Not the toy. Effect which is the effect that you can and will gain weight off through diet and there is someone who says that you can outsmart the youre fit his name is the coffee and i think hes on a Mission Impossible and this is why you need to hear it kitchen impossible. Outsmarts in your you effect with a few simple tricks. Or. Before you can get rid of the effect you have to understand how it works. Of down then up again thats what are your does and sometimes our weight does the same. Majewski knows plenty about the yo yo effect she tried to slim down many times in her life. At the money. I went on my 1st diet when i was 13 they were very imbalanced diets either just bread rolls or any eggs some on a diet or other and you got pretty fast results. And shed lose 20 kilos but then gain them right back again repeatedly its a problem many many people experience. Most people put on weight again after losing it if you look at a period of say 2 to 4 years then 70 or even 90 percent gain back weight they lost thats the yo yo effect. But why does it happen. Its something that nutrition scientist on today as 5 for once to get to the bottom of this is the key question is why people could weight back on. Studies show that its easy to lose weight fast but it piles back on again afterwards just as fast we downs right back to where we were before try it looks like our bodies trying to defend the highest weight they havent reached. Their spare tires arent long and returning. Doesnt know whats good for it things fat is found because fat means Energy Reserves so it tries to get you to eat more. Our bodies are effectively stuck in the stone age back then food was. Scarce and if there was something to eat you had to stuff yourself as much as possible to put on factor survive evolution is yet to catch up with civilization then mention when people starve the body goes into crisis mode and tries to lose as little way to possible that makes it harder to lose weight and you have to get below this threshold. It is possible that 3 years ago couple of on majewski had another go this time it wasnt about improving your figure her health was at stake. Doc and i assumed that at my weight i would already be prediabetic so i went for a couple of checkups and they said youre already way over the line youve got full blown type 2 diabetes and i thought. To get her diabetes under control she went to berlin so shabby t. Hospital. If i didnt want to have to take tablets and they said i could manage it with exercise and a change in eating habits i thought right thats what youre going to do try it and hey it was. So hot. It worked after she joined a weight loss study group the group was given Long Term Support by a dietitian with that kind of focused help from majewski lost 17 kilos in only a year and shes been able to keep the weight off precisely because of the close support studies show that thats crucial. For the decisive factor is the supervision of a dietician becomes an Authority Figure and that helps you to maintain your control and not slip back into old habits and eat too much. For the last 3 years couple has been returning to the show. Albeit in ever. Increasing intervals the visits keep her on track. But. It does take a certain amount of discipline. And bias because you know youre going to be called in again so youre more restrained. Shes on top of things you know where you she never was before react immediately when your weight starts going up. Its put the fun back into clothes shopping but the best thing about her long term weight loss is that her diabetes has disappeared. And he would just do that and hes a nutritional counselor into training and he says there is no young effect if you would follow his advice why what are you doing differently than other coaches i mean are you trying to sell me some kind of a some kind of a traditional supplements you know i dont want to sell a diet my mission is to stop these crash diets like every. One and all works the same way you can eat whatever you want or just one specific food but just really little amount of calories like 500 calories or so and what happens is that your body dont get enough calories dont get enough nutrients like vita means fiber of proteins and youre not losing your fed a lot of water and muscles and you can. Go for such a diet like for 5 days or so and then you have to stop and then you are fake and all the weight comes back so you say that all those diets just trick us into believing that they are special but theyre not there just to get them to be different but we have to count calories like in the but then in the. Evening in the average diet which is what matters is that. Yes of course its right its a like a game of calories you have to calculate them and if you eat less calories than you burn you will lose weight but its way easier to just burn more calories than to reduce your food intake so yes thats the way you can go long term if you use some little tricks and steps in your daily routine to boost up your metabolism and burn more calories so youre not a coach you are spot coach you just want to be true to put on the shoes and go for a run no of course sports are great and you can do sports injury more at home but you can do a lot of movement in your daily routine you can walk to your drop you can stay when you work and dont sit down this helps a lot and of course also nutrition is really important Something Like a super food you could eat more and more and more and burn more calories while eating it not really there are some calories some foods where you burn more calories like protein is a great nutrient because there are a lot of calories are getting burned through the stomach for make. So its a way better treat more protein than more carbohydrates or fit but its not for that you can eat like one specific food all day and you will lose weight i think in the kinds of foods you should absolutely avoid i would say no of course i think everyone knows good chocolate isnt the best choice but. You can have a little bit of everything you shouldnt avoid any food completely cause if you restrict youre craving for it and so a little bit of everything is ok but you have to be honest to yourself ok with me for breakfast in just a moment but 1st we have to take a look at why people are gaining weight many of my patients tell me well im not eating that much im gaining weight because of my genetic predisposition to any truth to that. Professor peter kovacs and his team at the i. F. B. At a party Diseases Center at Leipsic University Hospital Research how our genes influence our weight. Whether you get fat or stay thin depends on how much you eat how many calories you consume and how much