At food markets conservationists are trying to save them. But 1st to china where the city of shenzhen continues to be developed driving many residents from their homes. One consequence of chinas Economic Growth has been a mass exodus from rural areas. Between 20082801 loan some 200000000 chinese moved from the countryside to the fast growing megacities. Urbanization is transforming the face of the country in the mid 1980 s. Shenzhen was a sleepy fishing town today its a high tech hub with a population of millions the Chinese Government wants change and growth to continue unhampered. And its determined not to let protests in neighboring hong kong get in the way of its plans. He has no 2. And to talk mr town is hurrying through the streets of shenzhen he has to act fast his old place is being demolished i need to find a car i have to move house. Why. The houses here are being torn down i need a new flat. Tons daughter is waiting on the street with all the family possessions its about to start raining every minute counts otherwise everything will get drenched look. How much. 120 yuan. My things are up the street. Just 2 months ago he was told that the whole neighborhood will be torn down to make room for luxury apartments tun is a craftsman and will probably end up building a few of them but he cant afford one himself so he has to leave his new flat is far away and costs twice as much its going to be difficult to provide for his family. If you dont leave the city turns off the water and the electricity. Turn lives in by sheed you a district in shenzhen. 150000 people live here mostly blue collar and Office Workers with little money without big dreams the streets are narrow and the flats are affordable the district is in the center of the city not far from the posh buildings of downtown an ideal place to build city leaders are planning more luxury skyscrapers. On the other side of the bay is another mega City Hong Kong the city that is big troubles with the powers that be in beijing shenzhen has to grow to keep power in check the official City Developers like dr challen know that theyre planning the next luxury mile to attract chinas elite a business worth billions. In the buy she just district is right in the middle of a high tech park. In order to further develop it we need well educated people who are looking for a Better Living situation. That means the death of Small Businesses in the area chinas big goal of leading the World Economy doesnt take the lives of the Little People into account those who dont make the cut lose their livelihood and have to go. To sanjay and anyones people who are useful to the high Tech Industry people are not involved in high tech of being chased out of the real need to tell us how much of the country. 40 years ago shenzhen was still a fishing town with 30000 inhabitants now the metropolis with a population of more than 12000000 symbolizes chinas rapid growth of. Shenzhen is known as the Silicon Valley of asia because chinese tech giants have their headquarters here. For the likes of mr young theyll be no more room we meet up with him on a side street close to his apartment its dangerous for him to talk to us about his anger the father of 2 has a small construction come. Me its a humble career. He officially protested his district being torn down he was thrown in jail. Because the Police Called me and told me to come and see them i asked them why they told me that they wanted to talk when i got there they took away my father i protested but i couldnt fight them and they even put me in handcuffs they held me for 20 hours and not allowed to talk about the details of his own. Shenzhen has to keep on growing no matter what its in a duel with han com 2 of chinas most important cities standing side by side. The Chinese Military is stationed at the Sports Center in shenzhen up until a few weeks ago the soldiers of the National Peoples army were training in the stadium there but beijing knows that its still going to need hong kong as a Financial Center for years to come. Here. Hong kong is a trusted address for International Companies and is the center of Technology Hong Kong is the gate to the outside world while shenzhen is important inland shortly before 8 in the morning people from shenzhen head over to hong kong some days there are as many as 670000 commuters theyll be there in half an hour where according to Chinese State propaganda chaos and terror reign no one wants to talk about hong kongs fate especially not to the mistrusted foreign media but many parents send their children to hong kong because the schools are better there. The education is good in hong kong. Better than in shenzhen. Yet. Yes and we go to school in the northern part theres more chinese influence their families you know. Are you worried about the current situation. Were in no im not. Shenzhen hong kong and a small neighborhood caught in the middle of big politics mr young is just one of the many who lose everything his apartment his business his home schooling the law of the jungle rules here the weaker devoured by the strong we belong to the groups that are being kicked out. Government shouldnt lose its humanity like that they could do something about it theyre always talking about harmony i sincerely hope that the state is not just interested in economic progress but also in humanity. Mr young came to shenzhen with the hope of a better life now his world is being swallowed up by chinas great appetite for wealth. According to the World Health Organization the global population includes around 1000000000 people with disabilities millions of them rely on wheelchairs. In industrialized nations 95 percent of people who need a wheelchair have one in emerging nations the figure is less than 10 percent. That prevents them from fully participating in every day life in 28600000 children with disabilities in south africa didnt go to school that will reduce their chances of finding gainful employment when theyre older and increase the likelihood that theyll face discrimination. When the sun rises over cape town south africa people are already hard at work in a nearby suburb that shown a Quick Company makes we all chance and many of the people