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See on the streets. Amnesty International Honors environmental activist gratitude berg who is calling for more protests and the struggle to beat the climate crisis. And scientists here in europe are calling it a serious threat a deadly virus has a really killed more than a 1000000 olive trees in italy and has now spread to neighboring france as more trees are felled to try and stop the brought we look at the fallout from all of growing countries. Im sara kelly welcome to the program more suicide bombings by the taliban in afghanistan just a week after President Trump called off peace talks with the Jihadist Group there were 2 as have. X. Today in the 1st 124 people were killed in part on province when a bomb exploded near an election rally where president was speaking he was unhurt a later blast in the capital kabul left many injured and 6 dead. Lets bring in journalist t. V. Who is in kabul and joins us now weve seen an uptick in attacks like this why now. The fact that you know we have the elections i mean the president ial elections coming up on september 28th so the election campaigns are really kicking into gear and then you also have the fact that on leave it was september 8th or the donald trump went on air basically you know one of the trademark litter rounds where he called 9 rounds of talks between all on an officials and washing dishes from washington into a hot that were allegedly exposed to the sun and of the peace in atlanta so this really angered the total of all of them felt like you know they had spent nearly a year discussing with and sitting with u. S. Representatives in couple of the endo trying to work out some kind of an agreement and essentially trump you know destroyed all of this in a series of tweets this is a group thats all on in 12 months and that they would purposely attack u. S. Soldiers and u. S. Interests which are out u. S. Service member was killed last night and that they would purposely attack and target these election and this is exactly living up to that this is probably about the 3rd time now the president i mean the election campaigns outcome when youre attacked by one group or another and putting them all up so what are we looking at now would you say and in the weeks the months the years ahead because i mean this is curious situation as youre illustrating there has clearly deteriorated. Well this is exactly the fear you know if anything you know that the deal that all of our own in washington were making it definitely didnt seem like a good deal for the up and people because our own people and their government were completely left out of 9 rounds of talks the entire talks with between the u. S. And their representatives and thats a lot there was no up on official president but at the same time that one government you know that there were certain people within the government who were happy for the end of these peace talks because it meant that the president ial elections scheduled for september 28th would go on without without question because ive been told those peace talks were halted there were a lot of questions among the people whether or not the president ial election would want and this is why youre seeing all of these Campaign Tickets or quickly speeding up all of their electioneering because they only have 11 days left actually only 9 days of campaigning left so so theyre really speeding everything up and the taliban is also taking advantage of that what we have to remember is that for instance this gathering in one you know hundreds if not thousands of people would have been waiting to get it or didnt make it into the venue and they were the ones that were attacked these were people coming out to hear all that and they were the ones that were targeted ok well we thank you so much for your reporting on this ill be. Joining us from kabul a journalist there thank you. Britain and germany have agreed on the need for an International Response to saturdays attacks on saudi oil plants british Prime Minister Boris Johnson and german chancellor Angela Merkel also said that it was necessary to deescalate tension in the region u. S. President donald trump has blamed tehran for the recent attacks irans leaders deny the allegations. He was ok tehran is facing down the pressure from washington quashing speculation of a possible summit with the u. S. President on the sidelines of the upcoming u. N. General assembly irans Supreme Leader ruled out diplomatic talks at any level. Because there will be neither by a lateral nor trilateral talks if the u. S. Takes back its words if they repent and return to the nuclear deal that they have violated then they can take part in the meeting of signatories to the agreement with iran but washington doesnt look set to repent its blaming iran for the weekend attacks on Saudi Oil Facilities the u. S. Military released these satellite images as evidence of the precision of the strikes. A precision it says could only be carried out by a state. President trump has already hinted at the possibility of military action against tehran the United States is were prepared that any country in the history. Of in any history where what would a war with anybody how somebody they would like got to have more white house officials are now said to be debating the best course of action communication or confrontation. And german chancellor Angela Merkel has spoken about the situation with iran is what she said fuck tardily does i explained that we on the european signed believe that the agreement for iran without Nuclear Weapons is a Foundation Stone to which we should return. To be in bits that were killed there is of course a number of other issues involving iran. The Ballistic Missile Program Involvement in syria. And so there is a great deal to discuss if you all 3. The german chancellor speaking earlier but through a quick check of some other stories making news around the world in venezuela some Political Parties have split