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Still missing 11 more are fighting for their lives in intensive care. Im sumi so misconducts good to have you with us anger erupts at the u. N. Climate summit in madrid as talks have stalled and activists now fear a deal wont be reached theyve been protesting at the conference calling for real action on Climate Change the conference was due to wrap up on friday but disagreement among participants means it is now dragging on into saturday for the past 2 weeks representatives have been trying to agree on new emissions targets ahead of crucial 2022 deadlines set by the paris agreement. And we can go to madrid and speak to her singh is the Global Leader on Climate Change for the Charity Action aid to thank you very much for joining us here in g. W. The delegates there have been. Wrangling over a Draft Agreement what do you think of what is on the table right now. What we have seen today morning is unprecedented i have been following negotiations for more than a decade i have never seen so many on dissolved issues on the extra day of the conference to me it felt like we have just arrived before stay and were going to solve all these issues over the next 2 weeks so its absolutely unprecedented and mind boggling and were really concerned how we are going to i had an ambitious deal why is that why is there such a lack of progress. This lack of progress across all that its about agreeing to raising ambition or putting money on the table all of the new market rules that are being crafted and how do we respond to Climate Emergency so we have seen blocking from large countries particularly the u. S. And European Union and australia canada japan that have been blocking finance all through and the key issue here is finance unless monies put on the table we cannot expect ambition to go up and that has headed a lot of other areas be it market beat helping people who are facing Climate Emergency right now or how developing countries are good is that ambition so unless we see progress on finance these talks are going to continue to see the log jam that we have seen until now ok so money is a big issue right now youre saying the e. U. And the us they have been telling countries like india and china other id also developing nations to cut back on emissions who really should be putting money on the table. Well lets look at who caused the problem so historically its the United States and European Union who are responsible for more than 50 percent of emissions for this support has to come from bridge industrialized countries and developing news. Must be supported in adopting a dream as well as how they can help cope with climate impacts all speaking well for india india is saying that yes we need to raise ambition and in fact the progress that india has put on the table are one of the best have been appreciated across different studies that have been put on the table. At this very moment in the us target is in line with keeping the temperature below 2 degrees but achieved the target of keeping it below 1. 5 it was finance and technology and that is nor shortens coming from but its worth saying yes money is going to be provided so you please raise your ambition to raising ambition is really linked with putting money on the table and i think unless money sure is dissolved were not going to see ambition and lets also recognize that some of these countries like india how Large Population living below poverty line or they have lots of 200000000. 00 people who are living below 2. 00 a day so they also have a huge ball would be challenge while they have to also get in their economies right while talks remain a gridlocked they are in madrid Hargett Singh joining us the Global Leader on Climate Change for the Charity Action aid thank you so much. Though a Sudanese Court has sentenced the countrys ousted president Omar Al Bashir to 2 years in detention after convicting him of corruption charges hell be held in a Correctional Center for the elderly because hes over 70 the former dictator was ousted in april and still faces legal questions over the civil uprising that preceded his ouster more than 250 people were killed but heres also wanted by the International Criminal court in the hague for crimes against humanity. Ive a 2 year sentence for a dictator is not enough for them the coups for justice and blood for blood continue. Theyve seen the man who ruled sudan for a generation imprisoned that they want to see him charged with more crimes. That. Weve had these are probably supposed to add to the gallows directly and theyre trying on charges of corruption we dont care about the money we care about the marchers and the crimes committed in darfur in south sudan we have no interest in these charges. Prosecutors say bashir had millions of dollars worth of foreign currency in grain sacks at his home he claims it was given to him by the saudi crown prince. Money laundering and corruption convictions will now see him detained for 2 years. But that doesnt come close to satisfying the demands for justice by many who claim to have suffered under bushs rule the revolution they say is far from over. Lets catch up now and some other stories making news around the world tens of thousands of people are expected in rome today to protest the countrys politics in particular far right leader Matteo Salvini the movement against hatred nationalism and divisions started just a month ago as a flash mob theyve taken on the name sardines as they aim to fill public squares as tightly as the little fish are packed in tens. Of thousands of tie our position supporters have rallied in the capital bangkok as courts threaten to abandon their party its the biggest protest in thailand since the 2014 coup which led to the current government of the future Forward Movement is funded by a billionaire that opposes military rule and is attracted many young supporters. And the russian icebreaker arctica has returned to the port of St Petersburg after a 2 day test run with a length of 173 meters the Nuclear Powered vessel is believed to be the largest of its kind the ship is part of a fleet to built to guarantee russian access to arctic resources like natural gas. 5 days after the eruption of the volcano in new zealand the death toll has now climbed to 51 of the injured died in the hospital on saturday