A secure location so they can identify the victims. And stranger 1st to move the remains of dictator front cisco frank i just bought it will be too soon for the national trying to date his regime continues to polarize the country 44 years after his death. Plus the worlds penguin populations in the client take a look at efforts to save the only species of this aquatic bird that is native to africa. Ive dr thomas thanks so much for joining us nato defense ministers are gathering in brussels today to discuss turkeys incursion into Northern Syria it is an unprecedented issue for the alliance because turkey a nato member is closely collaborate. Sitting in syria with russia which regards nato as a threat turkish and Russian Troops are now patrolling a socalled safe zone in Northern Syria where turkey wants to resettle its syrian refugees. This area is now under moscows control Russian Military police made their way into the north Syrian Border town of kabbani on wednesday. U. S. Troops had withdrawn from the region earlier abandoning their kurdish allies and making way for their nato partner turkey to lead a military incursion into the area. A move that faced Harsh International criticism nato however has been reluctant to criticize the so efforts of their allies in brussels general secretary voiced concern and called for International Effort there war has been there for years we have seen hundreds of thousands of people being killed at the us it is so theres a need for progress for for a political negotiated solution now russia which is not a member of nato has become turkeys closest ally in an attempt to implement a military solution as part of a deal struck between the leaders of turkey and russia they seek to create a buffer zone in the formerly kurdish held border region and german tornado fighter jets could be part of a greater International Effort to stabilize the area this is according to a recent plan by a German Defense minister and he could come she wants to take berlins commitment even further. My 1st look is this via my suggestion is that we set up an internationally controlled security zone and valving turkey and russia one time but soon learned a suggestion that took many by surprise back home in germany and brussels the proposal was met with interest by the nato chief i welcomed nato allies proposals on how to move forward how to find a political solution and of course a political solution how to win old in wall all actors on the ground but this proposal just might be too little too late russia one of the actors on the ground has made clear already that it rejects berlins vision of a security zone in Northern Syria. While could the german call for u. N. Troops patrolling the socalled safe zone be an option lets talk now with mideast analyst mark as they call for more on that good morning markel. Marcus sar there Turkey Russia are now in command of events on the ground in Northern Syria why would either of them allow International Troops on to territory that they control. They could allow it definitely say could because they would need partners to patrol an area which is 480 kilometers long 30 kilometers wide its a big area where turks and russians alone might not have the possibility to control it all and one wary important thing not to forget is syria with its troops once you go into this area an area where the kurds why p. G. A. Is they are enemies of syria and of turkey and to control this area to bring peace there you might need more International Troops than on the turkey and russia you see german troops heading into this safe zone it would be a very big step for germany germany is in iraq as kurdistan with troops to help the kurdish authorities there to send german troops into syria bring the debate into the german politics which has not been seen which would be a major step for germany to send actually troops into the middle east ok well the u. S. President has given his full support to this russian turkish deployment lets take a look too at what he had to say. This was an outcome created by us the United States and nobody else by the moves that weve made we are achieving a much more peaceful and stable area between turkey and syria including a 20 mile wide safe zone. What do you make of this new positioning of the u. S. And what does it mean for washingtons presence in the middle east well 1st of all claiming to have reached as the agreement is a joke trump week ago announced that american troops are not going to be in syria any longer so to claim that their agreement between russia and turkey is a u. S. Agreement its not worth the words he has said so the americans out of there the russians and the turks thats the new situation on the ground and this is what trump is trying to hide ok the americans are maintaining someone of a troop position though in syria where american troops redeploy into inside syria theyre deploying to the north east of syria where a lot of the oil fields and they are there to protect the oil fields from being attacked by the Islamic State again together with the kurds so you have a kurdish american small Alliance Still on the ground but the major trend is america is not only leaving syria but is giving up the middle east as the whole region to russia as the new major power in the region ok to the questions about russia also touch on nato as far as nato is concerned looking at a completely new military realignment turkey engaged in a sophisticated patrolling operation with Russian Troops now russia is of course nato arch rivals why nato was created in the 1st place what does this say about the coherence of the Nato Alliance right now and nato is not as stable anymore as it was before and this turkish Russian Alliance which is forming right now has already given signs of breaking down of turkey being reliable inside nato so this russian alignment with turkey might