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Prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu wins a leadership challenge in his likud party thats despite him placing criminal charges before another general election. Hello im terry martin good to have you with us a passenger jet with 98 people on board has crashed in kazakhstan Authorities Say at least 12 people have been killed the back airplane came down shortly after takeoff from the city of el monte on route to the capital ton more than 60 others on board have survived with injuries. Well joining me now from perth is Aviation Industry expert Geoffrey Thomas geoffrey what more can you tell us about the circumstances of this crash is there any indication what might have caused it. Look there are a couple of scripts from asian from passengers from passenger interviews one person talked about a large bang just off the tiger off another person however spoke of a loud shot up and the plane vibrating now that could have been caused by an ice buildup on the wing the plane possibly may not have been dion asked and when the plane took off the air over the wing. Broke up and we get into an aerodynamic stronghold and the classic symptom of a classic sign of that if you like is a shattering of the aircraft and then a kind it crash back down he got to a 40 feet into the air the large bang however could have been associated with an engine failure so theres 2 possibilities but of course its very early on very difficult to say with any precise. Accuracy at this stage what can you tell us about the Safety Record of the plane involved here and the airline that operated. Look its difficult 100 years or 100000 seat aircraft. Was produced over 20 years ago by the famous Father Company of holland who have a long rich history of building very robust airplanes and the fact that in this particular case the fuel tanks didnt rupture citing i would cite countless numbers of laws is testimony to the strength of the the stalker wing where the fuel tanks out. And the elyse becket been operating Services Passenger Service Since 2011 theyve got i fuck a 100. And not from a couple of incidents theyve had no fatalities or told so theyve got a theyve got a good record theyre a low cost airline with apparently no particular problem at all in their operation geoffrey thank you very much for bringing us up to date was aviation expert Geoffrey Thomas india is seeing fresh protests over a new Immigration Law that critics see as anti muslim it grants amnesty to undocumented migrants from 3 neighboring countries but only if they are not muslim indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi says the law aims to help religious minorities from neighboring muslim majority countries but many of indias own citizens raged at least 25 have died in protests across the country. A sea of defiance it is the biggest challenge to new render a movie since he came to power in 24th for the thousands here it is a battle for indias constitution to look at what we are saying is if youre not Something Else who is there for the against and. Also obviously hindu if this is in the rest of the country 40 percent of you know. If there are. 4 weeks protests have raged against a law that grant citizenship to refugees from neighboring countries but not muslims some see it as islamophobia all those are worried it will lead to white scale emigration. The backlash has provoked a heavy handed response in new delhi dozens were arrested for protesting. That a live thousands of people have been detained we are protesting against that people who have been detained for no reason must be released immediately after that and amid heightened fears in muslim communities of revenge attacks police were caught breaking c. C. T. V. Cameras. And the government. To the r. S. S. A militaristic group of hindu hardliners marching in the capital beating the drum for rent a movie and his nationalist government. Journalists are feeling the heat a vigil at the moment by the press club they say they are being targeted by police i try to cover these to mull to sevenpence. Well when you act of communication when youre doing that all people do report. This is what something which the. India finds itself in a standoff and so far no signs of even a flicker of greek conciliation. So you look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today australia has called on the army to help battle bushfires raging in much of the country conditions are expected to worsen this weekend with an extreme heat wave and stronger winds in the state of New South Wales millions of hectares of land have been scorched in the past few months and hundreds of homes destroyed the death toll from a Christmas Day typhoon in the philippines has risen to at least 28 and Authorities Say the number of victims is likely to rise typhoon pand phone forced many families to spend christmas sheltering in the open air and has left scores of holiday travelers stranded. Turkish president. Says he intends to send troops to libya everyone says the u. N. Backed government in tripoli requested the intervention to help stabilize the country if turkey follows through the move could deepen a proxy struggle in the north african country ravaged by civil war since 2014 israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has won a landslide victory in a contest