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Change radically and that could affect much more than just the economy some worry that could reignite the bloody conflict between republicans and loyalists that raged here. In this market and on the irish side of the border has everything a local farmer could want. Its been attracting merchants and customers from the republic of ireland and british Northern Ireland for 34 years. So they did call the market into being. The 80 year old knows everything there is to know about drama. In his guard house he recounts what it was like during the troubles the days when there were military checkpoints and the ira was active. And he explains why many here fear a hard were going to start all over again. No we. If britain says so and when i heard it do you know. The border will come into operation again maybe theyre going to breed agreement is broken. The irishman traces the outlines of drummer lee on a map its a little piece of the republic of ireland thats almost completely surrounded by british Northern Ireland. That has little effects on the lives of people in from early today but a return to a hard irish border would leave them virtually cut off from the rest of the republic leaving many here feeling anxious and afraid. Stephen race from Northern Ireland also feels betrayed by the British Government so instead of the union jack the snack bar owner flies the american and irish flags on his wagon instead. That he wants him to be out and that maybe the signal that the here or the will lead us to go that way because. That in baghdad on the ball over you know you think its going to be easy going to see the evidence here that you havent come up with those that will be able to actually heres over. A short drive away from the market a bomb recently exploded at this intersection. Police suspect it was the work of the militant group known as the new ira no one was injured in the attack. On the read write for tom conlon the bombing is more than a warning to the British Government he fears it could mark the start of a new wave of violence. Simply mehbooba marches the. British army wanted to shoot so random. Then it grows. And all because of this now invisible border which lies somewhere in the middle of these farm fields soon the free range chickens might have to choose which side of the border theyll pick around the Northern Irish side or that of e. U. Member state ireland. Currently their feed comes from the republic of ireland while the farmers post is delivered by britains royal mail. Farmer eileen hall tried to explain all that to former british Prime Minister to reach the may. Though it didnt change anything. Border crossings is part of our daily life like even bring the kids to school and you know going to the shops or over back up to 20 times a day is just all the time but we dont think about it as you know it seamless. Still no deal breaks it could lead to a return of tensions and violence and tom conlin has seen more than enough of that in his time. He doesnt know what the coming months will bring. The only thing he knows for sure is that his market will survive this crisis. The biggest barrier on the outer perimeter is a natural one the Mediterranean Sea that body of water has become the main flashpoint in a clash between europeans eager to stop uncontrolled immigration and african migrants desperate for a better life there is no humane and effective joint policy. That has left aid organizations alone on the front line of a political and humanitarian crisis. The Mediterranean Sea one of the worlds deadliest migration routes connecting africa with. Thats a cup size riverboats. German volunteers have been monitoring the area for hours by plane theyve spotted the remains of a vessel just off the libyan coast but theres nobody in sight its unclear whats happened to the people who must have been in the. Area and patrol the mediterranean in the aircraft and. On behalf of German Energy they look out for migrants who set off from libya aboard unseat the vessels trying to reach your its perilous and often fatal even when the boats withstand the journey. And right back to back. People who are out at sea for days tend to be massively dehydrated in complete despair and in very poor health there are often dozens of people with medical emergencies who need to be evacuated as fast as possible. Footage of a previous rescue mission its common for migrants to be crammed into inflatable vessels without food and at the mercy of the elements. The people smugglers who see them off couldnt care less. But. It doesnt mean the refugees a safe. All the team can do is monitor the situation and call for help. There are almost no private rescue ships in this area anymore because of italys tough stance some crews have been trying for people smuggling and their vessels have been seized. And merchant ships like this tend to avoid the area which often leaves the libyan coast guard to save peoples lives its frustrating for the sea watch crew. To figure out i want these people to reach a safe harbor and to reach europe i want them to safely cross the sea and look at the port at leaders of. The rescue ships being impounded and fewer resources for rescue missions available with the only ones left monitoring the sea. And then were going to situations