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Sabotage to cut off the power supply and facilitate access to the museum. That is i know between oh it was a display case with 3 sets of jewelry within the historic green wall which what effect it this. There is a diamond 3rd than the 2nd diamond search with the later cut and the diamond. The green vault in dresden the residential offices the historic depository for a collection of treasures assembled by the saxon electors and kings aug the strong had it built between 1723730 there are 10 lavishly furnished rooms containing around 3000. 00 pieces of jewelry and other precious items. The palace itself was destroyed in the 2nd world war by bombs and the green vault only reopened in 2006. But the State Government made this statement. To him this represents for the free state of sex and the a major cultural and political loss and major blow if we are able to get back these art objects stand for the party. The perpetrators fled in a car a nationwide manhunt is underway. Amazing stuff and joining me in the studio to talk about this spectacular heist is my colleague scott roxboro welcome scott senior in a while this was not only spectacular but also an incredibly audacious robbery how did they pull this off yeah its details are still coming out the police are just begun their really their investigation but from what we know so far when the police told us. They struck early in the morning it was dark partially because of this blackout the power outage in the streets of the renaults those street lights maybe that was connected the up with police and said specifically on that the robbers went to a side window cut through the bars in the window went through the bulletproof glass went straight to a display case smashed it grabbed the jewels that were there took off the alarm went off the they were caught on video were caught on video they think there might be other accomplices they got away in a getaway car which they think might have burned out the 15 minutes later they found a car which doors all open smelling of gasoline had been burnt out they soon it might be the getaway car but theres a lot of i mean its sounds like a like a movie but there are a lot of questions to look we still dont know a lot of the details so and how much did they actually get this is the big question whats the value you know little of the value is very difficult to calculate in this in this case because the the pieces there are Something Like 4000 some pieces in the museum and and thats really of incalculable about you what they actually got were 3 sets of jewels that belonged to strong logs the 2nd who created the original collection in the early 18th century and these would have been his was personal bling really it would have been. Places is cufflinks diamonds and so forth that he would wear on himself yes you know completely completely and at the time he was in sort of a jewel race with the Sun King Louis the 14th in france trying to. Do each other with more stations more impressive jewelry so so the actual material value i guess could be calculated but theyve refused to do that because. They said the collection really is replaceable and its cultural value its historical value is immeasurable but transition to the next question because obviously this isnt the kind of stuff its too well known you cant just walk into a pawn shop and get rid of it what can the burglars do with it now well its will be interesting to see what happens now because this is you said this really cant be sold on the open market theres no reputable jeweler who would who would who would buy it people even thieves probably could even buy this because they couldnt pass on to their children that would somehow turn up. They think either the thieves will dont know this and will try and sell it and maybe even get caught or in the worst Case Scenario theyll break it down for pieces and sell it off hopefully theyre not watching the news now this is the kind of thing we as we said we think only happens in the movies but theres actually been quite a lot of art heist in recent years tell us about some of the yeah i mean even here in berlin 2 years ago in the boat a museum there was a huge. Heist of all look seemingly quite similar to this where thieves broke in and stole a 100 kilogram heavy gold coins from another country at the end point the police huge big maple leaf coin it was stolen and it was again a mazing smash and grab operation of a group of criminals they were caught on c. C. T. V. Cameras broke in the 2nd floor window of the museum stole the coin got away the Police Actually found the people who are responsible arrested them but the coin is gone we assume its been melted down and saxon premier Michael Crichton are made a dramatic statement this morning saying that the thieves have robbed the people of saxony of their Cultural Heritage just how big a blow is this for germany its really substantial i mean the only comparison i really could make would be what would happen if the crown jewels were stolen in london you know the impact that would have on the cultural and Historical Impact that would have on britain its a similar thing here this is an unbeliever. Global treasure trove of german history the actual