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Coming up in the show and with that one welcome to your own max and this is what else we have in store for you. Into the awards why hunting mushrooms is good for stressed out city to have come. In says the battle what its like to take in a captain right. But 1st lets go to grace the ninetys the island of colleen also was not yet a major holiday destination than an italian capital side to celebrate their how many moons there the enthusiastic columbus immediately saw the potential of the rocky island with its amazing steep cliffs and cracks nowadays climbed us from all over the world to come here and there is even an International Climate festival every year. Greek islands may be famous for their long sandy beaches and i feel like they use but its the rough and rocky parts of columbus that bring people here annually for the columbus climate festival over a 1000 climbers from all over the world. Clownish inventor of austria is in her element on the rugged island. Collingwoods is best known as the special because the setting against a sea is so unique and theres just so many routes for every kind of climbing for every grade and different techniques in styles you can climb for years and still not cover everything here alec let the public out of control. Currently the island has catalogued 3700 routes about 200 new ones are added every year the climbers take their starting positions in pairs whoever does the most routes when there are no trips this is about having fun and about trying out new things. I came to college knows because i really like the news and the sea and also i wanted to enjoy my overhanging ole days because i really like overhanging climbing and i wanted to try to do 1st. The climbers are drawn to the obstacle shaped box kind of tough how do you say good to you and her friend came all the way from france to climb here. To many its magnificent and very special to climb on the still at tights these big rounded pillars were not used to it normally we mainly use our fingertips but here we have to use our legs are absent arms our whole body and the view from the top is magnificent. To see is more than a scenic backdrop deep water soloing means free climbing over deep water which sir. As a safety if. They just take a refreshing dip. Ryssdal manus been open to us numbers among the best climbers in greece hes created several routes for deepwater soloing in his home country. Of the. Deepwater soloing is the purest form of rock climbing its the most minimalistic if you dont have a rope you dont have anything besides your shoes and the magnesium chalk makes people this type of climbing is simply more authentic. The water shoaling takes very little preparation its more spontaneous than climbing in the mountains. Explains what to do. Giving up a few 1st you have to make sure the water is deep enough and there are no hidden reefs if you fall its better to keep your hands close to your body you should keep your mouth closed so you dont bite your tongue and just before you hit the water its a good idea to open your arms and legs so you dont dive down too deeply. About. Many International Guests come to us and usually they come to the island more than once. So i think its my 2nd time here in terms of the things i like about it if you look at just right behind us there is this like beautiful deep water so they can come to its a short boat ride away its really easy to get all the crowd just like a playground of climbing to be like all these different grades on the last evening the victors are awarded this time it can be at risk loosing that from germany there the team that covered the most troops. We knew about the climbing festival so we came in registered and thought now well give it all weve got we had nothing to lose and the main thing was to have fun and just taking part is everything. The greek island of. The climbers paradise between heaven and earth. Here in germany the fest in munich is long over the be adventurous the brass bands have gone home the be a parents bought their other october fest celebrations elsewhere weve been showing you some of them and i was serious october 1st world whites and you can always go to our Youtube Channel if youve missed them this time we travel all the way to bloom and now in brazil the city was founded by german sedulous and 8 150. 00 so lets take a look at their version of october fest. Tobar fest procession implement on every october the descendants of the citys german founders celebrate their heritage with a festival of their own. Tobar fast numbers among brazils most popular and most exotic and with some 600000 patrons its the 2nd largest in brazil after the famous carnival in rio de janeiro. Im here with him were both from sao paolo and he invited me along this is my 1st time here and its a great festival everythings marvelous with the festivals wonderful and the people are hospitable 7 i love it and i want to come back. 29 year old sales clerk looked as german grandparents today should be representing the old country as an october 1st princess she has no shortage of enthusiasm for. This. Im very grateful its an honor because as a little girl i dreamt of being october 1st royalty and here i am its in just. Credible Everybody Loves it and lots of people join in for the parade we love that too so its a very emotional thing because its a dream come true. Then everyone heads to the fairgrounds called the germantown revelers all join in both ethnic germans and tourists anyone who care and shows up in later hosen or dirndl. Will. Love it that they will but its a german festival so we dressed as tradition dictates besides it pays off the guests who show up in costume dont have to pay admission as it says in traditional dress we feel more a part of the festival and its just nice. Its fun everyone