who work here also wheelchair uses for the owner shown in mcdonalds inclusion is very important. Good morning for our year. Everybody ok well. She developed original wheelchair model in 1982. I started building. Equipment for my daughter. Who was born with severe disabilities and there was absolutely Nothing Available for her i was given a cardboard seat in a baby pram and i thought this was not going to work for us Shona Mcdonald wanted her daughter shelley to be mobile and to be able to take part in daily life she developed her 1st wheelchair for children a few weeks after her daughter was born. Over the years shes turned it into a business that employs dozens of people each wheelchair is individually fitted. Just like you would never go and buy a large set of false teeth or. You would never just buy a wheelchair it has to be prescribed for you you have to assist prescribe fitted and followed up regularly because if you dont get the right type of real chip you can develop serious life threatening secondary Health Complications which which make the whole point of having a wheelchair invalid. The tires on her models are especially robust that makes it easier to use them on an even ground. I remember writing a like a little thank you card to the engineer who would help to the welding and building this chair for me and i drew on the front cover. Shellys face but with wings and i sit in a card this is not just wheels this is the rings shes going to fly and i think that was for me something that thats really been an underlying passion i want to see kids who are i want them to succeed and achieve a dream. She spends a lot of time on the road visiting families organizations and facilities promoting inclusion for people with disabilities is her calling today shes going to a small town in the western cape. Limits home to a residential facility for children with physical and developmental disabilities. Many of these children have special needs that their families couldnt provide for at home. All shown equipped has a dedicated team that provides advice and training to these facilities. Says they have to look at mobility barriers we have to look at social barriers at educating communities at giving parents places of support but also tools for empowerment of knowing their rights to ask questions to medical professionals of knowing the rights of the children to be included. In the stretching and gentle exercises for the carers is also part of the routine that work is very strenuous. Physiotherapist provide training on how to assist the children. If youre not sitting correctly you can choke and aspirate and that causes pneumonia and secondary Health Problems so the more we can improve every day seating of the child the better their Long Term Health isnt a bit of a function is in the happier they are. By some estimates a 1000000 children in south africa have a disability. Their happiness inclusion and wellbeing as shown in mcdonalds life was. I dont know about ever really achieve what i dream of as. The ideal solution but what i really determined to do is to shift peoples perceptions an understanding of disability. From poverty and pity and charity. And exclusion to one of welcoming inclusive. Shona mcdonald has received numerous awards for her work and has become known as an inclusion advocate around the world. For more stories of women who are taking their lives into their own hands standing up for their rights and inspiring others visit our Facebook Channel detail you women detail you women. Giving a voice to the women of our world. I think. Im going to change. My name a sega cd i am 15 years old i have been a man that is the city done over there. And. I usually play a video games but sometimes ive got with my friends to my favorite games and its reality. When the im going to be the winds. I a friend of the highest in the mountains when i step off and hard on them all day im looking good i feel very very afraid. But for now im going to love it life if it does is english math science. He did pretty much. I think a lot of life now its better than our grandparents because the transporting of the bus is very difficult now we have planes bosses the cause and appearance very frustrating thats mix up make us thrive in a fast and very quick. And i think the biggest global war. Now in our series of global ideas we meet some endangered tropical species in cambodia our reporter visited the nonchord park where conservationists are trying to protect these reptiles from extinction. You can see. When i found the tortoise babies after they were hatched i was really happy they were waving their legs i was so happy that we had towards this baby. And the tortoise babies live at the anchor center for conservation of biodiversity or a. C. C. Be in northwestern cambodia. As a caretaker here and starts work at 7 every morning with a quick walk to make sure that everythings in order. 79. 00 elongated tortoises hatched here 3 months ago today theyre going to be weighed and measured. And pretty well. Going well and i got. So struck with. The tool box contains nail polish in all colors of the rainbow the caretakers paint the shells of the young tortoises to help identify where in the Conservation Center theyre being kept the tortoises live in special enclosures that are open to the sky but with nets to help prevent them from predators. Thats essential to their survival not long ago elongated tortoises were upgraded to critically endangered on the International Union for conservation of nature red list. Mischa meyerhoff is the a c c b s director he came here from germany more than 5 years ago to work on animal conservation projects especially ones involving birds and turtles. There are about 360. 