from the main opposition and signed an agreement to join government lawmakers in a bid to resolve the nations political and economic crisis Opposition Leader one who has been trying to keep his side unified had previously said the talks with president Nicolas Maduro government had collapsed. On kong leader kerry lamb says she will engage in direct talks with Community Leaders in an effort to end 3 months of protest she added further discussions with them be open to the public. Lawyers for the jailed Australian Cardinal George Pell have filed an appeal to the countrys high court in a final bid to overturn his conviction for sexually abusing 2 choir boys he committed the crimes at st patricks cathedral in melbourne in the late 1990 s. The United Nations says that hundreds of thousands of row hinge of muslims who remain inside myanmar face systematic persecution they also repeated calls for top generals to face trial Myanmar Security forces are accused of the killings gang rape arson during this crackdown that drove more than 730 people to the flee the rock kind state for neighboring badla dash after attacks on police post by rohinton insurgents in august of 2017 more than 700000 running fled wreckin state myanmar in 2017 but despite global outcry the un found persecution continues to this day. Yeah mine has done nothing to dismantle the system of violence and persecution and the road main and rick i live in the same dire circumstances that they did prior to the events of august 2017 the idea night citizenship and recognition face regular violence including in the context of the ongoing conflict between the economy and that about all the mission says it has a confidential list of over a 100 names including myanmar officials suspected of being involved in genocide crimes against humanity and war crimes in addition to 6 generals big names publicly a year ago. Chillingly i have also received reports of villages being burnt as many as 6 since the end of june which was also when the government imposed the suspension of mobile Internet Services the Fact Finding Mission was not allowed by the myanmar government to travel to the country so how did it collect Information Commission travel to neighboring countries such as bangladesh conducted more than 400 interviews with rohingya victims and eye witnesses. Myanmars ambassador to noise the genocide blaming the refugee crisis on conflict with the right in your themselves on the group it is a charge which require legal review and judicial determination and should not be true loosely as a rohingya Insurgent Group we cannot overlook the horrific atrocities committed by us or against people its coordinated attacks on that police outpost. Since it will be asked to leave these are the main reason for this as the Un Commission discovered its unlikely that these rohingya will be returning home anytime soon. Voting is underway in israel 2nd general election this year which is expected to be a tight race Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife voted early todays election is being held to end the. A crisis that began when netanyahu was unable to form a government after the last election in april but its unclear if there will be any resolution this time former army chief benny gantz is in yahoos name challenger. Lets get more now we are joined by miriam dugan who is live for us in jerusalem samarium talk with us a little bit about how the turnout has been so far. While the last numbers i heard from a few hours ago were at around 28 percent which is actually higher than they were last time and thats quite interesting because observers have said that you know theres voter apathy people are sick of having another election in such a short period of time which is unprecedented in even in turbulent israeli politics and so far it looks like actually people are turning out to vote and then they do care about who becomes their next leader so well see how it pans out until the. Boots clothes this evening. Miriam we have to say that you know the incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hes not just fighting for his political survival many expected to see community over a potential corruption indictment if reelected how much of a role is that playing in this election. I would say its played kind of a secondary role because his opponents obviously or him anyway theyre accusing him hes been inciting against the media against left wing politicians also against the government the attorney general whos charging him with these Corruption Cases and so i think its been just part of the general accusations or criticism of him that he cares more about his own political destiny than about you know the welfare of the state there are the parties that are traditionally his Coalition Partners have pledged support some of them the ultra orthodox parties have touched support of this immunity bill so has one other party and if he does get elected and this bill does pass then obviously that might mean that even if hes charged he might not have to step down Miriam Duggan in jerusalem thank you. Youre welcome he had to britain now where the battle over bribes it has moved to the Supreme Court as pro and anti breaks the tears demonstrated outside the 11 judges began hearing a case claiming that Prime Minister Boris Johnson acted illegally when he suspended parliament jobs and says the shutdown was to prepare for a new legislative agenda opponents say the real reason was to prevent parliamentary scrutiny. Is standing by outside of london Supreme Court where she joins us now so what do we expect to come out of this hearing charlotte. Well the Supreme Court is discussing the issue right now as we speak theyre discussing whether it was lawful for Boris Johnson or not to provoke parliament to shut it down to send them on break and this morning a lawyer brought forward the case against johnson argued that it was indeed unconstitutional because johnsons intention was to silence during this process and the outcome is