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Latest. And china in the United States step back from the brink of an all out trade war that could have hurt Global Economic growth they put their plans for tariffs on hold just ahead of deadlock. On nick spicer glad you could join us. Marathon un climate talks in madrid have ended with agreement on some key points but the most contentious issues remain unresolved after more than 2 weeks ago shaders failed to deliver a firm agreement on how to handle Carbon Markets where big emitter of car Greenhouse Gases forgive me and buy the right to pollute from countries that emit less than their quota or fair share so the delegates from almost 200 countries passed declarations calling for a bishes climate protection targets but the critical decision on rules for regulating Carbon Emissions was postponed to next year. They were the longest talks to date leaving representatives exhausted with little progress made on how to limit Global Warming to under 2 degrees but there was agreement on one issue regretfully at terrel the high work that you have all done we couldnt get to an agreement it is my sincere regret the way you are not able to reach an agreement we invested a lot of energy and find it very fresh. That. At the end of the day we were not able to arrive at a final agreement observers had hoped that cup 25. 00 would end with a framework for a carbon certificate scheme imposing a tax on each tonne of Greenhouse Gas produced a con a miss and environmental activists alike say its a critical step if the world hopes to minimize the impending climate catastrophe. But a deal couldnt be reached in part due to resistance from some of the worlds worst polluters like the u. S. And china india and australia with leadership in short supply in madrid environmental activists say its time for the European Union to step up i mean this conference in madrid is really at that point for the entire much of it to listen on on Climate Change and its now up to the European Union with the green deal to go ahead with a clear vision of carbon free neutral economy all eyes are now on next years meeting in glasgow but while the world continues to drag its feet the worst predictions of climate scientists have already started to become a reality. And for more analysis on the situation im joined now by helen announcement from the World Resources institute in washington helen thanks for joining us you just came back from madrid whats your report card on cop 25. I think if you look at the negotiations overall they really failed to deliver what we were looking for what we were expecting i think both those on the streets and what the science on the other hand there were a few small glimmers that came through at the end. And do you get the feeling overall that there is a disconnect between what were hearing from scientists and what the negotiators are willing to talk about. Absolutely the negotiations through most of the 2 weeks went at a snails pace and at the end it really ramped up and they tried to get a deal what were hearing in contrast from the science is that the urgency the tackle Climate Change is greater than ever in addition to that we actually have better economics compared to when the peerce agreement was struck is cheaper Renewal Energy costs the fallen things are easier and cheaper to do and we have not just the people in the streets demanding action but also a lot of Major Business late so thats thats really a contrast to what we saw coming out of the negotiations where there was very little delivered on the paris rules of moving forward the one small glimmer of hope was that over the last 2 days and intense negotiations they did manage to get some tax which really. Urged countries to come back next year with enhanced ambition recognizing the urgency and the difference we have today in terms of Emissions Reductions compared to where we need to go so they are urging countries to come back next year with really enhanced opposition ok so a glimmer of hope a road map interesting they should say that costs are down this is more feasible economically and for these politicians of course theres pressure from the streets so why is it still so difficult to make these Big Decisions and are there any countries that are more to blame here than others. Well i think it is an analogy its like our house is on fire we have a number of countries with small hoses this is the small and medium sized countries that have turned their hoses on the water hoses on full blast theyre trying to put out the fire but the ones who are really missing in action or even to destruction thats where the major emitters the ones that are most responsible. I think i think the challenge is what theyre doing is theyre standing around the house saying no you turn on your has 1st you do yours 1st so theyre arguing over these sorts of things what we have seen is that theres a little bit of a break through the European Union last week agreed that they would endorse going to net 0 emissions by 2015 and without endorsement they were able to step up canada has come forward with a similar commitment that has to go through parliament but im hoping that will actually enable them to step up so were starting to see some of the major emitters coming back to the table but to be frank a number of them were definitely d not helpful in the discussions and in order to point to us. Some of the ones that really did not help them move forward ok us or my question i was going to ask you to name names who are those big emitters that are not willing to come around the table thanks for that hell not for it in washington d. C. Thank you. And now to some of the other stories making news around the world. At least one person was killed when a 6. 