Our 1st day on the job continues to make such an impression and we even have a few tips. From the 1st day the pressure is on not just the media expect haitians but to go beyond and thats true for every job including for cleaners they kill opera germany recently hosted a cleaning Competition Among 12 newly minted pros all to find the best cleaner i wont tell you who won but lets just say that the opera house never looked so good a team photo a head of a picture competition. These hopefuls come from 12 different german states theyre all qualified commercial building cleaners that task to get this opera house gleaming. There fighting for the accolade germanys best commercial building cleaner. When i was in the machine is easy there are just 2 buttons now for. The 1st round begins with the glider it gets the fly a car pits looking immaculate using nothing but water. And the heat is on and itll stay on for 7 demanding hours. The competitors have spent 3 years training as commercial building cleaners doing practice and class from theory the day of reckoning has come. Off yup this is what im watching out for is methodical preparations a tidy workstation is quite important then how they handle the equipment and they using the right amount of cleaning agent. Is all the contestants have already won their respective states title now they want to know whos National King of the commercial castles. Hopes that one day hell be a team leader as he can i saw a car discovered in my 2nd or 3rd apprenticeship year when i had trainees under me who i was responsible for motivating that it was fun leading them to trust my motivation is just my thing as someone who. Gets a demanding profession. Almost everyone competing here today is learning to supervise large teams of commercial building cleaners. Is happy that i began my apprenticeship in september 26th seen unqualified in february this year then i moved into Facility Management administration and now im doing a jewel track degree in business studies. I want to combine my practical skills with my degree. But its all in stick with its a bit of recognition when you apply somewhere you can say im germany started building cleaner its a useful title like a certificate and award. But where is he planning to start out. You know weve got a company back home and a shuffle board called fishwick ill be taking it over as it might and im going to be in the long run all be taking over the business from my father. Cant do any harm to have a certificate hanging on your office wall. Its good for your image and i think thats the one to spit and that my father will be pretty proud of with. It pays to have a slight obsession with cleaning. And have the fun that i knew just after my training or even after the 1st year that id fixate on floors a window panes or and. Catch myself picking up rubbish or getting upset if i saw people putting their fingers on the. Windows have to be spotless so its also an outdoor job. Some 700000 professional building cleaners work in germany the sector is looking for qualified workers in my mind i mean weve got 75 workers in my company as of today i got operations in kiel hamburg and berlin it doesnt look like were going to shrink that were going to have less work. To go through. The keel opera house is the perfect building to host the competition. d round 3 the lighting. All going to go including the lights 2 large ones and 2 small ones on to our climate. Which of the contestants will manage to unscrew the fly a lamps the. Most skillfully and not leave any smears on the reflectors when the jobs done. Reminding us numbers are of the problem with the lies is that they havent been clean for rather a long time so long and when dirt sticks to the surface for too long he gets worked into the material that this one engine and then it is good as irreparable as a part of. The only the top 3 will win awards a point is lost for every spot of dirt. At 3 oclock its all over a short evaluation by the judges then the prize is. Really on my eyes germanys top commercial building cleaner 2nd place comes from touring and this young man gets 3rd place. They all have lead positions in their respective fams and they could well be future managing directors. All right so a group theyre doing everything right but of course mistakes happen at work especially when youre new my colleague carmen was the new guy at work not all that long ago and he still has a few tips worth passing along lets take a look. Polite to the doorman. And you. Shake but theres still many pitfalls to be avoided. You do not look stupid when you ask questions you look stupid when you make mistakes because you didnt ask them in the 1st place obviously you dont want to overdo it either so id go by this rule of thumb try to work out your problem for 10 minutes and if youre still stuck venue off someone. Your workplace is not your living room there are people around you its when them exists an intricate set of rules and agreements youre the newbie here its your job to observe and find out whats ok. And whats not. 2 stop do you really want your colleagues to see those pictures from the Party Last Night or how about those videos of your cat. Well if you. Simply dont friend work people on social media right away get to know them on a personal level before you also let them into your virtual life. I get it you want to show everyone what a hard working little be you are but if you take on too many times youre not helping anyone you going to stay way too late youre going to start getting tired and you going to make mistakes in the end your boss will have to get someone else to go over all your work again learning to say no thats one of the hardest lessons but also one of the most important ones. But if you do make a mistake dont worry. Better tomorrow. Or row or column in there with some hopefully helpful tips now no one begins their career at the top it is called a career ladder after all and researchers now say that 1st wrong could be the most important especially for women even more reason to think closely about the entry level job. A College Degree in your pocket what no oh any old job to earn some money like what youve been doing alongside your studies driving a taxi or waiting on tables. Not a good idea a study in the us shows that a low wage 1st job after graduating can be a real career killer that applies especially to women 47 percent of female College Graduates 1st work at jobs for which there are overqualified and underpaid that compares with 37 percent of male graduates and the bad thing is it tends to stay