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Blame for unemployment housing shortages and crime as the country grapples with an economic crisis while those who found safety in turkey are once again living in fear also rishi was settled with her family in istanbul but she worries she may be deported back to syria turkeys president is under pressure and has announced plans to repatriate refugees to socalled safe zones in syrias north ankara says there were turning voluntarily despite the ongoing war. Mohamed has been gone for more than 2 months. When awful racial thinks about what happened to her son she feels helpless lost. I think in early August Mohammed was writing a friends motorbike in istanbul the bike wasnt registered the teenager was stopped by police and then sent to a detention center. About 12 days later i got a call from him and. He said im taking me to syria. To the point that i like to know what was his last phone call then read about him and i havent heard from him since. You know not a good. Something similar happened to a family in their neighborhood. I was sent to jail and then the port to close there it was taken by al nasra fighters. They shot of in the head and sent a photo of the body to his family. Who was. Alive because im heartbroken when we flew in from syria he was still a small child but now they have sent him back to that place like they were and where he is. Hundreds of thousands of syrians live in istanbul a number here in the district many have heard that the turkish authorities have begun deporting refugees in recent months and most of them are frayed that they could be next. Year when they started sending people back i was so scared that i didnt leave my house i dont want you know i am today or i want to kill him nor restrictions on us now and people are being deported back to syria with their new mom but we cant flee turkey for europe anymore because its too dangerous to do yeah. So we syrians used to feel welcome here. This changed. And also now we feel like only wanted migrants again. And then. I see any of these mobile phone images from other in southeastern turkey childress how explosive the situation is. Dozens of people recently attacked a neighborhood in which many syrians live there were rumors that a refugee had sexually harassed a turkish child the claim was false but that did not hold back them up. The police had to use Water Cannons to stop the riots. The mood is heated up in istanbul as well. Took processes be a vulgar us. So if neither of them come or go i dont want to live in this neighborhood and in this country anymore its maybe. I just try get along with most of the syrians if there are some bad people but you get that everywhere. You know and i want them to leave as soon as possible we dont want them here any more now he said. Turkish president wretch of type out one has recognized this change in public sentiment he has made repeated promises that millions of syrians will return home to a socalled safe zone he wants to establish in northeast syria the government insists there are no deportations and that syrians who are returning are doing so well in terrorism. America checker ghosts disagrees the attorney is trying to help get offered initial son back from syria mohammed and his family have valid turkish documents and protection status checker goes has filed an appeal with turkeys constitutional court. Sending a person to a war zone is a serious human rights violation. Along with as little damage as not so isolated case with because this is happening to many syrians many have been supported in recent months. Not the lawyer also says that many deported syrians attempt to return to turkey illegally and often at a high cost of paying a lot of money to people smugglers. And as dangerous as that might sound mohammeds mother often is clinging to any hope that she might see her son again in safety. There were images that caught the worlds attention last april the historic Notre Dame Cathedral in paris a blaze what followed was an outpouring of generosity frances elite pledged hundreds of millions of euros for its restoration and president emanuel proclaimed it would be rebuilt in just 5 years but months on concerns are mounting and those like to michelle soll who live in the area worry that the president s words may ring hollow. Not to dam cathedral is very much a positive denise shed on sons life. Every day from have balcony she looks to see if its still standing. For year after the blaze denise has still not got over the trauma of it all of whose every dollar locks there straight ahead was exactly where the tower once. You know that will be said they saw we saw how it caught fire best started wobbling left and right and then broke off the. Phone that said it was terrible that. The fire broke out on april the 15th why is still a mystery. But will did and in fifa not true damn thousands of people gathered spontaneously in front of the cathedral millions worldwide in front of their screens through the night to knees and her husband anxious lee watched from their balcony fell off the move and i felt the heat up to my chest i stood here screaming with rage i could not understand why they could not put out the fire the tears did not come until the Early Morning that i cried. Nothing in her neighborhood is the same since the night of the fire where they used to enter the metro they now run into a construction fence the old lady as they left in the cool the cathedral is suddenly inaccessible and many people suffer as a