Making up ground but can you do 5 pollsters predicting a win for the conservatives. And labor thank you so much for your Company Everyone germany has had back at us plans to penalize Companies Working on a controversial gas project the north stream pipeline will carry russian gas to germany washington says thats a Security Risk because it makes europe more dependent on russia berlin on the other hand is system 10000000000 euro pipeline is vital to its energy security. Only a few companies in the world possess the technology to lane deep sea pipelines none of them is russian if they continue to work on north stream 2 they could. Find themselves cut off from doing business in the us their assets there might be frozen and people working on the ships would no longer be allowed to enter america the 1230 kilometer long pipeline is a wholly owned subsidiary of russias gas problem and is meant to transport natural gas under the baltic sea from russia to germany directly circumventing ukraine the project is more than 80 percent completed and is opposed to start operating in mid 2020. Nord stream to has the potential to double the amount of russian gas imported by germany the country needs more gas as a stable source of energy when it stops using coal and nuclear power. Democrat and republican lawmakers in the u. S. Fear the pipeline could give moscow greater political leverage over germany and the entire european let me and which the u. S. Senate is expected to approve the bill by the end of the week and President Trump said on wednesday that he will sign it into law is soon as possible. Or at least your reactions now to the u. S. Plans to penalize companies in germany. Is standing by for you tell us what have reactions been here in berlin well reactions here in berlin have been very strong for example the German Foreign minister has wrecked a very sharply and i card saying these decisions are being made in europe and often the United States im paraphrasing here the foreign German Foreign minister but also other members of government for example the german Business Ministry have been saying that they dont agree with this u. S. Decision and the sentiment has even been carried through to brussels where also spokes people off the European Union half and saying they dont agree with a decision being taken in washington that much will the argument that the u. S. Is using is that the pipeline gives russia too much leverage over germany do they have a point there. Well germany and europe are the largest customer of russia in terms of natural gas and the pipeline would strengthen that dependency or would strengthen that sort of customary relationship that is of what critics saying that those are what. Supporters of the pardon saying because they think that this is needed now of course the critique by the u. S. Has to be seen in the consideration that the u. S. Also have economic interests as they themselves are a provider of natural gas and are keen to enter the european markets are so they have a vested interest as well what effect could these potential sanctions have on the pipeline. Now members of the German Russian Chamber have been saying that they think the sanction would hurt not only germany but europe as a whole and but we had the same ive also heard from various that the accent chains are aimed at for example those companies that have been involved in building the pipe and are saying they dont think that will be that necessarily. Hurt that much as a lot of the building of the pardon has already been done as its been said and reports the pipeline is almost finished now the Company North stream itself has been saying is not commenting on this decision by the United States as this is a political decision ok maximum please stand by because i want to get your take on the another issue that we are covering today because russia and germany are working together on the north stream project but the 2 countries are also liar in an escalating diplomatic route over the murder of a georgian citizen in the heart of berlin. The german ambassador was summoned this morning to the Russian Foreign ministry in moscow. He was called in after germany expelled 2 Russian Diplomats last week. In august salim khan congo surely a georgian citizen was shot dead in a ballin park by suspected killer hood and to germany from russia with a fake passport he appears to have had accomplices hes in custody and by then awaiting trial and maintains his right to remain silent. German prosecutors say there is evidence that russia was involved in the killing. During the chechen war congo shrilly fought for the separatists russia considered him a terrorist and enemy of the state the kremlin Spokesman Says that russias response to germanys expulsion of 2 Russian Diplomats was unavoidable but that he hopes this will not impede the further development of constructive dialogue still russias response can be seen as an escalation in this diplomatic spat have we heard max and leon from the German Government to whats happened today. Yes so the German Foreign minister has been responding to the message by the rest from and from missy that 2 german diplomats have been asked to leave their postings and return to germany and the German Foreign minister has been calling this the wrong signal by russia and on justified now as youve also heard in response by the kremlin itself that putin said that he calls it an unwritten law that if Russian Diplomats are being expelled that that would the same would happen to diplomats of the country that did this kind of expelling and the reason germany has been giving for this expelling is of course the investigation thats currently been conducted into the murder of that imho one was fairly i how put this in perspective for us i mean how serious are these strains that were seeing are right now were between germany and russia. Relations of printer in germany and russia have been strained over the last couple of years but weve also seen especially in this relationship that germany always been trying to walk a sort