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Going out of its way to make sure nothing rings on its parade and volkswagen on trial hundreds of thousands of german diesel drivers are taking the carmaker to court demanding compensation over the companys diesel gate scandal. Im burnt off to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome one day after a deadly fire at a camp for migrants on the greek island of lesbos the government in athens has held an emergency Cabinet Meeting and tonight details are beginning to emerge of the measures that it plans to take to ease the pressure on those overcrowded camps they include fast track judgments on asylum applications and sending. Thousands of migrants back to turkey over the next coming year the mayor of is also calling for the immediate transfer of migrants from the camp where the fire. They left their homes in war torn syria for this the infamous camp on the island of lesbos. Sundays fire has drawn attention to the desperate conditions here an estimated 12000 people in a camp built to hold a quarter as many. Of the fire broke out and spread through containers used to house residents many were upset because they thought the firefighters took too long to arrive there were scuffles between migrants and firefighters and police fired tear gas. Migrant arrivals in greece from turkey have surged reaching their highest levels since 2016 when the European Union signed a deal with ankara to stem the flow. Greece is ill prepared to handle that its just emerging from enormous Financial Difficulties and its resources are stretched. We are going through a National Crisis it is essential that all of us pull together as we greeks have done in the past to handle this. Athens says it plans to accelerate efforts to move people from the islands to the mainland but with winter fast approaching time is running out. Well im joined now by journalist in the greek capital athens where shes been following this story for us and good evening to you you know youve been covering the story especially about these camps now from day one what is your personal impression of what were seeing there on the ground. Well i can tell you for a start that you know more. Is just a hellish situation ive been there as you said from day one repeatedly reported from there and its truly a disgrace to any western civilized day to host such a facility that is simply exacerbating the whole refugee crisis it is a completely unsanitary situation there are human droppings all over the grounds the smell of urine just permeates the air there are grown men who rope Young Children women ive been speaking to who say that theyre forced to wear diapers its nice because theyre so scared of going to the public bathrooms because they fear getting raped and assaulted but the biggest problem of course is the fact that this facility was built to host just around 2500 max 3000 people and now were seeing a record soon 1000 so even if it was a state of the art facility this whole overcrowded condition and the continued inflows of migrants and refugees from turkey is just making it unbearable and hello amid these conditions unbelievable today we heard from athens that several urgent measures are going to be undertaken about includes sending back thousands of migrants to turkey. Is that going to improve the situation. Ideally it should improve the situation but again that remains to be seen that was the original plan that we that the e. U. Set down with turkey and agreed upon in 2016 weve seen nothing and none of this really happened so it remains also to be seen from the athens government hasnt really said how these mass deportations are going to take place whether its going to concern syrians alone whether you know and where they will they will be sent back will be detected or will it be migrants being sent back to africa so again it remains to be seen whether this is a you know it sounds like a good plan and it definitely shows that the government is hands on but it remains to be seen what will happen on the do you get the impression that the European Union and including germany that theyre doing a nuff to support countries so jans greece and turkey where a lot of migrants are being held. Well it could be doing more and thats the argument which the new government here is is putting forward and in fact there will be interior ministers coming in from france and germany to meet with the government this week here along with the migration commissioner. From brussels. Greece is simply saying in the new Prime Minister here to the epicenter techies are saying that you know greece cannot go this alone and that there has to be this burden and this refugee crisis has to be shared by more Member States and by the european it entirely so but it remains to be seen whether he will be able in other allies will be able to convince some neighboring states which have refused to take on that and to get them to do so. Journalist i think in athens. Thank you. In china celebrations are taking place to mark the 70th anniversary of communist party rule tuesday will be the main events a massive military parade in together main square a perfect for rape at least thats beijings plan however there are worries that the celebrations could be overshadowed by prodemocracy protests in hong kong. On the eve of the anniversary a ceremony to honor the birth of the communist state and the heroes of the civil war chinese president xi jinping paid his respects to the fallen. And in the evening he attended a theatrical celebration that recalled chinas rise from despair to the worlds 2nd largest economy. October 1st 2949 the dong declared the founding of the peoples republic of china and transformed the country has great leap forward aimed to industrialize the country but instead left it devastated famine