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Months of demonstrations organizers are calling it the last chance for the citys probation government bill go live to our correspondents and the favorites wins big at the european film awards in berlin the tragicomedy takes home 8 awards including the top prize. On all the glamour and controversy of the one. Im called aspen welcome to the program at least 43 people have been killed in a fire in the indian capital delhi the braes the blaze broke out in a workshop building in the crowded Old City Center early this morning Officials Say rescue operations are now over and the fire has been put out most of the dead or workers who were sleeping inside the factory. Emergency services rushed to the scene but it took time to access the 6 story buildings located in a congested area of delhis old city where narrow lanes are lined with small manufacturing and Storage Units the apartment get by we received a call at 5 22 am and we initially sent 4 Fire Service Trucks to the spot and in total 35 vehicles 150 people were deployed the rescued survivors have been sent to different hospitals in the city. The workshop produced handbags and luggage and flammable Raw Materials evidently fueled the fire as it swept through the building one eyewitness blamed electrical faults for the blaze og it was a short circuit there was a fire in 2 buildings with a common staircase. As authorities launched their investigations questions have already arisen as to whether the factory was operating with valid permits and was following fire safety codes. Correspondent michelle just while has been tracking this story for us she joins us now from delhi what more 1st of all do we know about the fire so far. Well paula we know that the 1st call about the incident was made very early local time shortly off to 5 am and todi fire tenders were rushed through the sport to this ego where the our fire broke out is actually very congested its also about residential complexes and this factory is basically a small book shop that has a collection of small workshops in the area and the firewood is needed in a Bag Manufacturing unit and rescue operations continue through the morning the fire was controlled produce someone but there has been a heavy loss of life for a lot of the toilet d. s in Law Enforcement as well as politicians are showing up at the start of the spot and the chief minister of delhi has already said that if that didnt include he would be instituted and within 7 days this should have a report about what exactly was the cause of the fire. You mentioned that the death toll there is higher here its expected to rise what more do we know about the conditions in and around this building. While called the death toll is more street people who were actually walking in the factory and they were actually sleeping in the factory its important to point out that questions are being raised about if this fact below not so actually fire safety norms may not have been abided by it but even more importantly labor norms may not have been abided by and these workers could have been sleeping in the factory at 5 am because it is cheaper to stay the quicker it is more efficient for them to start working already so these norms are not being met and this is not the 1st such fire incident in the city just last year in january 17 people lost their lives at an e. T. S. The fire cracker factory so the norms that are supposed to be instituted across the city but theyre not implemented as kills me so officials will be looking into how to improve this has well once they figured out what exactly happened so sadly not the 1st time that weve seen fire claimed dozens of lives in the city how worth already is now responding. Well of us that called the chief minister has said that there will be an investigation but even but it took leaders higher up are we in the Prime Minister by mr herder in gym or the put out a statement on twitter saying that the incident was very tragic and he sent us condolences to the families of the victims theres been compensation announced to the families of the victims by the State Government as well all ministers responded the president as he had been but of course while the authorities audigy acting quickly to this what it will be cool show is if any of these implementations any of these norms will actually would change Going Forward because as you said these incidences keep repeating. You mr james wall covering that fire for us in delhi thank you very much. Now lets take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world firefighters in australia are racing to contain almost 100 bushfires in the east of the country weather conditions have eased but a heat wave with strong winds is forecast for early this coming week which will likely mean even more severe blazes. New details have emerged about fridays Fatal Shooting of a u. S. Naval base the words say the suspect showed videos of Mass Shootings at a dinner party the night before the attack the gunman killed 3 people and wounded several others before being shot by police he was a Saudi Air Force officer who was training at the base no links to terrorist groups have been discovered. In hong kong prodemocracy demonstrators are once again marching through the city in whats expected to be the largest antigovernment rally in months since the 1st march to be approved by the city since august after 6 months of protest demonstrators say they want to show the world that theyre not giving up the city authorities and protest organizers have called for calm ahead of the rally police announced that they had arrested several people on weapons charges. Our correspondent charlotte shells and hill joins us now from hong kong shes been covering these protests there now charlotte since last months city elections i mean those were a landslide victory for prodemocracy protesters theres been a bit of a little i mean weve seen far fewer demonstrators turning out how big is this protest shaping up to be. There has been a law in demonstrations over the last couple of weeks people here waiting to see what their response for almost guarantees would be to that landslide victory by those prodemocracy candidate so 30 they have ruled out any concessions day meaning that people now up back on the street to monday that their 5 demands are being met