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Begin with news from germany where exports rebounded more than forecast in september dampening fears that europes biggest economy could stumble into a recession the German Statistics Office said seasonally adjusted exports increased by one and a half percent on the month was their biggest increase since november 2017 data published earlier this week painted a mixed picture of the industrial sector with a panel of economist advising the government saying germanys long term upswing had to come to an end. And for more im joined by Chelsea Delaney in frankfurt chelsea german exports posting the biggest rise in almost 2 years how big a surprise is that. Its certainly a surprise certainly relieved its about a percentage point more than economists had been expecting looking at the details of the report this is really driven by increase exports to the u. K. And the u. S. Which both of those have been struggling with bracks and trade tensions they did see a decline in exports to china and another bright spot of this report was a 6 percent increase in auto and vehicle exports which has been really hit hard by the trade tensions so i think at the same time. Its one month its one month of data a lot of the other data that weve had that we have seen especially from the industrial sector earlier this week has been has been mixed at best so i think its too early to read you know and to germany slowdown and to this data tells you dont go anywhere because i would like to talk to you about a different picture that we see certainly in asia as powerhouse theyve chinas Foreign Trade continuing to fall in october and explode strops north point 9 percent compared to the year before while impuls plunged 6. 4 percent and trade with the u. S. Is down almost 16 percent that of course in the midst of an ongoing trade will between the worlds 2 biggest economies and its unclear if theres an end in sight one day after china announced an agreement between the 2 governments to roll back trade tariffs reports out about opposition from the white house chelsea back to you in frankfurt just a delay need does this mean were back to square one. I dont think it means were back to square one i think it means where were back where we were a week ago this for this agreement was initially announced in october and the u. S. And china have made concrete steps towards reaching a final deal here that china has made some concessions on agricultural purchases they have indicated theyre willing to move on an electoral property of protections but i think the sort of the noise around this tariff reduction is definitely going to create some confusion it certainly has over the past couple of days but they they are moving towards a deal and theyre also under an increasing amount of pressure to strike a deal both the u. S. And chinese economies have been slowing a lot and especially if you consider that its going to be an Election Year and next year for donald trump they both want to reach a deal but theres still a lot of questions not only about what would be in phase one deal but what would happen after that when theyre supposed to address some of the bigger issues so they still have a long way to go before we really make progress or it shows you delaying their thank you so much for this. And the business stories making news the worlds wealthiest a little less rich last year as well fell by 388000000000. 00 globally to 8 and a half trillion according to a report by u. B. S. And you see there was a particularly shop decline in Greater China the 2nd because total billionaires after the United States and the asia pacific region. And the tons of cabin crew have entered the 2nd day of a 2 day strike over paid most of its take over from germany have been counsel for friday the airline said some disruption could follow on saturday because aircraft and crews are not in the right place. Its been a controversial project right from the start snot stream to a gas pipeline which will transport russian gas across the baltic sea to ricky to germany now billet is keen to go ahead with it but a new e. U. Law stands in the way. As if stretching a pipeline across the baltic sea werent difficult enough a new e. U. Ruling makes it even harder the north stream to pipeline belongs to Russian Energy monolith gazprom has just the gas it will transport but a new e. U. Law bans the pipelines owner from also supplying the gas with one exception if nord stream 2 had been completed early this year the law wouldnt apply it wont be finished until 2020 though so is nordstrom too over germany wants to prevent that the both the pipeline will supply it with 55000000000 cubic meters of natural gas from russia each year thats needed to guarantee German Electricity supplies once coal and Nuclear Energy have been phased out so the government here once its own new law it states the german end of the pipeline has already been completed it merely needs connecting to the undersea stretch for berlin the pipeline as such was completed before the deadline so it doesnt fall under the new e. U. Restrictions does that mean the multibillion euro nord stream to project can be saved berlin might not get away with that as easily as it imagines. Lets bring in detail the s. K. Brady for more on that case 1st of all the german born this time wanted to discuss the issue last night and hopefully result it didnt what happened. Exactly so the sitting last night was actually pretty much surely brought to an end and that was due to an object sion from the far right a f d in parliament who actually question the quorum of the bonus tired now strictly speaking in the german bundestag a German Parliament only has a poor one and more than half of the parliament 709 lawmakers or m. P. s are actually present which of course is quite a hard task when these debates are taking place in the middle of the night of course this debate was supposed to be held at around 2 am this morning so this is something thats been questioned before particularly by the far right but this postponement really came down to a technicality in the German Parliament and not really to do with the amendment itself you know until theyll have to bring back that issue perhaps earlier in the day and if bill in eventually manages to get