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European union chief negotiator michele has been told to seek deal with the u. K. After talks between the british and irish Prime Minister. The 27 year old confesses to wednesdays attack against a synagogue and says he planned a massacre 2 days later the us still coming to terms with the. Welcome to the program. U. S. Defense department has to warn turkey that its incursion into syria could jeopardize the fight against socalled Islamic State the pentagon says it opposes what he says described as turkeys uncoordinated actions and hes calling on his nato ally to end the operation day 3 of the offensive for seeing thousands of people flee you have the operations also raising fears of an Islamic State comeback as kurdish led forces in the region say they can detain i as prisoners and hold back the turkish incursion at the same time. A funeral for a baby boy. Mourners in turkey said goodbye to the 9 month old syrian baby killed in cross border shelling. As the fighting intensifies in syria turkey is facing heavy criticism. In istanbul nato calls for restraint the alliance also warned of the reemergence of the socalled Islamic State. A few years ago they controlled significant territory in iraq and in syria working together in the Global Coalition we have liberated all this territory 1000000 so people these skeins must not be jeopardized turkey remain defiant demanding loyalty from its nato allies. Its our most natural and legal expectation that our allies show solidarity that tarsus was part of the principle of the indivisibility of your old mantic security it is not enough to say we understand turkeys concerns us we want to see the solidarity very clearly. It should be good because just turkey is battling for territory held by its enemy the kurdish Led Syrian Democratic forces ankara says the offensive will secure turkeys border and create a safe zone for syrian refugees. Civilians who once fled the socalled Islamic State are again desperately seeking safety as yet another humanitarian crisis looms in syria and many fear the same extremist fighters they defeated and captured will be set loose to terrorize the region. We give isis from danger because on the day you or your honner who is in the turkish town of chuck close to the Syrian Border welcome you here whats happening. Well im about 5 kilometers away from the Syrian Border which is towards this direction everybody here including us journalists has to keep a security distance the Turkish Military has continued to hit the area old day they have actually fired the artillery has actually fired from right behind me to woods at this direction we heard the shelling the pounding very clearly very loudly today especially in the office in new and now the turkish army says they have taken some villages very close to the border inside syria and they are now surrounding some of the biggest cities especially. And while the Turkish Military says theyre making progress the kurdish fighters then northeast syria say they have so far been able to repel these attacks so very conflicting information that were getting there. Well actually college is a very close to the border its a town of about 100000 people and this is the 3rd day of the operation so you can hear shelling old day basically so this is of course affecting people and then there have been civilian casualties on both sides of the border at least 6 or 7 people were killed inside syria there hasnt been an update of these figures and then there have also been at least 8 people who were killed here on the tackier side because the kurdish militants have been firing mortars and rockets into Turkish Border towns including actually carlo where i am right now weve just seen the pictures of a funeral that took place here today so many people are angry many people do support the offensive here ive spoken to the mayor of octu college a little earlier and he said he is sure that this operation is going to be victorious and he said ill quote him here we are going to turn this area into a graveyard for terrorists but then there are also people who are afraid some people told as many have actually left a town we spoke to one family who sat you know in our Apartment Building there are 16 families who live there and all of them have left except for us so fia and the general sense of insecurity is also part of the atmosphere here right now. Well you know text officials the government and they are very unhappy with the reactions of International Partners the nato the European Union who have old voice criticism and urged turkey to show restraint here but they are saying and this was the touch foreign minister today who said he expects more solidarity and support from the partners because from a turkish point of view this operation is essentially an operation to defend turkey as National Security against for tacky for text citizens a very real terrorism threat well kurdish officials. Well this is coming from a spokesperson of the Kurdish Forces there was also a video that was showing how security Kurdish Security forces which chasing some ice is family members in one of the largest camp called whole camp that houses about 70000 ice is family members wives and children all vices of fighting as and now the cars have mentioned this before and they have been warning about this they said you know if we are busy defending. Ourselves our territory against a turkish army we can take care of the isis prisoners that we are keeping here so now this is a report thats coming from the kurdish side but i have to be careful here we cant independently verify this or this video that has that is out there right now. Now if hell be as Prime Minister mad