Clogging the streets of many cities could it be turned into a valuable resource. And in brazil we meet some women who have escaped the deadly danger their partners. A society that values all its members equally surely that would be the ideal form of community but when it comes to gender equality most societies around the world are lacking hierarchy power and property define the role of women they are often treated as objects especially in armed conflict. And this baby machines traditions like bride prices or turn women into goods and often leave them economically dependent on their husbands. Such structures are breeding grounds for Domestic Violence and femicide 11000 women murdered in asia 11000 in africa and 6000 in the. America those are the official numbers of women killed by their intimate partners in 2017. Countries in latin america have adopted special calling for tougher sentences for the gender related killing of women in 2015 brazil. A maximum security prison in a remote. Northeast brazil the director has given us permission to interview men who have killed their wives girlfriends. Its a crime thats increasing at an alarming rate in brazil an average of 5 women are murdered by their partners here every day. The circumstances vary but theres a pattern and jealousy is often cited as the motive offenders blame their victims who they view as their property. My partner who i was together with who i loved and respected cheated on me and then i killed her. I said i wouldnt kill her i just teach her to respect a man she tried to run i was holding a weapon and grabbed her by the hair a shot went off. Into the back of her head in came out the other side of the. Women in Rural Regions are particularly at risk and i usually murder lives in pa even brazils northeast she left her violent has been 9 years ago he still threatens her. She now lives with her parents again in their village only daring to visit her own isolated house with one of her children but she has no other choice she lives of this land. If my exhusband comes here and attacks me then at least my children can report what happened when you. Left out in the rain was a problem deeply entrenched in this society but refuses to be a victim you know. I lived with a brutal and violent person and i wanted to leave him so my children wouldnt get used to it he is an honest but there is no simple way out her father is also a violent man who beat his wife and children now he is a Bad Influence on the nail just 14 year old son my son spends a lot of time with my father i also knew to sit at home if hes supposed to clean up after eating he refuses because my fathers. Its not mens work dont do it my boy and where are the women in your sister or your mother. They are fighting back every year an International Womens day women from the area joined forces to march here in new venue what began as a demonstration for the rights of Women Farmers and Family Businesses has grown into a full scale protest for equality and against Domestic Violence its another step towards challenging a male dominated society in which this march means a lot to us we have to put up with so much the violence of machismo it affects the entire family i suffered alone for so long now i can express myself but many women are still suffering in silence in march. This is still an unusual event which not all women are able or willing to take part in but things are changing here in the countryside. In brazil cities things are not much better behind the scenes the number of domestic killings of women in sao paulo also rose rapidly we need jessica shes a successful model educated rich beautiful and yet she too ended up with a violent man and almost paid with her life more than i thought was you know abusive relationship begins with someone being punched in the face at 1st still draw you in and to do soup is extremely manipulative and undermines your protective barriers and destroys your selfesteem it keeps you away from people your life in the end to relinquish around judgment entirely i was more afraid of losing him than of dying. The kids. Jessica wants others to benefit from her experiences shes backing a project set up by 2 judges to train the staff of beauty salons to spot the signs of Domestic Violence. Think were here because this is our temple here we can express our rage we women often say more to each other than to our parents i just. Because story is familiar to many here theyve experienced similar things themselves or have seen their customers suffering. Up indication i learned here that you can tell by the clients behavior something is wrong theyre emotionally confused or know very sad they seem destroyed on the inside this. Minute brazil confused machismo with masculinity they are working to change ideas of masculinity so talk to their fathers about what it means to be a man masculinity ends up being only about rituals and stereotypes. Stereotypes that are being reinforced by the ball sonora government. Dark days for us right now were totally going backwards. We still have one of the best laws on protecting women. But its hard to watch how the government is working on turning back time. Thats also why this is the biggest march that i eva has ever seen on and they all just pan to a call for an end to murder and violence the women shout we wont give up show us respect and much is more kills every single day. Violence and repression dont exist here say many women in. Their well educated and have a big say in the political and Economic Life of the enclave in the southern Caucasus Mountains how did that happen nagornokarabakh has been the subject of a decades long conflict between armenia and azerbaijan as a result most of its men become soldiers to defend the borders of the selfproclaimed republic and the absence of men has opened up new opportunities for women. For. This was once the frontline in the conflict between armenia and azerbaijan. The ground in the disputed region of nagornokarabakh is still full of unexploded mines lillith amir khan young is in charge of a team that removes them. For any mistake here can be fatal the work requires the highest concentration so she called the break every 40 minutes. Its a great honor for me to read out country of minds to make it usable again as the 1st female team leader im a role model showing that women can have a career in professions like this so. No car back in the southern caucasus has a population of just 150000. The capital stepped on a character projects a modern image as to its female residents. But the posters on display are reminder of the tensions in the region the military remains a dominant force here and its primarily a male domain. Elsewhere women are focused on carving out a new kind of image for the region careens a carry on comes from tough a village in the south of nagornokarabakh after years working for