that new law through will that soul the north stream to control the sea well this debate will certainly be still on the table for a long time even if that amendment does pass through the German Parliament of course and there is particularly loud criticism coming from the u. S. Of course the u. S. Is at the same time keeping its own economic interests close hot here of course they want to try and sell only quit 5 gas to europe as well but washington previously said that germany would be hostage to russia if it were to go ahead with this pipeline of course there are indeed also the concerns from central and Eastern European countries to take into account as well as theyre concerned about some of those possible negative consequences of this. This debate is very far from being a little bit ongoing kate brady thanks so much for filling us in. Moving on now to the 30th anniversary of the collapse of the berlin wall which quickly led to the reification of germany but 30 years later the division between east and west remains People Living on the form a east west longer and overall a lower quality of life compared to their western counterparts as thousands streamed across the berlin wall the economic differences were a stock in west germany 62000000 people lived in one of the world strongest economies in the east the population was a quarter of that of the economy only 110th as a big no these economic differences remain none of germanys dax 30 Blue Chip Companies are headquartered in the east at best these Companies Run factories in the former east such as fox our wages in the east are much lower in the west the average hourly wages around 34 year as well in the form east its 6 euros of this power productivitys also in the Eastern States so lets talk a little bit about they said now with an expert in joining me in the studio is of exxon the shares shes a Research Associate at the German Institute for Economic Research also known as the dia i. W. So you constructed a study on the impact reunification hot on the economies in the 2 germanys how divided or how united is germany now in that respect well i think we came a good way to being united. Theres still a gap and its. Its a considerable we talk about putting on the indicated 30 to 20 percent in terms of for instance productivity so theres still way to go what is the biggest problem well essentially we have completely different structures to some degree we have a very rule east and we have as a west that is much more urbanized or even you know very urban areas and we know from you know from research that urban areas and firms in urban areas have a higher productivity so. To some degree real little bit compare apples and oranges when we say ok the east must be like the west because its a rule area verdant versa or theres an organized area exactly but as you said we have rule areas and urbanized areas in both sides if there is significant difference between rural and urban areas in the east as opposed to those in the west or do they share the same problems well though and thats actually one of the results its when we divide not but we nice and west but were doing east and west and rule and urbanized and compare these regions with each other we see that the rule areas in the east or essentially as productive in the firms in these were huge regions as productive as their counterparts in the west and we see actually the same for the very few urban areas that we have in the east and comparing them with ones in the west. But we see theres a huge difference in terms of urban noise so when we talk about regions like hollow or something and there we have a huge gap so essentially this is this there is to some degree already united germany if you want to say so urban areas in eastern west or much more similar than we think when we just think about hes ok and in the last minute in your study did you also find a way to solve that problem for both sides of germany well one of the important things we need to do we need to have more investment also in the rural areas and not just talking about having in the next street or something but we need. A good infrastructure in terms of Information Networks because that is key for the future we dont discuss about whether we have electricity there or not we do have it all in all of the regions of germany and we need that in terms of broadband infrastructure as well so. In terms of a united germany a one germany 10 years is a long. And sore i would say still more than 10 years more than 10 years ok so we need to be patient then alexander shows Research Associate at the German Institute for Economic Research they do so much for your time thank you for having me. On as your Business Update on thanks. I know nothing at the gym well i guess sometimes i am but most end up with that. And i think theyve been to the german culture. Will take his grandmother there. Its all out there no time rachel join me for me to get the money to host. Syrian born on visits a local bar in berlin. He lives just opposite with a friend who was a member of the hitler youth as a child. Some residents are suspicious of refugees in the neighborhood. Americans curious about the bars regulars to cross the road worlds apart. Starting november 11th. Obama was. Known to bomb in the months leading up to the collapse of the communist east bloc. German rock band scorpions were some of the 1st western musicians to play in the soviet union it was autumn 989. 00 and the wind of political change that was blowing in moscow thanks to Mikhail Gorbachevs policy of glasnost inspired the song of change that became an anthem for the end of the cold war. And with its welcome to arts and culture celebrating the 30th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall in november 1989 mikael go brush off the last leader of the soviet union is one of the heroes of germanys peaceful revolution at least from a western perspective 3 decades later the man who rocked the world with his vision of social democracy met with the rockers who wrote that soundtrack of hope that we just heard they are of course in the meantime good friends and scorpions paid the 88 year old got a better off a visit in moscow. Dont go. Listening to them with of. Course singer close mindedness

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