of tightrope walk when it comes to relationships with russia and its been able to manage both to hand of russia as a rival an adversary of the one hand but also trying to build on maintain diplomatic ties weve seen this most forcefully in 2014 for example when of the same time russia was annexing the crimea and germany had been at the forefront of the sanctions against russia but also in the same time when the conflict about the east ukraine was breaking out to him and he was at the phone from the forefront of bringing russia and ukraine to the table in the normandy talks so germany is both trying to maintain good relationships with russia while knowing at the same time that its also critical at times like some young girl reporting thank you. Heres a round up now of the other stories making news around the world. In india protests against a controversial citizenship law have turned violent in the northeast at least one person was killed a lot asked by parliament on wednesday fast track citizenship for non muslim minorities from bangladesh pakistan and afghanistan a critics say the measures undermine indias secular constitution. Algerians are voting to elect a new president after months of political turmoil in the north african nation has been in limbo for months since protests excuse me. This protest helped oust longtime. President others is lots of pick up in some towns crowds have disrupted voting there pushing for a boycott of the elections and demanding sweeping political reforms. Specially equipped recovery teams will head to new zealands if a car we volcano at 1st light on friday theyre hoping to bring back the bodies of people presumed to have died in mondays sudden eruption people are missing and another 8 are confirmed dead and around 20 people remain in intensive care. The new president of the European Central bank christine like god has chaired her 1st meeting of the banks policy panel and decided to leave key Interest Rates and stimulus programs i mean change also lowered the banks eurozone growth forecast for 2020 by 110th of a percent to 1 point one percent. Voting is underway in the u. K. Star general election in 5 years conservative the Prime Minister bores johnson cast his vote early hes hoping to secure a majority to get his briggs it plans through parliament the opposition labor leader Jeremy Corcoran also voted early his party gained ground in the final week of the campaign well despite initial predictions that mr johnson would win a majority recent poll suggests that the result is too close to call. Hammering his point home Prime Minister Boris Johnson canvassing for last minute votes in this breaks it dominated election. And the conservative leader stayed on message throughout his final rally. Well i think its time for this country to come together and move on at all of the will of the people that we can. At his more low key affair labor leader jeremy carbon was keen to remind voters of the other issues. And also go down the road of investing in our country investing to end austerity redistributing wealth and power in our society and why thats never been seen before why the government and. Its a choice between carbon and johnson for Prime Minister so who do voters think it will be. Unfortunately boris to simply never know their options. So you can be Prime Minister of songs its not jeremy cole the blessing can happen i think is for the conserve to skate in. Hollywood and mining is chasing them later or in the Democrat One Party hoping that wont happen the anti breaks that lead dams who are hoping to make gains but weve still got the chance to stop breaks that we can stop Boris Johnson getting a majority and what happens in the next few hours is going to be absolutely crucial to see whether that happens and then theres the Scottish National party also prove to the s. N. P. Is the 3rd Largest Party in the u. K. Parliament and could hold the balance of power if theres a new white right majority. We have the crosschecked of another new deal cliffe age as we go through next year and i do think that get breaks it done slogan is the biggest corner in this election whatever happens at the polling station only one candidate will walk through the doors of number 10 downing street as Prime Minister after clearing up as many votes as they can on election day. And weve got a programming note for you stay with us for the latest election coverage well have more news and allowances on that story as it develops and as details come in but for now we want to shift our attention to the united nations. Climate conference which is wrapping up in madrid spain leaders there are aiming to strengthen the existing paris agreements on protecting the environment when secretary general antonio or group has warned that those present and future generations will suffer unless countries you deliver on emissions targets and our very own phone the car is at the u. N. Climate summit in madrid and she joins us now i believe. Signed our great to see you good to have you there now the summit of course is wrapping up its almost over but the biggest polluters particularly the g. 20 nations havent made any new commitments is there any hope this will change in the year we hours of the summit or is it to a. Well i think that is the big question that is hanging over the sub it into whether the big polluters will really put the new a malicious pledges to cut Greenhouse Gas emissions on the table and i have to say so far the short answer to that is no and we have to remember that the big deal for the landmark of 2015 paris treaty is really next year 2020 thats when the pact calls upon countries to update and ramp up their pledges to cut Greenhouse Gas emissions in order to effectively tackle Global Warming so many observers feel we are unlikely to hear any big commitment announcements here but you know there is discontent arising here are the some of the begin meters are trying all they can to block progress at the summit to slow things are looking very good right now but a Silver Lining as of course all the