i. T. Companies in moscow shes now trying to promote tourism in her hometown. Shes especially keen to foster a sense of local pride of. My idea was to explain to people here that this 1st of all and there was a sink war what were doing here to chant their. They have to fail happiness they have to have a life living they they live under the beautiful nature and dont. But even here in the peaceful countryside the conflict still looms large during the separatist war in the 1990 s. She was in moscow caring for her newborn child i was story about im not a man to be here i had the sound that time. Very little song i would mother and i said why not the man to hear in my mother and since then women have made it into key positions here Deputy Foreign minister i mean i like sanya had originally planned to study journalism in russia but. Not on the insides but when the war broke out she couldnt leave. But instead she studied in lucian german and after graduating began her political career. The only guy we had in our group was in the army most of the type and most guys were actually in those days fighting but not studying so that generation didnt really get a proper education. When it comes to males segment of the population but females where theyre studying and trying to become someone in that sense thats why when there were a vacuum since there were easily filled by environment. The men tended to make a career in the army even today all young men have to serve for 2 years near these marching cadets 20 young soldiers are packing up for their deployment to the front. We were only allowed to film 2 of them polishing their shoes. Women too can become officers but the army itself a Central Institution in this defacto state remains a male domain go hard caspari and is a nurse assigned to the young soldiers. She shows us the air filter which has reduced respiratory infections in the barracks to insurers but every year we get 400 new conscripts with 20 of them my boy i take care of them like a mother with. These young men have a rather traditional take on women in the military. I dont think that women should serve in the army i think theyre defending the homeland is a job for men that will last no. Out in the minefield the break is over and little it american ians Team Continues to show that women certainly can serve their country. None of the man in the group has a problem with a woman as a supervisor she says. Women have the same rights as men in fact women manage to work and take care of their homes so many shouldnt talk about things they dont understand the discrimination against women is deeply anchored in society. Women are fighting for their place in society and theyre going to care about but until the territorys conflict is resolved they will face more obstacles then antiquated gender roles. Repression and discrimination are part of life for many women around the world on our new Facebook Channel d. W. Women youll find stories about those taking a stand and inspiring others to do the same d. W. Women gives a voice to the women of. The indian city of bangalore once boasted hundreds of lakes and many spacious leafy parks today bangalore is known as an i. T. Hub the Silicon Valley of india in the space of 20 years its population rose from 5 to 12000000 the remaining lakes are clogged with sewage and toxic waste the side effects of rapid growth. But not all residents are willing to put up with this. In the heart of bangalore garbage is festering everywhere this neighborhood is literally drowning in an. Illegal dumping sites are more than just an eyesore residents complain of a fellow all day long several cases of dengue have been reported in the area. Bank of the municipality has hired socalled marshals to crack down on those littering or dumping trash the marshal makes the offender pick up the bag he just threw away. This guy is throwing his weight he hasnt separated it this is a ground the garbage truck went to his house. Because he woke up too late. 200. 00 rupees just under 3 euros for dumping household trash. Citys infrastructure is failing to cope with the Unchecked Development and growth once known as the garden city bangalore now has a new nickname garbage city. Some have had enough. Every morning. Inspects the trash pick up in the neighborhood of koramangala. Residents are meant to put their kitchen waste in a green been without linus its the end directly into the truck. But a chemistry teacher takes it upon himself to educate residents. Get it. They will get it. But we cant put plastic you know to be so that is the only problem i see. If i lie i need to be you feet but. You know. Youre sure not. To have. It just because it really long with your food and then we need the same. Not everyone follows the rules here all the trash has gone into one bin boys my blood really because. We have been and its not rocket science. Its just separated and how hard is that. Entrepreneurs some not only on encounters new dumping sites dany a lot of spark this. Painting them up making but then again in. The environmental engineer has come up with his own solution to reduce the citys waste hes joined forces with patmos rebuild rome to set up a bio gas facility. I think theyre following instructions we were looking so hopefully that you feel gammick waste from padma shri ballrooms neighborhood which would normally go to a landfill is instead brought here as a rule material. The trash has to come in well suited otherwise it means high operational costs and less bio gas. Today if its payoff it wasnt as good. This is nearly 100 percent right. But needs to strip the floor was an all learned with which at very high level and content i would read this extremely good i mean this is now. The facility processes about 600 kilograms of local kitchen waste a day turning it into slamming the actual plant is further away built in refurbished shipping contain is on land provided by the local authorities. There is also a Business Model. The old bio gas is purified here and then stored in a tank. The resulting gas brand named carbon lights is sold. What were producing as an end product. Might be 4 percent of meet him which means its much better than. It can displace any fossil fuel beat and. So at the end of the day were creating a. A clean Clean Renewable Energy right here in. The biggest buy is a neighboring restaurant the gas is piped in from just 200 meters away. The restaurant is hugely popular the kitchen uses about 70 kilograms of bio gas a day which is also cheaper than conventional cooking gas. Or demonstrated your pipe for that for the people you know. We dont have to stop selling those. You know its Cost Effective its good really and were doing something right but. The bulk of bangalores waste is driven 40 to 50 kilometers outside the city there are no official dumps within the city anymore for the 5000. 