defeat turkey inside made over this is not a sign of stability of this side of weakness for nato ok mark to speckle that hes i was forced to say thanks very much for that marcus thank you. Well turkey advanced into Northern Syria last week to eject a Kurdish Militia which ankara considers a terrorist organization at least 160000 ethnic kurdish civilians were uprooted as the turkish our army and its allied arab militias moved in we have this report now from a syrian town near the border with turkey. A few boxes and some clothes that is all they could rescue from the house and russell i know after days of bombing a classroom is the new having their old one is now just rubble shaka to his family found shelter in this school with dozens of others mostly kurdish refugees from russell im a border town is now under the control of the turkish army and the allied malicious. Lies there joe know when they leave our homeland we will return to turkey and their allies have come to plunder they dont want to rebuild they want to destroy. Its ears like things that feed those fears this video is alleged to show militias allied to turkey showing off a kurdish woman theyve taken captive as if she were the spoils of war. One of many war crimes that the islamist fighters stand accused of theyre set to take control of the buffer zone between russell im anti by yet under turkish surveillance. For the refugees from the region this is a terrifying prospect. Of. You know the forces intervening theres no way we could continue living there so these armed groups are radical islamist fanatics and loyal only to turkey in the. North of here and the fear comes from experience islamist militias invaded our freend on turkeys behalf in march last year i heard with 3 they paid dearly for it after 58. 00 days of bombing displacement and death the new masses introduce sharia law in the Northwestern Province of syria human rights experts say tolerance and rights for minorities are being ignored is keeping a free. And if at all in offering women cannot walk the streets without wearing islamic dress there is violence against religious minorities especially against the christian minorities who are mostly converts but also against the yazidi is on the alawite scene and that was asking the let least 17 years xeni and alawite towns have been destroyed and to shoot at what and. Many kurds are worried that history will repeat itself in common theyre protesting against a deal between one and putin that they believe in dangerous then the town lies outside edwin socalled safe sane but here they fear for their rights and their future. As preview now some of the other stories making the news this hour in the u. S. A group of republican lawmakers have disrupted an impeachment hearing into President Donald Trump some 44 republicans entering the room where a closed door hearing was taking place they refused to leave calling for the infrared to halt what they say is an unprecedented secrecy destruction delayed testimony by a Defense Department official. Here. Supporters oblivion president a former all us and his main rival carlos mesa have clashed in the city of santa cruz are also sick uses opponent of trying to stage a coup he says blood vs president ial election last weekend was undermined by a gigantic fraud. Police in chile used water cannon to disperse antigovernment demonstrators after tens of thousands gathered in the capital santiago 6 days of protests to rock the country 8000 people have died promises of economic reform from the president and yet i have not stopped the rest. Well in just a few hours spanish authorities are due to start moving the remains of Francisco Franco the dictator who ruled spain for some 4 decades and tools that in 1075. 00 his remains will be removed from a shrine that critics say glorifies francos victory in the spanish civil war but fails to commemorate its victims the removal has sparked an emotional National Debate will be reburied next to his wife there madrid. This colossal moussa liam known as the valley of the fallen hows the remains of spanish dictator Francisco Franco for more than 40 years. It is also the resting place of over 30000. 00 People Killed during the spanish civil war and was intended as a monument of reconciliation but it is widely regarded as a shrine for franco where his supporters came to pay their respects spains socialist government has wanted to put a stop to this pilgrimage for years. Old no boy to the dictator cannot be in a state tomb in the worlds other great democracies that we measure ourselves against none of them has a dictator line in a place where people can go to pay their respects thats just not done any more i would hasten to add that this should have happened sooner we are 40 years late people can go to pay their respects thats just not done any more i would hasten to add that this should have happened sooner we are 40 years late we got to be a lot more quite in there and have got to be. After a long legal battle with francos family the Spanish Supreme Court greenlighted the exhumation last month. The decision has stirred controversy with spanish Public Opinion split on the rebel real of such a contentious figure. Last month. The decision has stirred controversy with spanish Public Opinion split on the rebel real of such a contentious figure. Its a necessity its absolutely crazy that we keep a minute paid for with public funds from the state budget and these costs have an impact on citizens. And we are absolutely scandalous that theyre going to desecrate francos tomb a leader like franco who is so loved by the people in the International Community franco came to power in 1939 after emerging victorious in the spanish civil war during his author a tarion rule which lasted almost 4 decades hundreds of thousands of political dissidents were executed imprisoned or went missing. This quiet