like this for. Now re unchain know that the every step is closely watched by the italian and spanish governments some accuse sea watch of cooperating with people smugglers who send migrants out to sea. But maria says this is ludicrous. But. We would never communicate or cooperate with people smugglers smugglers or criminals who make money from people in despair. Light on on no mention they make a profit from people who are so desperate that they turn to smugglers thats why its a big risk and i sense its when. They say every life is equal and every person in distress must be saved without exception. Maria is a medical student who previously served on a rescue vessel it had a huge impact on her. And when i was serving on that ship there was a mother who gave birth on a rubber dinghy those are stories you cant forget to have a baby in a rubber boat out at sea without any help in those filthy conditions or no thank you from her and im going to stand in board as beyond anything you could ever imagine upsides and i just sticks with you. Since im trying. Now. Its stories like these that spur these volunteers on. Although they face an uncertain future. Their plane moon bird has been banned from operating from malta for 2 years and see what fit is other countries may follow suit thats why we must keep it a secret whether plane is currently based. For now the crew wants to keep patrolling the Mediterranean Sea for as long as they can and helps a if as many lives as possible. Manmade barriers separating europeans have largely disappeared but not all of them the socalled peace line in belfast is a brutal reminder of animosity is that still rugby another example is the green line on the island of cyprus un controlled buffer zone has been separating greek and Turkish Cypriots for decades theres little prospect of achieving reconciliation anytime soon but that isnt stopping some on the island from trying. Neos he became a member of the European Parliament for cyprus earlier this year hes attempting to break down borders on the Divided Island in the Mediterranean Sea. We have been to lots of nations assad is a conflict 1st army mines in 54. Kids grew up in the occupied turkish north but lives in the greek part in southern cyprus. With the Political Science professor wants to fight in the e. U. Parliament for an end to the conflict. Cyprus has been divided since the turkish invasion more than 40 years ago. We visit the mayor of put a Little Village on the greek side right at the border. The next town is in the turkish part. Building upon its just 5 minutes away but thats where divided by the green line dictates to i was. The consequences of the partition are visible to everyone in put tanya you said to me shoe person its full bore that you know people who are working recently during the war. This monument was erected just 10 years ago it was a concession to Greek Cypriot nationalists some see the greek flag behind it as a provocation. Because patani is the last ethnically mixed place on cyprus its both greek and turkish. Europe did especially well here in the last election because he actively supports a peaceful solution to the conflict before. He and the mayor visited the un administered buffer zone separating patani a from the turkish north. These fields are used by Greek Cypriots here and by Turkish Cypriots on the other side. The farmers know each other you can walk from here or were really really truly there because roads are small danger that someone can see the soldier and yet honestly squeeze. Were not driving towards the checkpoint leading into the turkish north the border controls take a long time we need to wait and were not allowed to film. The turkish republic of Northern Cyprus is only recognized internationally by turkey here to National Pride is particularly important to some im addicted to its a kind of victory of im too nation at least we can try to suppress against nation of israel. And root to laura geno there are many heavily armed turkish Army Checkpoints its an enclave surrounded by soldiers. Kill your rick grew up here. Right outside the local pub theres a bust of kamal ataturk the founder of modern turkey. A visit to mayor her son barbara and supporters shows that many people would like to see a solution to the conflict sooner rather than later. If thats because you everywhere else theres progress but were stuck here a minute we need an entry point here to the south of the regina was a cosmopolitan village. Because the islands biggest turkish village was the smallest village ali island issue on the other island angry true cruel. 