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Australias Prime Minister facing growing criticism over the deadly. Angry residents whove lost their homes to say Scott Morrison should have done more to help victims of the blazes raging across the country. And on all sad questions off the dozens of animals are killed in a devastating zoo fire at in germany fortunately some did survive the incident and the suv has now reopened. Time and you can just make an end thanks very much for joining us today. Global powers a warning that the world has become a more dangerous place off the u. S. Airstrikes killed a top iranian general the american attack on Baghdad Airport killed senior commander. The head of irans elite could force he was seen as the architect of terror ons military operations in the middle east the iranian a supremely Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has warned the u. S. It faces harsh retaliation u. N. Security Council Members china russia and france have all criticized the action the u. S. And strike came in the middle of the night later the pentagon tweeted this strike was aimed at deterring future iranian attack plans dont trump usually very active on twitter tweeted only this image. Iranian state t. V. Confirmed the death of gentle customer. Irans top security body called an urgent meeting for friday. The foreign minister mohammad to reef tweeted the us act of International Terrorism targeting and assassinating general salami is extremely dangerous and a foolish escalation. The u. S. Government has accused me of having a key role in fighting in syria and iraq he reported directly to the countrys Supreme Leader ayatollah khomeini. Also killed the Deputy Commander of the uranium backed militias known as the Popular Mobilization of forces the u. S. Has accused the group of being behind the recent attack on the u. S. Embassy in baghdad experts say the death of salam mani could be a turning point in the middle east and potentially draw retaliation from iran and the forces it backs in the region against israel and u. S. Interests. And for more on this story im joined in the steer by gators steinberg from the German Institute for International Security affairs and u. S. Political analyst rachel. Can you give us a sense of just how much potential this ass strike has to unleash. In an already extraordinary volatile region. You cant overstate the importance of general solo money for iranian expansion and in recent years years been the general of his generation in the Iranian Military so the iranians from their point of view will have to react and the problem is that they have already escalated the conflict with the United States just think of the iranian attacks on the Saudi Oil Installations in september the next logical step i think would be 1st to kill americans i think that is whats going to happen not imminently perhaps after some months and the iranians will try very hard to evict the United States forces from iraq rachel what do we know about how this u. S. Decision was made would President Trump have given the go ahead fully aware of the the possible consequences so this attack and this killing was directed by. President trump in Self Department defense tweeted that this was a defensive just Decisive Action directed by the president the question is what comes next and has the u. S. National Security Apparatus been working behind the scenes and are they prepared to have a response from the United States depending on how iran decides to respond ok well well talk more about the implications of his death in a moment but 1st lets take a closer look at the scene at this significant as commander of the elite could force of irans revolutionary guard custom saloon money was irans top general he was also its most recognizable and Popular Military commander Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei once called him a living marcher of the revolution so the money joined irans revolutionary guard after the iranian revolution in 1979 he saw action in the 8 year iran iraq war. In 1980 became commander of the kids force that conducts irans clandestine and Foreign Military operations the us considered him a terrorist and blamed his kids force for the deaths of hundreds of american soldiers so the money was especially active in iranian operations against rebel groups in syria against the socalled Islamic State and supporting shiite militias in iraq over the years and he survived a number of scrapes with death including an airplane crash in 2006 and a bombing in damascus in 2012 he was 62 years old when an american missile killed him in baghdad. What was this top arabian general doing in iraq. Hes an iraqi politician the the kurds force is responsible for iran and Foreign Policy in the. Arab world especially rock syria lebanon and he has been called the most influential person in iraq by iraqi politicians in recent years in fact in order to become Prime Minister in iraq you needed the consent of money. Already in 2006 and 2012014 and 2018 again so it was quite a routine event and he was visiting his friend in wonder is the head of the hizbullah brigades these are the closest allies of the Iranian Quds Force the guy who has been killed with him and the militia responsible for the attacks on americans in recent weeks and the militia main route live responsible for the attack on the American Embassy just 3 or 4 days ago rachel lets have a look at the u. S. Now whats the reaction been in the u. S. To saddam on these killing politically but also from the public and surprisingly the reaction has been pretty divided amongst political lines so this killing was carried out without the knowledge