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Those costs opening all sorts of new Business Opportunities a let there be light its something many of us take for granted but the more we light up our world the quicker we lose sight of others although as we just saw a large stretches of the earths surface and now with the related old night long there are still many places that dont have electricity and cant afford it that doesnt have to mean being left in the dock hes next women have traveled from all over the world to india to learn how to build Solar Systems in half a year theyll return to their villages bearing the gift of light. God wanted me to go to india before writing to hear about the i said to you. Im doing this for my children. These 3 women have never traveled far from home before and now theyre in india they come to train a solar technicians. That come from mexico. Canyon. And indonesia. The program last 6 months and every school day begins with exercise that real men dont do was sent by her village in kenya where they dont have any electricity. Theyre eagerly awaiting to reach. A light to my comment we all know that darkness is not the best and so bringing light to the community is a horn big achievement. At the moment after sunset in her village no one can sew or writes interesting fabric in the dark all by candlelight can also be dangerous. During the course when england to install and repair solar panels and to build solar lighting equipment. The practice and practice routine. You mean it comes from west timor in indonesia. Weve got the flu without light my children cant do their homework and when it gets dark they have to go to sleep when i get home were going to have solar lamps. With. The teachers and. The you will. In the military has been working here since 2003 teaching women from all over the world. All the electricity from the grid can go out at any time where a solar electricity is reliable the sun god shines for everybody and doesnt care if youre rich or poor. If you cant pay your electricity bill power is cut off. With solar lamps you buy them once and then you can relax. There are similar programs in africa. Here they also sell solar Lighting Systems. As well as teaching women how to make money with solar energy. To go to around the villages and make their living by selling the equipment. And i well how would. You know why you know why you know power of. 3 and a half 1000 socalled solar sisters have sold almost a quarter of a 1000000 solar lamps street light to almost one and a half 1000000 people. On the course is isabel more of humaneness will head back home to mexico then shell have to work out how to use the new skills and knowledge she quoted in india. I have no idea what ill be able to earn now but what matters on set is that ive learnt so much. That the people at home will see that i can do good work. Its been quite a sacrifice to come here to learn something new and then i want my book. Cases financed by the Indian Government and the United Nations and a number of businesses one student graduates and head for home have plenty to tell their communities about their adventures in india. And you. Would like doesnt just allow you to continue working after the sun goes down the advent of early days has also washed it in a new age in a wide range of fields soon the market for high efficiency labs will hit a global 46000000000. 00 and the world leader in the sector is philips developers a dell focusing on new applications in agriculture like bringing high tech farms into the heart of cities. The earth is home to 7750000000 people the majority live in cities spaces are shrinking. How viable an option is. For example green houses lit by l. E. D. Lamps even in buildings without sunlight. Any daylight bulbs provide illumination by day and night and the plants compete harvested at any time of the get any diesel becoming standard Lighting Solutions in greenhouses they have long been undergoing testing here in the netherlands in the bar a tree of a signify its europes biggest lighting manufacturer and a spinoff of Dutch Technology giant philips so far the company has equipped around a 1000 greenhouses with the Lighting Systems we have for callers inside so its red its blue its white then its far out ahead of far and its typically pretty are known to us because its outside of our i sense david baker. Vertical indoor farming is a market with huge potential. And the l. E. D. Lights help to guarantee predictable and controllable harvests. And so what you see over here is a dynamic light fixture that can change in color and by changing the color during the trial or just before the end of so just before harvesting we can for example influence the bricks fell you off strawberries so thats the sweetness of the strawberry but also make it a little bit more hardy or lets say show that its better to transport. The company calculates the particular light fixture its customers need and savings can be achieved by just using red and blue light which produces the magenta color here. The mix depends on the plants and the ambient light greenhouses in siberia for example has less sunlight than those in. Spain. Market is growing super fast and if you look at the different reports that are out in the market you see real trend that are becoming more interesting also its not because they dont make money that Companies Like are growing fast in russia would by 25. 00 factors and 25. 