5000 people are said to have lived here once today its a meager 300 most people left the village. Located just at the border to the greek south the neighboring village of patani it is so close but inaccessible. Hes a year at ran for the European Parliament because he wants that to change in brussels hes already testing cypriots. Joy. When you have to get out of my assistant how come george is a reluctance consumer goods show that our shows are going to react and we are all together. And i think that that is what i want to see in cyprus. Theyre setting an example while hoping that the border dividing cyprus can finally be overcome. Fortress europe thats how many see or would like to see the e. U. As an impervious block but europe is nothing like current Fergus Castle behind me that you use perimeter has thousands of kilometers of open coastline and border officers from the European Border and Coast Guard Agency frontex are now for the 1st time helping to patrol that perimeter from the other side we caught up with some frontex officers in albania across the border from greece. These german frontex officers are embarking on a 12 hour shift in caps to patrolling the albanian greek border with their albanian colleagues because the albanian cars are somewhat outdated theyll be taking frontex vehicles to give them. The mountainous border between albania and greece is difficult to monitor the albanians need help to get the job done. And the germans say its nice to work with their albanian colleagues. As well for just their very friendly hospitable people and as we have many out damiens living in germany there are strong links between both countries its one of. The locals in punjab have got used to the sight of these frontex patrols but they have little interaction with them. We see the soldiers Walking Around but they dont go into the bars or interact with any of the locals. Thought their men use it but many of them do approve of the joint patrols. I was almost over we have a high opinion of this mission it is new for them i say that as another baby and citizen this collaboration with our own police force is essential to suppress. The Albanian Police has previously been accused of abusing migrants. But frontex wants the focus to be on their common goals. One is to manage migratory flows and the 2nd is to help the albanian authorities in common by taking serious forms of cross border crime such as trafficking in human beings terrorism but also detection of stolen cars forged documents trafficking in drugs or weapons. At the cops did the checkpoint a finnish frontex officer is helping to check i. D. s he has access to e. U. Data banks which helps him detect forged documents his albanian colleagues dont have this access. I figured i hope to record its thing here over time because here we need to go in there again you know. Meanwhile the frontex Border Patrol has reached a mountaintop along the greek border. This is where people often attempt to illegally enter greece but thanks to frontex thats become more difficult if we were. Than being in office or so we are in all now 50. Feet or so when you know were searching for suspicious objects and documents. And if we find anything our albanian colleagues come along and transport the individuals to a Police Station to be questioned either by a frontex or albanian officers. Police. These mountains now make an exciting place for kids to play but 30 years ago during cold war times this border was heavily fortified. Majority and with anyone who experienced the cold war deeply appreciate where we are today in your view its a good feeling to have this kind of operational general today soldiers from both sides no longer need to fear each other as they did in the past this. The plan is to further strengthen that you use frontex mission and other border states albania is just the beginning. Your relations with russia have been severely strained by moscows an expansion of crimea and its actions destabilizing Eastern Ukraine that strain is most acutely felt in e. U. States that share a border with russia there people worry that they too could soon face russian encroachment in finland that concern is fueling efforts to restrict property sales to russians who already own 5000 holiday homes. Water taxi operator Martine Nieminen can navigate around the scary coast of southern finland in his sleep. Joined by russian born sociologist olga hanun hes on his way to a mysterious island that was recently the source of controversy in finland. Finally they arrive at the island secular which until recently was owned by a rich russian and is now for sale their surveillance cameras have been turned off. Last autumn finish Police Forces storm the island Security Experts had become suspicious of this luxurious estate complete with smaller surrounding islands a conspicuous amount of jedis and a helicopter landing pad was this set to become a russian espionage base so. After all a sinister teaching position along the baltic sea route to the west. Captain nieminen was also surprised. Because the city has plots through a lawyer to abandon a foolish indignant or nikita forbiddance alston boat. Its really strange. Hanun has researched russian holiday homeowners in finland. Even though the owner of this island denies any connection to the russian state the lack of trust between finns and these Property Owners is at an all time high. And recently safety and Security Issues has been on the surface of these discussions especially of the off the big crimean that while we have an easy historical pass between finland and russia and. Reach affects quite a lot because russia annexed part of finland off the 2nd world war. 400 kilometers east the finnish russian border at the mucha most russians crossing the border are just going shopping at the finnish supermarket others are looking to buy one of these holiday homes along one of the many lakes. Soon like email and in finnish m. P. For the social democrats grew up in this border region and finds the development worrying. For