result. Who ruled it when i was i was born there as were my great grandparents so my grandpa just became fees going thats where my children were christened in the cathedral where the got thats my son asks all the time well know to become whole again but i said look theyre working but the crane is lifting up the Building Material you shouldnt look too far ahead every day is a small step forward for heres a visualization is what. Moving forward perhaps but much slower than residents would like the cathedral is still in danger of collapsing. The building must 1st be stabilised says architect. She is angry at president emanuel mccomb. He promised to rebuild the cathedral in just 5 years thats completely unrealistic see or feel they need renovations will take at least 10 years and thats only if a miracle happens and they find the right kinds of wood and stone and if all those employed work well this fire has plunged us into an enormous crisis. On their on their more we expected the government to ask the french people to trust us experts. But that was not the case with the one. After all not true dam is a unesco World Heritage site the government must put all its cards on the table. It owns it to the parisians and the tourists 50000000. 00 of whom came here every year before the fire. Youll be charged the whole world we watched it on t. V. And it hit me really hard because we were there a few days before todays travelers and tourists think seem to want to stay as long or shopping not true down to listen to it so that if my father had to cut our employees hours some have worked for us for 35 years thats traumatic for these families. What eyewitnesses on the night of the fire could not have known was that more than 400. 00 tons of toxic lead would be vaporized and spread over the neighborhood official information on the dangers after the fire was almost nonexistent. This so shocked. That she took on what the authorities failed to do. She went from door to door over the following weeks to warn the residents yeah mr murray im not trying to actually be in charge construction site must be completely sealed off because for these the lead molecules must be prevented from getting into the environment during the construction work you dont continue to load and denise are worried about the neighborhood. Children meanwhile the city has to use the courtyards of schools and a campus they say. Closed and unease on devout catholics and belief that god has personally protected not freedom from collapse until now do you feel there was a protecting hand thats how i see it to move off from all not going to happen to the virgin birth child there was debris everywhere and she didnt even have a scratch not even a scratch and thats a surprise you seso use on the thickness of the. Dinies not quite sure would then not for down will stand here a splendidly as people make hope they will live to see it. If youre swimming in the mediterranean and you feel something to clean your feet its more likely to be a plastic bag than a turtle the sea is awash with plastic the World Wildlife fund says the equivalent of some of the 34000. 00 plastic bottles go into its waters every minute and its only fishermen like gianni kohli are taking action to clean up the sea that sustains their livelihoods under a new initiative attalia fishermen are now permitted to take waste on board for recycling our reporter took to the seas with the fisherman who light as garbage men. Its the daily morning shift at 4 oclock john equally and his boys go out to see. The color leads have been fisherman for generations but for how much longer nobody knows. A lot and also thats obviously what i mean other fish tank has somewhat recovered but im fortunately there is a lot of plastic because many people go pleasurable to me here. In buckets only that the more recent years we fished a lot of plastic out of the sea feel like it was going to look to me and. Johnny has recently become a part time garbage man. If he catches plastic in his net he doesnt toss it back into the sea as is usually done in italy due to accusations of illegal waste transport and a new law he now collects it and brings it to shore. 6 kilos of plastic instead of fish this makes him angry not if we live from seafood if there isnt much to catch then you earn less and you have trouble supporting your family we give me. A whale recently washed up on a beach in sardinia with 22 kilos of plastic in its stomach it simply starve to death. As a bring down one when we catch a big fish swordfish for example they got it on board we often see plastic in their stomachs this happens more and more being a problem of the janitor. Johnny and his boys are environmental conservationists because their very existence depends on it humankind is ruining itself and its planet they say they experience this every day. The mediterranean is considered the dirtiest sea in the world the italians are slow to understand that they have to do something ive been told to keep were giving a green light to a fisherman. Who want to work on this project with us you know youve got a lot of this it means that with the fish of courage you also help the italian state protect the sea bass gulf. Hes also thrilled that italy is developing alternatives to plastic in bellone a for example the company bio on is a young team led by marco a story they relied on 100 Year Old Research to develop their bio plastics the white powder is a poly were produced by bacteria its converted into granular it which can then become all manner of products. Bio on now sells licenses all over the world for its bio plastic and thats where the great thing about this by overhauling is that bacteria decomposes if you leave it in water or soil. So its completely harmless to vironment and nature from the interview they got about. 