young people that are animating the Movement Today you met some of the young activists who are so prominently present at the summit to tell us more about them. Thats right today i met a young climate activist from india listen. Shes really only 8 years old and shes the youngest speaker at the u. N. Conference she lives in delhi which is of course one of the worlds most polluted cities and shes been telling me about her life there but its not just sort of course weve had you know swedish teenage activists creator to back whos whos really a global icon she was here at the u. N. Conference and she made an impassioned speech yesterday essentially accusing Business Leaders and political leaders of dragging their feet and saying that they are holding negotiations that are not really leading to any real action on Climate Change so i think there is a lot of frustration among young campaigners here. I should fight i should give them inspiration to the other girls who are love and 6 and 2 small small babies then dave will never be scared and they will fight like me. And they will be every every time they will be strong. When i was a i certainly wasnt able to read as motivated as she is shes so inspiring now the teenage climate activists grow to and were told cop 25. 00 that people need to be included in the negotiated process how realistic is that really. Well the one thing to remember about these summits is that you know while all the diplomatic wrangling is happening in the conference halls also at the conference all the hundreds of very young campaigners indigenous rights activists who are really grounded in science are very well versed in the nitty gritty of the climate treaty is really piling on the political pressure on delegates in those rooms telling them that you know they really need to take the Climate Crisis seriously and the time is running out so i think they do play a crucial role at these negotiations so i have found the car reporting from cop 25 in madrid spain thank you for you continued coverage. Thank you. Next to the u. S. Where descry us movie mogul Harvey Weinstein has reportedly reached a 25000000. 00 settlement with more than 30 women who filed lawsuits accusing him of Sexual Misconduct if approved the agreement would end nearly all the civil cases against weinstein but he still faces a criminal trial on multiple charges including rape but 2 years ago u. S. Media 1st published the allegations against weinstein the world famous actresses who were among the women who came forward. And with me here is that every reporter Anthony Howard to talk about this. What does this settlement mean now for mr weinstein and his accusers well the deal still has to be sawn by all parties and get Court Approval but if it does it looks like a terribly good deal for Harvey Weinstein now sound that way on 1st hearing of his rating given that its a multimillion Dollar Settlement but the devil is very much in the details now the 25000000. 00 settlement set aside by one states accusers will be paid by insurers of his now bankrupt company not on base to weinstein himself furthermore the legal costs of defending himself against these claims will be met mostly by that same pool of money set up to settle all outstanding claims against the Company Including this one furthermore maybe most importantly mr weinstein will not have to admit any wrongdoing possible harvey wants things bring my hand deals for many decades and he continues to do so he continues to make deals does that mean now effectively i think that hes off the hook you know how he wants then faces a criminal trial is facing 5 charges one including right being brought by 2 women the case involves those 2 accusers hes pleaded not guilty to those charges now once again appeared in court on wednesday at which point the judge doubled his bio to 2000000. 00 on allegations that he tampered with the electronic. Ankle bracelet now also of note is the way the manner in which he appeared in court approaching the courthouse on a zimmer frame or a walking i am now many of his winnings arguably can afford a better one than one fit with retrofitted with tennis shock absorbers life likewise the other sides jacket not of the outside jacket or the walking from have been seen before now his lawyer said hes using that walking frame because of an accident suffered in the summer time but there are skeptics who believe that this is a bruise to drum up public sympathy ahead of his trial there inside that courtroom the judge warned that if they were going to be any further the medical issues that the court would not be terribly understanding of those issues obviously whatever happens next and whatever happens in court its undeniable that the accusations marked a watershed moment in the u. S. Is very very much so that for those who came forward against this man he became the mt hero of this the central figure in the made to movement that chimes or at least highlighted a toxic set of my old behaviors this trial is truly significant for that entire movement for those women at the center of it but i do believe for a much Broader Community and outside the u. S. And globally as well me too as in today a language since then it draws attention to that sort of behavior and drags it into the spotlight its it a new standard and now the man at the center of all of that he wants to and he will face trial by jury in general but for now he got a settlement. Anthony our thank you so much greatly appreciate it thank you. I want to turn our attention to nigeria now where many young people dream of leaving their country for europe to make a better life for themselves while many do attend the often dangerous trip abroad but in an effort to reduce migration European Countries like germany are spending hundreds of thousands of years on programs encouraging nigerians to stay in their homeland. Center got more. Is repairing a motor and checking the electronics in this car shes the 1st female at a mechanic in one or most important goal is to pass her knowledge on to other women change my