was widespread and tens of millions of people died most cultural revolution followed opponents were sent to camps were executed in his attempt to purge china of counterrevolutionaries. After decades of isolation beijing took steps to open the country and its market up to the world. Today chinas on the podium of the worlds leading nations. But rapid growth has come at a cost cities are choked by pollution and society is strictly controlled. Hong kong saw a summer of demonstrations and sometimes violent protests against beijings growing influence in the semi autonomous territories. On monday prodemocracy activists formed a human chain along hong kongs harbor a warm up for more protests planned for tuesday. In hong kong prodemocracy activists are planning to mark Chinas National Day but for them tomorrow will be called a day of grief. Charlotte till. Its images like these beijing hoped would have long been stamped out chinese president xi jinping trampled underfoot. Instead mass demonstrations have dominated the countdown to the 70th anniversary of the peoples republic of china and these protesters are no mood to celebrate. With the world watching closely they want to capitalize on the attention and make them and ahead we should be a great day but we really cant find a reason to start to bring we feel most sorry and sorrow for what do you have suffered i hope to make our country attention to understand more whites we are going to fight for this this thing is a good one to d protest to do so then come home we all lose who 5 feet of where we will. Also arties hit their mass on rest and she say they want to avoid a repeat of more scenes like this. Images of the only young face as she is ready to pull faces from beijing celebrations and embarrass Authorities Police have made clear this weekend that unsung sions rallies will not be tolerated boss theres only so much they can do to keep people off the streets instead of massively scaled back the annual celebrations to prevent them from being swamped by protesters ordinarily this area behind me is packed with people marking the anniversary this year though all the ceremonies that had been moved inside into that building that rape looks like these ones stopping people. From even getting close in the evening a massive fireworks display that usually lights up the sky behind me drawing thousands has also had to be counselled. If you look hard enough you will find some signs of support for the anniversary a few lone flags lined the streets of a neighborhood known for its prey beijing sentiment. One local shop painted tells me hes looking forward to the anniversary but even he will be marking it privately. To once you juggle it i will spend the day doing my duty as a chinese citizen i will do my best to run my business well and keep working. As the night falls these few symbols of support for beijing atone to the ground prodemocracy support is unwilling to let even the slightest hint of celebration go untouched. Heres some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world saudi arabias crown Prince Mohammed bin selman has denied ordering the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi last year despite this the kingdoms defect the ruler says he takes responsibility for the murder according to a u. N. Investigated the crown princes criminal responsibility has been proven beyond del sol dea agents killed inside the saudi consulate in istanbul one year ago. Sudans Prime Minister abdullah home dock has visited paris for talks with french president emanuel mccrone amdocs leads a transition government formed after the ouster of longtime leader Omar Al Bashir micron called on the u. S. To remove sudan from its list of countries which sponsor terrorism and to lift sanctions against khartoum that flooding in northern india has killed at least 100 people in the last 3 days until pradesh and be her states have been particularly badly hit heavy monsoon rains brought down trees power lines and roofs forecasters expect the weather to ease off this week. Well to the u. S. Now for the 1st time more than half of americans say that they approve of Congress Opening an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump and thats according to the latest polls the president is stepping up his attacks as public concern grows over a whistle blowers allegations of abuse of power trump issued a threat in a late night tweet tirade he wrote i want to meet not only my accuser who presented 2nd and 3rd hand information but also the person he was legally gave this information which was largely incorrect to the whistleblower was this person spying on the u. S. President big consequences all right lets bring in our Washington Bureau chief alexander phenomena shes on the story for us. I mean it was a big week last week this week promises to be no less donald trump now wants to meet the whistleblower but doesnt that defeat the purpose of protecting the identity of the whistleblower. Yes it does the right friend and we have to say that the fact that the president s trump continues to lash out at the whistleblower that he continues to threaten him and that he demands to identity should be revealed was met with with a lot of criticism by the democrats and of course also by the whistleblowers lawyers they were eatery into the whistleblowers should be protected as it should be under the law and they also sat there now they are concerned with lois personal and safety because they think that president strums from marks. The whistle blower in danger. Whats being done alexandra de keep this what will obviously be an important witness in the impeachment case whats being done to keep this persons. Safety so there are conflicting reports so far one you asked network reported yesterday that the whistleblower is under federal protection but