cemetery outside madrid is the new resting place for francos remains authorities hope this more humble setting will put an end to the glorification of dictator and finally bring justice to the victims of his dictatorship. Its to brad now in what appears to be one of the worst Human Trafficking crimes in the years 39 people have been found dead in a truck container on the outskirts of london that vehicle was discovered at an Industrial Park the drivers there arrested on suspicion of Murder Police say the container where the victims were found traveled to the u. K. From belgium. In the beginning of the cut far there is nothing unusual about this cargo truck parked an Industrial Estate in the town of grays east of london. But when Police Forced open its doors in the early hours of wednesday they made a gruesome discovery the lifeless bodies of thought to 9 people. Emergency services attended but sadly all 39 people inside the container who died. Early indications suggest that one of these paper was a teenager the rest it believed to be adults. A Murder Investigation was launched and the lorry driver a 25 year old man from Northern Ireland was arrested on suspicion of murder and remains in place custody Prime Minister Prime Minister Boris Johnson expressed his condolences in parliament. To the whole house will be shocked by the appalling news that 39 bodies have been discovered in a lorry container in essex this is an unimaginable tragedy and truly heartbreaking i know that the thoughts and prayers of all members are with those who lost their lives and their loved ones. As police try to piece together the Trucks Movement footage has a message of it passing by 2 separate cameras shortly before the bodies were discovered Authorities Say the container had just docked in the u. K. From zeebrugge in belgium the cap part of the truck is believed to have originated in Northern Ireland. Police have moved the vehicle to a secure location so that the bodies can be recovered as this Murder Investigation gets underway. Did obvious baggage mosses following the story for us from london good morning to you baggage a truly harrowing discovery what we know about the victims and where this truck was originally traveling from. We didnt know details as yet brian as wide speculation that the victims were refugees that they came in via bulgaria as far as we know but we dont know exactly their route we just know they did cross europe and they came via belgium into the country also speculation is exactly how they have died but the container is supposedly in refrigerated container and they say goes up to minus 25 degrees so a lot of people i think here in the u. K. Would have really imagined these people in this country and a lot of british media are reporting its like a frozen tomb so yes its truly something that has gripped gripped the country a harrowing death as you said. Bigger we understand that police have been conducting raids on a number of homes associated with the trucks driver. Well yes the police have not as far as i know formally identified the truck driver but its being reported that hes a man from Northern Ireland more robinson hes pictures all over british media at the moment according to his facebook profile looks like hes a professional truck driver we dont know if he would have known his fright we dont know whether he would have known that he carried people in this container since this story broke yesterday other refugees who have had a successful trip to the u. K. Have come forward enough said have described how they have also been then hed been in some lorries and how the drivers didnt know that they were there but obviously this is something that police are investigating and as you said its a Murder Investigation so they are just finding out about the truck driver and how much you know ok and police are now also in touch with authorities in other countries as part of their probe yes its in the you case a National Crime agency and they are looking into possible involvement of organized crime they are cooperating with other Police Authorities we know that in belgium the police because theyre the container came by are they a port of the broke into the country we know that authorities there are also launching an investigation so i think at the beginning theyre at the moment theyre just at the beginning often vesta geisha and there will be more details to emerge beggar thanks so much for now for that from london. We have some sports of Champions League football now where halfway through the group stage wednesdays night snatches saw defending champions liverpool beating the belgian side gang but nobly stayed top of group e. With a win over salzburg barcelona beat salvia primed to lead group after because dortmund lost to enter milan in group g. Leipzig defeated Senate Chelsea top group h. Following their win over i. X. While leland landsea played out a draw. Or the National Life saved the hosts came from behind to beat russian champions zenit St Petersburg zenit took the lead 1st scoring 25th minute but after tactile change of halftime leipzig responded 1st equalizing 4 minutes into the 2nd half through conrad lime or then the 21 victory was sealed by marcel but sir you converted a stunning long range shot to put leipzig top of group 2. Over aussie dortmund to travel to italy for their Champions League clash wednesday losing to interval on the host went ahead of the 22nd minute with a goal from Toro Martinez he later missed a penalty but just before the final whistle teammate antonio country have made no mistakes scoring to make it to no one that means injury milan are now tied for 2nd with door in. Well just 100 years ago with salt there were salt there were more than 2000000 penguins living along the southern coastline of namibia south africa but now africas penguin colonies are endangered but the population decreasing