Uncle americal to shoes and in soccer battered and bruised but ready for battle germanys shorthanded mens team host fell roots in the euro 2020 qualifier in just a few hours away and could book their place in the chart. Im called aspen welcome to the program a fiery anniversary today in france as yellow vest protesters mark one gear of their Grassroots Movement police turned Water Cannons on demonstrators in paris protesters also targeted a bank the yellow best actions peaked at the end of last year bringing hundreds of thousands of people into the streets to oppose high living costs and inequality the numbers have fallen since that. Lets get more now from correspondent lisa lewis shes in paris for us following this story lisa we saw that some of those violent images of the demonstrations so far today i mean 1st just give us a sense whats the situation like right now i mean how big are these protests and who is out in the streets today. Well there were dozens of protests in places across france also him paris protesters were clashing have been clashing with police probably thousands of people here in paris and tens of thousands across france as you said thats not really that much compared to how many people turned out at the very beginning of this movement a movement about a year ago now who are they its very difficult to say but when you look at the pictures it looks like its a mix of different people black books and a kiss but also moderates yellow versus specially in the country so here to underline that they are still there so this unhappiness with how france is being governed at this very moment that theyre still not happy with the government over the past year the yellow vests theyve claimed victory as a president to reforms he was forced to repeal the fuel tax which triggered the movement in the 1st place how has this movement reshaped france now in one year. Well it has reshaped the country in that its very clear that many people are quite unhappy with you know that Reform Program that the government is having and couldnt tin using therefore obviously retracted on certain measures just as you said theyve drawn that very controversial fuel tax at the government also for example increased the minimum wage to pay these protesters anger but the underlying reforms are continuing so when you look to look at 1. 00 recent poll for example more than 50 percent of the french are still in favor are still there they still understand the anger and the frustration of this movement whereas at that same poll there is also saying that more than 60 percent of the french want the protests to stop so its very clear that this country is still continuing it is Reform Movement but that many people here are very unhappy about that very unhappy about you know the Bigger Picture basically that its a capitalistic country in that theyre not enough social measures being put in place the numbers. But now were hearing that some protesters plan to run for local Office Next Year what comes next for this movement will become more political. Well its very difficult to see how this movement can be represented on a political level if you look back at the european elections earlier this year there were at least 2 lists of yellow vests but none of them actually managed to capture enough enough votes to send someone to brussels as a lawmaker says very unlikely that the local elections early next year will show a different result this is really a movement on the ground its not a movement that wants to be represented in parliament or i did abuse lisa lewis in paris for us thank you very much. Germanys greens have been riding a recent wave of support polling as high as 26 percent nationally this summer thats due in part to the partys popular pair of leaders the duo who to no ones surprise has now been reelected proper topic in. Each one more the 90 percent of the votes cast by Party Delegates at a conference in the city of people felt they took over the Party Leadership 2 years ago since then the greens have seen a surge in supports mainly due to growing voter concern about Environmental Issues and the climate crisis. Kate brady caught up with bare back after her reelection. Thank you for joining us today the greens are still flying high in the polls here in germany in 2nd position what do you plan to do to make sure that the party can keep that momentum going ahead of the 2021 election and keep on going what we have tried in the last year yes that we didnt look what are the others doing the social democrats or the conservatives and just. Reacting to their proposal about bringing our own proposal with regard to fair housing in cities which is a big problem in germany it was regard to the economy and the question how do we get our economy carbon free and the question especially of rural areas we have tried to put in the middle of our politics and who are quite successful not everyone in the last election is going to try to keep want to follow this training we heard from your colleague as well yesterday robot back speaking about the and of the medical error thats upon us how do you see the green party shaping the future of germany in the future of germanys role in terms of on the International Stage but also specifically in the European Union. We need definitely more european engagement where so many proposals on the floor with regard to the European Union is specially investing into the future of the European Union and germany has been very reluctant over the last year and this is a big problem and thats why we for example propose that they have to be a big fund was in the European Union investment of infrastructure but also making the Banking System secure against the next crisis. And to engage also in the question of Agriculture Policy where most of the money goes into it. And looking ahead now its the 1000000 euro question right now do you see yourself as the next chancellor of germany on all this is not already paid because we dont even have the election coming up its supposed to be. 2021 and we focused on the question which are on the table right now thank you very much. All right heres a check now of some of the other stories making news around the world thousands of protesters have gathered in the czech capital prague to call on Prime Minister andre bobbish to step down opposition groups say the billionaire Prime Minister profits from his Political Office the rally coincided with the 30th anniversary of the velvet revolution that ended communist rule. At least one person has been killed during protests in iran the unrest erupted