has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2019 for his work to resolve the border conflict with neighboring eritrea the 2 countries restored relations in july last year after years of hostility mr abbott took over as Prime Minister in early 2080. At the met has only been in office for a year and a half but his push for peace and democracy in that short time impressed the Nobel Committee. Even if much work remains a myth has initiated important reforms that give many citizens hope for a better life and the brighter future. After he was awarded for the reconciliation he forged with eritrea the 2 neighbors when boiled in a longstanding border conflict. After a war in the late 1990 s. Killed an estimated 70000 people they failed to implement a peace deal. But within months of taking office abby met with eritreas president 1st summit where they signed a historic Peace Agreement. It was a moment ethiopians and eritreans had been waiting for for decades the critics say there has been little progress since then on key goals such as economic cooperation. The Nobel Committee also recognized abbey for implementing democratic reforms when jiminy theo paeans respect. He did a lot for example releasing prisoners and granting freedom to people. By letters you know only one year he has brought so much change is the one who made freedom of speech possible for ethiopians. He even outside of ethiopia he has a great vision for all africa he believes in peace democracy and equality hes one of the best leaders for africa right now. Abby was praised for mediating in other regional conflicts like here in sudan the committee set the price was intended to encourage abbys efforts for peace and democracy in ethiopia and the region. Straight to ethiopias capital addis ababa that where we joined i did you before to get me can ask you a welcome maria what is expected. Well Prime Minister abu ahmed was one of the main favorites to win the nobel previous prize this year he was already very known on the internet into international they were making peace with long time eritrea which tracks an important box actually for the Nobel Committee and also this year he played an Important Role in the sudan negotiations came to a deadlock he flew to khartoum afterwards and negotiations resumed and a Peace Agreement was reached in one of africas Major Political crisis this year so i would say on the diplomatic scene its not a surprise that he was elected however it is up to debate whether he will live up to the protocol in the coming years yeah so explain to us that the significance of this peace between these 2 countries. Well 1st of all the peace deal allowed families that were separated for decades to reunite which was a really strong and important moment for peace people in both countries in addition of course resuming the phonetic relations will have increased Economic Impact there were some economic benefits for people who along the borders however it has been reported that the Border Crossing points are now being closed again for reasons that are not very clear and some border issues do remain unresolved such as the status of by the may which is a very symbolic town its at the border where the war actually stop started. And the prize also recognizes that ive had for his reforms within the country what have you done that yes well ever since he became Prime Minister last year he started a series of internal reforms such as freeing Many Political prisoners and hunting freedom with of expression freedom of the press and he also started reforming many major institutions here in ethiopia however hes also widely criticized for problems at home lets not forget that ethiopia is the country with the most internet the displaced persons the syrian human rights organizations have been criticizing abbies governments to force these displaced persons to return and also they say that im going ethnic conflicts in the country are the stabilizing the country as elections are due next year talking to when i get to make a left and i stop about thank you. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world a court in south africa has ruled that former president jacob zuma will stand trial for corruption rejecting his application to hold the case mr zuma seen here in file footage is alleged to have taken bribes during his time as a provincial economy minister in the 1990 s. And later as Deputy President of the ruling a. N. C. Party he denies the charges. Iran says 2 missiles have struck one of its oil tankers off the coast of saudi arabia near the city of jeddah no injuries have been reported but Iranian State television says the explosion caused an oil leak into the red sea saudi arabia has not commented. Plays in the u. K. Say 4 people have been injured in a stabbing attack at a Shopping Center in manchester 3 of the victims have been hospitalized police say a male suspect has been arrested on terrorism charges they say the motive for the attack is unclear. This is d. W. Newsline from birth and still to come tonight you are a good enough projects hes famous for nurturing top athletes like mo now its been closed because of doping violations. Ahead of that e. U. Member states authorize the chief negotiator to seek a last ditch deal with the u. K. Michel barnier he will not go into another round of intense talks ahead of next weeks e. U. Summit he described his meeting today with his british counterpart as constructive yesterday british Prime Minister baraks johnson and his irish and his irish count probably abroad indicated that they believed a deal on britains departure from the European Union is still possible. From hoffman in brussels welcome max the next rounds been described as tunnel negotiations what does that