Took to touch it. Using the channels available to inspire people to take action and more determined to build something here for the next generation the idea is for the environment series of global 3000 on t. W. And online. The. Ante for the rights of keeping south africa on edge casting a shadow on the World Economic forum on africa in cape town South African president. Of the council is opening speech and does a backlash against South African businesses across the continent. And how far most analysts soon too are missing also making a tidy profit from medical marijuana because for the last. Census business african the w. Looting and attacks against foreigners are now sparking reprisal attacks on South African businesses in nigeria the violence in south africa is also overshadowing the 28th World Economic forum on africa today. African president. Was set to open the meeting with the riots forced him to councilors speech and attend to the security situation. Arrived at the border. Where he. Cross the country. Many african foreigners no longer feel safe in south africa these demonstrators want an end to the violence against women in the country. Have stepped up security at the venue for the World Economic forum the mood is tense but South African officials arent taking part in the press conferences and some participants want to talk about the attacks i think it should yes i think it should. Really iconic. Demonstrations about xenophobic attacks and right outside the building i think it should be a focus point. To some participants the causes for south africas problems are clear. Its inequality so i think its inequality which has just in turn few the anger which is led to the protests but the inequality also rising from the unemployment so theres a real challenge of unemployment and inequality too many people feel that the lives are not been touched in the field that is an issue of justice and fairness and some of them are taking it out of other people because the people that are rich the time will come when they can reach beyond those Vulnerable People and. At the very structure of the Global Economy and people in this room where the Decision Makers trucks of the world have to recognize that that means politicians of the World Economic forum may not be able to turn a blind eye to the 04 big attacks in south africa. Correspondent in cape town what kind of impact the riots are having on the mood there at the World Economic forum. Gad i would describe it a sort of an undercurrent a lot of people are speaking about it not necessarily during the main sessions but its obviously a subject of conversation in fact the president a series of course of the South African president was supposed to deliver a speech today but unfortunately he was called to parliament to address this issue and his finance minister who ended up delivering that speech on his behalf ended it by saying that we are all african i suppose a note to mention you know that he understands that he is cognizant of whats happening outside the 4 walls of the conference center. Of course thats not the only topic there at the World Economic Forum Inclusive growth is one of the big ones what does it actually mean and is that any progress. Actually inclusive growth is the subject of conversation this year and the irony is not lost on anyone that as were in here discussing that that outside there people who are saying that they feel and represented they feel misrepresented and the people who were in this country who say that how can we talk about an inclusive africa if right now were not addressing the problems and the challenges that are affecting it what does it mean for the continent it means a lot of things that weve had before investing in the youth making sure that the infrastructure is robust in order to support a 4th Industrial Revolution but what has been so exciting and i suppose new is a focus on data a lot of people are saying that there needs to be urgent investment in data on this continent if inclusive growth is going to be actualized well you mentioned data we hear a lot of the ask that it needs to be on top of the agenda because african economies need to become a Knowledge Based economy is there any progress that you can report. Its fairly new and the attitude that is being expressed right now with regard to data is a because its so new theres a lot of stuff that we still dont know but that also means that theres a lot of potential when it comes to data how important is it on the continent well i was speaking to a panelist earlier who said that data is not just the new africa it is the oxygen it is what is essential and required in order to move this continent forward however we did recognize or rather the palace did recognize that there are a lot of challenges in order for that to happen policies need to be implemented in order for cross data sharing cross border data sharing to happen infrastructure needs to be put up to support the kind of Data Management and collection that africa is hoping to get but theres a lot of excitement around data and understandably so of the world is moving towards the 4th Industrial Revolution and thats all its about. Its came out and the World Economic forum on africa in cape town thank you very much. And after some of the other Global Business stories making headlines today the u. S. And china have agreed to new trade talks in washington in october it will be the 1st high level meeting since the tariff dispute escalated in recent weeks the agreement came in a phone call between the heads of the 2 trade delegations. To pounce nisson faces another scandal this time with see the c. E. O. He wrote. He has admitted receiving inappropriate bonuses from the car maker