rapidly or correspondent even krishnas it in an organization in cape town thats trying to put a stop to this alarming decline. One last chance to relax together before things starts to get uncomfortable. An appointment with dr roberts is not something these penguins seem to be looking forward to so at the moment put are doing is we just checking on the penguins and making sure that theyre all ready for release so we each one has his own god this is medical records this what he had he was 70 percent oil and he was emaciated he was really underweight the conservation is take in sea birds in peril and try to prepare them to be released back into the wilds thousands of injured animals come here every year some will stay here forever as they would not so wife in their nature will have attempts. But these birds might not be here in the launch. They are in danger of extinction its quite possible that anyone can go extinct in the future and weve had a dramatic declines in train with numbers even between the concert last year and this year the numbers of dropped by about 2000 breeding as so we have less than 20000 has that scared of. These penguins 1st have to spend time in a small box but only briefly until they have fully recovered and are ready to return to the wire. In simons town one of the few remaining thing we call in these they are released. Oh oh. It went really well. So quickly they didnt get confused the crowd was very polite and not too noisy so that didnt scare the penguins and they were they went straight up in the direction the shouldve gone. Already we can see them i think theres one head sticking out over there so now the threats that they face of the same as all the other wild penguins people need to think about the impacts of what theyre doing how they can affect the penguins but all of the sea life and other wildlife that song is in danger of Human Interaction but still the message seems to have got through to the hundreds of people in the crowd over here we have a lot of folk musicians who are trying to save the oceans and. The penguins were being rehabilitated back in but theres a lot more we can do is you must do more to protect them because you see what is happening is see this is not only used to be this last big problem however the biggest threats to the african pingree is the like a fish there are not enough and show fees and sardines in the oceans due to overfishing. And the worst Case Scenario of the last african penguin colony it will die out in 20 or 30 years but people here definitely want to prevent that from happening. And now this scientists in the us have been teaching rats to drive tiny cars the roads were given small plastic bowls which they could drive towards a target where they were rewarded with a tasty treat the miniature motorists. A choice of left right and forwards the researchers found that they could navigate complex routes with smaller rodents on wheels turned out to be appier than their counterparts that had to navigate the rat race on foot. Lets give you a reminder now our top stories at this hour u. S. President trump says hes lifting sanctions on turkey just 9 days after they were in hours now thats after he said he received confirmation that ankara at halted its offensive against kurds in Northern Syria turkish and Russian Troops are now patrolling a socalled safe zone along the border this close cooperation between nato member turkey and russia will be the focus of a meeting of nato defense ministers later today. Investigators are probing what appears to be one of the worst Human Trafficking crimes in recent british history 39. 00 bodies were discovered in a truck container in an Industrial Park near london the driver has been arrested on suspicion of Murder Police say that container came to the u. K. Via belgium. Supporters of bolivian president evo morales and his main rival carlos mesa have clashed in the city of santa cruz rawls has accused his opponent of trying to stage a coup maze asas bolivias president ial election last weekend was undermined by a gigantic from. This is deja vu news from berlin for more news you can always go to our website w dot com still to come. Mario drawing is on his way out of the European Central bank museum bait you once said he would do whatever it takes to save the euro has he succeeded well take a look at rogers legacy on the end of a business. Thats up next im brian thomas for the entire news team thanks so much big. Boy. Youre a. What unites. What divides. Trucking or. What binds the continent together. To answers and stories aplenty. Spotlight on people. 60 minutes on d w. 2 fronts dear antone oh dear cecilia distance opposite us im sitting on the terrace in twilight and its peaceful my 3 grandchildren struggle untroubled as asked outside when i was 8 frances exchanges in germany was split in 2 and remain divided for a decade since it was might be about a month when your mother was born in 1969 the wall was already 8 years ago and you know my grandchildren who were born after the war felt born in a great unified germany a wonderful time a time of great joy. 3 generations of one family on a journey through recent german history. That cant live in. Darkness has fallen and its still peaceful and they have remained so for your sakes my grandchildren also i think. The birth limited our family and us starts no member 60 on d w. A druggy your right as with the vision of criticism imperils b. C. B. Chiefs legacy ahead of his last policy meeting today will be pressure on his successor to fall back from the ultra loose monetary policy. Boeing still records its deadly max series will be back in the skies before the end of the victims families are a poultry. And an apology and promises of economic reform fail to fizzle out riots that have led to close british 1000 deaths in chile

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