mean. Well the official wording we got from you diplomats was intense talks over the next days maybe they want to avoid the term total discussion because at the end of the tunnel fill usually have a little bit of light and maybe they dont want us to have too much cold because weve been here before you might call the french president said in paris that the next hours will be decisive its probably more like the next days we expect them to negotiate over the next days but it is true that in a tunnel negotiation you dont just check out if the other party is serious but its about really achieving a result so currently britain is june to lay the e. U. On the 31st of october is that still likely to happen there are 2 scenarios will 1st one is they actually do strike a last minute deal then it seems very likely that they will need a socalled technical extension to implement that deal remember the house of commons so the whole parliament actually in the u. K. Has to approve a potential deal and also the European Parliament in strasbourg and that will take some time most likely a couple of weeks more than the 31st of october 2nd possibility they do not strike a deal and then by law Boris Johnson has to apply for an extension remember that law that was passed by the u. K. Parliament thats responsible for that although he has said there might be a way around that we do expect in the end or somebody else by the way to apply for an extension until the 31st of january and at the moment it seems likely that the leaders the e. U. Leaders will agree to that so still a lot of ifs there but of all those scenarios at the moment no deal braggs it on the 31st of october seems the least likely ok so talk us through what happens in the next few days and weeks and months. Intense negotiations over the weekend and then on monday there will be some stock taking how far theyve gotten of course the u. N. Ambassadors of the 27 so all the you Member States excluding of course the u. K. In this case will always be informed very closely. Involved but the big date is next week thursday and friday we have a big summit here in brussels and thats most likely the point where all of this will be decided maybe again one of those dramatic overnighters as were used to in brussels and so often in brussels thank you german prosecutors say the man accused of killing 2 people in eastern germany on wednesday has confessed they say the 27 year old german has admitted to having far right and he semitic motives the city of hell is still in mourning 2 days after a gunman tried and failed to storm a synagogue packed with bushes marking the jewish day of atonement he then killed a woman in front of the building and a man asked a nearby kebab shop the attackers shaken other jewish communities in germany and heightened fears over security has been to visit the Jewish Community in death 50 kilometers away from. Solidarity with the victims and how the Jewish Community in neighboring death is in mourning including aleksandar some on the communitys. Reason got a shock of were all shocked its awful. Lenny people in our community are now afraid. And im not sure if they will remain active in a quality home or not much. Of the night. The community has long been afraid of Violent Attacks by right wing extremists. The comms thought saw albert and you arrive at work and you just dont know what the situation might be. Youre always afraid that someone might be there you know not exactly for me but such things really do happen. This this so the assassination attempt in holland so just the presence of neo nazis in general. Here theres always fear. Amongst the. Death threats images of hitler found in their made box this is everyday life for the deaths our community but direct attacks and vandalism with swastikas also take place. This is what we have to live with regard to recover we cant change the situation. What could we do. The Jewish Community and how its small they have no budget for security measures thats why vesa man sent a letter to sex and the un has ministry of the interior but it refused to give Financial Support removal this was if we have to undertake security measures theres no other option theres give its about our members safety the School Security is expensive but our members lives are more valuable than security measures. If something should happen who would be to blame. Now one day after the attack and a police car is stationed in front of their building that someone and his colleagues do not know how long it would be there. Now u. S. President donald trump has held his 1st rally since democrats because began impeachment inquiry is over his dealings with ukraine he lashed out at democrats saying they were trying to destroy democracy he described the investigation as a party which hunt the w. s alexander phenomenon reports from the divided streets of minneapolis. These you as go terrorists wanted to make clear that donald trump is not welcome in the police and should be removed from office is shes just not fit for to be president of this country he is flagrantly abusing his powers and he needs to be stopped while these voters waited for hours in the rain to watch trump take the stage in the targets and terry not unshaken in their support for him despite the impeachment inquiry i think its all made up by think its fake news and i think its just another way to try to get him out of office i have faith that its going to work out for trumps a graduate going to be another black eye for the democrats but just keep doing nothing to try to get him out as the impeachment inquiry gets more and more support among the general public the president s die hard supporters react with anger and defiance Donald Trumps Reelection Campaign