extremely and clear even judicial experts are saying that because there were 3 major preceeding cases one ruled against the government ruled for the government so the outcome is extremely and clear we are expecting a ruling this thursday or friday so at the end of the week if indeed the Supreme Court now ruled that it was unlawful for Boris Johnson to send parliament on the break to paroch it it would be of course a really big deal to put it bluntly so 1st of all parliament would be back in session but 2nd of all it would also mean that Boris Johnson broke the law and essentially misled the queen and advising her to shut down parliament and that wouldnt go down well here and that you know the stakes are certainly high charlotte meantime when we look at the brags that front i mean we had Boris Johnson speaking with European Commission chief john pilger in their 1st face to face meeting yesterday they failed to make any further progress on briggs or you know a briggs a plan where the talks go from here. If only we knew sumi its very unclear so far as johnson keeps reiterating the u. K. Will be out of the European Union by october 31st and he also keeps reiterating that he is very hopeful that he will find a new deal with the European Union he just reiterated that in a phone call with the german chancellor merkel just a few hours ago but it is very unclear how he wants to find a new deal we know as for the timeline that he is meeting the european leaders again face to face next week at the u. N. General assembly and then it is very that he is presenting some plans to them charlotte pots in london thank you charlotte physics 10 year old environmental activist gratitude burke has received an award from Amnesty International for her work urging action to deal with Climate Change and a ceremony in washington amnesty said that she had shown unique leadership. The people of the moment the crimes have been waiting for. It would see them and hearing brighter to merge to meet for her message was activism works. With the if. So what im telling you to do now is to act. Because no one is too small to make a difference. This award. Is for all of those millions of people young people around the world who together make up a movement called fridays for a future thank you movement to merge founded after missing school on fridays to protest against Political Action on Climate Change it is called the attention of people both young and old including the secretary general of Amnesty International community do he spoke to d w the award ceremony. I think theres something powerful about young people speaking out in this way because the c. E. O. s of the fossil fuel companies place and trump and all the other people that are holding us back from crocus our parents and grandparents and so on and hopefully the penny will drop soon. The fridays for future activists have urged everybody to take part in Global Climate strikes on september 20th and 27th to coincide with the un Climate Summit in new york record term bird said she hopes to see you on the streets. Authorities in indonesia are battling to contain forest fires schools have been closed in some parts of the country because a few from the blazes Health Centers are providing oxygen to thousands of people suffering from respiratory illness. Breathing here has become a struggle eyes sting and heads are heard thick smog has forced people on the indonesian island of borneo to leave their homes. Forest fires have burned on more than 1000 square kilometers of Indonesian Land since the beginning of august the islands of barney on so much trouble are hit especially hard schools and in our gardens are being closed people are exposed to the thick haze day and night. Tiny particles in the smog post several health risks including strokes and respiratory infections the youngest are especially suffering. He has asked previously everything was fine but because he was playing outside he started having difficulty breathing before the smoke worsened the never experienced charges of breath. The fires are allegedly caused by an unusual farmers they want to turn the burnt down rainforest into profitable farmland police have arrested 185 people over forest fires so far but the blaze is hard to get on the control. The smog has now spread to neighboring malaysia and the capital kuala lumpur the air quality has been officially classed as unhealthy people here are angry. That im under the impression were facing the same his problems year after year there is no difference its as if there is no action taken by anybody to handle this so far every year. The forest fires have sparked a blame game between malaysia and indonesia the smog from indonesia has close hundreds of malaysian schools with the fires still not on the control there is no sign of tensions easing anytime soon. Former u. S. Intelligence operative Edward Snowdens new book goes on sale today snowden shocked the world 6 years ago when he leaked details of a massive american Internet Surveillance Program spanning the globe hes living in exile in russia and faces espionage charges and the likelihood of life in prison back home some see him as a hero others condemn him as americas most wanted traitor as with snowden his recent permanent record to set the record straight himself told German Television that hes concerned about the fates of future whistleblowers and i think thats one of the saddest lessons from this story what does it say to the next whistleblower and what does a single world what is a save ourselves when the only place that american dissident can be heard is from places that we would expect. In 2013 snowden was working as a contractor for the National Security agency or n. S. A. In interviews hed said hed become disillusioned and had ethical concerns about the massive government surveillance programs that were part of his assignment later that year snowden was accused of leaking classified information to the media the documents revealed the way governments were