their lawyers denied this reports they have sensed 2 letters one of them to Congress Calling opponent members of congress to speak out in favor of the whistleblower protection they also send a letter of today acting director of National Intelligence asking quick questing specific guidance what should be done in terms of security measures if the whistleblower is willing to meet or to talk to members of congress. There is another well known whistle blower from the United States im thinking a bit were snowed in hes living in exile in russia and he is considered by many to be a traitor or what makes this was a war were no different. Its actually very interesting because of this whistleblower now what he did was what Edward Snowdens critics said that he should have done so the whistleblower went through official channels he used the chain of command to file his complaint he didnt leak anything to the press he didnt steal and it documents but then again we have to have a look at whats happened in the last 2 weeks whats happening now that after the complaint was filed that cia adds to act and the acting the acting director of National Intelligence they went to talk to the white house to those people who may be implicated in the complaints and that is very telling because it shows that the authorities still have too much power to decide the fate of whistle blower claims you know theres a very good board an important point that i think will probably come out more as these proceedings move forward to alexander phenomenon the story for us in washington alexander thank you youre watching d. W. News from berlin still to come the Opening Weekend of the world athletics championships in qatar well tell you why your hands people. Under the collar coming up in just a moment. Where in Germany Volkswagen was in court today the multinational german carmakers facing a huge lawsuit over the diesel gate emissions scandal hundreds of thousands of diesel drivers have teamed up to bring germanys 1st ever Class Action Lawsuit demanding compensation for the v. W. Cars that they bolt while makers pave the way for its class action proceeding after the Diesel Scandal broke back in 2015. They could be a watershed moment for germanys legal system 4 years after the emission scandal broke hundreds of thousands of diesel drivers now have the chance to hope a carmaker to account its the 1st ever Class Action Lawsuit to take place in the country similar auctions in the United States have seen consumers come away with billions of dollars in compensation. For the good of analysis for were confident about winning them and the arguments speak for themselves. The leaders knew about things from the star sides one on one and you havent put a call with anything from that you cant contradict us. And. Put stock in lawyers maintain that the carmaker has removed the emissions cheating devices and argue that diesel owners cannot claim for compensation while continuing to drive the offending vehicles the heart of damage to this day hundreds of thousands of vehicles are still in use by customers for us this means that theres no damage and therefore no reason for compensation these mondays hearing comes just a week after german prosecutors charged 3 v. W. Executives including current boss happy with market manipulation accusing them of failing to inform shareholders about the Financial Impact of the emissions scandal. A further indication that the costs of germanys biggest postwar industrial scandal are still being counted. Suspected far right extremists have gone to trial in the eastern city of dresden theyre accused of forming a near Nazi Terrorist Organization and planning a violent uprising here in berlin as well as attacks on immigrants and political opponents all of the defendants are allegedly members of the extremist seeing encampments the city that sold violent protests after the fatal stabbing of a german man last year. It takes a while for all of the defendants to be brought into the courtroom. 8 men sit in the dock of the dressed in higher court their trial began this morning under high security measures theyre accused of having founded a right wing terrorist organization. Thats those are the men allegedly arranged to meet in a chat group which they named revolution kemet before or during september 28th they planned armed attacks on foreigners and people who belong to other Political Parties they accepted the fact that people would need to be killed in order to initiate the fall of the democratic foundations of germany. The man reportedly joined forces in chemists following a deadly knife attack on a german which prompted violent riots according to the prosecution several of the men attacked youths and foreigners encampments in mid september last year this was supposedly a test run for a larger attack planned for october 3rd however shortly before this could take place the men were arrested experts believe the group has its roots in the neo nazi movement. As good as and closer we think theres a large a support network surrounding these men if you buy it has to be clarified to what extent of this new ball the attack plans. Hopefully the trial will shed light on this so far the Higher Regional Court has scheduled almost 70 days extending until the end of april 2020. But here are more stories now that are making headlines around the world World Leaders have joined thousands of mourners to pay their respects to frances leads former president Jacques Chirac as part of a national day of mourning for its president in the lead the tribute in the military ceremony in the morning ahead of a Memorial Service in paris but a reputed and former u. S. President bill clinton were among the attending. British Prime Minister boards johnson is denying allegations that he touched a female employee inappropriately 