00 different species of turtle including the land tortoises what many people dont realize is that when the next red list is published about 60 percent of all turtles worldwide will be listed as threatened endangered or critically endangered theres a world wide turtle crisis right now and cambodia and asia in general are no exception. The long gated tortoises are rarely sold in local markets anymore only one of the 14 turtle species in cambodia is not endangered turtles are eaten in cambodia and used in Traditional Medicine live turtles are also sold as pets. In cambodia turtles and tortoises are believed to bring good fortune releasing one year a temple is believed to bring along life just. Birds are believed to carry away any bad karma catching animals and selling them so they can be released is a big business even though its illegal. By madonna and when we have turtles he had no longer bourses food that bought to be released at temples or in lakes and jungles otherwise they would end up in cooking pots the small ones of his soup while the big ones of his steam cooking. Come. To total sell here for the equivalent of 5. 00. Whats supposed to bring long life for believers usually spells death for the animals after theyre released. But a lucky few turtles and tortoises end up with a c c b like this one it was also released at a temple. Or look at this carving inside of this you know something that people grab something when they give it to them and. Then youre worried. That. Theres no reason it should close on and this is a giant asian pond turtle in this case a relatively large male and weve received 5 of these i think over the past 5 years and its listed as vulnerable on the red list we dont see them very often in markets here in cambodia and thats usually a sign that a species has become relatively rare in size and is that we hardly ever get one as big as this. That we have possibly. The team is about to operate on the turtle it has an injury inside its shell for the moment the animal gets a painkiller. The next day mao and her colleague prepare food for the animals 600 turtles and tortoises live here all of them from endangered species breeding them in captivity has proven difficult but the elongated tortoise is appear to need just fresh air and food the rest they can manage for themselves. When i started here 5 and a half years ago we had about 20 elongation tortoises thanks to our Breeding Program we now have 330 at a c. C. P. Thats not a bad start. So far a c c b hasnt been able to release any elongated tortoises into the wild its too dangerous the animals would be captured again in short order. Thats why michelle meyerhoff is hoping to bring the elongated tortoise here this woodland this home to the last 5 large siamese rosewood trees in all of Southeast Asia one tree can fetch more than 100000 euros. This patch of forest is under guard which could also offer protection to the tortoises. Wed like to release the animals that are sexually mature into the wild the ones that are 5 or 6 years old will probably spend the next few years carrying out research to answer various questions for example about their use of habitats then we hope to launch a Pilot Project with 20 or 30 tortoises that will tag with the transmitter and release into the wild so. For now though the tortoises still need the shelter of the Conservation Center and they need mao who is tending to them. They like to come in even in camp they spy we put food even in camp. Plenty if they like to play a. Big man have a lot to scratch here but the mayor than because the mayor is on the top that. Perhaps this tortoise will be among the 1st released so that one day soon a new generation of the long gated tortoises will be born in the wild. In the shell with our visits to a global living room this time in ecuador are. Just. Going to. Get it. All now hello my name is raining franco i live together with my husband and son here in quito ecuador welcome to my home. This is my husband were here in a kind of Development Workshop for art i write and draw and hes a visual artist and illustrator the warrior. He had picked up classical. The suburban i also painted the mural on the wall. Similar to this it was inspired by what we do here your thoughts and we wanted the atmosphere of the room to reflect our work be told we cannot come only go out and this is the nativity scene its been here since christmas we left it standing because we made it the baby jesus joseph the virgin mary the donkeys and the oxen. It way they have this is the 1st book we made together. With you sometimes he comes sometimes he goes people go crazy when they see him he flies around the world and at the same time he hides. In areas i get sometimes my husband will be during and my son wants to draw to or ill be at the computer and he wants to learn sometimes he helps me in the garden. All its clear work and what do you do in the garden. What is the plan for. The book. Thats all from global 3000 this week thanks for watching what did you like about the program let us now write to global tree 1000 d. W. Dot com and dont forget you can find us on facebook to delhi you went and see you next week. See how do people survive in one of the driest places on earth. For thousands of years they used to melt water from the glaciers. But Climate Change is forcing people and not god to find other solutions. Artificial mini glaciers made in winter now supplied the valley with water some. 30 minutes on d w. Welcome to the girl max new 2 channel. Close a gold mine of stories. With exclusive insights. And a must see concerning startup culture to ensure a. Place to be for curious minds. Do it yourself networkers. So subscribers and dont miss out. Im scared that the volume or thats hard and in the end its a me youre not allowed to stay here anymore we will send you back. Are you familiar with this. With the smugglers what alliance. Whats your story ready ready. Im a woman i was a women especially in victims of violence. Take part and send us your story train always understand this new culture. Are not a visitor nothing yet you want to become a citizen. In for migrants your platform for reliable information. With your family scattered across the globe. Such. A journey back to the roots of government of the. Shahs family from somalia live around the world to them one of them needed urgent assistance. The family starts october any on d w. The be. This news coming to you live from more than half a 1000000 travelers around the world are stranded. With a traveler found grounded holidays are turning into a nightmare but to return to address what is britain doing to help citizens get back on. Coming up after the hour