it for example. Well in general us lawmakers agree that solon money was a bad actor and that hes also warranted but democrats have already expressed their concern about how the whole situation was handled and they have criticized the coaling of the strike criticize president strom calling this trike reckless you knew literal escalation that could have foreseen consequences and they also have criticized that president s trump did not seek congressional approval and did not inform Congress People who are on rival and coming. Well well talk more about the implications of kassam solomon hes killing in just a moment but 1st lets take a closer look at his significance as commander of the elite force of irans revolutionary guard custom saloon money was irans top general he was also its most recognizable and Popular Military commander Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei once called him a living marcher of the revolution. Money joined irans revolutionary guard after the iranian revolution in 1979 he saw action in the youre running iraq or. In 1098 he became commander of the quds force that conducts irans clandestine and Foreign Military operations. The u. S. Considered him a terrorist and blamed his could force for the deaths of hundreds of american soldiers so the money was especially active in iranian operations against rebel groups in syria against the socalled Islamic State and supporting shiite militias in iraq over the years so the money survived a number of scrapes with death including an airplane crash in 2006 on a bombing in damascus in 2012 he was 62 years old when an american missile killed him and. Well back over to gator then hes joining me hey in the studio in terms of generosity of monies nega see what do you think that will be for radians and how do radians feel about an attack on a high profile figure in that country. The legacy is a more Important Role for the revolutionary guards in iranian politics and in the Iranian Military structure since 2009 and a heightened importance of the quds force. The force has been extremely successful and has taken part. In the ascent of iranian power in the middle east between 20112019 many iranians have least those who are loyal to the regime. And remember him for this in general we do see that many iranians simply do not like this regime they might not. Think that its a good idea to kill Iranian Military leaders. That is considered to be a terrorist by the west but still they remember the revolutionary guards for the brutal killings the arrests after the demonstrations in 2002070 again in 2019 so is his legacy will be divided according to the political position of the iranian in question thats a very important point to make i want to go over to alexander now because on xander it does feel to a setting extent that weve got now 2 countries on a collision course is there any mediator out that perhaps a voice of calm which washington might listen to you would back down. Well to be honest i dont see any obvious media to in this context we just have to look at americas allies in the region so he arabia and israel those countries are very concerned about irans activities there and they would like to contain those activities the rockets and Political Tool moyle and the question is anyway if the us will be looking for a mediator because of President Trump has made it clear that he is sticking with his america 1st potency i would like to act from a position of strength already w. Bureau chief alexander fun at naaman in washington and here in the studio middle east analyst key to shine back thanks to you both. Well the u. S. Action has drawn a variety of responses from across the International Community israels Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu voiced his support saying just as israel has the right of selfdefense the United States has exactly the same right custom so their money is responsible for the death of american citizens and many other innocent people now russia was critical saying this step by washington could have grave consequences for Regional Peace and stability in our view such actions do not contribute to the finding of solutions to the complicated problems that have accumulated in the middle east to the contrary they lead to further escalation of tensions in the region now beijing stated china has always opposed the use of force in International Relations iraqs sovereignty independence and territorial integrity should be respected. And as they can about some of the other stories making news around the world at this hour a man has gone on a rampage at a park in a suburb of paris the suspect stab several people and then run away officers pursued the man and then shot him one of his stack of being victims is now reported dead and at least 2 others are injured. Turkish police have detained 7 people for questioning over the qana scone case a turkish private jet has admitted that go in japan from lebanon on one of its plates the company says one of its employees acted alone for many centuries and had been awaiting trial on financial misconduct charges when he jumped bail and escaped. First responders in cambodia are searching for around a dozen people trapped beneath a hotel that collapsed at least 2 people have been confirmed dead in the incident which happened in a coastal resort town the hotel came down during construction. Building industry has been booming but is plagued by safety problems the strain is Prime Minister Scott Morrison is facing growing criticism over his handling of the deadly bushfires ravaging the country angry residents say he should be doing more to help people burned out of their homes now the navy is still evacuating hundreds stranded on the beaches around the town of mother kuta 1000 small offering by rote. A new sign that the state a file or it is the new normal this is straight in mcpike mimics emergency sirens a sound thats now as commonplace as the smoke filled air in the bushfire zone