00 factors its around 400 kilometers of l. E. D. Lights and that was the biggest project we did to date. Another customer that has bought the Lighting Systems is the dutch tomato farm is in paters its greenhouses measure 16 hecht has an area amounting to Something Like 20 soccer pitches. The crops are aluminite to buy magenta l. E. D. Light from below and from above by high intensity High Pressure sodium h. P. s lamps the company has invested millions the tomato vines grow to an amazing height of 6 metres the growers need lifts to reach the tops using the l. E. D. Lights the company can achieve larger and more constant harvests than without the lighting. We have the positioning of the in the middle of the crop. Research. Must be about 80 centimeters to one metre. Below the top of the plant because the top of the plant is factored by the lightning and daylight. And one metre below the effect of the daylight. Is gone. Tomatoes are perishable they can be easily transported in container ships from far away countries. But they can be easily grown in greenhouses. Thanks to the l. E. D. Lights they can harvest more 20 tons per week even in the middle of winter. Very sweet. And whats important is that the taste. Stays in your mouth for a long or a time so its not only the place is gone immediately. You get a certain bite of the tomato. Of course lighting the plants all year round uses up lots of energy as does the heating but i have a pipes that run between the plants on the floor to generate it the Company Maintains a gas fired power plant and that highlights a major disadvantage of this kind of farming the energy cost of producing artificial sunlight outdoor farmers get the sun for free. In the 19th century gas lanterns still lit up our streets then Thomas Alva Edison came up with the 1st commercially viable electric light bulb they didnt last that long logbook showed they only burn for 14 and a half hours the technology for producing light has come a long way since then. This is what lit up the 20th century the good old en can doesnt light bulb made by the big players and the industry. Germanys. Philips and the netherlands and g. E. And the us controlled 80 percent of the market later a competition emerged in the form of fluorescent tubes how much in lamps and other Energy Saving lighting devices since 2012 sales of conventional light bulbs have been phased out and the e. U. The Leading Light of the 21st century. The only d. Short for light emitting diode it converts around 80 percent of the electricity it uses into light in contrast to incandescent light bulbs with just 5 percent efficiency. It lasts longer than all previous models to supposedly up to 100000 hours. L. E. D. S. Already have a market share a 50 percent. Is the smart homes of the future lights will be turned on and off. Via the internet so member of the light wherever whenever and in whatever color you want. Or automated intelligently for efficient lighting and factories or businesses. But the problem is that if everyone thinks theyre saving money with efficient lighting theyll use more of it wiping out the saving effect. Plants and animals will suffer from the loss of darkness pollution will worsen new Lighting Technology is keeping the world permanently lit up for better or for worse. Billions of people around the world are left in the dark when it comes to the internet many remote regions have no access to Cable Networks and setting up the infrastructure to get everybody. The online would be a mammoth task so why not think outside the box laces can reach anyway and they can transmit information at a much higher rate than traditional wires or even fiber optic broadband cables a german start up is already sending data and information around the globe by lays a big. The highly concentrated light beams can be used to transport information at extremely high speeds. Mine eric is a munich based on top but has developed ground stations for wireless Data Transmission via laser beam. Internet superhighway and. An estimated 3 to 4000000000 people around the globe still have no high Speed Internet access my naresh people in remote regions sending their data request from their device to a ground station operated by the company from that its relayed fire laser lights to the next link in the airplanes High Altitude balloons and. After reaching the next relay point the request continues to question in whatever part of the world that may be and from there the laser returns the desired data movies for example. They can dispatch a great deal of communication the energy density. Which is why free space optical Communication Works extremely long distances with very lightweight devices. Such as google have already conducted successful tests. With the promise of high Speed Internet especially in areas that have no Coverage Plan would require. And the. Technology could come in. How exactly is. The data transferred as with any binary computer code a one stands for electrical signal own and 0 for signal. Converted and then dispatched the laser works with the same principle an active laser beam means one while in action. The connectivity provided here is 10 gigabits per 2nd in 4 seconds thats an entire feature film. To make because expect the technology to work in outer space too with satellites distributing the laser light that currently testing components for the space where they know us. Here the team its testing a rocket that will transport and mine arent laser into outer space. Your 1st. Of course we try to qualify commercial components with this area of deployment and that means finding out whether commercial Automotive Parts are also suitable and that could lead to cost cutting. Their cost and saying. That this new means of transmission faces low tech barriers that slow it down such as clouds which lasers are unable to penetrate so on that front the team that mine eric is still waiting for the big breakthrough. With Current Technology reabsorption is simply too great and there are other options from for example cloud cover diversity where you look for a ground station that is excessive bill and then have the laser pass the bad weather. Mine arent hopes that within a year Telecoms Companies will start setting up Online Networks above the clouds that use of technology and 5 or 10 years from now perhaps they really will be high Speed Internet access. What about getting through life without light or better said without the sense of sight just getting to work would be a challenge but in germany only a quarter of all people find jobs. And i met 3 women cant see. Despite that theyve managed to overcome employer prejudices and cast themselves out successful careers. Let me know when it starts to hurt can you still speak. And breathe. And i have retinitis pigmentosa its a genetic disorder and causes tunnel vision my eyesight was quite good until i was 30 or 35 i could still ride my