9 magnitude earthquake hit the island of mindanao in the philippines dozens of people were injured in the tremor which struck south of the populous city of deval buildings were also damaged experts said however there was no threat of a tsunami. Local residents in northeast nigeria say fighters from the militant Group Boko Haram have killed 19 cattle herders witnesses say the jihadists attacked a village near the border with cameroon cattle ranchers were shot trying to stop them from stealing their large stock. Antigovernment protesters once again have rallied in Hong Kong Police officers moved in after hundreds of demonstrators gathered in shopping malls across the city scuffles broke out between protesters and Security Forces leading to several arrests a wave of prodemocracy demonstrations has swept over the city over the past 6 months or more demonstrators are protesting Police Violence and calling for more autonomy from Mainland China our correspondent mathias building it is there for us we asked him earlier what message the protestors are trying to send. Yeah we are in the Holiday Shopping season and apart from these points where the protesters gather its pretty much Christmas Shopping like everywhere in the world but i think what is important here for the protesters is that they want to make a sign that these protests going on 2 weeks ago protest. Made a huge victory in local district elections and there is anxiety that once people stop protesting a correct own from the government and from beijing will follow this is why they are out today again although new not in the same numbers as weve seen before for the u. S. And china trade war was set to escalate in a big way today instead the 2 sides have agreed to a partial truce sunday was the deadline for a new round of tariffs affecting hundreds of billions of dollars worth of products but u. S. President donald trump suspended his plan taxes on certain chinese imports and now china has said it will reciprocate many economists and investors have welcomed the partial cease fire but there are still Big Questions to be asked about whats being called phase one of a trade deal between the 2 worlds 2 largest economy. Reporter william blue croft has more on this thanks for joining us william. What is the effect likely to be of this big deal i mean mostly right now its relief and a lot of weight in sea off and the most instant reaction we get for how investors are thinking about any potential change in trade deals is the markets on friday we saw it was u. S. Markets were rather mixed they were unimpressed welterweight told markets open on monday to see if this new announcement today from china has any big impact but everyone is pretty much on the same page that anytime theres a reduction in tariffs or in some in this case some removal of tariffs is only a good thing in a much longer path towards a more so a substance of trade deal between the u. S. And china next question theyre calling this phase one where does this fit into the overall picture how many phases whats happening i mean its unknown how many phases there might be in phase one is not even really set yet i mean its not even any announcement when its really going to be signed its just been agreed to so far maybe the end of january looking at for just this socalled phase one is not even really a trade deal with the unocal its really more of a Purchase Agreement in exchange for the u. S. Removing some tariffs and lowering some tariffs china agrees to buy more Agricultural Products and other products from the u. S. So its its a long way to go on anything comprehensive between between the u. S. And china and also the u. S. Is big right Donald Trumps big gripe with china without it that china is overly subsidizing and really controlling its economy centrally which makes it really hard if not impossible for us and companies all around the world to compete with with china that this socalled phase one doesnt address at all and how much does domestic politics in china but especially the United States play into this announcement and its timing of course its all about timing all about politics in china not so much politically but economically because their economy has been struck. Lng has been sluggish and the tariffs have a lot to do with that the us side a lot of these tariffs have hurt traditional republican and trump areas especially in the farming in the ranching sector agribusiness has donated already in the 2020 campaign 730000 dollars for the Trump Campaign thats twice as much as the next closest democratic candidate receiving ag agribusiness donations and farmers want to see progress on trade in progress on competitiveness with china be able to go back to where they were before all these tariffs came in which was china as the 2nd largest market for Agricultural Products the United States now down to the 5th largest they want to see that either come back or at least see that that theyre what theyre hurting from as having some long term effect for their business and their farms ok and well just have to see as is often the case i think with the white house who really is really is and what effects kind of a long way to go ok thanks for that said he did these women know a great. Source now and sundays are early blandest legal game is in the can so lets take a look at all the results so far. Beat gladbach in a defensive battle leipzig had their way with dusseldorf byron demolished braman her to berlin snuck past freiburg dortmund took down mites cologne upset live refusing pattered warned drew with union berlin friday night out bird beat hoffenheim underway now are taking on frankfurt. At an inauguration ceremony on saturday the japanese Prime Minister shinzo abyei open to tokyos National Stadium newly constructed ahead of next years Olympic Games mr abbott commended the work of the Construction Team who faced an early setback during the project when the original stadium design was scrapped after a public outcry over spiraling costs the venue has a fixed capacity of 68000. 00 spectators and will host football matches athletic events and the opening and closing ceremonies of the games tokyo 2020 gets underway on the 24th of july and its a tradition that dates back more than 1000 years and its just gotten underway on the frozen chick and lake in the north east of china the freshwater lake is now the only place preserving the ancient mongolian fishing right fisherman drill holes in the ice cast their nets and haul the catch to the surface each net catch can yield as much as 50000 kilos. And you are of course watching to give you news coming up world stories a week in reports we leave you though with some spectacular scenes of surfers battling giant waves at the jaws big wave championship on the whole why in island of maui 1st up is an incredible wipe out by Jamie Mitchell of australia joy the pictures. Birth. Home to humans of species. A home worth saving. Here those are big changes and most start with small steps. Little indias tell stories of could induce people and innovative projects around the world. That can turn clinics to Screen Energy solutions and deforestation. Community into

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