using online data from the devices of ordinary citizens to monitor their lives snowden also sees more immediate dangers on our virtual doorstep an internet giant you cant look around the world to go governments are not there creasing more through with each passing year and you can say the same of these internet giants you made an enemy of privacy they make their money by selling our lives as a product snowdens adverse or is say hes sharing of classified files that disclosed military secrets to americas enemies and in danger to u. S. Agents was a reckless act snowden has been living in exile in russia ever since the u. S. Wants him extradited on espionage charges he could face decades in prison in his memoir snowden complains that countries around the world had refused to grant him asylum it became evidence that even the most advanced democracies were afraid of incurring the wrath of the u. S. Government snowden regards germany as among those countries but the German Foreign minister stands firm on his commitments to legal procedure. I just wanted to show i consider it to be fundamentally wrong for ministers to comment on how they think asylum procedures should turn out that these are processed according to the law by to snowden denies any collaboration with the russian government his russian residence permit finds out next year hes living of an undisclosed address in moscow. France has issued a state of high alert for farming regions after officials detected signs of a disease that destroys all of trees the bacteria which cause what is called olive tree leprosy have devastated groves in neighboring italy news that the disease has crossed the border has growers in Southern France rushing to take precautions. Trees infected with the feared plant as hes in Southern France were discovered in private gardens not far from the mediterranean coast they had to be called but wouldnt have survived much longer anyway by senior back to. Bacteria and that enters the sap that is carried by the staff of the plants and it causes the plant to dry out like its running out of water. Affects many different plants its native to costa rica but has spread to other places through trade and Agricultural Products in california in the late 1990 s. It almost wiped out an entire one producing region its found equally attractive conditions in italy where it 1st appeared in 2013 transmitted by insects like this one particular strain of the bacteria has ravaged olive groves across the country killing many trees that were centuries old especially in the Southern Region of a poorly. Experts say the disease can spread by up to 2 kilometers a month if an infected plant is detected the only response authorities currently have is to kill every other potential carrier plant within 100 meter radius in france the authorities still hope they can keep at bay. You dont cut down century old trees like this with pleasure it hurts but you have to do it is to preserve all the rest of our heritage but. All of farmers and southern friends can only hope the authorities work quick enough to stop the further transmission of fastidious this time. And they know it probably wont be the last. Now the winners of one of the worlds most lucrative are prizes the premium imperio have been announced the awards honor 5 exceptional talents for their lifetime achievements in the fields of painting sculpture architecture film and music. Youre watching german violin virtuoso and this if you would she is among the winners along with the multitalented South African artist william ken church he is known for work that combines the poetic and the political the prizes backed by japans royal family. A quick reminder of the top stories that we have been following for you here at the deputy news dozens of people have been killed in 2 suicide bombings in afghanistan just a week after President Trump called off peace talks with the taliban 24 people were killed in pavane province when a bomb exploded near a Campaign Rally for president musharrafs. Afghanistans interior Ministry Says 22 others were killed in a later blast in the capital kabul. Coming up next on news asia. These refugees sheltered Edward Snowden in hong kong 6 years ago today and they are still looking for a country to call home. All that more with my colleague better g. Will from books that will have those stories and a whole lot more in just a few minutes time im sara kelly in berlin thank you so much for watching dont forget you can always get the latest on our web site thats the d. W. Dot com and you can of course follow us on social media thanks for watching have a great day. Some Media Attention or some of the famous naturalist and explorer. To celebrate clicks on the from the old school 250. Marking on a voyage of discovery. Expedition in boyd. Education is not only fought im glad that the education is fought and calm and im saw that in coming 1015 years the one of the think about how true in colcord the values of tolerance. Lose or understanding these things cannot be ignored forever because the fundamentalist forces and the finished of course its also acting very deeply and intensely and they cannot undermine their power the power of communication the power off technology ordinary people must not modernly support them must not socialism or that the International Community has to invest more on the education which can prevent young people to enter into the trap of fatheaded the forces. Where. When your family is scattered across the globe. The kids are getting used to the journey back to the bridge which can mean a lot of the. Church family from somalia live around the world to. Meet in urgent assistance which. The family starts october. D. W. This is the dublin theres a show coming up theyre refugees who gave refuge. To themselves and thats what among those. In hong kong 6 years back for themselves and welcome in that city with stored in the Guardian Angels ever have a home coming up. 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