material value is not important here its really the the the cultural value the historical value thats why you could hear it in the voice of the premier of sax the today he is just incredibly distraught people this act you know you have people robbed yes we have been robbed the people of sacks our culture has been taken from us and lets hope that the police will be able to do to recover these these these certainly a story that well well have to keep our eyes on thank you very much for bringing us all those details. Like monk in norway unbelievable that theyre actually happening today yes and here it is hiding stuff lets hope it gets solved thanks scott roxboro. Well now to a living treasure and a woman who is the personification of rocknroll stamina tina turner who was born Anna Mae Bullock rose to stardom with ike turner in her twentys she escaped his abuse in her thirtys muscled her way up the charts in her fortys and toured the world in her sixtys for her 80th birthday on tuesday shes enjoying retirement at her swiss chateau and basking in the glow of a recent Broadway Musical about her life. Seen a turn up on her fur well taught at the age of almost 70 we dont need another hero it was one of the biggest hits of her 2nd career. Her 1st spell in the spotlight was in the sixtys with songs like riveting mountain high. But its all 976. 00 she shared the stage with husband mike turner so she would reveal that joy in the relationship she was regularly beaten and sexually abused. Her marriage from hell was at the core of the tina turner bio pic whats love got to do with it every. Year me sure. The divorce pushed towards financial ruin she was forced to perform in tiny clubs and to get a cleaning job but she triumphed over adversity and managed a remarkable comeback. Album private dance so it was a global hit and going to her for grammys tonight sir no one is back on top at the age of 40. 2019 tina turner the musical was launched the singer herself says he doesnt intend to take to the stage again. Sheena children now lives on lake zurich in switzerland with germany in the back who she married in 2035 friends she will always remain. All many happy returns to you tina turner and from one woman overcoming adversity to the story of a young girl in 1950 s. And sixtys turkey who has her own off stickles to overcome it mina. First came to germany as a 19 year old in 1965 and very soon she abandoned her Mother Tongue turkish and began to write in german her 1st novel is a fictional account of her own childhood and its title is a story in itself heres more all lives flat bread turkish delight if you come to a market in germany these days you wont just find sausages when immigrants from turkey started coming here in the sixtys they brought their food with them and their stories. Of. Life as a caravans arrive has 2 doors i came in one i went out the other one a title in the book author emina served to model rights of a childhood in turkey. In the fiftys and sixtys its a life of hardship the family in the book cant pay their rent their landlord takes away their furniture they sleep on a pile of clothes its a novel full of anarchy and the biting wit spiked with the wise words of turkish women who never lose their human soul how do you get to be all those favorite person mother by being patient not crying listening to your mother believing your fathers. Life is a caravans or i was a late debut novel for is to my she was 46 when it came out but she had plenty of experiences to write about 1st came to germany at 18 as a socalled guest worker but after turkeys 1971 military coup she came back here for good and worked in theatres both in east germany and the west life is a caravan zariah is about poverty violence and the strength of women its an adventure born out of a rich mixture of cultures oh and maybe youre wondering what is a caravans or i anyway it was kind of like a motel on the socorro. Yes the place where travelers could rest and recover from the days journey indeed fall thats all for this time so wherever this journey happens to be taking you in until we meet again go well and all the best from all of us here in berlin. Soccer players favorites for. The wonder spectacular goals such plenty of emotion. The best of game day. To go beyond 30 minutes on doubles. Nearly 1000000 People Killed in just 100 days. Where one does Younger Generation did not experience a 994 genocide but. Its consequences of. Learning to overcome the psychological trauma one step at a time the lines up done long road jim reconciliation. 90 minutes on d w. Shadow halflings this is the ball speaking when i come to the show with a ding dong xoai high end concerts with the most trans guests. Rockin sounds. And then incredible location. Night groups every week on t w. This is good news live from for lend a targeted smash and grab that yields a spectacular halt feeds to break into the royal palace of the german city of dresden and make off with Diamond Jewelry of a measurable cultural value museum Authorities Say it is a disaster but dont get know exactly whats missing. Also coming up. Oh good beating her 1st stray should be made the Young Georgian activist who lost an eye and antigovernment

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