of top congressional senators like Chuck Schumer and congresswoman nancy pelosi and youve gotten tweets from some republicans like ben sass tom cotton Lindsey Graham saying that this attack was coming the iranians have been punching the u. S. In the nose for a long enough and they. Expected it and they deserved it democrats on the other hand have had a very different reaction saying that yes the money had blood on his hands but this is an escalation for which the u. S. Might not be prepared and so when Congress Comes back from its recess next week we can expect them to kind of start looking at checking the president s war powers but as you saw from trumps tweet just the im. Flag hes going to use this to try to drum up support from his base does this attack figure out in any kind of plan the strategy that President Trump has for the middle east so the question is you know does trump have a strategy in the middle east and if so what is it obviously countering iranian influence as well as supporting u. S. Allies saudi arabia and israel as a mainstay of that but this killing i think puts the u. S. Administration as well as diplomats and forces abroad in in an impossible spot because now the administration has to strategize and think 5 or 66. 00 steps ahead and given that the president himself is sort of a rogue actor and likes to you know a very active area and possibly this is going to be pretty difficult a difficult one for the u. S. To navigate get a can we get your take on that can the International Community discern any coherent middle east refugee from washington right now there is nothing like an International Community and especially not in this regard we have seen an escalation between the iranians and the United States in recent months and the problem about this escalation is that the United States i think doesnt have a strategy maximum pressure is not a strategy its not clear what they want and i would have expected a military response by the latest after the attack on the Saudi Oil Installations it has been u. S. Policy to protect the gulf states from any kind of attack since since president carter the Carter Doctrine 980. 00 and president didnt follow up on his threats and i think that was the mistake that prompted the the raw onions to to escalate they thought they could get away with anything such a kind of attack and targeted assassination of a regular military commander should only happen if you are ready for military conflict and the prompt administration is obviously not not yet at least not before the elections or it will have to leave it like you know steinberg and rachel rizzo thanks so much for your analysis thanks. Ok lets have a look at some of the other stories making news around the world. A Trump Administration has announced a ban on flavored east cigarettes to curb the health risks tied to the teenage use of a bathing products menthol and tobacco flavors will remain on the u. S. Market Health Groups say the ban does not go far enough because it only applies to a cigarette cartridge is not liquids bourse separately. Police and one of sirens have a rescued a 3 day old baby girl being held hostage inside an ambulance media reports say the standoff began after the father assaulted the babys mother and then hid in the vehicle they say the baby is in good health and hospital. Police in paris have used tear gas to Disperse Protesters from emanuel mcluhans Party Headquarters as the standoff over the president s planned pension reform continues trade unions have called on the public to step up their protests National Train services have been disrupted by strike action for 29 days now making it the countrys longest strike since 1968. Australias Prime Minister Scott Morrison is facing growing criticism over his handling of the deadly ravaging the country angry residents as saying he should be doing want to help people out of their homes the navy is still evacuating hundreds stranded on the beaches around the town of moloch thousands more are fleeing by road. A new sign that the state a follower to assist the new normal this is straight in mimics emergency sirens a sound thats now as commonplace as to smoke filled air in the bushfire zone australias Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been visiting the affected area which now encompasses most of the countrys 2 southeastern states while there morrison was on the receiving end of hefty criticism only a need for more bodies now i was already on your i am. In 2 incidents caught on camera a firefighter and a local resident refused to shake hands with morrison of the year i mean the 2nd thing to be given up on the car but many people have also been. Difficult when they took a. Small guy helping him and. People are also angry that the Prime Minister has downplayed the role of Climate Change in causing the bush fires morrison has brushed off the criticism saying hes not taking it personally like this isnt about any one individual certainly not me or anyone else we all have to do the job that we have to do we are going to keep focused on doing that your people are angry understand it people have suffered great loss people are hurting people thats what happens in natural disasters meanwhile distrait in navy continues to evacuate people trapped in the coastal town of by our boats to a larger ship on friday over 1000 people of were transported from there to melbourne those on their way out clearly relieved. That i actually have held it together pretty well till yesterday when i heard they could be coming back and thats when i yeah i had my right dan and i felt better after and now were here in which. On the car in were going home we were