for the leadership of his ruling party. Netanyahu took 72 percent of the votes cast by Party Members fending off a challenge by the former interior minister gideon saw or the vote comes ahead of a general election in march thats now who has failed to form a government after 2 inconclusive National Elections this year. Well for some analysis now lets cross over to keep up hes a Political Columnist for the monitor israel and joins us from tel aviv akiva Benjamin Netanyahu is a controversial figure who failed to form a new government and is facing a corruption indictment yet hes just one of leadership battle in this party is he capable of making a comeback. Everything is possible in israel these days. You know nothing else who has been under investigation on bribery for a very long time and he was very close it was touch and go from forming a government in april and september if you would have told me 20 years ago that this can happen in israel only so to speak the only democracy in the middle east i would advise you to go to a shrink but these days we have actually we have playing in 2 different arenas there is the legal arena and the political arena and ateneo. Has used this platform of the primaries of the likud primaries actually even. When decide to touch challenge him i think that he would have convinced him to do this because this gave him an opportunity to prove that people still like him regardless of the indictment. And i think that this is just a 1st step or every hope so for what youre going to see India Elections campaign in the coming in the coming 2 months i want to ask you about the election you know winning the backing of a party is one thing winning election is Something Else what kind of contest can we expect in that upcoming election in march of next year. The prongs of kerry are showing that there is not going to be a tremendous change in the results were looking at the 2 blocks actually date for b. B. And n t b b blocks we dont hear much about ideology and its their rule of law all the popularity of king baby and that he is not replaceable. And i believe that at the end of the day it will be either the Supreme Court all the president of israel because according to the law the president has the power to give the mandate to a member of class and that he believes has the best chance is all is kosher to form a government and next week next tuesday the Supreme Court will have to rule whether nest and yell is according to the israeli law because these ready law. Maybe the law makers never predicted that there will be such a case and indicted candidates will be able to form a government so it will be the only general and if not him it will be to Supreme Court if they will decide that its a political question rather than a legal question and the hot potato will be rolled to the hands of the for president. Thank you so much for your insights that was akiva eldar there a commentator in tel aviv thank you terry. A new u. N. Report says more than 100000 afghan civilians have been killed or injured over the past decade the report comes as washington and the taliban continue to hold talks aimed at ending the countrys bloody 18 year conflict but fighting still rages across the country and its taking its toll in different ways. This street in the city of Mazar E Sharif is home to muhammad johns woodworking shop hes been here for 20 years over that time hes earned a reputation for his finally detailed work. He learned the trade from his father but tough Economic Times in afghanistan are hitting his business hard clients are staying away hes had to let employees go for 40 miles business is bad compared to before. I used to have 20 full time employees in the shop. But now i only have enough work for 6. And i cant even guarantee how long that will last some weeks i have no work for the months old youre. A real piece of new business in order for 6 doors and windows for a private dwelling good news for john he has 12 children to feed and he had hoped that the last president ial election would represent a turning point for afghanistan but its resulted in more political paralysis. And making peace with the taliban still seems like a distant goal. But that its a joke were tired of it was all for nothing. It was not a sheriff is home to more than 400000 people the scars from the war are still part of daily life when afghan fighters by u. S. Airpower took the city in 2001 more than 3000 taliban fighters surrendered. U. N. Workers later found mass graves. Taxi driver. Says things have improved since then even though the taliban are still active in many parts of the city he drives us out into the countryside it will soon be dark and that makes her nervous. And it was well no one wants to drive at night in a taliban area its just too risky. Once hes with the taliban he wishes the german troops that used to be here had never left they at least provided some security. For youre watching news from berlin Stephen Beardsley will be here with Business News in just a minute in the meantime you might want to take a look at whats happening at Joshua Tree National park in Southern California this is how it normally looks hot desert landscape very dry but have a look at this a White Christmas in the desert thanks for watching. Robson. Cool the premiers. Seated an. Hour

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