00 tons of garbage bangalore generates every single day. Even designated landfills like this one on a major has it. Its the most unscientific where finding your waste attracts. Causes diseases causes pollution creates metered again. Creating. Again you know adding. Some not only on has scaled up his operations to help keep more waste out of landfills and make his business. About 13 tons of food waste arrive at this plant north of bangalore every day from i. T. Parks and corporate campuses. About 7000. 00 jobs have been created here at the bio gas plant. Unlike the facility in the city it also compresses the gas its then bottled into cylinders that can be shipped to customers across bangalore. Our dream is to have this across india with coming into this business. Its a win win for the country as well as creating more jobs and creating energy security. Something that i own has already expanded into 2 most states he plans to continue grabbing the waste to feel Business Model could be a viable way for indian cities to clean up their act. Even breathing can kill according to the w. H. O. 7000000 people die every year due to air pollution fine particulate matter and minute by traffic and industry affects the health of 90 percent of people worldwide now china the worlds biggest polluter is taking action its growing middle class wants cleaner air. Were a 3 hour drive outside beijing and despite appearances environmental activist john john funk knows that all is not well the river is almost dry the last 2 decades hes been recording the dwindling aquatic life of this region. Well michelle you feed hungry everything is focused on chinas growth and making us economically competitive but we are using up our Natural Resources and really no one knows how things can continue. Polluted ground water and air have become commonplace in an around chinas big cities everyone has got used to monitoring air quality on a daily basis. The air is good here in the mountains. Really fresh in fact. You know but as soon as i get closer to beijing things deteriorate. I start to feel really unwell. Feet before. This was the scene in beijing 4 years ago the footage was taken at midday but it could be nice china is the biggest air pollution in the world. For a long time the country relied only on coal but no new coal powered stations are being built anymore coal consumption has flatlined since 2013 over the last 5 years or so theres been a lot of improvements in beijings air quality in the air quality across northern china. Thats being as a result of a lot of government measures to clamp down on. The burning of coal and households to switch. Heating with gas heating and also stricter emissions standards on industry. The emission levels of many industrial plants are now being tested in real time and posted online margin collects these huge amounts of data. With this new one can see who is exceeding the norms and through this effort some of the lodges plot you know some of the state on the enterprises started responding to the. To the look the people the pressure and started opening address their violations. China has traditionally been seen as the worlds factory floor and has the emissions to show for us thats why margin wants to ensure International Consumer Goods Companies like dell do to us and. Keep tabs on the environmental records of their suppliers. 1st question theres always like you know we have a green policy but in china sorry i just dont know who are polluting no doubt and i still remember the 1st meeting that where were able to tell them that look we have some data. Steel and cement production are huge sources of pollution as chinas economy has grown its infrastructure has also expanded in the last 3 years the country has used more cement than the u. S. Did in the entire 20th century and chinas building boom continues. Its. Basically any trends in terms of industry or the power sector here ultimately any trends in coal consumption are of importance to the whole world. And these trends can be positive china has become a world leader in solar power for example. No other country invests as much money in renewables as beijing solar power is now cheaper than grid electricity and much of the country. Back in the mountains near beijing john john funk is confident that china is moving in the right direction at the moment c o 2 Emissions Per Capita in china are less than half what they are in the us and he wants to stay that way. When you know when. People are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental problems here and responding accordingly many have understood that Environmental Protection is ultimately in their own best interest. But some still see growing prosperity an Environmental Protection as being at odds with one another with his photos john john fund wants to show just what an asset are natural surroundings are. Thats all from global 3000 this week but we always look forward to hearing from you so write to us at global 3000 and d w dot com or visit our Facebook Page d w women. See you soon. And justice and freedom the 1st words of the German National anthem and the 3 central values that form the foundation of this country. High high conditioned i mean freedom can only flourish if everybody. Holds it near a valid saliva freedom and defends it in effect ice get free in the west part of our germany in 15 minutes on d w. E go indiana. Roads factories cities their numbers are increasing while the forests are decreasing how can they be protected how can reforestation be done right. For the climate for wildlife for humans the forest is of dire importance. In 60 minutes t. W. I was fishing when i arrived here i slept with 6 people in a room. That was hard i was fair. I even got white hairs that. Learning the gym language head telling us this keeps me and they go but uniquely to interact with the flavor you want to know their story my goods her fighting and reliable information for margarets. Unicode base in germany to learn german. Published in the. Why not learn with him online on the mobile and free to sask for the w. C. Learning course nikos fic. Frankford and how koch the International Gateway to the best connection self and road and rail. Located in the heart of europe you are connected to the whole world. Experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and try. Alice services. Biala guest at Frankfurt Airport cd managed by for a part. This is deja vu news live from berlin german football champions byron munich fire their coach nico colebatch after the club suffers their worst league defeat in more than a decade a look at the reasons behind this surprise decision. Also coming up on the program a tally of authorities granted permission for 2 migrant rescue ships to dock a number of European Countries stand ready to accept the more than 200 migrants

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