saying our families. The fires was set to worsen again this weekend was authorities warning that the window for getting out of the threatened areas is closing quickly. Here in germany a zoo hit by a quick moving fire has now mostly reopened for Business People have been expressing their grief at the cliff dozens of animals including several primates were killed a woman and her 2 adult daughters turned themselves in off to the blaze police say they admit life sing and really sing chinese lanterns which the sort of started the fire the 3 were apparently unaware of the lands and illegal throughout germany. Details cross over to our correspondent rebecca down maia whos at the zoo in faith that rebecca the zoo has opened its doors again to the public this morning how are things going there today. Well it started out fairly slow there were a couple of people who had gathered to lay candles and its picked up quite significantly lots of families here at lots of kids there was a group of preschoolers who came and laid down a book of drawings that you had made to remember the animals who had been killed i also spoke with a woman who said that she grew up with this issue and that she takes her kids here very frequently and that one of her children really enjoyed playing with one of the baby arraigning tangs from behind the glass one of those of us who unfortunately died in the fire on new years eve so people have obviously been really affected by this the losses have also so cost attention on the chinese lanterns that apparently caused the fire the illegal but thats still easily available can you tell us more about the device at the debate that they generated. Absolutely theres been there was already a debate going on ahead of new years eve about fireworks and flammable objects in general in germany and celebrating with those now the Paper Lanterns the sky lanterns they are banned in the state of north rhinewestphalia where craig is located the people who came forward and said that they purchased those lanterns they did not know those are those those items are banned a lot of these a lot of the online shops where theyre sold they dont have warnings they dont contain warnings about possible legal ramifications and thats really sparked a big Debate Police have also said that its it would be extremely difficult as well to police the selling of those sky lanterns so its sparked a debate about not only their use but also how to regulate this ban all right rebecca ive got my at was there in crayfish it thanks very much you know what you mean you still to come. Finding love on the dance floor we meet a thai one means couple whose love this music moving to music rolled into a real life right amounts. But 1st its to latin america where another year of heavy unrest could lie ahead in 2019 a wave of protests broke out across the continent a string of countries from chile to colombia have witnessed unrest then a swale remains in the grip of a political and economic crisis a year ago Opposition Leader claimed the presidency from Nicolas Maduro whos accused of Election Fraud and dictatorial rule that despite massive antigovernment protests and more than 50 countries backing the dura has clung to power. Hyper inflation is one of venezuelas biggest problems despite 6 increases in the middle and wage workers a still taking home only the equivalent of a few u. S. Dollars every month. Its supposed to give venezuelans more purchasing power the latest hike in the minimum wage means workers will receive 150000. 00 in cash they also get another 150000. 00 in food stamps each month sounds like a lot to me but what can you actually buy with it. These 3 bottles of water and 2 bread rolls cost more than a quarter of the monthly wage 1. 00 of the study. 300000 is not enough to buy anything with but when you factor in transportation food bills and Recreational Activities you just dont have enough. Of a. Good look at that particular beef cost 60000. 00 and a bus ticket now costs 2000 and everything is way too expensive and the minimum wage is not enough. When i come up on top on the hour. I went shopping in caracas to put the new minimum wage to the test myself i bought some groceries 4170000. Thats more than the minimum wage for just a few items but i still have most of the food stamps left so i bought some onions. Some through russia. And cheese. I bought 18 eggs 440000 body bags and there was just enough left to buy a drink. If im frugal i can make these groceries last for me for a month but for a family its not very much and im not including a lot of protein in these groceries nor personal Hygiene Products and for an overall monthly salary its not enough to cover public transport or Public Services like water electricity gas and Telephone Services so for a family its not very much. All right still about less and more im joined by a 100 mark has asked us from the fire when you got to tate. Thanks for joining us such. Difficult circumstances the venezuelans and yet the Palace Trouble between president Nicolas Maduro i mean opposite Opposition Leader one just keeps going on how long can a juror that cling to power well mother has shown quite a lot of resilience and this is has begun this resilience has reason is the alliance with the military because around not in 2016 he ceased to be like a democratic president in its tried to eliminate the power of the parliament so this has only been part possible because he has a close alliance with the military and his government has brutally repressed the most regions against him and has murdered hundreds of france tasters or has still thousands of them so i think he can remain in power as long as this