that way 31 percent of all women with a University Degree were still underemployed after 5 years compared to 23 percent of men. Those who are well positioned in their 1st jobs have the best chances in their later working lives so get it right the 1st time around. All right a stellar career with lots of money and recognition it sounds wonderful but of course there are never any guarantees many young people who are just starting out on their careers have Unrealistic Expectations and overestimate themselves timidity of course on the other hand rarely gets you far so what is the right balance to strike when youre just starting out or Porter Claudio talk to a career coach and headhunter with years of experience connecting job candidates with companies. Cut to success thats going to. Thank you man resources consultant except companies with candidates for a job. The employers are smarter now and applicants to. Says that much has changed over the years in the world of what. What they expect haitians to do you have at the beginning not started out with a clear picture of my career it had to do with levels of hierarchy job titles salaries i think nowadays people have different expectations about whats important to them are things like Work Life Balance personal development efficacy those are the current aspects of choosing a profession and id say theyre better off the best at least i think theyve really changed. It is equal to they really want to be appreciated i think that used to not be the case so much people used to be more willing to put themselves in the trainee role its now they want to have an impact immediately as to does they want their work to produce Great Results for the company right away given its a few dozen to name. By move out onto applicants have a sense of entitlement to expect too much from companies. Its doubly hard to do that continues fast paced world people tend to want their career to be exciting and people no longer have the patience and the commitment to work on building up a career they dont see it as a process and accept that as beginners they dont have influence and cant do much and have to learn things but wanting everything to happen all at once is not helpful. This will fall to shame most. Young people dont think in the long time and i fail to realise that things dont always run smoothly as adults who doesnt think absolutely underestimated they get the impression from you tube facebook and instagram that all you have to do is put yourself in the right light and things will happen and success will come just like that but you have to remember that every like and every follower is the result of hard work. But. What counts. Is an applicants personality as well as the skills an educational qualifications. Thats what goals and needs they want to fulfill in that profession. But this is a Huge Companies have to change an awful applicant small. I think they should because its an inexpensive way of making themselves more appealing its one thing to offer a few perks but that wont make a real difference or people are still being nasty to each other creating an appealing and collaborative environment takes more than a few perks how important is money as a gates money should never be an end in itself money isnt for having but for spending money if you enjoy working life armed with perseverance industriousness and dedication you will always end up with an attractive salary so you shouldnt base your decisions too much on money. Through the title. It doesnt matter how qualified you are if you dont make a good 1st impressions or in a Job Interview you probably arent going to get hired and you only get one chance and heres something you may not have heard but probably implicitly know it takes just seconds for someone to decide if they like you whats scarier the 1st impression usually sticks. My ts shelley needs to look perfect all the time he works as a doorman at one of britains top hotels the welcome to the outlaw i cannot give you a hand every guest gets a warm welcome and an equally warm farewell every gesture needs to come across just right its going to be all men on the 1st point of contact for our guests i create the 1st impression. And as we all know 1st impressions count whether its with hotel guests or corporate customers every day we created received countless 1st impressions is this person nice or unpleasant friend or foe we usually draw such conclusions subconsciously and at incredible speed more often than not people dont get a 2nd chance on the scene we call this the primacy of basically provides an anchor at that moment for the person making the judgment and it affects the way they process Everything Else south towards. That. One classic example a man arrives for a Job Interview because of his attractive appearance the boss decides within no more than 7 seconds that this applicant seems competent. From then on even subconsciously looking for more information that supports his hypothesis all indications that might speak against it he simply disregards. If the applicant provide samples of his work the boss is more likely to view them in a positive light than samples from another applicant that he doesnt consider competent and that impression is then reinforced by the socalled halo effect based on the qualities hes observed the boss begins to assume the applicant also has other qualities without verifying his supposition based on the applicants attractive appearance glasses and suit he might conclude this applicant is disciplined in this way his 1st impression is reinforced and leads to a positive assessment overall. Which in turn has another interesting effect does the steps of the profit turns into a selffulfilling prophecy in other words if someone feels the boss has confidence and they actually respond accordingly theyre much more likely to live up to expectations. But its a shift so if the boss believes a particular employee is competent thats likely to improve that employees performance of the button down all steiger. A new study from the us has confirmed just how powerful 1st impressions can be in a test participants were shown photographs and asked to assess the people pictured even when they subsequently met the subjects and person their 1st impressions based on the photo remained largely unchanged its possible to learn how to make a good impression here in berlin weve come to a workshop where participants are being taught how to prepare for Job Interviews. But even though 1st impressions do count in an interview situation then not everything. But once its not just