50 composes in less than 3 months normal plastic doesnt biodegrade at all around the world an estimated 350000000. 00 tonnes of plastic are produced every year some of that ends up in a pool in jan a call at least nat but the fisherman is optimistic about the future at least most of the time. My us better get i hope things get a lot better we really need to focus on cleaning up what we have done over the past few years you will youre suddenly young of us are. In the harbor of port is audio certified arrives to greet the fisherman cordoning its the Waste Disposal with them so thats everything for today. But its better to get rid of this stuff the leave it in the sea these alerts are plastic everythings plastic. It was never johnnys dream to become a marine garbage collector but hes motivated to do it to provide a Better Future for his children. Double decker buses and pubs common sights on the streets of britain a look a little closer and you may spot Something Else surveillance cameras look again and your face just may be scanned to a database facial Recognition Software is being used by authorities without any Legal Framework in place while the orwellian technology is leading to fears of a police state and in south wales one man is taking action and bridges has filed a landmark lawsuit against Police Critics of the Technology Want to ensure that someone is watching the watchmen. Every move and bridges makes is being monitored by c. C. T. V. Cameras in the Welsh Capital cardiff theyre ubiquitous in britain hes grown used to the constant surveillance but recently discovered something that really shocked him the van was parked just around the corner and the by the time i was close enough to see facial Recognition Technology written on the phone it had already captured my data several times over and that felt like an invasion of my privacy and a law abiding member of the public i was going about my daily business i wasnt committing any crime i was no threat to anyone and yet the police were there filming me and capturing my data is actually i now hes taking the welsh police to court over this technology the Police Continue to use it scanning hundreds of faces per 2nd checking them against wanted lists. Its been a range of offenses its been possession of property in class b. Drugs theres been possession of a blade article on a range of things that you would expect to find in the general population so we are learning we are developing and there are actually people being taken off the streets who are wanted for offenses or to be the court direct result of the deployment of this technology. And bridges doubts that the ends justify the means welsh police force child the facial Recognition Technology at cardiffs Millennium Stadium allegedly to help combat terrorism if you look at how the technology has been used since then it hasnt been to the people any terrorist watch list is going to look for relatively low level terminals wanted relatively low level offenses and thats really where we get into the issue of is this technology being used in a proportionate way. In london c. C. T. V. Cameras are practically everywhere. The british capital has an estimated 500000 surveillance cameras in operation around the clock more than any other european city. Experts say britain has become a veritable surveillance state but few points seem to mind even if you totally trust your police and you totally trust your government now it is entirely possible to build Surveillance Technology that could become extremely dangerous and weaponized against the population in just a few years time if a more authoritarian or racist or xenophobe ak or homophobic rights sexist governments were to be elected into power i this isnt a far fetched than already today many accuse londons police force of racism and say that nonwhite london has almost stopped and search more often than on of this if wages is worried that the deployment of facial Recognition Technology could exacerbate this discrimination by joining the technology is sufficiently reliable that evening members of the public can feel confident that they can walk down the street because these cameras and you know youre on the receiving end of those challenges and i think thats a really cool thing to get right particularly for women particularly for people from ethnic minorities were much more likely to be the result of false positives. Even British Consumers on now starting to equip their homes with facial recognition cameras. Its a great market says the salesman. Because you can go on facebook now get peoples profile images and easiest upload them on chat on software criminals etc in the area please upload images all over the life you can pick up them images of them to your Security System when the person crosses your cameras your system picks it up so this is easy now apparently privacy is a thing of the post. Some puppet onus have even started using facial recognition cameras to help save customers in the right order. And bridges finds this use of technology extremely worrying. And hopes his port case when the new it brings to the new meaning danger. Now to a place that has intrigued and stumped scientist with just a few 100 residents may it stay or chance is a village