australias Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been visiting the affected area which now encompasses most of the countrys 2 southeastern states while there morrison was on the receiving and off hefty criticism only an issue my body was already on your i am. In 2 incidents caught on camera a firefighter and a local resident refused to shake hands with morris on. The year and the 2nd thing to be even more on the top 10 but many people have also said they are just looking for a religion very. Small god help them and. People are also angry that the Prime Minister has downplayed the role of Climate Change in causing the bush fires morrison has brushed off the criticism saying hes not taking it personally like this isnt about any one individual certainly not me or anyone else we all have to do the job that we have to do were going to keep focused on doing that your people are angry understand it people have suffered great loss people are hurting people thats what happens in natural disasters meanwhile distrait in navy continues to evacuate people trapped in the coastal town of by our boats to a larger ship on friday over 1000 people of were transported from there to melbourne those on their way out clearly relieved. That i actually have held it together pretty well till yesterday when i heard they could be coming back and thats when i yeah i had my fright dan and i felt better after and now were here and we. On the boat and were going home he was saying that families yes. The fires is set to worsen again this weekend was authorities warning that the window for getting out of the threatened areas is closing quickly. To latin america now where another year of serious on rest could lie ahead and 2019 away 5 protests broke out across the continent so lets take a look at some of the countries affected well venezuela remains in the grip of an economic crisis a year ago Opposition Leader won that quiet 2 claimed the presidency from Nicolas Maduro whos accused of Election Fraud and dictatorial rule now meanwhile argentina while it is in a deep recession unable to pay its foreign debt more than 100000000000. 00 in neighboring board if you are president able what alice was pushed from power in november while in chile colombia protesters are demanding better governance and solutions to economic inequality well for more on this now were joined by. The colombian capital bogota good to see nicole now have you noticed any similarities in the situations between various south american countries such as colombia such as chile for example giving rise to that unrest. Although at their core these movements are of course very different there are significant similarities these are Grassroots Movement started by young people by students who are fed up of a system that they inherited from a generation that was perhaps too scared to speak up for themselves but is now embracing the movement they are mostly organizing on social media and as globalized citizens they are of course looking at other countries for inspiration and solidarity another parallel there is between especially chile and colombia is the amount of demands that protesters have this is not a protest movement against a president and a politician a single law this is against the system here in colombia for example demands range from a pension reform to a full implementation of the Peace Agreement with a far better protection for Indigenous People and many people are also asking for Health Care Reform and i talked to some people here in bogota to find out why. One man will loves working at the hospital he likes to take his time with patients making sure they feel safe and that they understand their conditions and treatments but doing the job with such dedication has become increasingly difficult for many people working in colombia and health care to those who rule the coc work through one out of 4 Health Care Professionals are unhappy this year. Do you feel nice. That the news one of our system shortcomings is the pay the physicians receive. Even some of them have to work 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet do you. But overworked and underpaid doctors and nurses arent the only ones feeling let down by colombias Health Care System even in the capital where there are plenty of hospitals and clinics patients are finding it impossible to get even the most urgent appointments. I call the hospital every day but they dont have time for me because i tell them please i suffer from multiple sclerosis i need special treatment they never have time. They give you an appointment after one or even 3 months its horrible Health Care Service here is awful. Such problems are related to structural weaknesses colombias Health Care System is dominated by private Insurance Companies numerous of these intermediaries between patients and doctors have hit the headlines for embezzlement and corruption the president of the medical Association Says it was their greed that caused the system to implode is over says it is like the less services these companies provide the moment they make so the Insurance Company denies treatments or takes a long time to authorize them allowing the patients condition to deteriorate would they even refuse to cover therapy altogether yes necessary treatments denied without explanation it almost destroyed this young womans family her brother had alarming symptoms but his doctors werent allowed to run the tests they needed to diagnose him. It took his Insurance Company 7 months to authorize the cuts from january until august when they finally got the results i saw he had a brain tumor. And then when we found out he had a cheer mark hed already lost his hearing and suffered irreversible brain damage. Madeon a is a nurse herself and has been participating in the protests suffering from the Health Care Systems shortcomings as a patient and a professional she urges her fellow colombians to keep fighting for change. I will be a coherent casey and im