dresses up like this. The queen and her 2 princesses make their daily rounds to keep a tight schedule for the 3 weeks of the festival. Still maybe during the day were at events and evenings here at the festival so people can take pictures and get acquainted with us we represent the festival and people simply love the attention they get that it was still. Warm you thank you very important every evening they stroll around the festival pavilions opening events like the traditional drinking contest. Many brazilians falsely believe meter drinking is a typically german custom the idea is to chug the contents of a one metre long glass tube the fastest. The arrangements of german october fest standards are danced to brazilian moves for instance the song of the airmen song in both german and portuguese. Everyone can dance along with it. Instead of wooden benches or revelers lock arms and sway to and fro. Here the brazilian october fest they have a huge dance floor. In germany we noticed that people prefer to sit its more dignified here we like to get loose we hop around and have a party. While the royal highnesses have to retire at midnight the party goes on to the wee hours of the morning unlike the original munich the gloom in october fest is not subject to a legal closing time. If youve had enough of partying and need some peace and quiet how about a walk in the woods to hand for mushrooms this activity is becoming more and more popular among city to us also here in berlin and spending time in the forest is the perfect balance to busy stressed for city life and mushroom picking is an added bonus as long as they have a tickle. Commercial photographer Moritz Schmidt enjoys the peace in a delicate nature of a forest bursting with life in autumn he spends much time as he can in the woods searching for mushrooms he feels its the ideal way to relax. Its really great sometimes youll just see a little cap sticking out and with 4 chinos if youre lucky youll find an enormous mushroom hiding underneath down among the pine needles in moscow. The mushrooms go pretty deep down. So its always a surprise what you discover. Being in the forest can bring a lot of joy. Decided to share his experience with others when he finds a mushroom he photographed and tries to capture its beauty his book into the woods is a visual journey through the forest into the realm of mushrooms. As a Photographer Im not just interested in mushrooms for their taste but for their shape too there are endless variety you discover new kinds of every forest i just cant get enough of the shapes and colors. Schmidt has been working as a photographer in his studio 2009 but in fact hes rarely there most of his assignments taken abroad the high professional demands of International Photo shoots create one thing in abundance stress. In lots of time on the road i fly a lot and have a terrible c o 2 footprint i travel around the world and meet lots of people often large groups of people. Playing everywhere all day i kind of have to play the clown for everyone i enjoy it all of course but as a counterbalance i need the peace and quiet of the forest. Said except commercial photography also influence the images in his book the photos reflect his love for the forest and mushrooms its a bit like Moritz Schmidts personal guide to happiness. Its not only about mushrooms its about an approach to life finding joy in the forest thats why the book is called into the woods hunting mushrooms and finding happiness. Often its the young upwardly mobile urbanites who have discovered the advantages of mushroom foraging over partying whether a project director in marketing or a d. J. In label head many people are taking to the woods to hunt for mushrooms. My life as a d. J. Means i spend. Internationally and always on the road in this kind of tranquility is the exact opposite. Its caused the world 4th of its a big adventure to roam through the woods learn about new mushrooms and then take them home to cook its fine. Im rebecca it is welcome to the program we bring you live coverage of the brics a vote in British Parliament before the actual vote on the deal itself m. P. s have been voting on a crucial amendment the amendment makes support for the brics a deal conditional on all the necessary u. K. Legislation being passed and it could take several days or even weeks and would mean an extension to brets that the on the cut beyond the current date of october 31st if the amendment passes the government has said it will defer its bricks it thought until tuesday lets go to the house of commons now to say where that m m a vote is heading. Pictures now of the same inside the house of commons parliamentarians there are voting on an amendment that has been tabled before a crucial vote on the brakes a deal between the British Government and the. Before they vote on whats known as the letter when amendment to join joining me to talk about this further is political editor. And in london we have Charlotte Paul state of your correspondent charles start with you tell us whats happening where you are right now. Well the situation is extremely complex and fluid we were expecting a decisive vote on Boris Johnson steel that he negotiated with the European Union today now this amendment has been tabled that you mentioned by sir oliver led to win and basically that amendment would have to Boris Johnsons hand and would force him to ask for yet another extension beyond october 31st so if that amendment goes through of the parliament votes for it and Boris Johnson wont have any other chance then to go back for the to the European Union and ask for another extension then he said if that amendment indeed goes through it would make his vote on his deal meaningless today meaning that there wont be an actual vote on this on this on Boris Johnsons deal today but rather late next week probably