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High winds and school temperatures could lead to even more devastation. Im having a home for a glad you could join me germany has objected strongly to new u. S. Sanctions sanctions against the north stream to gas pipeline from russia to germany the sanctions target Companies Involved in the construction of the pipeline which runs on the baltic sea now washington says that nord stream too will give russia too much power over europe and its offering its own gas as an alternative. The gas pipeline has just 300 kilometers to go this signature aims to stop it dead in the water the new u. S. Law imposes sanctions against companies building the pipeline washington says north stream 2 will make germany too dependent on Russian Energy none of your business says german vice chancellor scholtz. So all these sanctions constitute serious interference in the internal affairs of germany and europe and of our own sovereignty we have ject to them in the strongest terms moreover this behavior is entirely in comprehensible and is not at all appropriate between friends and nato allies. The sanctions target Companies Like swiss based all sees it operate ships that lay pipelines at sea but because the sanctions could threaten business the company does in the United States its announced its suspending work on north stream too many german politicians are outraged by the american measures deal with the u. S. Just wants more markets for their fracking gas and they want to force europeans to buy environment damaging fracking again to call for but the government in berlin says it wont retaliate but im hundreds we do not want to trade in warm weather on this issue or any other we believe that political differences should be resolved politically and shouldnt contribute to making a trade conflicts worse on this conflict. The Consortium Building north stream too says construction will continue but finishing the pipeline may now take longer and cost more lives their advice scholz will miss gladys in the catechist and joins me now in the studio to talk through all of this good to see me here so the construction of new its ground to a halt for the time being do these sanctions mean that project is off the table to get. And very unlikely that u. S. Sanctions will stop this project from going to high heads overall because its more us to teach it than it is the technical question at the moment is a Swiss Company that a thing to be afraid to. To continue any work because of the threat of sanctions and they have specialty ships of that technology you cant replace but what you also cant easily replace is that Strategic Alliance between germany and russia on this particular point of Energy Security of Energy Supplies this is a project thats also been hotly debated within the European Union and the United States simply wants to kill it its unlikely it will do so because its also a matter of principle even for the opponents that imposing sanctions is simply against International Law and how International Business is currently done were talking about matter of principles critics say that these sanctions arent so much about protecting europe from russian influence for example when it comes to the u. S. President instead he wants to make sure that more american deaths is sold to europe how much weight would you give to those claims while. Its absolutely clear that the United States wants to sell liquid nitrogen gas and what germany has tried to do and its getting a lot of criticism from the opposition for right now is to reassure the americans that it would buy a liquid nitrogen nitrogen gas by saying that it will build those terminals and at the same time following that strategy of ensuring gas supply security with russia and the United States is the country upon which simply European Security German Security depends on and were actually seeing that issue of security security being mixed up with the overall strategic question of if youre not with us on the issue you clearly are against this so i think this is only the beginning of no longest standoff potentially more hostile policy not just to this project to follow and on that point i mean it seems that weve now got another issue between germany and the u. S. On the table you know adding to trade for example adding to naysay payments how damaging potentially could this north stream to raul be to. What already is a strained relationship what we heard it from the vice chancellor in that sound bite at the very beginning its seen as a rather damaging as an interference criticism is unlikely to get much stronger on the rest of record but off the record were clearly seeing damage done to the Underlying Trust between germany and the United States but also europe and the us and a departure from any kind of reliability on that strategically important partner across the transatlantic with a strategic interest stretching so much into economics and how the e. U. How germany turns out its and security in the future chief political as thanks so much for your analysis. Well lets take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world french holiday travelers are facing major delays as well as cancellations as the nationwide transport strike continues now paris rail travelers faced norm waits for crowded trains with the system running at half capacity transport workers are part of a larger strike as the pension reforms. Romanians have been marking the 30th anniversary of the countrys revolution dignitaries including president klaus your highness attended a ceremony commemorating those who died during the struggle to break free from communist rule there was a moment of silence for victims of the countrys Security Forces who shot dozens of protesters in 1989. Of course in pakistan has sentenced a University Lecturer to death for blasphemy mr haifas is accused of insulting the islamic prophet mohammed on the social media his lawyer says that he will appeal the country has tough laws for insulting islamic figures which is punishable by death. But at least 23 people have been killed in violent protests in india against a contentious new law gives Illegal Immigrants who have fled religious persecution a chance to apply for indian citizen ship but crucially it does not apply to muslims now they are according the move discrimination and a violation of indias secular constitution. These women and some state expressed their objection to the new citizenship law peacefully with a citizen in a field their muslim assamese and they see the legislation as part of a hindu nationalist agenda that may herald deeper