wants to use this event here in minneapolis to rally his base around him the president however seems more and more concealed by the impeachment proceedings. At a combative Campaign Rally and angry donald trump lashed out against the democrats accusing them of trying to overturn the 26000 election because they know they cannot be team in 2020 they want to or a sure vote like it never existed they want to erase your voice and they want to our race your future. The president fired off insults and still no listen lawmakers using profanity to attack his political opponents in particular form of Vice President joe biden he was only a good Vice President because he understood how they change barack obamas. Under fire from his own party for pulling u. S. Troops out of. Then syria some defended his decision we were supposed to be in syria for 30 days weve now been there for 10 years we were supposed to be in afghanistan for a short period of time were now going to be there for close to 19 years its time to bring them home. I know he speech was interrupted by some protesters who however were quickly removed from the arena i am an agenda as the president told the crowds and he supported us thanked him with applause and she a full chance was flat out said the arena the end protests carried on late and so then i. And spoke the fallout from the ban on liking coach albats osamas off adopting violations continues to shake the world of athletics like his world famous oregon project the powerhouse of a training middle and Long Distance from us is to close in the wake of solace last 4 years back on. Nikes oregon project has been home to some of the worlds greatest athletes for nearly 2 decades british 4 time Gold Medalist mo farah is likely the most famous of the bunch proud trained in oregon from 2011 to 2017 the most successful period of his career but the oregon project is shutting its doors following the doping scandal engulfing head coach Alberto Salazar he received a 4 year ban from the u. S. Antidoping agency for orchestrating and facilitating prohibited doping earlier this month. Though salazar has appealed the ban and been publicly backed by the company nike c. E. O. Mark parker announced the project would be shut down in an internal memo this situation is a distraction for many of the athletes in his compromising their ability to focus on their training and competition e its successful runners at this months world athletics competition and like german bronze medalists constanza close to half in or netherlands gold winners sits on her son are just 2 of many nike sponsored athletes who will now need to find new coaches in Training Facilities salazars case has cast a shadow on results by oregon project affiliated Runners International Olympic Committee president thomas but has called for an investigation into athletes who trained with salazar. Quote there are any results. Results faked it or directly or in directly with regard to. The principle of those creek. The u. S. Antidoping agency made it clear the athletes were unaware of the doping which is a major factor in determining suspensions in our opinion the evidence showed they were manipulated certainly many of them thought that into having to go receive medical training treatment from a doctor with salazar appealing his ban in the i. O. C. Continuing investigations the only thing definite about the situation is that organ project athletes will need to find a new place to train this is data we newsies our top story United States is want to hear that incursion into syria could jeopardize the fight against socalled Islamic State as Turkish Forces advance for a 3rd day the pentagon says it strongly encourages ankara to end its military operations against syrian kurds in the region. If europe is Prime Minister abu ahmed has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2019 for his work in resolving the border conflict with neighboring eritrea 2 countries restored relations in july of last year following years of hostility as the abbe became Prime Minister early in 2018. A u. Member states have authorized to achieve those 80 to seek a last ditch deal with the u. K. Of the terms of its departure from the block it comes after the latest talks between the british and irish Prime Ministers were described as positive and promising to show the body will now hold another round of intense talks ahead of an e. U. Summit next week. At least a german city of howlers in mourning 2 days after a gunman tried and failed to storm a synagogue and then killed 2 people german prosecutors say the suspect has confessed this is the w. More on website t w dot com. Cohen to go and see eco fresh. Calls made from scratch. From the color from bacteria. May not mass produce. Sustainable ethical and fair thats beautiful fresh. Odd comment on the. Mall. Im not often touting the jet well i guess sometimes i am but most end up in which a piece of german thinks deep into german culture of looking at the stereotypes aquatics put in a single solution. Country guy not. Yet needed to take his grandmothers day out to eat its cold out there. I might show join me to meet the german sunday w. Post. Jewish and justice and freedom the 1st words of the German National lands. And the 3 central values that are the foundation of this country. Have these values developed to post more. Hard is it to live by and defend the principles of unity justice and freedom in our everyday lives. Our german 3 part series starts october 21st d w. Hello welcome this is equal we need a sustainability magazine which keeps you up to date with solutions to future proofing a life not a focus today is on the clothes we wear how wide and deep

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