on tuesday when then the house of commons would vote on this legislation behind the deal with the European Union so extremely complex as you can tell. Yeah absolutely it is incredibly complex and ill turn to europe to try and break this down a little bit i mean were waiting for the gays and nays to come in a waiting game for the count were watching live pictures now of the house of commons but you know in the lead up to finding out actually what is going to happen what is likely to happen is this let one amendment likely to be passed it looks like it is likely to be passed and has crossed Party Supports. I think have just been reading have said they will support it so it looks like the numbers are there and then as charlotte was saying it essentially triggers the socalled act requiring the Prime Minister to seek a further extension so that they can sometime next week that table a motion actually table the motion to day for sitting next week in which they will try and push all the necessary legislation through to be able to then votes on a definitive deal should it comes of that right and this is obviously not the way that Prime Minister Barak Johnson wanted today to go. Hes said that hes going to pull his ministers out of the parliament not vote on essentially essentially some of the twist in the tale that he says that if the if they let win amendments is approved it would render any votes meaningless so he would send them home. I think they would still go through the motions this evening and there would be a motion tabled to try and pass legislation next week and that could be a vote on tuesday so the saga continues certainly the ongoing saga. So. Tell us a little bit more about how this amendment came to palm os how did this its for people as opposed to people watching who arent following every twist and turn in the in the story what does what does this mean is this normal for a moment like this to be titled oh absolutely this is just standard and normal procedure and so used to being a conservative m. P. His words was withdrawn he was one of the rebels who went against john snow hes now 6 and independents and. The men were currently discussing. And it is standard procedure to do that. Schalit ill come back to you if i can lets turning back to the the actual deal that was hopkins hopefully that possibly going to be voted on today theres a lot of opposition to it and i was a very close on that as well but why have so many employees opposed to that do you. Suppose they opposed to opposed to the deal for a number of Different Reasons as you can imagine across the aisle very different opinions on that deal for example leyva the Opposition Labor Party jeremy called unspoken parliament he is worried that this deal will waltz it down in the long term when Boris Johnson negotiates the future trading relationships with the European Union that it will want to down. And environmentalists and social rights for example that there will be a lot of deregulation in that negotiation for the for a trade deal for the future so that is labors point of view there but we also know that a few of the labor members of parliament actually will vote for Boris Johnsons deal because their constituency spec home half voted for breakfast and they finally once to see it over with and to think that this might be the best deal that they will get from the european. And so thats labor on the one hand the d u p i on the other hand the Northern Irish Unionist Party has said that they didnt have to have said that they will vote against this deal because it makes Northern Ireland essentially different from the rest of the United Kingdom there will be border checks within the irish sea and that is what the Northern Irish dont like so many Different Reasons there and i think it just really narrows scholl ill just interrupt you because were seeing. Those speaker of the house is going to rate out the votes. Will of the future. The ice to the right 322. 00. To the next 306. So you take it 322 i was 306 nos 322 to the left 306 so the allies have the ayes have it on the out. Put. The question is colleagues that emotion as amended be agreed to as well as other bodies a. Overgrown dream. These are the. Have. We now come to measure. To the manuscript a moment. Minister or a work on duty to milk for really is no. Going to go its only an amendment. More than the water the Prime Minister. Watching live pictures from the British Parliament on the vote for the amendment ahead of trying minister barres jones for sure bricks at home deal voters now have just voted on the net when amendment 322 guys 3. 106 no is joining me in the studio to dissect that is our play cleta rob much rob tell us what this means 1st of all i think it was very expected after with a cross Party Support they had the thing up said to the right this now what we were discussing earlier problem sorry but sometimes its the bars johnson has just thinking well itll take a listen to what he has to say. I think probably it probably became likely once it was obvious that the amendment for me my own my right horrible friend the member of west dorset was going to remain only a little paper i continued in the very strong belief that the best thing for the u. K. Im for the whole of europe is for us to leave with this new deal. Trying to separate the questions that are coming from the bench and all that i will not negotiate a delay with the e. U. I am neither does the law compel me to do so i will tell our friends and colleagues in the e. U. Exactly what i have told everyone in the last 88 days that i have served as Prime Minister that further they would be bad for this country was. Bad for democracy so next week the government will introduce the legislation needed for us to leave the e. U. With our new deal the 31st and i hope i hope that European Union colleagues and friends