you exercise or. Maintaining a healthy weight also depends on your genes we want to find those genes and find out how they work. Genes provide the blueprint for our body and bodily processes so the aim is to establish which genes are involved in producing hormones and proteins that influence our eating habits and our metabolism. As part of the research the team examines fat cells from very obese people who stomachs have been made smaller through barry actrix surgery. We all have tens of thousands of genes genes consist of a double helix of base pairs. There are 4 bases. Theyre known for short as a c t. A lot of our genes are the same in everybody. But sometimes variants emerge. It could be that even a tiny change has an impact on a persons weight. Several genes are involved in obesity. Best known perhaps of those involved in regulating leptin the hormone that makes you feel full. If theres some defect due to a wrong letter in the blueprint it leaves you feeling hungry all the time. Which method for losing weight is best for any given person depends in part on his or her. Genes doctors and geneticists are working together on this project. Of our research is to improve our understanding of the causes of obesity and being overweight and ultimately to develop customized therapy for our patients. And. There is currently no gene therapy for treating obesity in humans. But researchers have developed a way to work out how susceptible a person is to obesity by looking at more than 2000000 common genetic variants. That decrease in 5 points for example on the body mass index mean a world of difference when it comes to the genetics of obesity 5 points means the difference between normal weight of overweight and obesity than. Its usually a number of genes or genetic variants that together influence body weight. Each gene considered alone appears to have a limited impact. The contribution of these genes is very moderate even the most influential ones only affect weight by up to 2 kilograms. The best known and most influential gene is f t o it regulates the burning of fat in our cells d or exactly it determines whether we burn or store fat we have 3 different types of fat cells white ones that store fat. Brown ones that burn fat and release heat. And beige fat cells they can both store and burn fat for people with a certain f t o gene variants their best cells can store fat but find it hard to burn it. The result is obesity. Another influential. The mc for our gene the facts appetite for certain variance affect the feeling of hunger. People with certain variants hardly think about eating and that keeps them then. People with other variants always feel hungry as they never feel full they tend to over eat. Genes also influence where fat is stored in the body. Researchers have so far identified 40 gene segments that affect fat storage while there really is a genetic factor involved in obesity the good news is that the genes activity can be influenced by nutrition. Before we can imagine that a gene that has become inactive due to a high calorie diet can suddenly become active again thanks to a change in nutrition such as intermittent fasting or reduced calorie intake that can make our fat metabolism or sugar metabolism more effective which in turn can help with weight loss operated. So we are not for the most part simply at the mercy of our genes anyone who wants to lose weight should exercise and eat a healthy diet. So lets move from theory to the real thing thats breakfast and i think i will go for a. Perhaps and some jam by my remember villagers she just prepared for me and i love this gem from my childhood so is it healthy it sounds really delicious if you have a lot of sugar in it a lot of her fine flour and you will get hungry really quick after that and you will get cravings you will get tired thought it wouldnt be my 1st option i would prefer like a. Made muesli with some oats a lot of fiber protein a lot of mineral so you dont get hungry or crick again and flexi is a really great. Just to get some healthy fed. 3 and some of those so this stuff helps you to keep your sugar levels in your bloodstream absolutely dont you and if you dont have so much hunger you dont eat so much and its way easier to go through the day so what about of proteins i mean a lot of carbohydrates in here in the milk so how do you get your proteins level up you also have proteins in your woods and in your flex seeds a little bit and also if you take a soil we have a little bit of protein in there but you can also choose like some Dairy Products or some chicken breast we have here it would be a better option to have some whole grain bread with not bought up butter so much fed yes its maybe some dairy under it or some cottage cheese and some chicken breast and tomato or and so you get more fiber more proteins and not so much sugar but why is protein thats important if you want to lose weight yet we have a lot of improvements from protein when we want to lose weight it stays really long in your stomach because it gets digested and so you dont get so much anger after mir and also it protects your muscle tissue because if you have more muscle you burn more calories you can use your muscles to move or to do some workouts if you have more muscles you burn more calories and to protect them from losing muscles you need protein cause your muscles are made out of protein and the last part is your stomach burn some calories for the digestion of protein so if you eat like 100 calories out of protein not 100 calories are getting in your body can. Some are just digest it so ok i will get rid of the marmalade i will stay away from the cross but what about coffee i really like coffee of a morning here you can have your Coffee Coffee if we have a lot of antioxidants in there and its quite good you shouldnt put too much sugar in there or cream on top but you can drink your coffee i prefer a little bit more green tea is really healthy because of all the possible extracts in there and it also helps to lose a little bit more fed because boosts your metabolism theres so many things you have to think about when you prepare breakfast but its very important for you because being overweight even being obese is not just an aesthetic problem its a problem for your health. Goes for a run at least twice a week the 42 year old has no trouble with a 5 kilometer long stretch she cant imagine a life without exercise. Wasnt always this way. 6 years ago and it was of these at her heaviest she weighed more than 120 kilograms. When she decided to make some major lifestyle changes. I was starting to have Health Problems. When you have trouble getting up the stairs or playing with your children it