brimming with girl power theyre learning how to fight fires and save lives jobs traditionally done by men so whats behind the change and unexplained phenomenon no boys have been born there for nearly a decade. This fall and here you fire brigade meets twice a week and look at the edge of yet see here. You know Magdalena Jennifer and their friends carry out emergency drills and one day hope to live up to their idols the professional firefighters fire a member because of this brigade there are no boys. Its even better without boys. Why is it better without for as they as they shout all the time and whenever they do anything it takes ages. To try sushi. You know someone for life and they listen to you more carefully boys always do lots of things at the same time. All 9 girls packing to the fire truck to start the exercise a garden house is on fire on a sports field and the youth fire brigade needs to put it out only this is just a drill. The girls also need to rescue and look after the injured they even practice resuscitation. The fact that only girls train here is no coincidence only girls have been born in the village for nearly 10 years there are simply no boys dont do that so your post is we have up ideas coming from all over poland on how we can produce a boy so for the next problem i think we just have to keep trying until it works thats what all the villagers think. Thank you thank you mr a couples here who already have 3 daughters you know because i dont want to try any more brutal. Yes its a chance here is a small village in Upper Silesia with 300 residents and the situation is starting to cause many of them concern so is there a solution. Gynecologist. Runs a practice about 20 kilometers away in case a sheen cozily that treats around 6000 women a year including women from me yesterday or chance here is often asked for advice about how to influence the sex of a baby or if its even possible which isnt some sort of legal there are lots of old wives tales to see if you want to avoid put an x. On the battery if you want a girl a flower can go a little but theres no scientific proof that it was overwhelming. And clearly any attempts to influence the sex have failed the lack of boyd says also left a hole in the local catholic church. The sunday service is a mandatory day for most of the villagers. At mass its mainly girls who perform as altar servers i priest to ask him to stand york is concerned that there will be no boys to take over hes prayed for divine assistance i. Told you if the prayers of the community are answered and the village is finally blessed with a boy the Village Council plans to show its gratitude. For the masses a partition of what he found out of the village was only producing baby girls i had an idea what if a couple had a baby boy i would make a present for them so dry skin and it will be a surprise when the boy is born he gets a car your kid but then their hope to children so clever that. Theres a fear that the village founded in 1679 could die out many young families have moved away to find work but its not all doom and gloom. Which is puccinis girls of the future and happiness of the village nice boys from the neighboring villages will come and vice versa i think we just like anywhere else. Can do that its still a long way off for the body and all female firefighters ok. There should be more boys in the brigade yet. But it will be in your better year for the 1st of course. These fire young girls have proven theyd be more than a match for any boy. Coincidence or is there an explanation let me know your theory by getting in touch with me on twitter thanks. Youre watching focus on your f. Ill see you again next. The book. The book the. Good guys sausage and a low budget. Mean changes are under way in the food industry. Our major Food Companies are changing to meet new demand. For less Meat Consumption really help the environment. Join us as we explore how you can germinate. Made in germany in 30 minutes on d w. Oh. My 1st boss i was a sewing machine. Where i come from women are bones by this ocean for something as simple as learning how to write a bicep those isnt it. Since i was a little girl i wanted to have a bicycle of my home but it took me more as the months might have. Finally they gave up and went on by me and my cycles but returned because sewing machines sewing i suppose was more appropriate for goes than writing im biased as now i want to reach out to those women back home who are bones by then zooms in and social norms and inform them of oded basic rights my name is them out of the go home and i work adds see them. Says he ruined. Morrow with a symbol of a long conflict in the philippines. Between the muslim and the christian population. Last miles funspot you like the city center which doesnt serve until president detergents response was good. I didnt read. The book. But. The reconquest turned into tragedy. This is not the kind of freedom that we want. How did know when to become a gateway to islamist terror until now they say sorry got any more severe as the result of an exclusive report from a destroyed synfuel. Philippines in the sights of starts october 24th on the w. The be. This is the news live from berlin germanys chancellor shows her solidarity vigil in berlin off for an antisemitic attack on a synagogue in the eastern city of hana spectate near nazi government shot 2 people dead and seriously wounded 2 others. Are coming up turkey steps up its military offensive against

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