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Hands. A 180 degree turn from child soldier to mild Football Player or take you inside a project to help the kids of the cia are. Hello im kristie want to welcome to news africa its good to have you along remember those images all forest fires destroying the amazon rain forest they shocked the world and prompted a Global Response when message released satellite images off the blazes we saw that there were actually more fires burning in southern and Central Africa than those burning in the amazon today some of those fires all still burning our correspondent at 3 increase was recently in both namibia and. In mozambique where they off is that if it doesnt rain soon the damage may be irrepairable. Elizabeth and fuller rushes together firewood for cooking before that timber too in flames the bush fires when you go wrong in central mozambique are not only a threat to the environment people are also at risk. You know the fires came from back there far away from here. They were they had already burned down to house that is. The owners had just gone on a short trip to my somethings in the village. And when they came back the houses were gone. What good will. And follow suspects that hunters set the fire as a way to hunt wild animals while shes gathering woods 2 men walk past carrying shackled they say theyre just porters and had nothing to do with the fires. For. Its illegal to set fires here or did it to market for it but people dont care. If. They. Saw it you know they do it anyway. And then it gets out of control the. House back there just went up in flames see when youre driving through the area yet every few minutes you will pass a bush fire and its really a mess of the bush fires rage uncontrollably especially at night images from u. S. Space agency to show how mess of the affected area is far more land in Southern Africa is of place than in the amazon but just how bad is the problem. From the plane you can see that these are not large scale forest fires but many smaller bushfires in mozambique savannah area we fly on to a number of bia where the president has declared a state of emergency due to drought still plumes of smoke can be seen everywhere mostly from men made fires before the rainy season locals prepare their fields using traditional slash and burn techniques the ashes are used as fertilizer experts say this is typical for the region but it can be dangerous. Given that that we. The situation this is creating quite a serious problem for livestock but in the National Staff and therefore for the wild animals so it is a problem it will affect the. Areas and. So there regeneration some time and then the end there is no food for the enemas theres no food for the world that is theres no food for livestock plants clearance hunting and the fires of Southern Africa have several causes in spite of the damage to the nature of the environment the situation is not yet out of control the people here are hoping the rainy season will come soon before more damage is done. A commander of the london rebel group in the east and democratic republic of congo has been killed according to the Congolese Army General Service to lead the militia toward the Democratic Forces for the liberation of one since it was founded in 2000 the group was started by hutu officials who fled wanda at the end of the 1994 genocide. Fred when youre from africa is standing by to give us more insight into what the death off. A means for the f. D. A. Are and the region more broadly good to see you fred who was. There and why could you not live in a post genocide. 1st remove the trauma was 1st during and before the genocide he was Deputy Commander of president ial guards in rwanda the forces that we are protecting president. So he was a very important and cause a person to the who to rejuvenate that committed or that he was accused of committing genocide in rwanda so he fred along with other forces former forces and he went to congo and he has been there operating as a military officer behind the scenes he was not known until 2009 when he became an ick overall commander of the if the. This came after the leaders of the who were arrested here in germany when they were there announcement that they were arrested Sylvester Murdoch from a took over of initially and he read their forces and the u. S. Government untied terrorism a group. And the u. N. Actually believed that doctrine and his forces carried around or more than a 1000 people and raped women india or congo that the guy thats the parson ok so we understand now why the i. C. C. Would want him given the allegations youre talking about its also pretty clear why the london government would want him to give us a sense of why maybe the congolese would want him for and why it would have been they interest to kill him. There are 2 reasons why i call go i try i would like to kill him 1st of all or. She committed here already committed crimes in congo that means that the women who were raped their kids who were recruited as child soldiers most of them well congress where congress is all these women who were raped where congress saw the crimes that he already committed actually were committed against Congress Rainbow and number 2 its for the pretty girl reasons because rand has been sending troops to congo. As trying to say that they are posturing if there are forces including this. So by Congress Government arresting or killing the parson and like him actually it indicates that kong and rand are working together now at this point of tile k. And the current government doesnt want any trouble with rhonda frank very quickly what is his death mean for the f t l r in the region. Its a big draw to the to the rebel group because. Recent or this the spokesman for these group was was arrested remember that. The former leader of if there are died in airport and the head of intelligence also was arrested and taken to rwanda so the death of that rumor is a big broad today to this rebel group and it means that the group is somehow rules even if its not completely destroyed i have to say right now when youre from africa test thank you. Now as we mentioned the International Criminal court wanted to face criminal allegations at the hague today war crimes proceedings did get underway over a case relating to the Central African republic 2 alleged evas of christian dominated the dishes all charged with systematically targeting muslims for murder torture and rape and for using children as soldiers in the brutal campaigns life for children in the cia are has been shockey difficult for you but there has been limited improvement in some regions is a look at one if it to reach young people deeply affected by violence. Football training as a form of therapy john is just 13 years old but hes lived through terrible times. I felt my father and mother and i can learn something here. John isnt his real name we wont identify him for his protection he was once a soldier obviously was called a child soldier and a project run by the group veld hunger hill for literally world hunger help aims to help him and children like him we shall go there coaches and looks after the children not just during football practice he also visits them at home at 1st he said john constantly got into fights for john violence was normal based on his life as a child soldier. I didnt feel right and as i had a rifle in my hands sometimes we had to fight and sometimes only the older ones went to fight and we guarded our base when they returned we gave them food and water. The plane gave them drugs cannabis illegal substances and so they were prepared to do anything. John sr helped him escape the violence of his preteen years and i hope that his life changes now and that he gets back on the right path. Well john embarks on a new life the circumstances of his younger days rage on in this part of bungie heavily armed u. N. Peacekeepers patrolled the streets while most of the city is considered relatively safe this part of town is still controlled by a defiant militia. And children are living in the midst of this conflict ben is another struggling with his own traumatic memories and 2013 rebels overran his just wrecked and burned down his home. Bens father was killed. When i go to bed i still think about my dad he was a Police Officer as well. His mother has to look after him and the children of relatives alone. Along with its very difficult you have to buy some things to survive but how can you when you have nothing. But ben is getting some help now not just football lessons the aid project also provides School Lessons schools here were closed for a long time because of the conflict some still are coach richelle regolith is trying to build bridges between the mixed feed children he has received training in special therapy to help him. Play football and the christians can do that just as well as the muslims we want to instill a sense of team spirit of solidarity among the children. That team spirit a normal life with laughter the normal life without while thats. The server. And thats it for now from africa you can catch stories on our website and Facebook Page today will leave you with images from the african freestyle football championships in. Im sure that of us are. Insecure. About saving whats able. To be a book. With your family scattered across the globe. To keep. Turning to groups which you can minimize the. Charge family from somalia live around the world to. Me to urgent assistance to. Family starts october any. Hello and welcome to our culture we have mole on the International Literature festival here in berlin and my guest is andre olf of cold may by your name also coming up. We take a look at a new exhibition by british sculptor Antony Gormley who says he wants to transport visitors to the threshold between the known and the. All this week weve been reporting on the International Literature festival in berlin writers from around the world are here to give readings discussion panels workshops and generally meet and greet their fellow walthers and of course their fans the writer and i asked a man will be with me in a minute but 1st more about the festival. Celebration literature the International Literature festival is happening now in the german capital p. You can not only listen to those reading from their works but discuss all manner of topics with literature fans from all over the world. There are 200 authors from 59 countries and someone from our team counted them there are very many languages being spoken. There also cross disciplinary events inspired by young adult literature. French author clementine birthdays coming of age story people its for example gets a magical transformation

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