will not be attracted as benches opens it will rather i should say the function is a by delay i dont think that there be attracted by me and i hope then all who members faced with the choice of our new deal our new deal for the u. K. And the European Union will change their minds because it was pretty close today i hope they will change. I heard that they will change their minds and support this deal in overwhelming numbers since i became Prime Minister i said we must get on and get bricks done on october 31st so that this country can move forward mr speaker that policy that policy remains unchanged no delays and i will continue to do all i can to get back to don on october 31st and i continue to commend this excellent deal this is because to the house. A. Lot of his agenda me go be ok thank you mr speaker i welcome todays vote parliament has clearly was. All about of politics the Prime Minister was her. Yes he was dont argue the toss with the chair and tell you what the situation is and everybody could say the Prime Minister was her and the leader of the opposition will be her it is as simple and arguable as that jeremy told me you mr speaker i welcome todays vote it seemed phatic decision by this house that has declined to back the Prime Ministers deal today and clearly voted to stall i know deal crash from the European Union the Prime Minister must now comply with the law made he can no longer use the threat of a no deal crash out to blackmail members to support his tail labor is not prepared to sell out the communities that we represent were not prepared to sell out if you. Think of and we believe that ultimately the people must have the final site breaks it. Which actually only the labor party is offering today is this story day for parliament because it said it will not be blackmailed by a Prime Minister who is apparently prepared once again to defy our law passed by this parliament i invite him to think very carefully about the remarks he just made about refusing apparently to apply for the extension which the e. U. Number 2 act requires him to do. What i misremember its ok thank you mr speaker im most grateful i think all of us in this house at all we have of the responsibilities that we have this is the crisis that we have it and im thankful that the house has voted the way it has done on the amendment the stuff to do and that is a clear expression from this hopes that we cannot cross show to the 31st of october mr speaker i want to ask you what we can do to make sure that the Prime Minister respects the law of the land that the Prime Minister respects the ben act and sends a letter to the European Council seeking that extension and i wonder what we can do to make sure that the government does not bring forward the bill until that extension as has been instructed is delivered the poor and any feel year of the Prime Minister who thinks hes above the law well Prime Minister youll find yourself in court yet here i dont mean hes in any spirit of discourtesy to the right honorable gentleman but i think his contribution was rhetorical in the sense that i didnt think he was particularly biting my response if he was doing so i would say to him but i think judicious consideration of these matters well youve been watching live pictures from the British Parliament where they have just voices. On an amendment ahead of a crucial. Deal vote about leaving bricks it join me to tell me to tell me what it all means politically rob rob tell us what this all means essentially theyve passed the amendment which means the. Prime minister is legally obliged to seek an extension is tied down by the. Curious about the remarks he just made because he seemed just indicate in his inimitable manner that he may not follow the rule of law. Where they say hes compelled to send a letter by the end of the day to the e. U. There have been suggestions he might send a 2nd letter which would take back some of it in the 1st letter. That would then trigger in my mind another constitutional crisis and it would wind up before the courts yes again absolutely charlotte parts of your correspondent standing by in london im going to turn to you now if Boris Johnson. In fact follow the rule of law what does this mean for politics. Well i think in the end he will end. Having to send that letter by tonight 11 pm as the deadline there and even though he was suggesting there that you might not do so i dont see how you could really find a way around it its the law is bound to the ban act up in the studio just explained compels them to do so the last when amendment that weve just saw the vote. So theres really no way around it if he indeed doesnt do it that would really throw the United Kingdom in a constitutional crisis of epic sorts and i dont even want to go there and think what that would mean. Then. Who is writing the law it would go to the supreme. Court and this is all speculation of course i think now the interesting point is when and how Boris Johnson is going to bring back his deal in front of parliament and how he wants to still take the United Kingdom out by october 31st because that is his goal he said do or die and he is indeed of course having to ask for an extension but still in this short period of time until the u. K. Has to leave the European Union until october 31st it could be possible to pass this deal agreed with the European Union in the u. K. Parliament and it could be turned into legislation and then that would make a possible extension meaningless so to say i hope that was clear but there is a chance still that the u. K. Will leave here opinion on october 31st if the government haris if parliament indeed votes for it so a lot of ifs of course and we still dont know when that vote would come back to parliament and im going to try to break that down

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