confident there will be change someday maybe not exactly how we wanted to be that would be perfect i dont believe thoughts going to happen but some kind of change no matter how small for the time being it doesnt look like the government will heed peoples calls but in the waiting room and on the streets colombians have run out of patients. Go straight back over to our correspondent in. Bogota people are clearly running out of patience all their need is who can represent them in their struggle well we have to bear in mind that this is a protest against the entire Political Class so there is not one opposition figure that could step up and represent demonstrate the protesters claims here and colombia the Strike Committee made up of several unions has been trying to establish talks with the government but these are failed over and over again because the committee wants these talks to be branded as negotiations and that is something the government doesnt want to give in to so here semantics are getting into the way of finding a solution and shelley of the situation is different its a completely Leaderless Movement people are organizing in groups according to where they live or where their interests lie what they care most about but there is not one person or group that can represent the entire movement some people say that this is just proof of how democratic these protests are but it could ultimately lead to a weakening of the entire movement so clearly diverse strands across the continent but nevertheless what can people in these countries expect in 2020. Its hard to say seeing the commitment of people out in the streets its difficult to believe that this could just fizzle out it is still a great opportunity for embattled leaders like save us jumping it out like iran to pay here in colombia to truly listen to the people to show commitment and honesty and finding a solution to this and change the face of their countries forever but if the past couple of months are anything to go by this is very unlikely to happen all right our correspondent nic on a flourish monitoring that wave on rest for us thanks a lot nicole good to speak to you. Well here in germany a zoo hit by a fast moving fire has been partly reopened for businesses now people have been expressing their grief the case of sea where dozens of animals including several primates were killed a woman and her 2 adult daughters turned themselves in off to the blaze police say they admit they admitted lighting and releasing socalled sky lanterns which afford to have started the finality 3 were apparently unaware that the mountains already cold throughout germany. Well lets cross over to our correspondent rebecca my at the zoo a rebecca has opened its doors again this morning and today how are things going there. Well its been an extremely somber day as you can see the memorial behind me over the course of the day has just grown more and more as people continue to bring candles as children bring drawings of gorillas in a ring in tangs in memory of the animals who lost their lives and that tragic new years eve fire that the spokeswoman of the zoo has said that the past couple of days have been a nightmare but shes seen that the support that the zoo has gotten over the past couple days as well has just shown the strength of the community and also the strength of the staff working there now the law says you have focused attention on these Paper Lanterns that apparently caused it there were neagle but still easily available can you tell us more about the debate that they have generated certainly the the Paper Lanterns that were used not allegedly caused the fire they are able to be purchased online however they are they are banned from use in most german states including the state of north rhinewestphalia where crayford as located so theres theres a certain legal loophole that currently exists and its one that Authorities Say isnt going to be quite as easy to close so people have been debating as well about about the use not only of these people or lanterns but and the sky lanterns but as well as the use of fireworks in general and how its used on new years eve especially right rebecca. Thanks a lot for that. Just joined in our top story that were following for you iran has now during then dropped a u. S. Airstrike killed one of its top trends or else the killing of come on the custom of saudi money has dramatically escalated tensions in the middle east. Mass evacuations are underway in australia as Emergency Services battle the countrys worst ever wildfires forecasters warn high temperatures and strong winds will return this week at. Newsnight from ballin up next eco india our environmental magazine with a look at the people who all rethinking farming and how that all for them but it comes your company awfully sick. How do people survive in one of the driest places. For thousands of years they used to melt water from the glaciers. But Climate Change is forcing. People in law dog find other solutions artificial mini glaciers made in winter now supplied the valley with water. Next on d w. What keeps us to say what makes us sick and how do we stay healthy. My name is dr carson the i talk to medical a slims. Watch them at work. And they discuss what you can do to go ahead. Stay choose and lets all try to stay. On d w. I think is everything 1st off i make on this new. Song much different culture between here and there challenging for if. Only. For some business i think it was worth it for me to come to germany. Months ago my license to work as a swimming instructor should our 2 children 100. 00 just rushed just to show. Whats your story take part cherish on in for migrant stock. Weve offered short stories of change for me inspiring the people around them to be the change they want to see in the world theyve made a difference for the better for the everybody lives of people and for the and bought it for you only going

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