years she warned others about the unregulated buying up of real estate by russian nationals. Following a controversy surrounding the island of the finnish government introduced restrictions by on magic though they will have to terminate that bias from outside the e. U. Need a special permit to buy real estate or property relevant to National Security like nearby military facilities all broadcasting talents. Generally this will be prohibited in the future. We should also stress that this is a matter of reciprocal treatment as finns cannot buy real estate all property. Or other places in russia. Finland doesnt want to aggravate its neighbor russia when russian president Vladimir Putin came to visit helsinki in august to the debate surrounding russian property and real estate owners was not part of the agenda. Sociologist olga hannan has studied how russians in finland feel shes observed that even though they are increasingly rejected by their finnish neighbors Many Russians still greatly appreciate finland. Those who own properties in finland they are not afraid that finland confiscates or take away the property because they again very good image about finland they believe that the case will be handled according to proper case proper rights. But there is still widespread mistrust toward the russian government among many finns making it increasingly difficult for russians to buy exclusive properties in the unspoiled landscapes of finland. Borders like this one come and go they shift with the ebb and flow of political history one of the best known examples is the berlin wall the infamous cold war barrier crumbled with the collapse of communism in europe 30 years ago today you have to look hard in the german capital to pine the few remaining remnants of the once formidable wall. Where the barrel and wall go look at this metal strip marks where it once stood but where can you see pieces of the war itself we are some tourists if they found the one i know. I have it up there ok good yeah because im going to head up that way. I dont know 900 by gate was no no thats thats somewhere else i dont know im both sides of the former border barely has grown and grown together the only long time residents remember it. Where is the ball just behind you behind me yes. Theres nothing there. Thats tough luck but it was there a part of the world still is around at least a few meters with the original sections with missing ones marked by metal rugs to form an iron curtain. Tourists all want to touch the concrete that once divided not just berlin but the eastern and western blocks like this man from california actually expected to be more tall. But on the other hand seems like its extremely durable and impressed that it still here the remains of the wall are a real tourist draw guided tours take place daily. She was controlled by border troops in the end in 1900000 of them and watch towers in this area every 200 meters tourists can see the one watchtower Still Standing here otherwise the tour guides have to help people visualize what this area used to look like. As there are traces you can show how the citys changed meant for people who live here. Without a guide like folks who are new to berlin often look for the wall and. Have no clue. We just arrived recently so theres a wealth of it there but i doubt that is what. This actually was part of the berlin wall but eastern germany authorities took the protection barrier one stretch for 160 kilometers now just a few kilometers remain and the border is gone for good. Thats it for this special edition of focus on europe looking at borders im terry martin in belfast thanks for being with us. Lou. Dobbs. Enters the conflict zone confronting the powerful. Cultural male abuse as a champion of human rights for those one in particular who scored his attention to the likes of bush its really like this this week you saw on the back on buses listening in slow motion all religious freedom is donald trump trying to hijack legitimate so political purposes conflict so fucking beautiful spot. Farmland has been called ethiopias green gold the country has an abundant supply and leases it to International Market for giants the government is after high export revenues and the corporations high Profit Margins but not everyone benefits from the business or the something out of the country dead donkey said. Nobody knows in 75 minutes on. World unto itself. With its own gravitational palomar. The finest musical compositions. With some mysterious treat. The few listen to them dont tell me that theres enough bird. And the joint should come a fellow morning. Revealed the symphonies of the hummus palm. How did the romantic master come up with such a past. The bombs code. The 11th on d w 5 enough. This is deja vu news live from berlin u. S. Lawmakers view what democrats are calling the troubling complained the launch for congressional impeachment inquiry for the very 1st time members of congress have gained access to the whistleblowers report on president trumps conversation with his ukrainian counterpart now congress will assess if the president abused his power. And migrants packed into overcrowded refugee camps in libya d. W. Made survivors who say they were kidnapped and tortured for ransom by the

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