your personal appearance you dont need to back that up by being well prepared for the interview and knowing your stuff you can make a good 1st impression but if the interviewer then realizes theres no substance there it doesnt really benefit you that much. The same applies for services doorman much he is shilling start shaping guests experience of the hotel immediately with a simple but effective strategy. And put on a friendly face and a smile that makes them feel welcome nothing. These days jobs for life arent as common as they used to be of course it depends what sort of work were talking about joining a religious order definitely brings job security but it is a decision that needs to be carefully thought through quitting because you dont like your boss for example is it really an option the Catholic Church is in fact having problems filling its ranks these days at least in many european nations we went to a convent in western germany that struggling just to stay afloat. This isnt just a place for christian reflection and prayer its also a business. The team is made up entirely of women. That benedictine nuns and they run abbey. It receives no funding from the Catholic Charities it has to pay its own way and there are all the risks. Right now its main problem is a staff shortage. Why does the you know we dont have as many young sisters as we would like. 10 of the 27 nuns here a movement 80 years old and theres only one novice in training nonce dont pay into the state pension fund so they dont qualify for an old age pension. The idea has always been that the younger sisters support the older ones to some extent. Now that the ratio of all dirty younger sisters is so high its becoming difficult. Almost all our older sisters dont get a pension. So we reflect the situation the german Pension System as a whole finds itself in one is in. Solidarity is the foundation of this Monastic Community the members support each other. 2 sisters teach theology at universities their pay flows into the communal coffers. Their salaries make up the bulk of the abbes income right now teaching jobs are for limited terms the abbey invests the money it does have to try to make its fortune grow the system. In charge of finances its called the seller does she pray for rising Interest Rates. No no i leave it to god to decide how he wants to help us. I just pray that he does help us. Manage is a one and a half 1000000 euros 65000 personal stuff when Interest Rates were higher life was easier. Now that theyre extremely low as they have been for several years hes moved into stocks and Investment Funds but not just any she of ethical guidelines. No child labor prostitution or weapons we also consider human rights working conditions and whether unions are allowed. But there is an inherent tension here. If we want to diversify we cant just invest in micro finance funds and sustainability. We have an Exchange TradedFund Tracking the tax and next and another one for the m. D. X. And inflation like one and none of that is ethical or sustainable. Its hard to be an ethical investor and the financial brains of a catholic at the. Capitol are not natural allies. The abbey has a workshop that makes parliament some liturgical clothing from gone through weaving embroidering to finish. It used to be an important source of income. For the liturgy you should acquire something decent not just cheap stuff. Sister miriam cuts no corners she only uses soap and does everything by hand prices start at 2000 euro. But there are fewer and fewer catholic priests nowadays. And many of those there are shop on the internet. Because. Were now competing with whats available off the shelf online from the comfort of his desk a priest can order a charitable for 300 or even 150 euro. This is it might not look that bad at 1st glance but its not the same as coming here and getting Something Special to the staff and. The abbey also welcomes guests 2 sisters are assigned to look after them. Costs 53. 00 euro as a night so its not exactly a money spinner. When sister theresa he was young she was keen to pursue a profession. Shes now 84. A friend of mine entered the abbey i wrote to her and told her she must be crazy i would never ever do Something Like that he. Says due to raise he has been here for 61 years she says she wants to see more women in positions of authority but outside and within the church. And priests come here and theyre very grateful if. They come to me we smile and peaceful days of contemplation together and we talk every day. Theyre grateful to hear a womans perspective. On this whole. Benedictine values include silence prayer ability and stewardship listening to humanity peace Work Community and hospitality monasticism has weathered many crises over a very long period. Its been. Things certainly will change but its been 1500 years and monasteries are still here. Once had 600 monks by 1909 there were just 3. Now there are 200. 00. Music the only constant in life is change. And if change is a constant then of course its something were all likely to face whether new on the job or an old hand especially at this time of high tech transformation thats bringing us Artificial Intelligence and automation thats all from 8 for me and the team thanks for watching join us again next week. Theyre created to do so little store to keep. A small treatment in politics theres no such. Worldwide crisis and. The struggles in iraq that defines the march to dick. Cheney 79. That created todays. Christianity dont. Even is true needs cant see tatts ill. Take dentist cats. Immediately. The 1st bush can stand to keep ill slip german children and their christmas wishes to christ child. In 75 minutes on g. W. 2 has become one of the most controversial issues. Ive never seen anything like news. We have pretty new reached a new high tide beat. The tom up the place since remains. Its almost see our realities my grandson will end up. The last time unless the world has ever seen people of all ages im demonstrating here in the 1st place. Because sometimes change will keep watching. D. W. Made for mine. Please. Please. Please. Block. Load the boat. Load. The but. I am. This is the dummy of years live from berlin pope francis can see me at all the address youre seeing live pictures from st Peters Square in rome where be on it is about shopping hes annual christmas really saying to the city and to the world also coming up has. Romania marks a grisly anniversary 3 decades of though its the last communist dictator missions and bringing the countrys bloody revolution to a close just