bike. A very normal farka for. Most of my patients dont even know. When i tell them im legally blind they say they dont believe me. That was a quick. One can verify it if you can cover up a lot you become a champion in covering it up of course i have trained my coworkers to never put things in the wrong place. I get so mad if i have to spend hours hunting for something or if i reach for it and its not where its meant to be and i have to start looking for it. I dont want my parents always supported me they never said you wont be able to do that if it werent for my problems id never have met my husband ive always liked to play soccer. I signed up for a soccer workshop for the visually impaired here in berlin and the man who organized it became my husband i still go there and play with my son with a rattle ball. But lynn is very noisy very crowded and people just leech other a lot its a challenge. I see light into arc and contours here in this hall i can make out the windows in the round lamps that look like bright patches. So i can orient myself quite well. I locate the steps with my stick. I know the courthouse building very well with all its corridors and corners. Sighted people often get lost here and cant find their way out without help. But when i was 11 i once went to a Lawyers Office was amazing so it was clear that i would study law. The figure of justice is always depicted with a blindfold in my case given that i cant see i dont judge people by their exterior because i cant that also means i dont get distracted and remain focused on what people tell me. But that doesnt mean im entirely free of preconceptions theyre just a bit different blind people might not like the sound of someones voice or the way they shake your hand. Im not a living light detector but i am pretty sensitive to what people are telling me whether its true or whether theyre lying. For money for if you cant imagine a blind person can climb a flight of stands you wont believe that visually impaired person can hold their own in the workplace. Ive been blind since birth when i say im on my way to work people ask if im going to a workshop for the blind they should be asking where do you work that just goes to show how many preconceptions there still are. There braille display is mainly for corrections. But for the most part i use the voice synthesizer to check if a word is written wrong. Thats called leak. Guy do you. Right this is correct you can read braille already. In the Digital World technology is a blessing and a curse at the same time there are some websites we can use easily but far too many are not accessible. By just coming. In on the app will tell me. Its on the outskirts of the bus is just arriving know you know what thats done but that can be recognized by the app. It says the next one is delayed coming in 10 minutes it doesnt show the one thats just come in so i go on the. Its been its normal in the style of in town because theres good public transport that lets me get around. But if self driving cars ever become available and i can afford one i might consider moving to the country. 3 set us one cuz moving on we often think of. Lights out and off to bed its not as easy as that for some people account cheap to get to sleep well if youre old enough hit the town and hes clearly not alone in it sometimes it feels like the whole city has insomnia so whats his advice make the most of your nights. I just con sleep its like this night after night and you cant sleep either. The whole city is awake so many restless so during the streets lost in thought. Well since we awake anyway we might as well hit the town into the night life into the light. Sleep listen to a lamb can be lots of fun delights the collars yet miss free of late at night its inspiring better than counting sheep. To some fantastic sights i had a fabulous night just think i knew. He slept through it. Locked most cant sleep burn your bad just go with that. Plan it grows around 2 percent brighter every year doesnt sound like much but do the math if things continue at that pace then by the age 2050 will be emitting 50 percent more life leave it up to you just side whether thats a good or bad thing time to turn out the lights in the studio here thanks for joining us im 8 hes a. Do you know what you use to barbecue yourself the jews. Charcoal of course charcoal also from wood cut illegally in tropical forests and seas findings are truly catastrophic which feel shocking that it cant go on like goes into. An environmental disaster why is the trade so lucrative why is it taking so long to find alternatives in 15 minutes on d w. That created todays rule. 97 you know. A historical turning point in politics business and religion. A run up evil of the islamic revolution. Agents are making its initial flirtation capitalism strikes and states of emergency it sinks into chaos Pope John Paul the 2nd time displacement camps the people threatens the old order. Water crisis. The start of an era that defines our message today 1979 the big media today is more stress december 23rd double why subscribe to d. W. Books you meet your favorite writer might object to what i write is to share or to find beautiful. Over your books on you to. End up as a little selfhelp i dont know its not easy to go to another country you know nothing about the wife of i dont do this because we cant stay on venezuela. The point that the cost of global news that matters d. W. Made for mines. Was the speech of his life perhaps his best certainly his most difficult chancellor should not cool addresses the people of east germany shortly after the fall of the wall. To clamor for term unity journalist peter lim borg was at the scene. 30 years later he looks back on the title of dresden. Starts december 19th. W. This is the w. News live from berlin the evidence of misconduct in office is overwhelming thats the conclusion reached by the house investigation into u. S. President donald trump now both my kids have approved the report what is the next step also coming up. As nato turned 17 french president im walking across the coast full solidarity and stands by his

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