discrimination theyre afraid theyll become a minority. The government is taking steps that will result in a disappearance of the assamese identity if the assamese people are to not protest our language will disappear here. There are 200000000 muslims in india and an ease about the new law has spread across the country critics of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government say making citizenship easier for non muslim immigrants than for muslims undermines the constitution they want to divide the Indian Society based on religion they want to create a separation and a distance and if. There are fears among Indian Muslims that they could become 2nd class citizens in their own country. And the rising death toll is Police Crackdown on protests is only fueling those fears. Well earlier i spoke to correspondent mr giles while in delhi and asked her to explain the apparent stamina of the protests now cropdusters are coming out in force and they are saying that they will not stop protesting good the government either track the act or revive even the truth or put in a clear dialogue that has been by a lengthy even though much of this bob asked have been several process yes to the airport example many people who lost their lives in the state of beijing and there are allegations of excessive use of force by the police in new delhi as well there was a peaceful process of the grand mosque i was just through the b. S. But in the evening clashes broke out in a muslim majority neighborhood and protesters alleged the police started using a baton charge as well as Water Cannons against them without. Publication the police is appalled denying this best thing that brought us to have thought of selling is that an iota of this is why action was taken but that repeated allegations of the police using too much force and that the government does in fact dampen down the scent by using internet dollars across the country corresponding to mr joyce while theyre in delhi while story is bushfire crisis is going from bad to worse fire crews all struggling to contain the spread of blazes around sydney you know a combination of record temperatures drought the powerful winds his power with the sun there at least 8 people have died since the fires began. The smoking remains of a home after bush fires swept through the area these residents in New South Wales fought the fire as well as they could before firefighters arrived and took over it happened quickly. We saw this mark and file basically rushing towards us over the hill and basically every minute it was probably one of the kilometer. Before eventually it just hit a fence and we were pretty much there sending the ass off. The fires are some of us trail is most extensive ever they have left 30000 square kilometers of charred land in their wake since october over 800. 00 homes have been destroyed several states are affected by this blaze was raging in the countrys south on the outskirts of the city of adelaide but the forest on fire wildlife have nowhere else to go pushing the animals closer to peoples backyards and into their homes. Record temperatures powerful winds and low humidity are creating the conditions for the fires to spread president s say the constant dangers something theyve learned to live with. We know is that probably only a matter of time days wakes before we have another catastrophic that. Will definitely stop and ready. The sheer scale of these bush fires is pushing fire and rescue services to their limits and the fires are still getting worse. Well the Worlds Largest gift giving season is here and with it a flurry of Online Shopping but some critics in germany all sounding the alarm over the practices of major marketplaces like amazon and thats because millions of returned to unsold items that tossed in the trash even if theyre perfectly good now the German Government is looking for ways to prevent retailers from destroying unused products they call sell these photographs are a testament to our Consumer Society Christmas Lights electric fire as books they were taken in an Amazon Distribution Center in germany and made available by the Environmentalist Group greenpeace they show new goods still in their original packaging goods that will never reach a consumer that destined to be destroyed genest discovered that a Waste Disposal company removes containers full of new goods from the site every week and takes them to be incinerated in the heat and is a productive valuable resource is going to every one of these products which are often small products made in se asia and shipped around the world and its a comb the pictures come from this amazon site near humbug amazon packs and posts around 1000 possums a day here mostly from 3rd Party Vendors who pay to store the goods at the site armisen takes care of sale and shipping. Economist be an aztec or has carried out Extensive Research on amazons Business Model he says if the Party Vendors cant sell their goods storage costs eat up their profits. Not a good idea and if an article hasnt been sold in a year then storage costs rise to 170 years per cubic metre by then its clear and calm people invent is a pressure towards destroying the goods. The tank. Amazon doesnt deny that new goods are being destroyed but it says its a general problem in the industry but why cant the goods be donated to German Retail Federation ses they would still have to pay sales tax and they want that to change in the soviet excuse you want to make clothes and shoes you would pay 19 percent tax scrapping that and it would have an immediate effect. The German Government now say that in future the trashing of new goods should only happen in exceptional cases and it will be made harder to destroy new or return goods and they want to read examine the rules on sales tax they also want retail giants like amazon to publish figures on goods they destroyed so it will be clearer to what extent our Consumer Society is a throwaway society. Here watching the w nice from milan up next a shift in living in the digital age looking at how Big Tech Companies are increasingly focusing on open Source Software giant again you can always get the latest news on our website it is d w dot com and have an angry about employees his company and have a great. Im secure in the volume or thats hard and in the end theres a me youre not allowed to steal any more we will send you back. Are you familiar with this. With the smugglers were lions of the bee whats your story. d d on what numbers of women especially are victims of violence in terms of take part

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