fuse weve not had people men tory counseling we may be able to understand what if you off carry out this shooting. And there are plenty of old cars in nigeria the women who go through one year of training most of them were previously unemployed. For. Me so at my age i was 16 when i brought because i was due to go to germany. I saw myself. And now the local job orientation project is getting support from germany the German Government wants to help put the brakes on migration i believe thats why you empower somebody you have used in this song at. Technologically helping locals widen their job perspective is hard work the German Government has invested more than 100000 euros in this project. Here. At this high school many students dream of leaving but every dura wants to give them a reality check hes a nigerian who moved to germany where hes now successfully integrated. People here seem to believe that in europe money grows on trees they think that whether or not you work you will be given money. Eddie doura wants to spread the story of what leaving nigeria really means more than 20 years ago here in germany looking for political asylum now he travels back home a few times a year dont trouble. Or ever. Did. You do things your. Own food. Why do you think he shows pictures of the difficult trip across the ocean and desperate people then he makes the students take an oath where they state loudly no i will not take an unplanned journey across the ocean what do the students think about this lecture. Or the people who have meetings in italy. We always do call but with lots and achieved eddie do himself represent success many students still want to travel abroad but now they want to do it legally and eddie believes they need to know that nigerians have next to no chance of living in germany permanently the whole of what ive hit im not really head how do we treat legal means they just said would actually it will means that we actually see how she will be back in germany durham is putting pressure on the German Government to give nigerians more opportunities to immigrate legally because most nigerian students still dream of finding a good job in europe. As we heard earlier its election day in the u. K. Turnout is reported to be high but its not just people heading to the polling stations in a popular new trend voters are taking their Furry Friends along with them as they cast their ballots. You could say it has become a poor little issue hash tag dogs at polling stations are once again a popular feature on social media and the politicians seem to be catching on to matter of london city con literally took the lead early on polling day with his golden retriever. Mary. Make sure you do but he was an awesome day and green party coleader Jonathan Bartley took his dog want us walkies to the voting booth. Whether boris will be hounded from office or his own seat remains to be seen but he nevertheless looked relaxed with his jack Russell Dillon as he went to the polling station and his best friend went inside with him to cost his vote before emerged to pose with his pitch for pictures. Or. Borat or is that. We will find out soon who ends up top dog to lead the u. K. We fit in every punk. Is now reminder of the top stories that were tracking for you this hour the u. S. House of representatives has passed a bill imposing sanctions on projects intended to pipe russian gas to during the sanctions affect construction of the north stream 2 pipelines a move has drawn an angry response from german industry. Russia is expelling 2 german diplomats in a dispute over the killing of a georgian man in a girl in part its being seen as retaliation after grillin expelled 2 Russian Diplomats last week. Dont forget you can always get you know when he was on the go just download our app from the google playbook from the app store ill give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news you can also use the date of the app to send us photos and a video. Youre watching video reviews coming up next in news asia Indias Parliament passes a controversial law on citizenship a look at why protesters in assault states in the northeast are taking to the streets. And well take our ride in kabuls cabs for women an initiative to counter harassment on the streets. All the. I dont know a whole lot more coming up but with melissa id say im loyal are rock n roll and on behalf of the entire news team thank you so much for spending this part of your day with us so you can also hope to our website the tsunami that comes for on demand for now ill see you at the top of the out. In the fight of Climate Change. Africas mix of. Whats in store for him if you want to come for the future come up with. A comforting megacities to get inside. The church. Welcome to the what is the gate here for d. W. I. Complaints to talk about. The sausage cumber. 3 more. Possible we have. Lets have a look at some of the other legal suits dont want to miss that. Weve got to w. A duel with words. Where i come from you dont want to away from confrontation. When i was 5 years old my father took me to his friends and i was hooked on the spot to. A sport that you loved soul enters your soul. Fencing as a language a good source for it is a conversation. Must leave your opponent understand the thinking. Of the men to get close otherwise you can score a. Song like a tough interview when interviewing politicians all corporate c. E. O. s you have to wait for the right moment to get around their defense and then make you know. You have to take risks to get results. Im going to go 1st and i work at g. W. Youre watching asia coming up protests rock indias northeast over a new law on citizenship will look at me actions as indias government tightened security with curfews and internet restrictions. Plus a look at bangladesh many economic challenges will be in conversation with one of the countrys best known economists. And will take a ride in kabuls pink Shuttle Service initiative to keep afghan women safe on the streets

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