Shobna got my license to work as a swimming instructor here to share now our 2 children 100 votes just one of us to just push this through. Whats your story take part share it on in for migrants dot net. They spread fear and terror among people though theyd rather hide from but thats becoming increasingly difficult in the time metropolis of bangkok. The city is booming Natural Habitats for snakes are disappearing. From taiwan is a fine fine he hasnt put out any fines for months instead hes out catching snakes everything from harmless garden snakes to poisonous feinberg. All right well send someone out keep an eye on the snake until we get there. And its on taiwan comes 1st mission on this sunday morning rainy season has begun in thailand and that means snake season has as well. Snake catchers almost always work in pandas because they never know what to expect attempting to catch one of the larger reptiles all alone would be too dangerous by cam and his colleagues set off with 2 vehicles are they would be working. Bangkoks maze of streets makes it difficult for some time line cam to find the address given by the court. Below looking for missing 114 this is key to 14 right there where is mr one was this a side street. And i. Think its been more than 20 minutes since the call came in and the snow counters have to turn around. After another 5 minutes the firefighters finally arrive at the right place the caller is waiting impatiently in front of his house. Armed with the 2 men enter the property the snake has already begun to retreat. Sensing the danger the snake has fled to the roof of an adjacent building. Up call us when it comes down to you ok ok bye. Laura whitman reached the snake at that height. By that one. Maybe we could have caught it if we derived earlier. On the address wasnt clear so unfortunately it took a little longer. Walks and now. They return to the station even if it didnt work out this morning so entire one cam has already called dozens of snakes you cant exactly say how many he also doesnt know how many are in the cages stacked up behind the station and thats the result of less than 2 weeks work. When he began training to become a firefighter one can never imagine what hed end up doing. Who are getting the fact that id also have to catch snakes made me nervous. But i learned a lot very quickly like which snakes are poisonous and which arent i realize that theyre not that scary. The next call comes in the woman on the phone is unable to give accurate details about the snake unfortunately this is not unusual explains the head of the fire station. It would help us if the callers could describe the snake tell us what it looked. Like or even better what kind of snake it is. Most of them are obviously in panic thinking only theres a snake a snake in my house. It doesnt take some time and his colleague has long to find the right address this time. The lady of the house is relieved that helpers arrived. First we have to find out exactly where the snake is hiding. We have to see it with our own eyes so that we know whether its poisonous or not the housekeeper says she saw the snake here between these flower pots. Describe the snake what color is a. Got it call up when i went into the garden along the side of the house suddenly the snake snapped at me. Luckily it missed my foot but only by a few centimeters. Some taiwan chum knows that snakes like to look for dry spots like this one especially during rainy season anyone who needs junk in the garden shouldnt be surprised if they suddenly find an unwanted gassed. The firefighters take everything apart bit by bit the snake could be looking anywhere. It. Has head under a so after a brief discussion the men make their move. Ok yeah. I have. I dont. Know. How this is the socalled rat snake its about a metre line. It may not be poisonous should be handled with care. If it does bite you should always have the untreated type it has a very sharp teeth. Rats snakes are especially agile and quite aggressive the firefighters have to use the extreme can not to get bitten. Ok good that tina every catch is different but that this one was fairly easy we knew whereabouts where the snake was hiding it also wasnt very big and a lot of the time we have to deal with pythons you know thats a different caliber altogether for those we sometimes call in reinforcements to Fire Fighters are not. What i like. To many people. Before they get back to the station the next emergency call comes in uninvited visitor in the bedroom they better hurry. In line its important to know the city shortcuts so you dont waste too much time in traffic jams we have to hurry all the time because theres always somebody waiting for our help somewhere. Where do they see the snake. Not a snake a monitor lizard. Ok so this time were not catching a snake but a giant lizard lets go monitor lizards can grow up to 3 metres long they like to break into hen houses in catch young birds or eggs but the specimen hiding in the bedroom isnt that big apparently at least thats what the inhabitants of the house and. Lets go have a look at one of the. Ok were going to be here. Maybe under the sofa. Or i already looked up there on the couch. And ive looked behind the air conditioner. We have weve looked everywhere here no success unfortunately. There is. One for one. But. We cannot fly anything. After returning to the fire station so lets the rat snake out of the back but the new home isnt much better. The cage hasnt been emptied for 14 days out in the wild most snakes can go without food for weeks so they arent fed here every once in a while the Nature Conservation agency picks the snow example and sets them free in national parks. A few of the poisonous snakes are brought to this place bangkoks snake farm its home to about 50 different species of farm is very popular. Locals as well as tourists one reason for that is the daily snake handling demonstration. That you. Really want that is. More. My. Research on anti serums to save lives for example is also conducted here at the snake farm. Months. Sometimes tries to reassure us if you behave properly snakes are harmless he says theyre also useful in keeping down the mouse and rat population so other pests. I would like to make sure people are aware of the following its completely normal to see snakes during the rainy season theyre very afraid of us humans if you dont want snakes in your garden or house you just have to make sure you dont offer the snakes any place to hide. Or what will clear out your sheds or yards and you wont have a problem. Without. Soon hes off again to the next emergency not a fire button up a snake called. Do you speak this language. This is music to your you know. You feel at home what. Does this say to your heart racing. You come to the right place. Oh my. You call flying whats got into me sky st craye or just silly just about all Football Players have. In the old days they want. Why oldish more pain maybe theyre just afraid of looking too. There are still a few Market Players that could be cool again. 30 minutes on w. N n gemini with john w. At any time i play any place hes a new medium as captain of the line of the crowd. To sing along to seems to come from super. For. Interactive exercises. Everything is online metafile an interactive gem in 5th grade 50 w. That you dont need to keep a day about other people go for the over correction home the 4th time for the most risky medical number that missed the boat on the bennies at the last dragon those words called the home. Depot brooks. Cuts. Are low and welcome to drive with your motor magazine on b. W. Coming up a magnificent classic this strikingly streamlined. Popping the top and the fi at 124. 00 spyder. And the v. W