after a surprise decision by the government to raise fuel prices by 50 percent and introduced rationing protestors blocked traffic in tehran while in other parts of the Country Police fired tear gas and demonstrations. The polls are now closed in sri lanka where people have been voting for a new president a Record Number 35 candidates are on the ballots but its expected to come down to a tight race between the 2 front brothers the 1st is former defense secretary go to rajapaksa who oversaw the defeat of tamil separatists 10 years ago the 2nd governments minister prem a dust up the ball was in the poll was monitored by thousands of election observers including dozens from the European Union. Sri lankan face the longest ballot paper in the countrys history with 35 candidate trying to be the next president tan that was high and one of the main concerns a very to security. We need someone who can come forward to safeguard our people. Really. Strongly. Believe. Industry just 7 months ago are terrorists attacked 3 churches and 3 Luxury Hotels in the countrys capital colombo on Easter Sunday killing more than 250 people the bombings lead to resentment against muslim communities fears of violence and had a severe impact on the countrys vital Tourism Industry the government admitted to failure of the Intelligence Services and thats believed to be behind the current president s decision not to seek another term. There are 2 clear front runners in this election former defense secretary. Who served under his brothers presidency his tough stance on security has garnered him support his rival. Has also toughened his line on the fence. But other issues such as equality for minorities and unemployment are also paying them for it is mine results are expected on sunday or monday depending on whether one candidate gets 50 percent of the very. 2 sports now and in soccer germanys men are still fighting to secure their place in euro 2020 but they could seal the deal in a few hours with a win against the ropes and a little bit of help from the netherlands despite missing some key players the germans are looking to win their 3rd straight game in the campaign. At the start of the week germany players want you to find out how fans like the teams jersey. So the teams kicks for the European Championship are ready to be done but they still havent qualified after a very bumpy year for the team and coach. They know what they need to do. We want to win these 2 games we expect that of ourselves in order to have a positive conclusion to the year obviously its been a constant process from march until now for the for not specific. Which says and that will be a tall order the 2014 world champions are rebuilding and loeb is looking for the right pieces for next years tournament against villa roos germany will be down 8 players due to injury but at least 2 of the worlds best goalkeepers will be ready starter manuel neuer and marc andre to stay good germany should be able to defeat the underdogs but the team knows they are far from world class at the moment. Confident you cant expect this team which always plays in different formations to stay at that level for 90 minutes although the expectations are always high and we ourselves have high expectations. Of us to have the deceased come its only a team thats played together for a long long time that can dominate a game for 90 minutes at start and getting. For the man with the mask could be a special game here to brilliance nick glass doc hopes to make his debut after his 9th color but his lack of training after a broken nose could prevent that from happening once again. Sports correspondent Jonathan Harding joins me now from outside the stadium in mentioned where the game will be taking place jonathan the team is banged up quite literally i guess when it comes to nicklaus stock how is this team dealing with all these injuries well i think the only way they can they just have to have this mentality of next man up the opportunity that it gives to a lot of players who might not have been in this squad had those injuries know occurred is massive and its a chance for those players to really prove that they should be in a team Going Forward its never easy for a head coach to have a squad that is put together at the last minute but germany have really grown used to this now ever since russia last year so its an opportunity for many players to step up and prove that they should be in this team long term. Look on paper doesnt seem like that much of a threat but maybe the circumstances i mean what 8 players down as that changed things no i dont think so i think germany are in the same spot that theyve been for the last 6 months theyre under pressure because of the style of play that football that they play they havent really decided how they want to play it doesnt seem clear lurve is also under pressure because hes decided hes the right man to do that but there are still some question marks about his role in all of this i think the pressure is on germany because germany are a massive Football Nation and they havent really improved since the device in russia last year i dont think the situation around injuries can be an excuse certainly not for a side like germany who have to be able to win these games and win comfortably the big question mark for me is how they win them and i think a lot of people will see it that way as well i mean you touched on this because even if germany qualify they might only go through as the Group Runners up and that isnt really a position in germany is used to being on. No but its a position that theyre in now and i think that does tell the story germany have been terrible since russia last year theyve really struggled to improve have been one or 2 highlights along the way but this is really systematic of where germany have done or what theyve done sorry since russia last year theyve got to make changes and that starts by winning the Football Game in front of them and i starts tonight if they can do that long term success is far more likely are the big match coming up john harding on the scene for us thank you very much a quick reminder now the top story that were following for you at this hour violent protests on the streets of paris demonstrations in the capital and other french cities marking the anniversary of the best movement Police Responding with Water Cannons and tear gas. Watching news live from berlin up next its shift in the meantime all the latest news available at www dot com thanks wanting to. Get. More. 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