due to severe burns meanwhile rescue workers and Police Divers have been trying to recover the last 2 missing bodies they are searching the contaminated water surrounding white island a military team brought 6 bodies back from the island on friday until now only one of the deceased an australian woman has officially been identified. Lets get the latest on the story with Peter Mckenzie hes a journalist in new zealand hi pete thank you for joining us what can you tell us about the ongoing recovery of the remaining 2 people who were missing. As you mentioned sumi on friday morning a person new Zealand Defense force team recovered 6 bodies from god it was thought to more bodies 2 more people are missing as you tips the location of one of those bodies is known to some extent a body was seen in the water surrounding the wash harlems immediately opposite the eruption police and maybe divers has been pos 2 days searching for that body they still havent been able to find any water in the area it has visibility of between 0 and 2 meters as a result of the toxic gas ash and dust in the area and as a result of that toxicity the water is also almost poisonous meaning that maybe divers are undergoing extreme brisk in these operations the final body. Is still not not. Ok sign and credibly difficult operation there as have the bodies that have been retrieved from the island been identified so one body has been identified the body of crystal prowlers 21 year old story liam for them it was only caught it was silent but the father poor and sister stephanie of all the polls undergoing treatment for his but possible about the sister is in an induced coma a mother who stayed on a cruise ship is that. The all the bodies that have been recovered so far have not been identified but police typically commissioner john times saying it would be unthinkable to get the idea to fight i didnt question perseus wrong but among the missing 5 a struck or australians and what you see all of them weve talked a bit about the survivors that they are suffering from severe burns are being treated in hospitals in new zealand also australia what can you tell us about their condition. Yes so in the immediate aftermath of the eruption those survivors are being helicoptered to hospitals around the country is the hospitals wrong there and 10 strike so 13 australian patients being repatriated to australia hospitals leaving fifteens life is in new zealand hospitals most of those are experiencing critical. Whip. Up to 30 percent of this area or more which is. Incredibly troubling for the doctors trying to treat those words especially since. Not only on the outside but also just the kind of the mobilization of toxic gas which was on the inside of the body to the lungs as well as a result new zealand has had to import over 1000000 square centimeter skin from United States and is seeking donations from elsewhere in the wild as well n. P. Tell Us New Zealand coping with this tragedy. Its been very rough for the country it reminds many of the christchurch mask of the of this year and a Similar Health and safety disaster 22. 00 micro biome is awesome as a result the Prime Minister has announced a minute of silence for monday to relieve an exactly a week in the southeast journalist Pete Mckenzie bringing us up to date there from new zealand thank you. A new u. N. Report is accusing Security Forces in chile of serious Human Rights Violations against protesters of the past 2 months including killings torture sexual abuse and use of Excessive Force on friday demonstrators went out on the streets again many of them protesting the polices use of crowd control admonition against demonstrators. But its become a rallying symbol in chile the eyepatch hundreds of people have suffered eye injuries from police pellets during months of protests now a un report joins human rights organizations in their condemnation but for the victims it means little. Was one thing for america britain has already been 3 critical reports and there will be a 4th report that is already obvious a 4th report about the actions of the police is not necessary but we all know hold the act also mcallen a close up call. Was shot. You know and unfortunately one of the pellets hit my safety glasses and my eyeglasses and that caused me to completely lose vision you know in my left eye. Tensions are running high when the crisis started in october it was over a hike in metro fares but the protests have since escalated with people now calling for reforms to Health Care Education and pensions. According to the report by the Un Human Rights Office the majority of demonstrators have protested peacefully but it found police to have used Excessive Force and i choice is only the tip of the iceberg. A high number of serious Human Rights Violations were committed in many cities throughout the country. Human Rights Violations document. Did my o. E. C. A. G. R. Include the excessive were unnecessary use of force that led to unlawful killings and injuries arbitrary detentions and torture and ill treatment. I actually an authority is have pushed back saying the allegations are premature since investigations into the alleged crimes are still on the way. The government has promised reforms to quell protesters demands including a higher minimum wage and pension hikes. Ok one sports item for you in womens football brazil colombia and japan have submitted formal bits to host the next womens world cup in 2023 australia and new zealand are already on the list in a joint bid it will be the 1st cup to feature 32 teams the most recent womens world cup in france enjoyed a record t. V. Audiences and high attendance as with the u. S. Winning a record 4th title fifa said the upcoming edition of the tournament had generated unprecedented interest from member countries the winning bid will be announced in june last 2020. 5. Coming up our show world stories looks back at our correspondents top reports of the week we visit the front lines of the war news from ukraine and take a ride with the nigerian coastguard what battling piracy in just a few minutes. Created todays world. 79 a historical turning point in politics business religion. Wrong the people of the islamic or. The making its initial flirtation. Strikes and states of emergency sinks into chaos. The 2nd is

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