really gets you thinking. Her doctor urged her to lose weight blood tests showed that her sugar and cholesterol levels were far too high the result suggested she developed a condition known as metabolic syndrome. Can include diabetes high Blood Pressure worsening of kidney function and worsening of cardiac function. You could even call it a Heart Disease syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is also associated with an increased risk of stroke and heart attack or something and i wanted to avoid for her own sake and that of her family so she decided to take action. She got support from fitness trainer. Who recommended a combination of in durance and Strength Training. You start slowly with light cardio training cycling and light Strength Training. You need both insurance and Strength Training you dont want to lose muscle mass since its important for metabolism. Dietary changes are an important aspect of healthy weight loss that means less sugar and white flour more vegetables fish lean meat and fruit. Even if weight loss is slow changing dietary habits is worth it. So. Even a slight reduction in weight has major benefits when it comes to your risk profile and the burden on your heart the important thing is to not get discouraged. Instead focus on small steps that works best when you make long term sustainable changes in your diet. For another run so exercise and dietary changes worked. A year and a half ago 19 year old. Also found herself at risk of developing metabolic syndrome she weighed nearly 90 kilograms now shes down to 72. 00. I went to the doctor back then and he said youre pretty overweight for someone so young it would be better to lose weight otherwise youll have Health Problems later on. That really shocked me. I never looked at myself in the mirror and thought wow im far too heavy. I thought ok im a bit. But ive never really felt that fat. From a neighbor was. A healthy diet and regular exercise of help that maintain that weight loss and theyre pleased with the results. If you want to lose weight you have to work out an exercise but the effect of exercise is often overestimated take the tasty. Train stands it contains more than 300 calories to burn those calories used to walk and. Also do for over an hour. To an old body building. 90 minutes of housework. 45 minutes or so. On watch 6 hours of t. V. To see 12. Why do you really want to do that. So for me its very demotivating to see how few calories you can bird while you go through jogging or do spots and exercise so a whole can and. Burning calories through moving is important anyway especially if you use it during your daily routine so for example you can walk more you can use the stairs or you can just stand up when you work just a few minutes like 10 minutes not walking working on your laptop while you sit down just stand up and you burn a little bit more calories so that can make a really big difference if you make it often enough and then of course you can add some more sports activities like weight training for example its really good cause if you do cardio training you burn calories while you move this is good but in the weight training. While you move and then after that your muscles need to recover and need to sit down on the couch the next day and you burn more calories you yourself are very motivated to put exercise and sports into your daily life and you said that there are more small adjusting screws to use when you want to perform yourself and all those effects like cold temperatures you say are really great to boost your metabolism so our body needs to produce heat and therefore calories so we need to teach our body to produce a little bit more heat and there are cold temperatures really good for you dont need to lay down in an ice cube beth also its just enough to dont hit your apartment too much hes a comment from one of all of us from pema love people secure our from the us and show. Im currently on 3 diets at the same time because i just cant get enough with one. You know if you want to share some funny comments with us you can do so. On an upcoming show well be looking at vaccination theyve completely of advocated some diseases and protect us from others which backed the entire most important what are the potential problems then your questions to in good shape d w dot com just write back to the nation in the subject line we look forward to hearing from you. Lets just pretend somebody watch this show or even richer book and he wants to start one of the 1st steps im a friend of reading something new for us then giving up a specific photos of its way easier so here like 2 or 3 easy steps you can integrate in your daily routine and at 1st i would take a look that i have a big portion of protein in every new on my big 2nd is it 2 or 3 cups of green per day and the 3rd step is to move a little bit more like to have a 15 min minute walk per day or so so more protein some cups of green tea and a little bit more i think this really could work and could so many more questions but we dont have time for this because we have to enter the show and care for Healthy Eating so see you again next week and until then lets all try to stay in good shape. I dont even think this could work. Ive. Come tonight. Going in and. Its an explosive mix i am using im a. Canadian soul palm beach county. Prison for strong fellows from trying to gain a foreign. Job. Like something from an exotic foreign culture thats what the. Mysterious and fierce. The hard work of damsel for all. Your romance in 90 minutes on d w. In the us of climate change. Because mrs. Watson stood people cut the tears today how for the future of. G. W. Dot com for can they get serious for the meeting just seems clear cut or. A bank that created todays wall. 9079 a historical turning point in politics business and religion funny run up people of the islamic revolution. Opens up making its initial flirtation but those are the strengths and states of emergency britain sinks into chaos coach john thomas against Business Movement and shams the people of france the old order her. Hand washing cars suspended. The start of an era that defines our match today 979 the big move to todays most serious december 23rd double. Dutch. Gridlock at the u. N. Climate conference the final talks are now pushed into overtime leaders cant agree on funding or international. Activists are demanding concrete and immediate action to protect their future also coming up. Britain. A divided country after his conservatives sealed a landslide victory in the countrys general election but many are not convinced protesters take to the streets to voice their discontent

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