alliance with the military holds. This year we have a d. N. Constitution foresees elections for the parliament at the end of the year but there are no signs that these elections will be free and fair so i guess that perhaps their position will boy quite and this will probably leave model in power many many people have left. To escape the poverty and what effect is this having on the country and also how is it affecting the neighboring countries well we have like people leaving the country because of the dire conditions and this actually has i think thats rather stabilizing the situation in the country because you have this mass exodus of young male people that were mainly demonstrating against meddled in the streets in 2017 this mass migrations really really accelerated and then they have been stablish in mostly in south american countries and theyre sending back remittances to their families so this is kind of stabilizing the Economic Situation and helping feed an informal dollars station thats. Taking place to help people cope with hyperinflation it is explained its made of that happy inflation and that around 10000000 percent into that in france in 1000 so actually just migration destabilising when us for that yet i think its rather destabilizing neighboring countries which are countries that most of them not used to receiving migrants and this is the largest migration problem that has ever happened in the western hemisphere so its more or less the similar than the situation in syria and there is no civil war yet in the us fairly so there are very fragile countries we have seen the situation in colombia a country that has been recovering form its own civil war conflict for the last decades and also you have a country like cruel thats received millions in this friends so this is not easy for them to cope with and most of the problem also comes with that some of them are or most of these migrants are rather poor so they are they need a lot of support for from state institutions and this is a solution is in these countries are we so probably in the future there will benefit from this but now there are disturbing lies in the situation as he say saw people and discontent really across my stuff of latin america i found and mike has left us from the file and he has a tape thank you so much for joining us thank you. And its report is about how finding love on the dumb floor tonight is no limits were going to taiwan to paralympic wheelchair dances he teamed up for competition got far more than they expected. Theyre a Perfect Match on the dance floor as well as in life. I. V. One woman vinson quote discovered their talent for wheelchair dancing on their own but it was finding each other that added the extra spark to them moves. This way the past 5 years quite humorous. I like a woman who has a sense of humor. And joy talking to each other slowly as we got to know each other better. I started like a girl a lot. And that chemistry has made them one of the most successful couples in wheelchair dance theyre currently ranked number 2 in the world. But to perfect their dizzying moves also takes hours of training their trainers are able bodied volunteers who also perform with wheelchair users and whats called the combi category. Vincent and i. V. Are part of taiwans last generation of polio survivors dancing is a way to keep up their physical fitness and to help fight the effects of the illness. Or espalier patients physical deterioration can happen quite quickly. To exercise were hoping to slow down the speed of deterioration so. Were hoping well be able to dance for a long time and to hold on to our good rankings and. Sent to them. A couple recently tied the knot. Lets hope that married life sees them up together as easily as they do on the dance floor. Some sports news now in liverpool are now unbeaten for 365 days in the English Premier League following a 2 nil win over Sheffield United last season they finished runners up but won the Champions League in june and the Club World Cup in december in the Current Premier League campaign that you can club side sit top of the table with a 13 point gap to 2nd place having drawn just one single game so far. And a quick reminder of the top story that we are following for you today there on vows revenge as a u. S. Air strike kills one of its top generals the deaths of the elite commando cus im sorry mani dramatically escalates middle east actions. Youre watching data on a new life from up next and dark magazine in co africa thanks so much for watching he doesnt even. Go africa. The bigger animals are trying to do a lot of attention but dont overlook the little farce very endangered. Do something different. Stories from south africa. Identifying rare plants. Creating an urban oasis. For go. Good shape. Being uncontrollable urge to lose weight and erect see it and believe me i can take over your life was dramatic consequences not nutrition. Stomach problems infertility eating disorders dangerous how can people deal with eating disorders. In good shape 60 minutes d w. 50 years of religions for peace people from many Different Things all working together toward a common goal of peaceful resolution of religious conflict. Now all female members of religions for peace from the middle east are demanding a larger. Oh come on the ground is empowering women giving them. Making them agent of change. The female peacemakers stores january 5th column t w. Its no secret that our planets resources are dwindling thats why i am buying men show gives you ideas on how you can protest major welcome to you coffee male type with in a new group nigeria

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