20 years ago of newspaper columnist claims that johnson squeezed her thought i once and johnson has also defended himself over reports that he gave special treatment to a close friend and business woman during his time as the mayor of london. In moscow the actor. Listed off has had a hefty prison sentence washed after a public outcry was enough to have been given 3 and a half years for assaulting a Police Officer during a protest but authorities backtracked after footage of his arrest emerged showing Security Officers beating him hes been given a one year suspended sentence instead. Well hes looking for a new partner a day after his Peoples Party won the countrys not general election with 37 percent of the votes also his conservative leader Sebastian Cortes is ready to build a Coalition Government and hes not expected to seek another partnership with the far right Freedom Party voters punish that party after the Corruption Scandal that led to the governments collapse back in may many are speculating about the deal with the greens you made strong gains on sunday. After the postelection parties its time for some tricky negotiations to begin sebastien curts is now you looking for Coalition Partners the greens may be a viable option for him there are we entering parliament after a surge in support and could change the face of austrian politics but would be wanting. A good place. Of course we greens are ready to talk but we can only come to the negotiating table if theres a shift when it comes to alki areas if we now have the responsibility to put austria at the forefront in climate protection putting an influential. If the greens joined a governing coalition it would be a 1st just a National Level but with so many other parties also in the frame voters have mixed feelings about the overall results. And its a close honestly its great exactly what i was hoping for. Coalitions and what the Coalition Talks will bring on the playing in a little bit see well see whether the greens really want to implement a green policy or whether theyre just middling communists and. I dont think the tree house plants the environment is a powers he under my opinion and im not the only person to think that politics has nothing much to say nowadays only the economy matters being green Sebastian Kurtz wants to put the challenges facing the economy front and center in Coalition Talks the negotiations are. Expected to last several weeks if not months. In sports the world athletics championship in kentucky has been dominated by empty seats in the stands and athletes complaining about the heat organizers say theyve done everything they can to mitigate the effects of the high temperatures and to bring in more spectators but it does not bode well for the football world cup which is planned in qatar in the year 2022. I. The womens 100 meters is always a crowd magnet you think the world athletics championships in doha would be no different to me because shelly and fraser price is the fastest woman on the planet that few fans came out to see her victory and. Take a look at the thousands of empty seats behind her put attendance is just one concern heat and high humidity are also big problems the womens marathon on saturday had to start at midnight to avoid daytime high temperatures of 38 degrees celsius still the heat on the streets of doha was unbearable 28 of the 68 runners failed to finish many the try of medical attention and. It was the slowest marathon winning time ever at the world championships. The mens 50 kilometer walk had similar issues with france as world record holder johan denise having to drop out. Of trouble talking short of breath my legs are finished my through my head starting to spin the wall that you dont move. Through those competing inside the stadium things arent as bad organizers are trying to do everything to keep the athletes cool air conditioned stadiums are also planned for the 2022 football world cup despite objections from environmentalists. The Commission Works similar to your air conditioning so you pull air from outside you pass through. And then after that the air will lose its heat and then go directly to where people are. The only difference between this and a car that i would read it is a little bit bigger than the same time we dont call the whole car this big stadium to be called. But even the promise of an air conditioned stadium has not attracted bigger crowd. Outs. I think if the doha thetic says a test of whats to come the next football what cup in qatar is likely to be equally controversial. Youre watching e. W. News live from berlin after a short break ill be back to take you through the day stick around for that. Where is home. In your family scattered across the globe. As on the. Journey back to the roots government of the. Shah challis from somalia live around the world. Want to dump needed urgent assistance to. The family starts october 8th on d w. World unto itself. With its own gravitational pull out. The finest musical compositions. With some mysteries to reveal. Dont believe that he was and. Dont tell me that thats enough. And the 20 come up in the morning. Revealed the symphonies a few honest. How did the romantic master come up with such. The secrets of symphonic magic. Proms code starts october 11th w. Ah enough. The problem with populists on both sides of the atlantic they rose to power by breaking all the rules and once in power the rules appear to be breaking them tonight and austria to the list of European Countries where voters have used the ballot box to end their experiment with populist in government as for the United States for the 1st time a majority of americans are in favor of impeachment proceedings against a populist president im burned off in berlin this is the day

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