but denies knowing about the before so why we call is going last year after going was arrested on 4 charges which he too would you know. Irans nuclear deal continues to fall apart on the United States reintroduce sanctions tehran threaten to crank up your am in richmond again thats exactly what they said to do this friday claiming its for peaceful purposes meanwhile new sanctions target Oil Smuggling its an economy that is already hurting. Theres always a feeling of anticipation want to ship docks in irans harbor its the same in bandar abbas and other rainy and ports in the persian gulf the ships unload food and Household Items particularly washing machines televisions and other electrical appliances. Traders like abdullah safari have been among the 1st to feel the pain of fresh u. S. Sanctions its even become difficult to get goods through the United Arab Emirates which in previous rounds of sanctions was the gateway to the world for a rainy and trade. This. Has become a lot harder than before. It was always difficult but now much more so the ships used to take 2 hours to reach the court in dubai but now it is they take from 2 days to a whole week to get to the ports you have to wait for the inspection to be completed the officials from dubai have become much stricter. Fewer goods being allowed into the country is a massive problem for rainy and tighter supplies lead to higher prices inflation is running high. Iranians have to take any job they can just to get by. You know. Me im a university graduate. Without sanctions the job market will be so much better. Quality. Economic conditions have worsened but we still get by we still continue to work and to do our jobs. Many things have become more expensive but we somehow get through and were not completely unhappy. A dollar safari has a few hours off before he heads back to dubai with his boat during the past few years when sanctions eased the 43 year old father made initial contact with europe at the moment they are not of much help. After. To go to europe and do business there immigration from oddities need to get easier any visa applications take a long time and are very difficult. The next problem is Foreign Currency Exchange im sure some people in iran manage to do this but its problematic for the small traders. Many iranians feel let down by europe would like a dollar safari most do not want to give up hope that the situation will improve once more. 2 years ago tiny landlocked less suits who became the 1st country in africa to legalize the farming of medical marianna one of the worlds poorest nations the soon to hopes to benefit from one of the worlds Fastest Growing markets so far so good boss iraq rossi is now keeping Small Farmers out of that market listened to is known as the kingdom in the sky but the massive cannabis growing facilities here arent about getting high the plant is stripped of its most psycho active component t. H. C. Its the can of a dial or c. B. D. Thats most medically desired and quite so the Global Market for medical marijuana is estimated at 150000000000. 00 and projected to almost double by 2028 the suits who base medic rowe hopes to right that boom its invested almost 20000000. 00 on production around the capital of missouri room. I think honestly 2 is great in the scenes that its very on tax. Review i mean the Mountain View is amazing we have streams and water in abundance which is clean and so the conditions all was well favorable for the brink and if we. Can use that industry it ranks 159 out of 189 countries on the u. N. Development guy unemployment is high and almost a quarter of the population infected with hiv. But access to the legal world of cannabis is limited a license costs 33000. 00 an impossible song for Small Farmers and so many continue to grow illegally. And most of the people have been living for a matter yana but illegally so. We were hoping that we would be able. To find. And improve so weve they dont get that which because of finance i think is not. Fair for people for now Small Farmers will have to remain just on the other side of this growing industry. Authorities in tanzania have seized nearly 2000000. 00 worth of ivory the illegal stockpile was found buried on the needs the house. And a set of come from over 100. 00 different islands the poacher and 7 accomplices have since been arrested comes and yeah its been stepping up the fight against the illegal ivory trade. And thats it for me on the Business Team here in berlin the pope is on a free nation tour in africa starting in mozambique today at a michael jr as all about that in just a few seconds on news africa right after a quick look. At this thanks for watching. Cut. The 3 Good International auto show for journalists to discuss the topic of the week decisive showdown over her exit this week as tory stoke their own Prime Minister harsh defeat could a last minute revolt single u. K. From a no deal breaker and perhaps topple Boris Johnson to find out about. Quadriga 60 minutes on. Im not proud of him they will not succeed in dividing us about not succeeding taking the people off the streets because were tired of his dictatorship. Taking the stand global news that matters d. Double the for made for minds. This is the news africa coming up on the program the pope is in town thousands of to be lucky for welcome from system was upbeat us he begins his 3 nation tour of africa so how significant is the popes visit florida is just a fast course but also coming up. Sieved by the t. V. He nearly joined on islamist extremist groups about farms to t. V. Program he changed his mind now he hopes to use his story to describe each of us from being a radical

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