now we know you called the days including. Universal suffrage and an independent inquiry into the way the police have handled these protests now this particular rally also mobs almost 6 months since these protests began and it really is there really is. Going. To be out on me out on 3. Days right not have. Made it to the age of the back of the back of. Chavez you know having a bit of a trouble with the saying about all you can still hear us now both the governments and protesters as we talked about the urgings call them weeks and months of violence in hong kong and how likely is it that this protest remains as peaceful as the pictures are showing us right now. While this protest is organized by the civil human rights front that youre going to is ation behind several massive rallies over the some of the names advocating cop. These protests because they do people not to resort to violence so that doesnt mean to say they did this why become by the way become by the theory. That these protests would stop peaceful and then descend into those the violent scenes of vandalism and clashes with police later on into the evening hours yet it still remains Peaceful Police as well calling for con theyve said in a statement that they plan on handling these protests with a with what theyve called a host of hot and a soft response so be reflected be reflect. Think we just have to leave it there we apologize for the signal well try to get that corrected for later on Charlotte Felsenthal reporting there from hong kong thanks very much. Well berlin rolled out the red carpet this weekend as it hosts the 32nd edition of the annual european film awards and one film in particular took center stage the aptly named the favorite the tragicomedy directed by your ghost lancy most winning 8 awards including the top prize but the lead up to european cinemas big night was not without controversy. I night of glamour and celebration as europes Film Industry gathered in berlin for the european film awards and there was one winner to rule them all. And the winner. Is the braver. The period drama about 2 cousins vying to be the Court Favorites of queen anne havent won 8 awards including best european film and best actress for i had a vehicle man. And so im thrilled and ive been delaying doing a video exactly what happened what happened with 3rd i was really excited Antonio Banderas was awarded best actor for his role in pain and glory. Which are very very kind of getting emotional thank you very much to everybody and really feel with gratitude is very important to me. And portray to the lady on fire one best screenplay. Away from the night successes the ceremony was also subject to controversy. The e. F. As decision to nominate Roman Polanskis period drama an officer in a spy in 4 of the main categories grew condemnation from those who see polanski primarily as a man accused of Sexual Assault and rape but despite the nominations the film failed to win any awards and the ceremonies focus remained on one of celebration it was certainly a night to celebrate for german directive and i had thought he received a Lifetime Achievement award. Corporation of European Countries has made it possible that countries that are too small for sustaining a big Film Industry all of a sudden make Wonderful Films and become visible all of a sudden we have phenomenal films coming from those countries because the european solitary made it possible. A fitting tribute for a night of spotlight on european cinema. Are in sports now and in the bundesliga the biggest match of the season so far Surprise League leaders mention gladbach prove that they can more than hold their own against last seasons champions i mean. For full conquering table toppers versus plucky underdogs just not the way round you are expecting that back welcomes boy in fright dont cheer much the 6 points are by and should have led off to just 14 minutes robert leavened dusty caressing this effort just one of the post fortunately for blood that the poles shooting boots remain at large. Youre sure kim ish went even closer just before the half hour mark the matildas effort squeezing beneath the squirming young zama. Butts replays confirm the swiss keeper got a finger to it in and meet time. Barely the breath of a breath 1st innings. But you can only keep them out for so long binds breakthrough came through even paris sichem the 49 minutes his 3rd of the campaign the croatian swimming on the spot before volleying beyond the hapless summer. Got back came to life 11 minutes later running pennsylvanian noting the home side level. By the algerian completely on markets in the area by and with only themselves to blame. Highlights glad past surge cool yet more drama as how the martinez chats down marcus to ram inside the bar and books a referee with little choice but to flash a 2nd yellow 5 replay showed martinez got a little off the ball and a whole lot of the big frenchman. Pennsylvania he stepped up and doubled his tally to give that back to 3 points 5 to see on the pitch 5 pitches in the stands above a performance of champions from marco roses side. As the bundesliga title race continues to tear up the script. While the Festive Season is approaching and. One family in germany definitely knows how to celebrate yuletide is alive and kicking in this household in the small german town of rental in the festive couples home is packed to the rafters there are 350. 00 Christmas Trees in there theyre all decked out with tinsel bubbles fairy lights and yes tinsel no 2 trees are the same and the themes range from rubber ducks superheroes star wars and even santa himself looks like the big man as some serious competition this year. Are you watching the news live from berlin coming up next our magazine shift living in the digital age in the meantime all the latest headlines available 247 on our website d w dot com call aspen ill be back with more news at the top of the hour. Susan and now to the way of fictionalization but as affectionately as you can. Remember putin in the middle of his Election Campaign in 2000 the documentary was filmed for russian television. Did you turn the camera back on you of course the film secretly chronicled a power grab actually everything was precisely played in georgia. Featuring top supporting roles to the

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